By cara__writes

272K 12.1K 420

A princess loved her whole life. A prince denying the possibility of it. An alliance, binding them together... More

8. HIM
12. PAIN
17. MY MAN
18. DATE- I
19. DATE - II
32. SHOT


6.4K 286 8
By cara__writes

Either I'm really bad at writing or you people forgot that my pay consists of a comment too. I've been writing since morning so as to not be late, and i was waiting that anyone does it. But nah you guys didn't. So I'm not gonna ask again. I'll just update when I'm done. It's up to you now if you want to vote and comment or not.
Till then happy reading ❤


Anirudh's POV

I never thought rage could be so blinding, I knew nothing other than to get my princess safe in my arms.
That sick thakur met us halfway on our way and even though I wanted nothing more than to kill him then and there, my little sun was more important.

So Vinayak took charge of him while hridhaan followed me.
There were three guards at the gate and I didn't think much before shooting them all and when we entered, the scene would haunt me for the rest of my life.

She was there alone fighting, with bruises on her body, she looked up to me when I entered and I saw her relax but the next second I raised my gun, cuz a guy really had a death wish. I was still too late, he managed to strike her.

I saw her confusion as she brought her hand to her head and saw blood on it, her hand extended towards me and I was holding her the next second.
" You're here. " She was smiling, my strong princess was smiling, and I couldn't say anything properly, "I am.. I'm here. "

And she fainted, " Princess, hey wake up. Princess. "
I said patting her face, seeing as she didn't respond I lifted her up, she was light too light. Hridhaan came running in, " Pari.. " His shriek sounded painful, he was crying when he reached us.

" Hospital hridhaan. Now. " I said solemnly, we didn't have time to waste on crying. My princess needed treatment.
" Yeah yeah. " And he made the call.
We were in the hospital in 20 minutes that felt too long to me.
Everyone was already there when we reached, i laid my princess on the stretcher and the nurse took her in.

It was the worst hour of my life, following after the worst days. The doctor came out exactly an hour later, " She'll need a lot of rest but she'll be okay. " Everyone heaved a sigh of relief on his words.
" What injuries does she have? " I asked, I needed to know what they did to my lil sun. I'll make sure to return it ten fold.
" That.. " He was hesitant to tell us.
" Say it doctor. " Vinayak supported me, I saw it in his eyes, the need for revenge. We were on the same page here.

" She has a concussion, she was hit two times on head. A dislocated arm, and a fractured rib. There are some bruises on her arms and stomach and the most serious one is on her left calf. " Aunty was crying by the time the doctor finished. My fists were clenching so that I was afraid I might break my own bones.

Hridhaan was out of the lobby in a second and Vinayak followed him, I couldn't. I wanted to be with her. " Can I see her? " I asked the doctor.
" Yeah but she'll be out for an hour or two. " I nodded and entered her room. I knew her parents wanted to see her too but I don't think she'll want them to see her like this.

She looked so fragile, with the drip inserted on her veins, her face looked hollow in just three days. It was like that bastard forgot to feed her.
I'll make it up, I'll bring her back to what she was before, even more healthy than before. She was too skinny before.

I held her hand and laid on it, I didn't know when I fell asleep. I woke up to someone stroking my hair, looking up I saw she was awake, " You're up, why didn't you wake me up? "
" Maa said you haven't slept in the last three days. "
I told them not to tell her anything.
" You should rest. Everyone has gone home. "
" What do you mean. What time is it? "
" It's 8."
" Shit. " How could I just fall asleep like that, she wasn't even awake and here she was just smiling at me. I missed when she woke up.

" I should go and call the doctor. "
I said getting up from the stool, I had a cramp on my back and neck but it would go away in a minute.
" Bhai already did that. Now don't waste time, I'm hungry. "

" Huh, why haven't you eaten yet. " Is she crazy and why is everyone gone without even feeding her.
" No. Maa brought it but I wanted to eat with you. " This girl, she's too stubborn. No one would believe that she's injured with how much she's smiling.

