A Court of shadows and love

By LJ_McLean

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"Do you think you can stop me shadow singer?" Xander asked in an eerie voice as his eyes glowed. Xander's bod... More



81 8 0
By LJ_McLean

The sun was up in the sky when Xander finally woke up. Azriel's hand was still around his waist. Caging his back to his chest. Xander tried not to move very much. He knew Azriel has to talk with Lucien this afternoon before going to the autumn court to gather information. Azriel needed some form of peace. At least physically.

You're my first priority minxie.
You're my first priority too.

Those words. Those damn fucking words echoed in his ears like the beat of a war drum. Clanging against his skull refusing to get out. But Xander willed them to move out. He breathed in deeply and turned around.
Facing his mate's beautiful face. There was no worry lining his face, no duty, no weight of his court were forcing him down. He looked peaceful. Odd pieces of hair sticking out and falling into his eyes. His shadows swaying slowly as if they too were just waking up. He wanted him like this. Always peaceful.

"Good morning," Azriel's voice was deep and hoarse. More so than usual. His eyes fluttered open. The morning sun making his eyes shine like heated honey.
"Good morning."
"Have you been awake for long?"
"No, not long."

Azriel leaned down and brushed his nose against Xander's. The small act making his stomach flutter and his heart swell in happiness. Xander sighed as Azriel pulled him close to his body. His eyes were closed and his hand running up and down his side. Xander wondered what was going on in his mate's head. He knew Azriel would tell him when he was ready.

After a few moments of laying silently Azriel and Xander set on with their morning routine. It was like they were stepping on sinking stones. One miss step and they would sink to the bottom of the sea.

"Do you want me to join Feyre and you in today's lesson?" Xander asked him as they both pulled on the straps of their Illyrian leathers. Xander fumbled with the straps of his dual daggers. Azriel kneeled down in front of him and fastened the straps.
"No I have some special lesson plan for you," Azriel told him still on his knees. Before Xander could ask him what was this special lesson plan , Azriel stood up and pressed his lips against Xander's.
"Come on Amren is ready for you," before he could blink shadows swarmed around them both. Xander blinked his eyes and adjusted to the harsh light on the roof top of house of the wind.

Uh oh.
Was the only thing Xander could think after seeing the scene in front of him. Cassian had a smug grin on his face. While Nesta looked like she would be anywhere but here. Feyre stood there awkwardly looking between Nesta and Cassian.

"I need to start our lesson early," Azriel said with a small smile on his face looking between his siblings and him. Xander's jaw fell open. He could not believe him.
"Right. No problem at all," Feyre said nodding her head.
Are you kidding me?
Xander's shadow attacked Azriel the moment he realised what was going on here. Azriel's laughter boomed down the bond.
You better make it upto me.
Will me on my knees be sufficient?
Before Xander could send his shadows back Azriel shot up into the sky. Xander looked before him to see Nesta and Cassian ready to pounce.
"Mother save me," Xander groaned under his breath.

Mother save him indeed. Practising with Amren was as wonderful as he thought. He was being pulled apart inch by inch. Surprisingly Amren and Nesta weren't bickering. They just avoided talking altogether except the essential.

Yes, my love. 
Came the instant reply from his mate.
How is the flying class going?
Xander snorted, based on the laughter echoing in his ears Azriel heard it.
I am pretty sure it was going better than here.
Is Amren and Nesta going at it?
Surprisingly no. But I think Amren has decided to rip me apart. I think she took my threat straight to her heart.
It's Amren minxie, she is as old as they come. And If she wanted to torture you she would do it directly. She is just thinking about preparing you as best as she can.
I know.
"Stop flirting with your mate," Amren growled.
The shadows went silent. It was like Azriel knew Amren was chastising them.

"Now mend it," Amren pointed towards the broken pieces of what would have been necklace if put together.
"What is it?"
"An object," Amren sounded almost bored.
"I can see that. What is that?" Xander pressed.
"It is a necklace imbued with dark magic to keep the creatures of nightmares at bay," Xander nodded his head. And closed his eyes. He searched inside himself. In the vast never ending sea of his power he searched for that single piece that felt the most compatible with necklace.
And there it was.
Singing a familiar tune only he could hear and understand. Xander hummed for it. And the power slid into him. He opened his eyes and he could feel his eyes burning bright gold. Burning through dark and mist. He opened his palm. And golden tendrils slithered down his slender fingers. Writhing and circling the necklace like a wraith waiting to pounce on its prey.

