30 Days To Find Love || Diece...

By BlxckWidxw_VLover

6.2K 508 389

"Isn't there anything that I can do BESIDES going to the Underworld and to my sure death? " I asked. "Actual... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
New Book
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 {Part 1}
Chapter 9 {Part 2}
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 {Filler}
Chapter 15
Important A/N
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 11

155 20 23
By BlxckWidxw_VLover

(Fran's clothes in media)

~~~~ Last Time On '30 Days To Find Love' ~~~~

"I have a question. " I nodded for her to continue. "What happened to Luca and Onna? Why do they hate each other so much? " She asked while taking a seat on Vilu's bed.

"Where do I even start? " I said, flopping down on my bed as well. "Well, here's the thing. Ever since Dad died, and ever since Mom married married Onna's Dad, Luca has always hated Onna and her Dad. You know how Onna is a big stuck-up, right? " She nodded.

"Well, Onna has always beaten Luca at everything. Step by step, Luca started hating Onna even more, if that's even possible. Onna keeps trying to know why Luca hates her so much, but never got lucky. So she just gave up. " I explained.

"You're kidding me, right? " I shook my head no. "That's ridiculous. Who gets mad at someone for such a silly thing? "

I shrugged. "I don't know. Well you need to get to your school and I need to get to work. " She nodded as we both changed our outfits and got out of the house.


I took the newspaper and started reading it. "Suspect in custody for string of violence robberies... " As I saw the pictire, my jaw dropped to the floor. "On my god! "

"Yup. It's that crazy guy who was in here last week. "

"... Napoleon Ferro. "


I sighted. "How can I? I'm waiting to die and he's just sitting there... "

"... In jail... " Maxi continued for me.

"Yes, maybe in jail. But even though I'm condemned to die... He didn't technically kill anyone. Meaning his sentence can't be that long. He'll get a second choice to live his life. " I explained.

"That's right. " León said. "He's already making plans for what he's going to do when he gets out. "

"You can't know that. " Maxi said.

"Wanna bet on it? " León said, smirking.

"Everyone dies in the end, Francesca. " Maxi said, ignoring León's comment.

"I-I'm not ready. " I stuttered a little bit.

"Taken before her time. It's a classic story. " León said. "Of course, it might not be a classic story if it weren't for the other people. The people who end it early. Do you think he'll get out early on parole? "

"I need to see him. " I said. "I can't stan the thought of him, but I need to him to talk to me. "

"Are you serious? " Maxi said, crossing his arms.

"Yes. " I simply answered.


Francesca POV
----/ 21 Days 'Till Amor Aeternus \----

I woke up the next day and went to my bathroom, did the usual routine of mine and changed my clothes, getting ready for today. I sat on the bed, putting my hands on my forehead, messaging it.

How am I supposed to do this? You can't just show up at a police station and ask to see a suspect. I'll need some kind of story, something that'll get me in...


I'll pretend I'm his wife!

Why tue hell not? I think wives have visitation rights...

Hmmm... I wonder if my clothes are good enough to sound like they belong to his wife.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good enough so that a police officer would believe it. Oh well, better put on my game face.


"Excuse me. I'm here to see Napoleon Ferro. " I said to a police officer.

"Name? "

"Mandy Ferro. " That was good.

He picked up a piece of paper. "You're not on the list. In fact, no one's on the list. " He said. "Visitors for this suspect aren't currently being admitted. " He added.

I sighte. "Please I have to see him. I'm his wife. "

He shook his head. "Wife or not, you can't get in until they clear him for visitors. So as you're not a lawyer or a cop, you can't see him. I'm sorry. "


"But I'm pregnant! " I exclaimed.

Wow were did that come from?

He rose his eyebrow. "You're pregnant and you're dressed like this? "

I rode my eyebrows at him. "I'm one week pregnant. I'm gonna wear stuff like this until my tummy grows. Got a problem with that? " I seriously need to shut up.

"Anyway... " He trailed. "So what if you're pregnant? "

"He doesn't know yet. I need to tell him. "

"You can call him over the phone. " He answered, shrugging.

I rose my eyebrows at him. "Would you propose to someone over the phone or with a note? " I asked, crossing my arms.

"No. "

"That's not how you tell someone you're pregnant either! " I exclaimed.

He picked up another piece of paper. "Well, that's funny. "

"What is? "

"He doesn't have a spout listed. " He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I started laughing nervously. "Oh, that is funny! Must be some kind of error. " He gave a look. I sighted. "Fine! We're not technically married. But that's only because we never bothered with a marriage license. "

You know I'm such an amazing liar. Like Napoleon and I will make a cute couple.


We're not, right?

"We got married spur of the moment on a road trip out in the desert. " I explained.

"You never bothered to get a marriage license... " He said as I nodded. "Sure... " He sarcastically said.

I crossed my arms. "We're very nontraditional! " I defended. "...As you can tell by what Napoleon has been up to. " I said, trying to put on a disappointed face.

"I'm going to spare you a talk about what lying to an officer of the law can get you. " He replied, slightly angry. "Instead I'm just going to repeat this: You're not getting on to see him. Not yet, at least. " He stared at me. "In your case, possibly not ever. " I gave him a death glare. "Have a safe day. " He said, flashing me a fake smile.

I groaned, stepping out of the police statuon, getting back home.


Well, that wasn't humiliating at all!

But... I can't give up on this. I'm going to need help in helping him.

I need someone smart... Someone I can trust.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number.

"Hey _____, are you busy tomorrow? I need to ask you a big favor. Something a little strange. "


Yooo!! ✌️

Who do you think Fran called this time?
Comment & Vote!!

See you next time!!

~Nour 💫

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