Third Time's A Charm

By ShanayJones629

334K 13.4K 4.5K

Esmeray was raised in a shitty orphanage and she didn't attend college. She started working at the age of eig... More

β€’Must Read β€’Warnings
Characters & Background on Main C.
Bonus Chapter.
New book alert Jamican


10.1K 413 169
By ShanayJones629

"Get inside," Steele said after opening the door to the room I woke up in hours ago.

I walked into the room before the door was slammed shut behind me. I turned around and stared at the closed door.

My eyes went to the black-painted walls. I guess the theme of his room matched his heart.

Dark and gloomy

The room was cold and dark. I took my heels off and placed them down. I stepped back to a corner where I sat down and stared at my fingers blankly.

I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I was kidnapped and will be marrying a man that seems ruthless and cold.

It's freezing in here.

I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged my legs. I rest my forehead on my knees before sighing.

This morning I was worrying about my bills and how my job didn't pay well.

Now I'm worrying about the fact that I may die soon because I won't be able to have a man fall in love with me.

This is truly ridiculous

Velda is crazy

I entered my room and the cold temperature of the room hit my heated body like a snowstorm in August.

Fuck it's freezing in here.

I turned the lights on and noticed the small figure in the corner curled up in a fetal position.

I almost forgot about her

I think my mother thinks that if I share the same room with her I'll fall in love with her easier.


I'm not going to fall for this woman.

I'll simply ignore her, pretend she doesn't exist, and live my life.

Love is a weakness and I'm not weak.


It's like a drug, it makes you feel good for a couple of minutes until it starts driving you insane and starts killing you slowly but surely. It leaves you with heartache and you're wishing you've never loved.

It's like a sin

I don't want it and I'm not interested in finding it.

Her movement caught my attention as she turned her back to me and got back into a fetal position.

The ground must be uncomfortable

Well-she wouldn't have fallen asleep if it wasn't.

It didn't take long to notice that her body was shaking like a leaf. I searched for the air conditioner remote before turning it off.

I didn't bother in sparing her another glance as I walked away while removing my watch. I went to the bathroom and stripped from my clothes.

I turned the shower on and stepped under the pouring water. Water droplets beat my head and upper body as blood ran down the drain.

I held up my bruised knuckles and the water washed off the blood. After washing my body, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel.

I dried my body and then moved back into my room. I went to my closet and got dressed in a pair of black boxers and grey sweatpants.

I strolled back into the room and turned the lights back off. I climbed into the bed and got under the cover.

I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

I woke up on the cold floorboards and I slowly sat up. My back and neck ached from sleeping on the ground.

My hand went to my face and I wiped away the drool from my cheek. My eyes moved over to the small couch in the room and Steele was sitting there typing away on a laptop.

A rock glass with brownish liquid stood on the coffee table before him.

He was dressed in a silk black dress shirt with three of the top buttons unbuttoned. A pair of black dressed pants and black dress shoes. Thin
gold chains littered his well-shaven chest. His tattoos chest tattoos were a bit exposed.

From where I sat his intoxicated masculine cologne filled my nose. His gaze didn't shift as they were glued to the screen of the device.

I removed my eyes from him and I stood up from the ground. I walked to the bathroom and then closed the do0r behind me, locking it in the process.

I took in my reflection before trying to fix the nest on my head. After taming my hair I washed my face then searched for a toothbrush in the cabinet.

Luckily, I found one.

I brushed my teeth and dried my face and hands. I stripped from this uncomfortable dress and stepped into the shower. I walked back into the room once I was done cleaning my body.

Steele was gone.

The bed was messy so I knew he slept here and didn't just come to change. I walked to the window after hearing a bit of a commotion outside.

My brows drew in confusion before glaring at the set-up altar in the backyard.

That's right,

I was getting married.

I walked to the closet where I got dressed in something comfy. Over-size T-shirt and leggings.

Everything was my size

There was a knock on the door and I opened it. The maid who helped me get dress yesterday greeted me with a warm smile.

"Good morning ma'am,"

"Good morning...."

"Amelia," she said and I nod.

"Breakfast is ready," she said and I nod once more.

"Do you need someone to clean your room as yet?" she asked

"Clean for me?"

"Yes, this is your new life. I suggest you get used to it," she said

She turned around as another maid was about to walk past us.

