RWBY and JNPR Watch The Proje...

Bởi CeruleanLancer

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Before there was Red vs Blue, there was Project Freelancer. The teams loved the Recollection Trilogy but it's... Xem Thêm

Mini-Series: MIA
Mini-Series: Where There's a Will, There's a Wall
PSA's: Drafted/What I Did on My Summer Vacation
S10 Extra Scenes


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Bởi CeruleanLancer

Author's Note:

IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE NEW: This is a continuation of my last fic, teams RWBY and JNPR have learned a lot from the show. Ruby for example has upgraded certain weapons due to the show. Weiss is now recognized as Ice Queen Weiss of Toon RRAYNNBW because she won a competition.(A copy of Sarge's second in command competition with Donut the Wrench and a Skull) there's much more like that so anytime I reference it from the past fic I will have the characters talk about it and sort of explain it for any new readers.

CRITICS: Tell me what's wrong with my fics, especially anything that seems OOC. Long reviews and flames are appreciated.

SUGGESTIONS: Any interesting reaction ideas you have, go ahead and let me know. Think a certain character needs to take note of something? Again let me know. I will not do any other react fics besides RWBY reacting to RvB.

I hope all of my longtime readers can enjoy this new fic. I hope any new readers can pick it up without having to read the former fics. No matter how late you are to the party your review will be read. Thank you for all the love and support, enjoy! It's been a long time coming. This will be even harder to write than the recollection trilogy.

P.S: I decided not to write Nora's and Yang's spar because at the end of the day. This is a react fic, hope you don't mind.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

Review, point out mistakes, and flame.

Story got deleted on FFN, should be up on Quotev, and Archive too. Get's posted on Wattpad first.

For cool fanart and art in general check out my sister's art page on insta: Artist . Joanna (No spaces) or twt: ArtistJoanna

S9E1- Trailer y Rounding Error

"I wonm!" Nora shouted indignantly while sucking the blood from her lip.

Teams RWBY and JNPR or more accurately Toon RRAYNNBW walked through the halls of Beacon, making their way to team JNPR's dorm.

"Your aura went out first." Yang grinned with a bruised cheek. "I won."

"Both your aura's went out at the same time!" Weiss screamed. "Which is the problem!"

"In a sparring duel you are required to stop when you or your opponent's aura drops into the red." Pyrrha explained shaking her head. "It is very unsporting to continue."

Nora winced, "Pyrrha's mad." She looked away. Ren pinched the bridge of his nose.

Yang sighed, "It was an accident. We traded weapons and we both didn't know how to use them."

Nora nodded, "Yeah, her aura was low and I didn't know her gauntlets were that strong!"

Yang laughed, "You're a strong hitter, it has nothing to do with the gauntlets. But your hammer, it hits like a truck."

Nora grinned, sucking on her bleeding lip. "Oh my baby is strong but it's because you have an even stronger swing!"

The two laughed as Ren, Ruby, Weiss, and Pyrrha continued fuming beside them.

Pyrrha sighed. "It wasn't disgraceful, I've seen tournament fighters continue even after their opponents' aura has dropped into the red. It was clearly an accident, sorry for getting angry with you two."

"It was an accident, though it would be wise to mind your strength." Ren advised.

"And it would also be wise to LISTEN when the official meaning me! Calls the match!" Ruby shouted. "Both of your auras were at sixteen! One point to red, I knew another hit would break it so I called the match!"

Yang laughed, "Ruby you were calling the match as I was mid swing."

Nora nodded, "Yeah! Your timing was great!"

Everyone except for Yang groaned at her comment.

"... It was a great match though." Jaune added with a nervous laugh.

"And it ended in a draw." Ren smirked slightly. "Which means I can keep my lien."

"And not get mine." Yang sighed. "We're definitely going to have a rematch and we can bet ag-"

"No rematch! As Ice Queen Weiss I order both of you to One! Never trade weapons again and Two!" Weiss held up another finger. "..Never spar again."

Yang and Nora grumbled and looked to their respective team leaders.

"Jaune?" Nora asked.

"Toon leader Weiss declared it, follow her orders." Jaune chuckled. Nora nodded, "Fine, I'm happy to follow your orders."

The group rounded a corner, Ruby began shaking with excitement. "Oh I've been waiting all morning for this!"

Nora grinned, "They're in Blood Gulch again! It's not going to be depressing, serious, or depressing!"

"Depressing twice." Weiss mumbled.

"It could still be serious and depressing." Blake said almost to reassure herself.

"I hope not." Ruby frowned. "I like the story but Church has been through a lot. He needs a season to relax."

"And so do you, I saw Coco training with her new and improved turret. Your doing?" Pyrrha asked.

Ruby nodded, "I said I was going to make that Emp-"

Weiss groaned but said nothing.

"-Cannon and I did! Her turret is the same except she can press a button to switch it from the normal version to the emp-"

Cue another groan from Weiss.

"Cannon, the three barrels shift to one! It takes some- er a lot of time and has to charge up and stuff but it's still really cool!" Ruby finished.

Nora grimaced, "Ruby you just made Coco's weapon have my greatest weakness! How am I going to use my semblance around her now? Traitor."

"You would have to take a direct shot from it." Ruby explained as they made it to team JNPR's door.

Jaune stepped up waving his scroll to unlock the door, "Ok we're all stocked up on snacks, drinks, and I think everyone is ready to start." Jaune looked around.

"Oh yes please, I'm so sore." Yang flopped into her spot.

Nora mimicked Yang as she flopped into her own spot next to Ren who sat waiting patiently for Jaune to start the episode.