And then he started it. After finding the main piece of the jewellery where the magic was laden  Xander willed his power to slither into the nooks of it. And then he heard it.
The song of nightmares and despair, trapped inside that central gold piece. So beautiful and broken. He swallowed hard as he mended the pieces of nightmare together.
The image of the woman with iron clad armour, charging on the back of an white pegasus flashed in front of his eyes. In the centre of her chest sat the the necklace. Xander gasped as his power slithered back into him. He looked up to find both Nesta and Amren looking at him.
"What? Are they still gold?" He asked them. Referring to his eyes. Amren shook her head her hair swaying back and forth. Xander reached forward and grasped the necklace in his hands and the singing stopped.
"Thank gods," he breathed. The edges of the necklace prickled his palm as he grasped it tight in his hand.
"Did you hear it?" He asked them both. His eyes darting between his sister and Amren.
"What?" Nesta asked at the same time Amren raised her eye brows.
"Never mind," Xander stood up from his seat, the necklace still clutched in his arms, "I think that's enough for today."
He didn't wait for Amren to reply he sped walked outside the house and breathed in deeply. The agonised melody still echoing in his ears. He blew out a heavy breath and did the only thing he thought about. He tugged on the mating bond.

Is everything all right minxie?
Every thing's fine. Is the flying lesson over?
We are wrapping up.
I want to go.
I will be there.

A cool breeze washed over him. And along with it came the scent of night chilled mist and cedar. He turned around and let his shadow encircle them both.
"Let's go," and Azriel launched them into the sky to town house. Specifically the room where the grand black piano was.
Xander placed the necklace on the perch and took a seat on the bench. His hands hovered over the keys as the necklace started its song again.
"Shhhh" Xander cut him off as his fingers started gliding over the keys of the piano. And then the music flowed. Not as agonising as it was. But it still burned the back of his throat with tears.
"Did you recognise it?" He asked Azriel. He smoothened his hand over on the necklace. It seemed that necklace found solace in his hands. It stopped its song when it was in his grip.
"No I don't," Azriel told him but his voice, "but it was mournful."
"Wrenching in pain," Xander completed his thought.
"Where did you find it?"
"Amren," Xander told Azriel. Azriel raised his eyebrows. Because everyone knew Amren likes her jewels. "It was broken. She told me to mend it. And I did. Now it feels like we are connected somehow."
"I think I need to have a word with Amren," Azriel grumbled his lips set in a straight line. Xander took his hand in his and Azriel looked at him.
"Amren just told me mend it Az. It was broken. And so I did. She may not know what this is," Xander smoothed oit his mate's boiling anger towards the tiny ancient one.
"Still she should not have played with things she doesn't know."
"Oh she said this is filled dark magic to keep the creatures of nightmare at bay," Xander held up the necklace for both of them to see.. The gold piece shined in the afternoon light.
"I will ask around," Azriel sighed and pulled him closer.

"Are you going to talk to Lucien?" Xander asked Azriel.
Azriel has shredded his leathers because of the summer heat. Even the magical cold air Xander managed to create couldn't cool him down. He was hot like a furnace.
"Soon," Azriel mumbled as he chewed down on the food.
"Be careful," Xander said absent mindedly, pushing the food around his plate.
"Of your sister's mate?" Azriel arched his eyebrow.
"Not him," Xander huffed, tossing a pea towards him, Azriel caught it with his mouth. Xander's lip twitched up, "when you leave to gather information on the high lords. Be careful then."
"I have been doing that for quite a long time, minx."
"I know..." Xander trailed off. Groaning in frustration, "I hate it when you have to leave for a long time. I don't like it when I can't feel you near me."
Azriel smiled sadly, "I know."
He knew exact how he feels. It was after all a two side thought. Two sides of a same coin.
"I will keep the bond open, sweetheart," Azriel kissed his nose.

Azriel said his goodbye to Xander. However reluctant it may be. Xander's heart stuttered in his  chest as he thought about what he was going to do. But they all have their duties. Whether they like it or not they have to do it.

A vociferous silence filled the void as Xander slithered into his sister's brain.
It was weak. As strong as a body of new born trembling fawn taking its first steps.  He couldn't leave her like that. With an unknown person staying in the vicinity of her, he could not in his good conscience leave her like this. Even with Nesta standing guard over her like a hell hound he just couldn't. She was his twin sister. He has to. And so Xander started building.
Roots as thick as thick as that of ancient trees started taking root deep into Elain's mind. Xander started weaving and growing. And then came stems intertwining with each other and sealing everything out including air from slithering in. Then came the thorns that could pierce through any monsters that dared to come near his sister.
He would  never fail. Not again. Not ever again.
He would not fail.
The wall of thorns and stems stood tall and proud as Xander left his sister's mind. But something inside of her sang for him. To take it and weave it. And so Xander started humming for it.
And there it was the glowing part beckoning him. Begging him.
Xander's fingers hovered over it and he scooped it up into his palms.

