The Wolf and her Dragon

By LizzieNivans

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Enter Roxette and her wolf Persephone, who isn't interested in finding her mate who happens to be the Alpha i... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 1

211 6 0
By LizzieNivans

Roxette P.o.v

Hello, everyone my name is Roxette Kane, I was born at The Silver Moon Stone Pack to the former Beta of the Pack, I say former because both of my parents were killed in a violent attack by rogue wolves. After that, it was only my older brother Phoenix and myself so with the help from the packs Alpha and Luna who helped to raise us since I was only 10 at the time and he was only 13 at the time.

Our pack has since got a new Beta and has gotten more strict with the training. Of course, when Phoenix turned 18 he got his wolf Ares, and trust me his attitude matches his name. Onto me, I got my wolf yesterday since it was my 18th birthday and I also found out who my mate is...Our packs soon to be Alpha Ethan Black yeah big surprise right(!).

Astrid - girl come on it can't be that bad.

That's one of my best friends Astrid She is beautiful, smart, charming, and has a good sense of humour, A bit of a nerd but then again so I am.

Roxette - you are not the one who is mated is a manwhore.

Fair to say I am not happy with it.

Astrid - maybe he will change for you.

Astrid always tries to see the good in people but in this case, it's not gonna happen considering the fact he has a different she-wolf on his arm and in his bed every week.

Roxette - I highly doubt that Astrid why in the world would the moon goddess pair me up with him?

Astrid - j guess you are right about that but at least have one chat with him at least just to put things straight.

Before I could answer we hear the voice of our soon-to-be Alpha and my "mate" along with my brother who weirdly enough is his best friend.

Phoenix - hey sis, Hey baby

Roxette - hey Nix.

Astrid hugs and then kisses Phoenix did I forget to mention that my brother is mated to my best friend? Yeah, they found out last month when Astrid got her wolf At first I wasn't sure how to feel about it but after seeing how happy they make each other I decided to stand in their way. Ethan comes over to me and I just roll my eyes, why did the moon goddess pair me with him? If I am being honest I don't think I even want to be with him and my wolf Persephone or Kore for short, as her voice comes into my head.

(Persephone - as much as I would like to admit that having him for a mate would be good, I don't trust him.

Roxette - I was actually surprised to hear that from you Kore.

Persephone - after the way he treated us growing up and the way he treats women no thank you.)

She does have a point growing up, Ethan pushed me around a lot and treated me like the pack slave then as a fellow pack member.

Ethan - can we talk?

Roxette - do I have a choice?

Phoenix - come on sis, he is your mate.

Phoenix doesn't know that Ethan used to bully me since he only ever did it when I was alone there are only two people that know about it, Astrid and...

Ezra - maybe she doesn't want to spend time with an ass.

Enter my other best friend, Ezra, he's the other person that knows how Ethan used to treat me, Ethan growls at Ezra and he growls back but even louder. Ethan really shouldn't mess with Ezra, yeah Ethan may be the next alpha of the pack but Ezra isn't even a wolf in fact he is a dragon shifter, our pack found him when he was 5 and he has been here ever since, he got separated from his family and has been looking for them but unfortunately there was no sign of them so far.

Ethan - remember your place.

Ezra - let's not forget how much stronger I am than you bitch.

Ethan - I swear I can't wait for you to leave again.

Is Ezra leaving again? But he just not long got back, he leaves the pack once a month for a week or so he can try and find his family, each time he goes I feel alone and worried that I won't see him again. At that moment the Gamma's came into the room

I know that they will probably try and gang up on him and the last time that happened Ezra burned down the school house thank the Goddess we got everyone out in time since I wanna leave myself anyway I push passed Ethan and take Ezra by the hand then walk away with him which causes Ethan to growl even louder.

Ethan - get back here Roxette, we need to talk.

I just ignore him as I continue to walk away then I hear Astrid and Phoenix following us. We walk outside and I am still holding Ezra's hand, why is my heart pounding like crazy? I suddenly feel myself being pulled into Ezra's arms.

Ezra - would you calm down woman?

Roxette - sorry I just hate the way he treats you, why the moon goddess paired me up with him I will never know.

As he holds me in his arms I hear Kore's voice in my head.

(Persephone - I love the sound of his heartbeat, do you still...

Roxette - seriously Kore?

Did I forget to mention that I've been in love with Ezra for as all as I can remember but I've never acted on it simply because I don't want to ruin the friendship we have and I don't know how he feels about me for all I know he only sees me as a friend.

Persephone - "friend" my ass, he wouldn't be so protective if he didn't want us. Besides, you know how big his...

Roxette - Persephone!!

Persephone - oh please, why not just tell him? We are alone with him after all.)

Maybe she is right but unfortunately, I will have to deal with Ethan first, I pull back to look Ezra in the eyes however before I could open my mouth I hear my brother's voice calling for me.

Phoenix - Roxette what's going on?

Rosette - nothing why?