Jaune sat in his spot, scroll in hand. "Before we start. Any predictions?"

Nora sat straight up, "Blake, do not speak a word! Spoiling spoiler!"

Blake raised an eyebrow, "I'm watching the show the same as you are, I don't know what will happen."

"Yeah but you're right with your guesses a lot." Nora huffed. "And I don't want you to be right about it not being a reboot. Don't jinx it."

Blake smirked and shook her head, "Ok Nora, but don't hold it against me if I'm right."

"No promises missy." Nora huffed, arms crossed.

"Anyone else?" Jaune asked.

"Oh! I think Tex is going to beat them up again." Ruby grinned.

Yang burst out laughing at the thought, "Oh I can't wait. I hope she does."

"Why would she do it again?" Jaune asked Ruby.

"I mean she's going to be really mad that she's trapped in a memory unit." Ruby shrugged.

Yang nodded, "And who better to take it out on than the idiots who annoy her constantly."

"I just hope Caboose and Donut aren't included." Pyrrha chuckled.

Nora gasped, "Donut! He's going to be alive in the memory unit! Yes Donut's going to be back!"

"It's also possible he's alive in the real world." Ren pointed out. "If the deleted scene can be believed."

"Deleted for a reason." Blake commented.

"I think he's alive, I wonder what everyone outside the memory unit is going to do." Ruby frowned.

"I actually have a guess on that." Jaune smiled. "I bet they're going to go back to fighting each other in Valhalla. And we're going to see Church in the memory unit with the other memories doing the same but in Blood Gulch."

Blake's eyes widened, "Contrasting the old with the new. It will be interesting to see how they've changed from then and now. How dark and different the cast is after losing Church and learning they're equivalent to training dummies."

Jaune's eyes widened, "... Well actually I was just thinking it would be for comedy. I agree with Nora I think this season will be more lighthearted than the last few seasons."

"Only one way to find out, come on we've been waiting forever!" Ruby shouted.

Jaune chuckled, "Okay okay!" He hit play, waiting for the episode to start.

" Hello!" FILSS's voice rang out.

"Mini Series!" Ruby grinned bouncing in place.

"Maybe." Jaune shrugged.

" Thank you for continuing to view Red vs Blue! Before the season starts, there is a trailer for season nine. The trailer is not canon but has elements of canon. I and [Redacted] the one who sent the show to you hope you enjoy. Thank you and have a nice day!" FILSS explained.

"Well it's nice to know we still won't get an answer to who sent us the show." Weiss grumbled.

"We likely will not get answers for a long time, it would be best not to dwell on the issue and focus on enjoying the show." Ren suggested.

"Excellent idea Ren." Pyrrha smiled.

"Wait- why would the trailer not be canon?" Ruby asked.

"Canon... what's that again?" Nora asked.

"It means something in a story is actually in the story. If I wrote a story about the show, that story would not be canon. But if the people making the show made a new episode it would be canon." Blake explained.

"Ohh... wait but they made that trailer didn't they?" Nora asked.

Blake shrugged, "Yes but FILSS says it's not canon. I've seen some other shows do this before. Elements of canon likely means common themes. Either way it's just a trailer."

Nora shrugged, "Ok... weird."

"Whenever authors do this I look at everything in the trailer as if it's canon until something contradicts it." Blake explained.

The trailer begins with some classical instruments and a woman vocalizing, "EXTRACTION VEHICLE 479 ON APPROACH TO MEDICAL STATION: 'ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER'" appeared on the screen.

Any residual chatter stopped, all focused on the screen.

Space Traffic Control: "Four-Seven-Niner, this is Angel On My Shoulder, I need you to modify your approach velocity."


screen right before the screen cut to a pelican flying to the medical station Angel on my Shoulder. (Anchor 9 from Long Night of Solace) 479er/Ash: "Negative on the modify Angel On My Shoulder. I have injured on board, requesting clearance to dock."

"The animation has improved." Pyrrha smiled.

"They're in space, cool!" Nora grinned "I wonder if there are space Grimm. They would be really big with wings! Wait there's no air in space that's not how space works they wouldn't be able to fly.. or breathe! Wait do Grimm need to breathe? Can they breathe?" Nora looked around.

"I think so?" Ruby furrowed her brows.

Blake hummed, "Her voice sounds familiar."

Everyone turned to Blake, "Someone we know?" Ruby asked.

Blake shook her head no, "She's command. The woman that spoke to Washington in recovery one."

Space Traffic Control: "Look, if you try auto docking at that speed, you're going to have a lot more injured on board, FourSeven. Throttle down."

479er: "Requesting clearance to manual dock then. Patient is critical; need to offload ASAP."

Nora's face fell. "Wait, they're not in Blood Gulch anym- wait but animation means more fights!" Nora grinned.

Blake chuckled, "I was right."

"I take back everything I said about the show getting serious!" Nora grinned.

"Really? Why?" Pyrrha asked.

"Well not really silly." Nora laughed, "But if things aren't serious then no good fights will happen. Except Tex beating up the Reds and Blues!"

Space Traffic Control: "What? No! Negative Four-Seven-Niner clearance denied. This station does not allow for manual dock. Throttle down or spin to a go-round. It's your choice."

479er: "Negative on the go-round, Angel."

Space Traffic Control: "This isn't a military dock, Four-Seven. We're a civilian medical on loan to the UNSC. You try manual dock and you'll tear a hole right in our..."

479er: "Not of my call, Angel; patient is Level 0."

"Level zero? Guess a freelancer is hurt." Yang commented.

Ruby gasped, "It's the Meta!"

Weiss huffed, "Death means nothing in this show. Of course he survived, no one ever dies."