It was him.
But not.
He was like the air and rain and shadow and sunlight.
Each form interwoven with each other, he started walking through the dark corridors. He didn't know where he was going but his legs seemed to know it. And he trusted them. There was an insistent tugging inside his gut and a feeling of enlivenment that was increasing with each stone he was crossing.
"Please give me a minute alone," he heard his own voice. He stopped in his tracks and waited with a bated breath.
His sister started saying something but she was interrupted, "Trust him Cursebreaker."
A female voice filled with starlight and ire affirmed her.
A minute later his sister and Cassian stepped out into the hallway.
"What do you think he is doing?" His sister asked Cassian.
"I don't know," Cassian rubbed his jaw, looking back towards the cell door as if he was contemplating on dragging back, "but whatever the Carver's is going to say will make him question everything."
Xander passed through them like he was made of mist and air and slithered into the stone wall which screamed and clawed at him.
And he saw it.
Saw him.
A flash of red hair was the last thing he saw before he was thrusted out.

Xander stumbled through the doors of Townhouse right on time to see his sister, her mate and Cassian holding hands.
They all stopped what they were doing and looked at him. His sister's eyes trailed him up and down taking in the sword that was strapped along his spine and two daggers sheathed on his thighs. There was magic that was brimming under his skin begging to be released. But Xander hummed and coerced them into sleep.
"No," said Feyre catching on what he was doing here, "you are not coming with—"
"What?" Cassian looked at him eyes wide.
"Yes I am coming with you," Feyre opened her mouth to decline him, but Xander beat her to it, "please Feyre I promise you will understand it later. Don't fight me on this please."
She whirled around to face her mate and snarled, "Tell he can't."
Rhys looked at Xander and held his eye. Seeing nothing but determination and iron will in them Rhys looked back at his sister.
"I can't tell him to do anything Feyre, as I can't say what you can and can't do," that made her silent.
Xander stepped forward and grasped Cassian hand refusing to look at anyone. He closed his eyes and gripped the mating bond inside of him. After a firm caress he shut it down. He opened his eyes and Rhys' eyes widening. Knowing that Azriel was demanding into his mind to know what Xander was doing. Before Rhys could do anything darkness swallowed them all.

The chill hit him even before he opened his eyes. And then mist covered mountain pierced by many silver steams started humming for him. He didn't listen to whatever Rhys was warning them about.
He was shaking. Even under the Illyrian leathers the chill crept up to his bones and rattled them. Xander loosened a breath and watched as it misted right before his eyes.
"Azriel is demanding to know what I am doing with his mate."
Xander slowly turned around to see all three of them looking at him.
"I will take care of Azriel," Xander said and turned around again surveilling the misted mountains and the prison built underneath it, "when I get back home. Tell him not to fuss."
Rhys raised his eyebrows and Xander looked down.
"Trust me."
And they started their ascent.
Xander felt his steps weighed down. Not because of exhaustion.
It was the insistent tugging coming from his pocket that weighed him down.
Something inside of that horrible prison rejoiced at his mere presence. Something ancient and far more older than any stone this world has seen.
And right about now coming here seemed like a very bad idea. But there is no going back now.

The air was stale.
It was not the plants giving air inside the prison, it felt like it was being provided by rotten skull and bone. Xander was huddled between his sister and Cassian. Each gripping his hand like their life depended on it.
A silent agreement passed between Feyre and Cass. To hurl him out at first sign of distress. He wasn't going to go silently. And they started walking.
Each and every single stone was humming with magic. It could last a life time if he started siphoning them. Each more horrible than the last stone they passed.

Xander couldn't concentrate on whatever his sister and Cassian was talking about. The humming he felt outside now felt like an orchestra. Slipping past each crevices of the stone. It filled his head up to the point where he started feeling giddy. And then he heard it.
Like a thunder crashing into the land in silent a night. A single note of a string plucking in the dead silence.
Xander stopped in his tracts.
"Did you hear that?" He breathed his question. Afraid to break the silence.
Feyre and Cassian stooped in their tracks.
"Whatever you heard it was the prison playing tricks on you," Cassian said his grip tightening on Xander's hand, "let's keep moving."
Xander started walking along, but something back there felt happiness as if seeing a long lost friend and entering into his embrace.
Xander forced his eyes to look forward as they came to a stop outside of a cell door.
Feyre placed her hand on the cell door and the white door made up of bones swung away.
"Worth the misery of being Rhys's mate," Cassian quipped.
A chuckle came and all the colour from his golden face leeched away.
Cassian and Feyre stepped inside and Xander followed suit.