" Let's eat. " She said tugging at my hand and what could I do, her wish my command.
I fed her and she ate obediently, " What are you doing? " I almost shouted when I saw her raising her arm that was injured to take a bite and it was at my mouth the next moment. I gulped, " You didn't eat anything. "

" I'll eat when I feel hungry princess. "
" You don't want to eat from me? " How could she even think that. So I just opened my mouth and she placed the bite in it.
I left the hand I was holding and held to the one that was injured, she can feed me all she wants but not with injuries.

Within five minutes we were done, I packed the tiffin and said, "I'll go and have a talk with the doctor. "
She just nodded and closed her eyes.


The doctor told me she shouldn't travel for a while, and she can be discharged in a day if we want. I knew her family won't agree but she's going back with me. Chittorgarh is too far from here and while Suratgarh might not be too close, it was still the better option. Moreover I don't think she would want to live in a hospital for long.

I went back to her room and she was settled on a corner of the bed, " Princess what happened. "
" Nothing. "
" Then why are you on the side, come here. "
" You come here. "
" Huh? "
" Let's sleep. "
" I just woke up princess, I'm not sleepy and I can sleep on the couch. "
" But I want you to sleep with me. "
Shit, here my princess is injured and my brain can't stop thinking about her words. Her intention might be innocent but my reaction definitely wasn't.

" Princess.. " I just started when she interrupted me, " Anirudh, please. " You never have to say please princess, I'll do anything for you. And I laid next to her. The bed was big enough for both of us if we stayed close enough and that's what she did, she scooted near me and that caused flutters in my chest. I really need a checkup but that thought vanished when she winced, " What happened? " I was up in a second.

" Nothing, it's all your fault. " It must be, definitely. But how.
" What did I do? "
" What were you laying so far for, it's not like I'm gonna eat you. I had to move myself and it must've moved a muscle. "
I'm afraid I might eat you if you continue to say such things princess. If you weren't in this condition, I'd really show you.
" I'm sorry, I just didn't want to hurt you. "
" You're not, now come here. I'm sleepy. "

While I had no idea what she wanted to do, I still laid and turned towards her, she took some effort to do the same. While it hurt me that she's going through all this, I wanted to see what she had in mind. Her left arm came over me, like hugging me but as it was injured before she didn't apply much force on the hold, just a light weight, like ascerning it's presence.

But as she drifted into sleep I realized that she wasn't doing this because she wanted to, it might be a factor too but it was mainly because she needed it. She was using me as a semblance to remember that she's safe, that I'm here. And it hurt more than anything I thought.

She would frown sometimes, or she'll be frightened or in pain and even though I knew she was dreaming about it, I couldn't do anything for her other than holding her.
She calmed around midnight and when I was sure she won't wake up I got up from the bed.

Twenty minutes later I was there, the place where my princess was.
" Sir, Vinayak sir and hridhaan sir are inside. " A guard came and informed me, I nodded and went to where I knew they would be.

The living room, they didn't want to punish him in the dark, they wanted it to be before everyone. His guards were binded in the room and he was in the middle.
Twenty who were here, 5 who were coming with him and adding him, we had 26 captives. No correction, 25 alive captives, the one who striked my lil sun is dead..

" Is she okay? " Hridhaan asked me, " Uh hm.. Sleeping. "
" Be fast and then go back. She won't like you not being there. " I never expected Vinayak to say this. But he was right, she might've been pretending to be strong but this scared her. And she needs me.

" Let's just get this over with. "

Ten minutes later we were out, he couldn't be alive for even ten minutes. I didn't regret what I did even a bit. His brother won't be a problem with the chaos he caused. He'd be grateful to be spared, even though I had decided to kill the person without torturing him. I wanted to do everything that he caused for my princess. Nothing much, just some punches and he was out, he didn't even survive the strike to his head and it was just once.

The guards wouldn't have lived too, if not for dad and her baba interfering. " She wouldn't want this much blood on your hands. She could've killed them when she shot but she didn't. Dont waste her efforts. "
He was right, she didn't want to kill them but that doesn't means they are free to go. I just shot their legs and ensured that they'll be spending rest of their lives in prison.