"It's not bad with the Meta." Blake argued, "He's tough and important to the story, and it could be someone else. Or it could be him, the trailer is non canon."

Ruby laughed, "Come on injured Freelancer? Who else could it be? Unless South survived.. or that North guy. Or York..."

"I'm shocked." Weiss's eyes widened slightly in mock shock. "I thought you wanted death to matter."

"I do." Blake explained.

"It's just that if death did matter Wash might be dead." Yang laughed.

Blake glared at Yang, "It doesn't apply to Wash he hasn't died ever, but I can't say the same for Tex."

Yang nodded, "Good point, she dies almost as much as Church."

Director Church walks into the cockpit and places his hand on some sort of scanner that scans his fingerprints.

"Woah look! Someone not wearing armor!" Nora shouted.

Jaune blushed, "Nora not so loud! That taken out of context is weird."

Pyrrha chuckled, "Vic and the counselor also weren't in armor."

"Vic! I forgot about Vic." Nora frowned.

Ruby laughed, "He sounded like dad too."

Yang snorted, "Hearing dad talk like that was great, I wish Vic would come back."

"They're back in Blood Gulch so he could." Jaune pointed out

Ruby and Yang grinned.

Space Traffic Control: "Level zero? I'm going to need confirmation for that four seven."

"Hmm, so they're not civilian." Blake mumbled.

Director Church: "Angel On My Shoulder, this is Director Church. I respectfully request your assistance. Our situation is rather dire."

Weiss huffed, "He doesn't want his property damaged."

"Woah.. where'd that come from Weissy?" Yang asked with a tinge if concern.

"Take a guess." Weiss sighed.

Space Traffic Control: "Four-Seven-Niner, you are cleared for docking bay 6. Manual control. Proceed with caution."

Director Church: "I'll prep the patient."

Director Church leaves the cockpit.

"Look at the animation! It's casual." Jaune grinned. "Last season if they were talking they were almost always in the game, I wonder if the whole season will be animated."

Ruby gasped, "What! No! I like that it's in a game. It's always been cool."

Weiss nodded, "Not the way I would put it but I agree. It's the medium the show has chosen."

"It's unique." Ren added.

"Calm down you guys." Yang laughed, "They went to a new game last season. They wouldn't do that for no reason."

Ruby nodded, "Yeah, good point."

479er: "Well, I guess so much for our go-round."

Space Traffic Control: "I heard that, Four-Seven-Niner."

479er: "Yep. That's cause I transmitted it."

Yang laughed, "I like her."

Blake chuckled, "Me too."

The Pelican lands inside Angel On My Shoulder's docking bay as music plays.

Weiss smiled, "Listen to the soundtrack, it's so good."

"Of course you like classical, typical." Yang laughed.

"And you like club music." Weiss pointed out.

"True, but not all of your songs are classical though." Yang added.

Weiss nodded, "Because I like more than classical music... have you listened to my music?"

Yang nodded, "Of course." She shrugged as if it was even a question.

Weiss fought a blush, "Never expected any of you to listen to my music."

Yang frowned, "I thought I told you I had?"

Weiss shook her head, "I don't remember, well thank you Yang."

Yang smirked, "Never said I liked your music, too sad."

Weiss chuckled, "Yeah... well if I'm ever forced to sing again which I don't see happening. The tone won't be depressing."

Yang smirked, "What'll it be?"

"Rebellious, I do not want to sing for my father again." Weiss grinned mischievously.

Scene shows the patient revealed to be Agent Maine wounded on a gurney.

Ruby gasped, "He survived! I knew it, I was right!"

Weiss huffed, "Of course."

Blake grimaced, "Now that I see him, I don't know if I agree with what I said earlier."

"He looks bad, the blood is where Tucker stabbed him." Jaune pointed.

"I thought project freelancer shut down?" Pyrrha asked.

"Oh please, it's a shady project of course it's still operating. I bet the chairman and the Director are working together in secret." Jaune commented.

"That doesn't make any sense." Weiss deadpanned.

"Y- yes it does!" Jaune defended. "Their fight could be faked to get other officials higher up to stop investigating."

"Jaune... You watch too many bad action movies." Pyrrha pointed with a giggle.

Jaune sighed, "Yeah you're right. Dumb theory."

Director Church walks out to greet the doctors and the counsellor in a doctors uniform.

Counselor: "Greetings Director. Was that Agent Maine?"

"They still see him as an agent? He went rogue." Weiss frowned.

"In more ways than one." Blake added.

Director Church: "We picked up his beacon. At least we know that system works."

"Sounds like they've fallen on hard times." Yang commented.

"He has to operate illegally now." Blake explained.

Counselor: "Do you know what happened?"

Director Church: "I know who will."

Cut to Washington following some doctors who are pushing Maine's gurney.

"Wait what?" Nora asked.

Blake hummed, "This is in the past, before the project got shut down. Maybe towards the beginning."

Jaune nodded, "Now that makes a lot more sense."

"And the Meta isn't back." Weiss grinned.

Doctor: "Come on team we're losing him."

Washington: "Can't you stabilize him?"

Doctor: "We're doing our best sir."

Washington: "Is there something I can do?"

Doctor: "Sorry, sir; you're going to have to wait out here. Medical crew only."

Pyrrha frowned, "It sounds like Wash was.. friends with the Meta."

Blake sighed, "Agent Maine, he was never friends with the Meta."

Door closes behind the doctors locking Washington out "WARNING: ZERO-G SURGERY IN PROGRESS" appeared on a panel next to the door.

Washington: "(sighs) Typical medic bullshit."