Xander didn't know what he expected but definitely not this. He expected something more monstery.
Definitely not a woman.
Her flaming red hair tumbled in waves on her back and blinding smile bordered by dark red lips greeted her. Arched ears of fae and brilliant amber eyes caught his eyes as he examined the female before him.
There was a scar on her chest. And that made his heart tumble in its wake.
An eight pointed star was etched on her skin. And it seemed to glow with power. And Xander's body answered back its call. As if calling it's own kin.
He wasn't attuned to whatever his sister and the Carver was talking. His ears were roaring as his blood rushed with magic that wasn't his own. But it was.

"And what did you bring from the cauldron, Xander Archeron?"
Bring, not take.
He brought something from the cauldron, Nesta took something while he  brought something.
"What is the difference anyway?" He asked the female, the Carver.
She chuckled.
"Oh there are many," she looked at Xander, amused by everything, amber eyes shining with mirth she said, "power, journey, loyalty, anger," she raised her eyebrows and smiled, "and the direction at which it was directed."
"War is upon us," his sister cut in before Xander could start arguing with the Carver.
Even throughout his story telling the Carver's eyes slithered Xander up and down. His back prickled at the sensation of whatever the Carver was doing.
Something about the siblings Carver mentioned didn't set right with Xander. And neither did the Carver's demand of the mirror.
"Please give me a minute alone," he said to his sister. His eyes staying fixed on the female before him.
"Trust him Cursebreaker," the Carver said just like he anticipated.
A hard wall of air engulfed them both as his sister and Cassian left them alone. Disagreement hung between them like a full moon.
"Do you want to talk Xander Archeron?"
"Do you want a bone?" Xander raised his eyebrows.
Tinkling laughter filled the hard space. With a feline grace the female started walking around him.
"Trust me, Prince, I don't need a bone to talk with you," she said and stood right before him.
Xander stiffened at the use of the name. And the sniffing of the female didn't help him either.
"I can smell it on you," the Carver smiled, "how delicious it smells."
She smacked her lips.
"Why do you call me Prince?" He asked instead. It was the second person who was calling him that.
The Suriel and now the Carver.
"Ancient beings know more than any humans. You will soon understand," the Carver said. Xander looked down at the female standing before him. Quite close he might add. His eyes drifted to the star shaped scar on her chest.
"What does that star mean?"
"Wondering about the relationship," the Carver chuckled, "I do not know."
"Do you know anything useful?" Xander said coolly.
"Why don't you show me what you came here to show me?" The female walked back and leaned back on the wall.
Xander fished the golden necklace out of his pocket and chucked it towards the Carver. She smiled wildly as she caught in her hands.
"Hmm," she hummed as she fondled it in her hands.
"What is this?" Xander asked her. The humming was back and it seemed to intensify in here.
"Something that will help you and ground you. Even save you if used correctly," she said and continued to examine the necklace.
"And how to use it properly?"
"What is the fun if I tell you everything, Prince?"
She grasped the clasp of the necklace on the back and broke it in two. Xander flinched as the force of the magic hit him and entered his bones. They started humming as if recognising him.
"What are you doing?" He asked the carver. She didn't look up from the necklace as she answered him, "Remodelling. It is not proper for a male to wear a necklace, is it?"
Indeed the Carver was remodelling. The gold started to melt and fumes raised from her hands.  And she stood there unflinching. Xander watched mesmerised as the necklace melted into a puddle of gold and started to weave into a thin thread of gold. Carver's palm was full of gold chain when she completed it. And the thread flew towards him.
Xander flinched back a step as the thread winded around his right forearm and spiralled towards his fingers and hooked around his forefinger. It slithered like a serpent till it settled on his hand.
Xander was breathing heavy as he raised his hand to examine it.
The golden thread was stark contrast against his black leathers and Xander marvelled as his power sang in resonance with the thread and weaved along side with it.
Xander turned around to leave when the Carver said, "Remember to close the door Prince. And a word of advice, don't venture into the prison alone. Greedy souls fill this place. Greedy enough to take everything."
Xander left the cell and air woodshed beyond him. The chuckling of Carver was the last thing he heard.
"Let's get out of here," he said the minute he stepped out of the door. Feyre grasped his hands and fingers grazed the golden thread.
"What is —"
"Not here," he cut her off and tugged her forward.
Xander felt the burden on his shoulders as he exited the prison. The insistent tugging and humming begging him to come back inside.
Not now.
He has a mate to manage back home.

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