"Aaliyah?" Amelia called out.


"Mr. and Mrs. Perez's room needs cleaning," she said, and Aaliyah nodded.

I step aside and she walked in.

"Let's go, ma'am," Amelia said.

"Please call me Esmeray," I said and she nods with a smile.

I'm only twenty-five and I think she's older than me.

I didn't think it was necessary either

She lead me to the kitchen and I was served breakfast. Amelia seems to be the head maid since she gives the other maids orders.

"Miss Velda is here," Amelia announced.

"Smile," she said and I faked one as Velda walked in.

I didn't know why I was pretending to be happy to see her when she kidnapped me.

"Good morning," she sang and I almost cringe.

"Good morning," I said and soon she was handed a glass of champagne from a maid.

"I hear wedding bells," she grinned and I looked away.

She came and sat next to me as I push the plate away from me. I didn't eat much considering I didn't have an appetite.

"How's the bride?" she asked and I looked at her.

As if asking for a quicker death sentence I responded to her in a bitter tone.

"Do we need to pretend as if I'm doing this willingly and that you didn't kidnap me to be forced to marry your son," I said and she seem a bit taken back.

A few low gasps were heard from the maids and Amelia facepalmed herself.

"If you want to keep breathing dear I suggest you never speak to me like that again," Velda said.

"I don't think I want to keep breathing so how about this? Kill me right now," I said and a small smirk rode up to her lips.

"I think I like you Esmeray," she said before standing.


She walked out and I looked at Amelia.

"I'm sorry do you want to die,"

"I'll be dead soon so..." I trailed off as Steele walked in.

"Don," Amelia said and he nod at her.

He sat down at the table and Amelia served his breakfast. I stared at him as he ate.

Is he that bad, that his mother has to kidnap women for him to marry?

He's devilishly handsome but his attitude is ugly.

"Do you want mine?" he asked while shoving his plate toward me.

"No," I said while shaking my head

"Then stop staring at me," he said and I removed my eyes.

I got up and left the room, unsure of where I was going next.

Amelia soon found me and told me that I can't wander around. She brought me back to the room and I ended up watching as they decorated the backyard through the window of the room.


My sweaty palms ran over the soft and draped material of my wedding gown. I stared at my reflection with a sigh.

Never in my life have I ever imagined dressing up in one of these.

I didn't believe in love or marriage.

My whole life was sad and miserable. I didn't have time to fall in love when all I was trying to do was to survive in this cruel world.

A few hours ago I was walking home from my work when I was kidnapped by two large men dressed in black suits.

I was later brought to an abandoned building where I met Velda. Now I'm getting married to her son who already hates me.

And if he doesn't fall in love with me I'll die.

I'm a dead woman walking


I was pulled out of my thoughts when Aaliyah tapped on my shoulders.

I looked at her and she gave me a sad smile.

"It's time," she informed and I got up slowly.

Soon I'm standing at the altar waiting on Steele.

Is this man serious?

Who lets their bride waits on them

"I'm going to kill him," Velda said sitting alone on the first bench.

As expected there were unfamiliar faces but there weren't many people.

Soon my eyes landed on Steele as he made his way toward us. Behind him were two guys that were dressed in black suits.

He didn't even change from this morning's attires.

They took seats in the crowd while Steele joined me at the altar.

"Make it quick, so skip the boring shit out," Steele said rudely.

The priest nodded and started the ceremony. I looked at him and he stared back at me.

Hatred, pity, disgust, and anger filled his eyes. I looked down at our feet and he raised my head by placing his forefinger under my chin and tilting my head up.

My eyes met his and he stepped towards me.

"If my mother has gotten to you yet, I just want to let you know that I'll never fall for you. I'll make you miserable until it's time for you to die," he whispered.

"I didn't plan on making you fall in love with me and trust me my life couldn't get more miserable after this wedding," I said before swatting his hand away.

Something flash in his eyes and I looked at the poor priest who was staring at us.

I gave him a small smile as he continued.


My arm was held captive by Steele's tight grip as he dragged me to our room.

"What now are you going to rape me on our honeymoon?"

"Don't flatter yourself you couldn't get my dick up even if you tried. And I'm not a rapist sweetheart," he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

He opened the door and shoved me inside. I turned around and looked into his dark eyes.