Yang laughed, "Guess he's always been annoyed by medics."

Automated Voice: "Paging Doctor Ross, please report to emergency... (Voice gets muffled)"

The camera goes throughout the room showing the doctors removing Maine's armor, letting it fly up into the air.

"How are the doctors staying on the ground shouldn't they be all floaty." Ruby asked.

She only received a disinterested shrug from Yang.

Counselor: "His vitals are falling. We need to stabilize."

The doctors remove his helmet but his head is conveniently blocked by a doctor.

Blake grumbled to herself glaring at the doctors back.

Cut to Washington watching from a window above. Director Church stops in front of him and puts on a medic helmet.

Director Church: "Agent Washington, status report."

Ren frowned, "It's interesting that the Director is also helping with the surgery."

"Well this is non-canon." Nora shrugged. "Everything in it isn't real."

Blake shrugged, "Not canon, and it could be real. FILSS said elements of Canon."

Washington: "Maine was injured sir. We failed the objective."

Director Church: "How were two soldiers of your caliber possibly hurt by simulation troopers?"

Nora laughed, "The freelancers aren't so good at fighting."

Pyrrha chuckled, "The Reds and Blues are all unpredictable."

Washington: "They... got the jump on us."

Director Church: "Disappointing. But we'll deal with that after surgery."

The Director walks away.

Washington: "Yes, sir. Come on buddy, hang in there."

Pyrrha smiled, "He's not jaded like he usually is. He almost sounds hopeful."

"More worried than hopeful." Blake added.

The camera's focus changes to show York reflected in the window.

York: "How is he?"

Ruby grinned, "York! He was cool."

Yang nodded, "Yeah the lock-picker."

Washington: "Oh, hey man. Not good. He was shot in the throat. The medics said even if he survives he'll probably never talk again. How's your eye?"

"Omega injured his eye didn't he?" Jaune asked.

Ren nodded, "If I remember correctly."

York moves from his leaning position and walks over to Wash.

York: "Docs are letting me out tomorrow. Seems like a lot of people are getting hurt these days."

Washington: "Yeah. It's just that everything seems to be moving so much more quickly now. The suits, the missions, and these what do they call them? - A.I. things. York, do you think we're moving too fast?"

"In season six Washington talked about how the Director thought time was short." Blake commented.

"Elements of canon, I wonder what's true and what isn't." Pyrrha frowned.

York: "The whole universe is moving too fast, Wash."

York removes his helmet, showing his face and eye injury.

York: "I think we're just trying to keep up."

Yang laughed, "Oh that was badass, I hope that line is canon."

"They're showing someone taking off their helmet!" Ruby squealed.

"The reds and blues can finally show us their faces!"

Pyrrha grimaced, "His eye looks bad."

"I wonder what Sarge looks like." Nora frowned.

"The only description I can remember about their looks is that Tucker has black skin." Blake commented.

"Donut also has a boil on his thigh." Nora added helpfully.

The screen flashes white as "BEFORE THERE WAS RED VS. Blue" appeared on the screen the music picks up as the camera cuts to show a pelican fleeing from two longswords.

"Woah! Look at that!" Nora gasped.

"That looks awesome!" Ruby grinned. "Look at t-"

The scene cut quickly to show two hornets chasing a warthog that appears in future episodes. The scene cuts again back to the pelican fleeing the longswords as they fire rockets.

"The scenes are cutting really fast." Ruby commented.

Nora gazed at the screen "I'm catching glimpses of awesomeness."

The scene cut to show Tucker with his sword out, Church, and Caboose backing away as rockets fire at them from below the cliff.

Nora grinned, "Ohh good. I thought the season was just going to be a prequel."

"That would be interesting." Blake smiled. "But it looks like both.. if the trailer is to be believed."

The rockets blowing up changes the screen to show "THERE WAS PROJECT FREELANCER" in block letters.

Ruby grinned. "Before there was team RWBY, there was team STRQ!"

Yang laughed, "Boo, any team with Qrow on it isn't cool. Don't compare us to them."

"But mom and dad are on there!" Ruby whined.

"Good point, mom makes up for both Qrow and dad." Yang chuckled.

"We don't know any of them." Weiss pointed out, "There was no prelude to our team."

"Come on Weiss, what's the name of the team your sister was on?" Yang asked.

Weiss frowned, "I- don't know."

"Wow you're a bad sister." Yang laughed.

"Look who's talking!" Weiss shouted.

"Yeah!" Ruby shouted as she high fived Weiss.

Cut to the warthog chase again, then to show red base with rocks falling everywhere. Then to a very badass scene that was never put in the show of York, Tex, and North back to back surrounded by the insurrection soldiers. Tex charges and the screen cuts to show "RED VS BLUE SEASON 9"

"This season looks amazing!" Yang shouted.

The screen cut to black.

"That was the best trailer yet." Ruby commented.

Blake shrugged, "I liked the season six trailer. It was more foreboding and had less action."

"Foreboding sounds like boring." Nora commented.

Pyrrha chuckled, "I think this season will be very interesting."

Jaune nodded, "Me too, I wonder what the trilogy is called. If it is a trilogy. Any predictions?"

Blake shrugged, "I don't know. I know we'll see the freelancers and it looks like we'll see Church in the memory unit. I didn't see the others."

Pyrrha sighed, "I was hoping to see them, maybe we will. It's strange to me that the trailer isn't canon."

Blake nodded, "I'm sure there was a reason. It's not so different from the season seven trailer."

Ruby nodded, "Oh yeah, that kind of makes sense."

Jaune looked around, "Ok, ready?"

Everyone nodded.