She was still asleep when I got back, an hour, that's the amount of time I was gone for. Her mother was by her side, when I entered she looked at me, " Is everything settled. "
I just nodded, " Take care of her. "
" I will. You should take care too. She wouldn't want you getting sick, maa. " I don't know what compelled me to say that but I did. She was taken aback but smiled after, " I will. " Embracing me one last time she was out of the room and I took my place beside her, holding her.


Even though Vinayak and Hridhaan both wanted her to go back with them, everyone knew that it wasn't a wise choice. So she came with us, " I'm entrusting her to you. Mess up again and I'll kill you myself. " I had expected such words but not from her father but I guess, I don't know him enough.
" She is my life uncle. " He understood what I was implying and nodded, " Call us when you reach. " Maa added softly, " I will. "

Bidding our farewells we were back on our way.


I lifted her out of the car when we reached, " I can walk you know. " She said holding my neck for support, I picked her from her left so she won't have to exert any effort on her left arm.
" And I can carry you. "
" But I want to walk. "
" And I want to carry you "
" You.. "
" Don't bother princess. You're not getting away. " I said before making our way in.

Mom almost cried seeing her, and I was glad she wasn't in the hospital, the bruises that were visible were considered okay in comparison to the ones on her calf and stomach.
Her father had to take her mother home, when her wounds got dresssed so that she won't see them.

Mom was on her way but dad stopped her saying that she'll be back and she should make preparations for her.

I directly took her to our room, while mom and ashu followed me.
" Are you okay pari? " Mom asked just as I delivered her on the bed.
" I'm fine mom. See. " She answered her while raising her arms.

She kissed her forehead once and left saying, " Take rest, I'll send food in a while. "

While mom took care to not cry before her, ashu couldn't, she cried while holding her bhabhi's hand. She would've hugged her if I hadn't stopped her.
" Bhai is so stupid bhabhi. He couldn't even take care of you. You should be with me. I'll always protect you. " I never knew my sister could be my biggest rival. She was hiccuping as she said this, the audacity of this girl to poach my wife before me.
" Ashu I think your bhai did his best. And I can't be with you. I'm already his. " My little sun was smiling so happily that I almost forgot what my little imp of a sister said.
Keyword- almost.

" Ashu I think you leave before I kick you out. "
" You're too harsh bhai. What if you scare bhabhi. Bhabhi let's leave his room, he's bipolar. " The last sentence was aimed at my wife, she really wants to steal her from me.

" Ashu you really should leave. I have someone to talk to your bhai. "
" Oh okay, but only because you told me. " And she was out, " Is something wrong? "
I asked her and started fidgeting, " I.. I..um .. "
"Is everything okay princess? " I've never seen her this hesitant to say anything. She still wasn't speaking. "
Do you need something? "
" I want to bathe. " She murmured almost in her mouth, I would have heard her if I wasn't so close to her.

" Okay princess. Let me get the shower ready. " And I left for the bathroom.
Adding the soap and water to the bathtub, I arranged it and went outside to get her.
I lifted her up and deposited her on the counter in the bathroom. She stopped me just as I raised my hand to unbutton her shirt.
" What's wrong princess? We need to get your clothes off. "

" I can do it. You should leave. "
That's when I got it, the reason for her fidgeting and nervousness, she was shy, " You can't princess, you're injured. Don't worry I'll close my eyes. " She wasn't convinced I could see that but that wasn't the reason for my words, " And moreover even if I don't, I'll see everything someday. So why not today. "
" You... " The blush I was trying to find crept up on her face in an instant.

" Don't worry princess. I might be hungry but I won't eat you." I stopped for a while before I continued, " Atleast not now. "

Before she could protest any further I unbuttoned her first button, " Don't move princess. I'll hurt you. It's already difficult enough. "

And it was right, I was hard even though she was fully clothed, I don't know what'll happen if she's not.
All I knew was the next few days are gonna be torture. Sweet but torture it is.

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