"Good night little birdie," he said before closing the door. I slammed my palms on the door as I heard the lock click.


I lifted my dress as I walked to the window. I watched as the maids cleaned up since the event was over the moment the ceremony was over.

I looked down at the ring on my finger and finally, the tears came. I slipped down the wall as I cried.

"Please let me..."

My fist connected to his jaw and the sound of something cracking reached our ears.

His head whipped back by the force of my punch and I pulled back my arm as I stood up straight.

"I know you know the answer to my question Fred so why don't you stop wasting my fucking time," I growled angrily.

Whimpers and cries came from his bloody lips. I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt as I walked over to the table that had torturing tools lined out.

"Please man I don't know anything," he begged.

"Tie him down," I commanded and in seconds my men were tying him down.

I grabbed a hammer and walked towards him.

"Give me a name bud and I'll consider letting you go,"

"I don't know anything man," he cried.

"I hate liars and worst I hate rapists," I said before lifting the hammer.

I smashed his knee and he shouted out in pain. Again cracking of bones was heard with his cries.

"Name asshole?"

"Andrews," He cried and I smirked.

"Now we're getting somewhere," I said while walking behind him.

I moved to the other side while swaying the hammer in my hand.

"Andrew what?" I asked

"He'll cut my tongue out if I tell you,"

"Is he fucking serious?" I laughed along with my men.

"You sure you didn't hit him in head boss," a guard mocked as we chuckled.

"I pulled all your fingers nails out, smashed your knee and you're worried about losing your fucking tongue?"

I grabbed his hair and pulled his head up. I released his hair once he was looking a the hammer.

"Look Freddie boy you'll be losing a lot more than your tongue if you don't give me answers," I said

"His last name?" I taunted and when he didn't give me an answer. I lifted the hammer above his other knee.

I smashed his knee and he cried out. I moved up to his waist and hovered the hammer.

"His name is Andrew Lopez. He owns Darling Strip; that's where he does his jobs," he cried out and I licked my lips.

"Fuck," he sobbed.

"You better not be lying motherfucker," I said while dropping the hammer.

"I'm not," he shrieked

"Axel check that out," I said before removing a box of cigarettes from my pocket.

I lit it after positioning the bud between my lips. After a few minutes, Axel confirmed that it was all valid information.

"Are you going to let me go?" Fred questioned and I darted my eyes at Axel who smirked.

"Yeah sure bud," I said before cutting the ropes that held him captive.

"I hope you can walk though," I said and he sat up.

"You're letting me go," he said with a glint of hope in his eyes.

"As I said if you can walk out of here then you are free to go, my friend,"

He got up but dropped to the floor once he stood up. I smiled at that and walked around the table.

"You gotta help me, man," he cried.

"I can't do that bud," I said before releasing the smoke from my lips.

He got up again in attempt but failed miserably from his broken knees.

Axel walked towards him and grabbed his arm. "I'll help you,"

Axel hauled him up from the ground and Fred was forced to take a couple steps with his broken bones.

He screamed in pain and Axel released him. After growing tired of his cries and whimpers I pulled out my gun and shot him in the head.

I dropped the cigarette to the ground while putting my gun away. I stepped on it before walking out of the room with Axel leaving my men to clean up the mess.

"So you're married," he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Again," I added.

"I swear Mom is not going to stop if I don't fall for one of these girls," I said with a sigh.

"What do they say third time's a charm," he smirked and I looked at him.

"All I'm saying is that maybe your mother doesn't want you to end up like her," he said

"I won't end up like her," I said

"Come on bro. You're thirty-two years old and haven't fallen in love as yet, I'd say you're already like her,"

"I'm not," I defended

"You are, you're just in denial. And are you sure you're not gay?"

"I'm not fucking gay asshole. I'm just not interested in love," I stated

"Don't you plan on having a family dude?"

"Nope," I said while popping the p.


"Love and children are weakness," I said.

"That's not true. If it's anything, Hailey made me stronger, she makes me a better man because I'm a father," he said and I ignore his words.

I don't want love

And I don't want kids.

"I stand by my words," I said and he sighs.

"You know, if you didn't have me, Hailey, Raphael, and Kade. I would say you'll die sad and lonely," he said and I smiled.


Insta: author_shanayjones629

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