" Red vs Blue: The Freelancer Saga" appeared on the screen.

"Saga? That means more than three seasons!" Nora cheered.

"I wonder if it'll be longer than the Blood Gulch Chronicles." Ruby grinned.

Blake pursed her lips, "I don't know, Saga can mean anything... My guess would be four to six seasons."

Pyrrha grinned, "This is grand, I enjoy watching the show with all of you."

"A whole saga of seasons! That means like....four or more, more days of doing this." Nora grinned.

"After this we should watch more shows." Ruby commented.

"What? No we have the Vytal Tournament once Red vs Blue is done." Weiss pointed out.

Ruby's eyes widened, "Oh yeah.."

Jaune chuckled, "Yeah this is fun but we need to train more and the tournament will take up a lot of our time."

Ruby nodded, "Yeah we need to be combat ready! No more shows after this."

Pyrrha smiled, "Well if that's the consensus, I hope this show lasts a long time."

"Rounding Error" appeared on the screen with the theme.

Ruby and Jaune happily hummed the theme.

Blake hummed along too, "I'm guessing the title is for the memory unit failing."

"Well... it's already locked up or whatever Simmons said last season." Yang pointed out.

" Fifty" by Trocadero starts playing.

Church: "(voice over) Hi, my name is Leonard Church"

Fade into an overhead view of Epsilon's mental image of Blood Gulch.

Nora grinned, "Look at that, it looks so good."

Blake squinted, "Is that the purple thing O'Malley rode?"

"Yeah what's that doing there and not in the caves." Jaune commented.

"Maybe it's because... Church only remembers what Caboose told him." Pyrrha suggested.

"What? Oh no." Ruby chuckled.

"You're right oh no." Yang laughed, "Church is going to have a great time."

Ruby nodded, "The turret on the warthog looks different too."

Yang sighed, "Oh no, another upgrade for Coco?"

Ruby shook her head, "Looks like too much- and yes Yang. I do know there is a thing as too much."

"You didn't for Crescent Rose." Yang smirked.

"My baby is special." Ruby grinned.

Church: "(voice over) But nobody calls me Leonard. Most people call me Church sometimes they call me Alpha and a few people even know me as the Director, but I haven't been called that in a really, really long time."

Blake pursed her lips, "I think he is remembering more."

Church: "You see I know that when you look at me, I know I look like a super badass space warrior."

"I cannot look at Church and think that knowing his aim." Ruby sighed.

"Well without seeing him as Church, look at that armor. He looks cool!" Jaune's eyes widened.

Ruby nodded, "The armor looks so different from the other games."

"You mean the graphics change?" Yang asked.

"No look, the armor in the other games looked cartoony and kind of in a set. This armor looks in pieces and more... realistic." Ruby explained.

"Every time the game changes the look changes." Blake commented. "The first season had bright colors, then when they changed games it was dark and gritty colors. Then back to bright, and now back to a grittier look." Blake commented.

"That's grittier to you?" Yang laughed gesturing to the screen.

Blake sighed, "You know what I mean, look at the shade of his armor."

"I just think he looks cool." Jaune shrugged, "I can't wait to see the others."

Church: "But I'm really not."

Ruby laughed, "Church is awesome but he's not a soldier."

"And definitely not a badass space warrior." Yang laughed.

"I can see Tucker as one though." Jaune commented.

"Yeah definitely after he stabbed the Meta that was awesome!" Ruby yelled.

"Sarge is already one." Nora grinned.

"He has the bravery of a warrior, but not the.. attitude of one if that makes sense." Pyrrha blushed.

Jaune laughed, "It makes sense knowing Sarge."

"He has the will of a warrior." Nora huffed, "Remember his war cry?"

"Which one?" Yang chuckled.

"Today is a good day for you to die!" Nora quoted.

Church: "I'm actually a-"

Tucker: "(off screen) Hey, Church!"

Ruby's face fell, "Aww I wanted to hear another one of his speeches."

"His last one was very emotional but my favorite is his first speech. The one he made in the season five finale. Learn to hate someone on a personal level." Blake chuckled. "It's a good lesson."

Church: "(voice over) Uh... (clears throat) Just, uh, ignore ah. I'm actually a computer program that's been reincarnated in the memory of-"

Tucker: "Church!"

"This is great." Yang laughed. "He loves to hear himself talk."

Weiss laughed, "I like the added detail of the music cutting off whenever Tucker speaks, and starting again when Church does."

Church: "(voice over) I'm actually a computer program-"

Tucker: "Hey Church!"

Church: "that's been reincarnated in the memory of the-"

Tucker: "Where the hell are you?!"

"Tucker is reminding me of Ruby whenever she needed something from me. She used to be the stereotypical annoying little sister." Yang smirked.

"W-what! No I wasn't!" Ruby growled. "And if I had a mouth like that dad would have taken my cookies and my baby."

Weiss turned to Yang, "Used to be?"

Yang nodded, "Yeah, I'll admit my baby sister has grown up a lot." Yang moved over to rub Ruby's hair but with a flash of petals Ruby was sitting next to Jaune.

"Welcome to this side of the room Ruby." Jaune chuckled.

"The cool side." Nora added.

Church: "(voice over) Okay... I'm just gonna start over. I'm just... I'm gonna go back to the beginning"

Tucker: "Church!"

Church: "(voice over) (clears throat) Hi."

Tucker: "Church!"

Church: "(voice over) My name is Leonard Church."

Tucker: "Church!"

"He is very annoying." Weiss commented.

Church: "(voice over) But nobody calls me-"

Tucker appears atop the cliff.

Tucker: "Hey Church, come on!"