Phoenix - then why are you ignoring Ethan? And Erza...

Before he could finish Astrid cuts him off, thank the goddess she is here.

Astrid - babe stop it..

The two of them start to argue I think back to what Astrid said earlier and maybe it is time to have a chat with Ethan before I choose to reject him or not.

Roxette - alright fine I will talk to the stupid cunt of a soon-to-be Alpha.

They stop arguing when I say that but I can't help but notice the look on Ezra's face as I walk back to the pack house. I walk up the stairs of the pack to the Alpha's office I know Ethan will be there since he is only taking a few responsibilities with his dad right now since he is a hopeless fucker I kinda feel sorry for this pack when he takes over. I heard voices coming from the office as I approach the door which is open slightly so I recognize the voices as Gamma Ryan and Ethan so I listen to what's been said, I've always been able to sneak around quietly without being heard so I am not surprised they didn't hear me approaching.

Gamma Ryan - you know Roxette hates you so why not just give up on being her mate?

Ethan - not gonna happen, Ryan you know my father won't give me the title of Alpha until I find my mate and settle down.

Gamma Ryan - yeah I know that but how are you gonna convince Roxette to be your Luna when she can't stand you?

Ethan - I'm not sure but I will have her, I just need to get her alone without that ass dragon in the way.

Gamma Ryan - isn't he leaving again soon?

Ethan - yeah and by the time he comes back Roxette will be mine.

Not a fucking chance, he must be off his has if he thinks that I continue to listen to their conversation.

Ethan - anyway my life will be perfect once I become Alpha I will have a Luna who will give me pups and a mistress who will satisfy my needs when my Luna can't.

Wait what the fuck did he just say?! I am not the only one who is confused by the sound of Ryan's voice.

Gamma Ryan - mistress? Since when do you have a mistress?

Ethan - how could you forget I've been fucking Tiffany since I turned 18? I promised her she could be mine even when after when I found my mate.

Fucking Tiffany? Why the hell am I not surprised about that? But he must be insane to think that he wants two women but then again he always thinks he is the goddess's gift to women, well if he thinks I am going to be his personal breeder and incubator he's got anything thing coming.

(Persephone - I knew he was up to something.

Roxette - will you be ok with the rejection? I know it can be very painful

Persephone - yeah I will ok, will you?

Roxette - yeah I should have done this yesterday when we found out, he's not getting away with this)

I burst open the door which makes both Ryan and Ethan look at me both with surprised looks on their faces, and I even see Ryan gulping since he knows I can kick his butt if he annoys me.

Ethan - Roxette what are you doing here?

Roxette - I am not going to do anything for you now or ever so tell Tiffany she can have you all to herself.

His eyes widen when he realized that I overheard him and Ryan but before he could say anything back I get right to the point.

Roxette - I, Roxette Kane reject you Ethan Black as my mate.

Ethan clunches at his chest and falls to his knees, I feel the mate bond breaking but unfortunately, Ethan needs to accept it fully before it can be broken. However, that doesn't happen as his face completely changes and he becomes angry as he stands up.

Ethan - you are mine!! I won't accept.

I feel his Alpha Aura pushing me into submission Ryan shows submission but it doesn't work on me, over the years I've learned how not to let it affect me Ethan must have picked up on this since he stomps towards me, before I could react he slaps me across the face then pins my shoulders against the wall, Ryan tries to protect me.

Gamma Ryan - Alpha stop!

Ethan - stay the fuck out of this Gamma.

Ethan uses his Alpha voice to keep Ryan in place I growl at Ethan.

Roxette - let me fucking go Ethan!!

Ethan - I will never let go of what's mine.

By the look on his face, he is going to try and mark me by force not a chance in hell that is happening, I punch him in his ribs which made him let go of my shoulders and then headbutt him and kick him when the sun doesn't shine.

Roxette - that was your only warning don't ever touch me again.

I slam the door closed as I leave the room leaving him holding his sore balls, when I get to my room Persephone's voice comes through the mind link.

(Persephone - holy fuck girl you kicked the soon-to-be Alpha in the balls.

Roxette - I know, even though it felt good I will probably get in danger for it.

Persephone - not if we tell the truth.

Roxette - you and I both know that Ethan is probably telling his dad a whole lot of crap right now.)

Not even 5 seconds after I said that Tiffany comes into my room like she owns the place not even bothering to knock on the door first.

Tiffany - how dare you hurt the Alpha and my lover.

Roxette - ok first off Tiffany don't ever come into my room like that again or I will rip your heart out of your chest, and secondly Ethan is NOT our pack's Alpha yet, remember his father is still our Alpha until Ethan can earn it. Now leave my room before I hurt you instead.

There is tension between the two of us before she turns huffing as she leaves my room with a vengeful look on her face

(Persephone - goddess I hate that bitch.

Roxette - you are not the only one. we should go to the Alpha and tell him the truth before Ethan can twist it

Persephone - yeah good idea.)

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