Church: "(groans) God damn it! What?! What do you want!?"

Yang laughed, "It did not take a lot to break him."

"I've missed this." Nora grinned. "The normal Blood Gulch stuff."

"Me too." Jaune added.

Tucker: "Come on! Get up here!"

Church: "Yeah, okay, hold on. For God's sakes, I'm coming! Shut up!"

As Church walks up to the cliff "[Redacted] Presents" appeared on the screen with "Red Vs Blue Season 9" appearing shortly after as the original theme played.

Church: (whispers to himself on the way up) God damn it, I can't even have one fucking moment to myself. Can't even be alone with my thoughts, not even for a second. Somebody's always gotta fucking yell, or scream, or 'come look at this,' or 'what's going on over here,' or 'hey Church, help me out I don't know what the fuck I'm doing!' Fucking assholes. God I forgot how much this place sucks."

Weiss burst out laughing, "This is too good, Church wanted to live in a good memory. And he forgot how bad Blood Gulch was."

"He didn't make it a good one." Yang laughed.

"Oh Church is being dramatic, he's happy to be back." Ruby waived them off.

During the moment Church is whispering to himself, the title Red vs. Blue: Season 9 fades upon the screen

Cut to Tucker walking up to Caboose.

Caboose: "Now when he gets up here, remember the plan."

"Cabooses Helmet is the same." Pyrrha frowned. "It was different after season five."

"No wasn't it the other way around? Everyone else got new armor and he didn't." Jaune explained.

"Weird why would they keep it that way?" Ruby asked.

Blake smiled, "Small details to show this is still a memory, I love it."

Tucker: "Plan? What plan?"

Caboose: "We only have one shot at this. Don't let it fall apart."

Tucker: "Why are you talking to me like this is supposed to make sense? Is this another one of your idiot schemes to make Church your best friend?"

Caboose: "Ok. Shsh-remember, let me do the talking."

"I see what you mean Blake." Pyrrha smiled, "Caboose was different when the show first started. Less caring and-"

"Stupid." Yang helped.

Pyrrha grimaced slightly but nodded, "Yes."

Tucker: "Do the talking about what, idiot?"

Caboose: "Don't worry, I got this."

Tucker: "What would I be worried about? I don't even know what you're doing."

Ruby laughed, "Caboose has the sniper and Tucker still doesn't, I wonder how good his aim is?"

Church makes it to the cliff, panting heavily.

Caboose: "Hey Church, welcome to the cliff."

Church: "Hey guys. Man, whoo... (continues panting)"

"What's wrong with him?" Ruby asked.

"This is a memory, he likely has a human body." Ren pointed out.

"But his robot body acted like a human one? He felt pain and got hurt." Weiss pointed out.

Jaune grimaced, "I think it's just another mini plot hole because of a joke."

Caboose: "Okay, abort. The plan did not work."

Tucker: "That was it? Okay, now I actually want to know: what was the plan? 'Cause apparently phase one was saying hi. What was next, were you going to wave?"

"I'm glad the show hasn't gotten old." Yang grinned.

Nora nodded, "I know! Most of the time I can't get into shows because I need something new."

Caboose: "Abort. Abort!"

Church: "(still panting) Hohw... what're you guys... huh what do you guys want? (gasp)"

Tucker: "Dude are you fucking dying? You sound like my vacuum cleaner when it picks up a penny."

"A penny? What's that." Nora frowned. "Ruby's friend?"

"Yes and no." Ren answered.

Church: "I'm just a little, uh, out of breath. I'm not used to this, it's been a while since I, uh, had a human body."

Caboose: "Oh God, I know, I- I hate having one of those; i-it's like, it always wants to pee. Like all the time."

"Sounds like a UTI." Yang commented.

Tucker: "What the fuck is everyone talking about today? Did I miss a staff meeting? What other body would you have?"

Church: "It's uh... it's a long story. Remind me to tell you sometime. So, uh, what's up? What's going on?"

"They sound like themselves, I doubt Tucker would believe Church. Caboose would understand him." Pyrrha commented.

"But they're not the real Tucker and Caboose." Blake pointed out.

"They could be like Tex." Pyrrha pointed out.

"No. Tex is something else entirely, like the Director said." Yang explained.

Tucker: "We have movement over at the Red Team's base. I thought we should check it out. Actually, I thought we should ignore it, but there's really not anything else to do."

"Stand up on the cliff playing with his di-" Yang startwd before Ruby in another flash of petals stopped her.

"Yang!" She shouted moving her hand to cover her mouth.

Church: "Movement? What kind of movement?"

Caboose: "The Red kind."

"Certainly a red kind of movement." Ren muttered, brushing a petal off his shoulder.

Tucker: "Remember that new vehicle they got? They've been making modifications to it."

Ruby removed her hand from Yang's mouth frantically wiping it off on her pant legs. "Gross gross gross gross." Ruby grimaced but turned her eyes to the screen at the sound of 'Modifications'

Church: "Well that doesn't sound good. How are they modifying it?"

Tucker: "I don't know, why are you asking me?"

Church: "Wait- you've been up here watching them all this time, can't you make a guess?"

"Rockets." Ruby deadpanned. "Definitely rockets look at the shape of it."

"Those would be cool on Coco's gun." Nora commented.

"If I added anything else it would break her gun or her back. Probably her gun first, she's strong." Ruby explained.

Tucker: "Well I don't know man, they sure as hell ain't installing a stereo."

Church: "Thanks, Caboose what do you think it is?"

Caboose: "Yeah, actually I was gonna say stereo, but now it seems like a bad idea to say that, so now I'm going to say... radio."

"Same thing." Yang commented, "I love my stereo in Bumblebee, I still need to ride around blasting the Warthog music."

Tucker: "That's the same thing, idiot."

Caboose: "Yeah I know, but I still think I won somehow."

Pyrrha laughed, "Always looking on the bright side."

Church: "Here, let me see the sniper rifle, I'll check for myself."

Tucker: "Do you even know how to use that thing?"

Ruby groaned, "No!" She shouted.

Church: "Do I know how to use- of course I know how to use it. Don't uh... hey where's the um... how do I make it do the thing, the, thu... the thing, where everything gets closer? Everything gets closer and bigger? How do I do the closer, bigger thing, with it?"

Ruby pinched the bridge of her nose, "Either a knob or a button that is almost always close to the handle."

Tucker: "You mean zoom?"

Church: "Zoom, yeah that's it, zoom. What's tha-oh are you saying, do I say zoom? Zoom. Zoom! Rifle."

Ruby groaned, "It's like yelling enhance at a screen, it doesn't work."

Tucker: "Press the black button."

Ruby threw her right hand at the screen, "He has made two good shots in the entire span of eight seasons! And one was by accident."

"He didn't call it either." Blake chuckled.

Church: "Oh. (zooms in) Shut up."

Tucker: "Hey, I didn't say a word dude."

Cut to the Red Team working on the Warthog's recent modifications

Donut: "Ok that'll do 'er. Fire it up, boss."

Nora frowned, "Why does Donut sound different."

Sarge gets in the Warthog

Donut: "Let's test this bad boy out. Simmons, hop up!"

Nora's frown deepened, "And he's giving orders, Sarge should be giving orders. Something is weird."

"You're jumping to conclusions, they're fine." Jaune explained.

Simmons get's on the turret

Church: "Huh. Yeah, looks like they modified their jeep. They changed the turret. What is that, some kind of radar dish?"

Ruby shook her head, "It has to be an RPG launcher. Look at it, see the vents?"

Jaune nodded.

Tucker: "I think it's a rocket launcher."

"Tucker knows what he's talking about." Ruby grinned.

"Which why is it a rocket launcher? And why is Donut weird!" Norashouted.

"I believe either Church is misremembering or it's a problem with the memory unit." Ren explained.

"Rounding error, the title makes sense." Blake commented.

Church: "That's impossible. You can't fire rockets from a jeep, dumbass. There'd be too much torque or something like that. It's probably some kind of like microwave transmitter."

Yang hummed, "That's actually a good point. The axle, suspenders, and a lot of other parts of the jeep could get damaged easily. The jeep has to be really tough to not break every time it fires and pushes the jeep forward."

"What?" Ruby asked. "Why would those get damaged."

"Do you want me to get real technical the way you do?" Yang asked. Ruby shrugged.

"Firing rockets would push the jeep forward or backwards depending on the vents, either way it could crash the jeep or twist the metal." Yang put simply.

Tucker: "Well, they were loading rockets into it earlier. So unless they were microwaving explosives for a tasty snack, it's probably a rocket launcher."

"Tucker seems more facetious." Weiss commented.

Caboose: "Ah, great. Now I want a snack."

"Pass me some Pumpkin Pete's please." Nora asked.

Pyrrha blushed as she did so, "You know this isn't good for you right?"

"Your face is on it, it must be good!" Nora grinned as she ate the cereal with no milk.

Ruby shook her head watching, "Always needs milk. Cereal then milk."

"Milk then cereal." Jaune mumbled.



Church: "Hey, didn't you hear what I said about the torque? It's probably like-"

The Reds fire a rocket at the cliff.

Church: "Son of a bitch!"

Tucker: "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty confident about my rocket launcher guess."

"They are never as sneaky as they think." Blake commented.

Caboose: "Yeah... I don't know, I think Church was right, I'm pretty sure I just torqed in my pants."

"Gross." Weiss grimaced.

Another rocket is fired

Tucker: "Ah! I hate being right all the time!"

"Me too." Blake grumbled.

Cut back to the Reds

Donut: "(yelling) Yeah! Almost got you that time, sluts! Reload, Simmons!"

Nora's eyes widened, "Donut... is.. so.. much.. more.. Awesome!"

Yang grimaced, "I don't like this, he's not making any innuendos."

"Good." Ruby, Blake, and Weiss chorused.

Simmons: "Alright."

Donut: "Let's put the next one right up their ass!"

Yang threw her hand up, "See! No class, no joke! What's the point of having Donut back if he's a dick."

"He's cool." Nora grinned.

Simmons: "Uh, okay, sure, but you don't need to say it like that. I think the weapon is equally as effective, no matter where it hits them."

"At least Simmons is the same." Jaune pointed out, "I think they just changed Donut."

Donut: "Start stuffing, Simmons!"

Simmons: "Ok, Ok."

The screen goes back to the Blues

Church: "Was that Donut?"

Tucker: "I dunno, that's the chick who was working on the jeep."

"Ohh right they don't know them." Ruby's eyes widened.

Church: "That's not a girl Tucker. He just wears pink armor. It's a guy."

Tucker: "It is? Are you sure?"

Church: "Yes, I'm sure."

Tucker: "Uh... then I suddenly feel pretty awkward about something I did twenty minutes ago."

Blake facepalmed, "Ohh.. why?"

Yang sniggered to herself, "Oh that is great."

"Is it something gross?" Ruby asked.

"No it's completely natural and healthy." Yang laughed at her joke.

"Yes Ruby." Blake nodded.

Ruby grimaced, "I get it now."

Caboose: "During alone time?"

Church: "What the hell is alone time?"

Tucker: "Hey, it's one of the rules of the cliff dude. What happens in alone time stays in alone time."

"Do you guys have alone time?" Yang asked.

"Not in Tuckers way." Pyrrha cringed.

Church: "What do you do during alone time, Caboose?"

Caboose: "Oh, I do the same stuff I do during together time. Only half."

Church: "What?"

Tucker: "Another benefit of alone time: not listening to him for a few minutes."

"What do you guys do during alone time?" Yang asked. "I work on Bumblebee or work out."

"I read comics like X-Ray and Vav or watch TV." Jaune explained.

"Read books in the library because the dorm is always too loud." Blake grumbled looking at Ruby and Yang.

"What? And I read weapons magazines or work on slash clean Crescent Rose." Ruby added.

"You're obsessed with cleaning your weapon, it's important but you take it too far. I study or train." Weiss explained.

"Your alone time sounds boring, I work out like Yang or hang out with Ren!" Nora grinned.

"If you're with Ren then it's not alone time." Jaune pointed out.

"We spend alone time together." Ren explained, "And I cook or meditate."

"I train or relax, it's important to spend some alone time relaxing." Pyrrha added.

Cut back to the Reds

Donut: "Hoorah, bitches! Hoo fucking rah!"

Nora grinned, "I like this new Donut, he's like Sarge."

"We don't need another Sarge." Weiss sighed.

Simmons: "Yeahah! take that Blues!"

Donut: "The next one's blowing your armor clean off!"

"His accent sounds similar to Sarge's. A familiar twang to it." Blake commented.

Simmons: "Or it'll just hurt you a lot! You know some of us realize that's enough. Why do you keep making it weird?"

Cut back to the Blues

Church: "Dammit. Rocket jeeps? Donut giving orders? This is getting ridiculous. I'm putting a stop to this."

"I hope he doesn't, I like ridiculous." Nora grinned.

"We know." Ren shook his head with a grin.

"Hmm and Church knows something is wrong." Blake mumbled.

"I like this, you guys can have your weird 'something is wrong with the memory unit' and I can have my fun Blood Gulch stuff." Nora grinned.

"I like the Blood Gulch stuff too." Jaune pointed out.

"I'm just waiting for the Freelancer storyline." Blake explained.

A slight tremor happens

Tucker: "Church wait!"

Caboose: "Tucker, get down! They're firing again."

Tucker: "That wasn't a rocket. That was... something else. Church, where are you going? Church!"

"Looks like the trailer scene with the rocks falling will happen." Blake commented.

"Trailers are spoilers." Nora huffed.

"I think the memory unit or Church's own memory is failing. I doubt it's because of Caboose though." Blake commented.

Church: "To set things straight Tucker. If we're gonna to do this, it has to be done the right way. Or there's no point in doing it at all. Ok? There's an order to things, Tucker. An order."

"Order" Echos and the screen cuts to black.

"What..." Ruby frowned."

Blake grinned.


"MCC? What's that stand for?" Ruby asked.

"No idea." Jaune shrugged.

"Mobile Command Center." Weiss explained.

"I thought the command center was underground?" Jaune frowned. "In season six they went there and E.M. it."

"Different command center." Yang shrugged.

The Director is seen looking at the holographic Freelancer Leaderboard. The Counselor walks up to him.

Counselor: "Our operatives are in position, Director."

The board reveals the spots for 2-6 with number 1 being just left out. "2 YORK 3 WYOMING 4 SOUTH DAKOTA 5 NORTH DAKOTA 6 WASHINGTON"

"I bet Tex is at the number one spot." Yang grinned.

"I doubt it, she fails at everything she truly wants." Weiss pointed out.

"But she is still a badass agent." Yang pointed out.

Blake was pouting, "Why is Washington sixth? He is a great agent. I can't believe Wyoming is above him."

"Three spots above him." Yang smirked.

Blake sighed, "Washington grew over time."

Director: "Good. Send them in."

The scene began fading to black.

Counselor: "If I may say sir, my testing indicates that this might not be the best..."

Director: "The system will determine what's best Counselor. The system will determine the order. Send them in."

The episode ended.

"That was a good start, I'm glad the comedy hasn't gotten boring I've been worried about it." Yang commented.

"Why?" Jaune asked.

"Sometimes shows go on for too long." Yang shrugged, "But now I'm confident however long this saga of seasons will be it'll be good."

Nora nodded, "Donut is cool, they're back in Blood Gulch, so much can happen!"

"Yeah I want to see the old Blood Gulch characters, like Vic, Sister, Wyoming, and O'Malley." Jaune listed.

"Don't forget the Fanatics." Yang laughed.

"I hope they don't come back." Weiss shook her head.

"I'm excited for this season, I think the next episode will deal with the freelancers, play it." Blake ordered.

Jaune nodded, "Ok, hitting play."

Just a reminder, I am not the one who sent them the show in this fic's canon. It is a RvB character(s) who with FILSS sent the show to them. Who it was will be revealed in a future fic.

Thanks to a guest reviewer for the great idea of "Before there was team RWBY, there was team STRQ" I love your ideas and they always help me, sorry if I don't give credit for them. I'm getting better at writing down who gives suggestions in my notes.

And before anyone says it, yes the season 9 trailer is not canon. It was confirmed non-canon by Monty.(Or at least the conversation between Wash and the Director)

Point out any and all OOC moments and Especially point out something about this story that annoys you, anything and everything, be nit-picky. I plan on fixing a lot about my writing this fic. Also I might do the 2 season 9 Mini-series in two bulk chapters. Please review! Flames and Critics welcome!

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