Minho x Reader

By fofohenny

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You are heading off to your junior year of high school when you decided to apply to an international school n... More

Chapter one: Going to K.I.S.S!
Chapter 2: The party
Chapter 3: First day of class
Chapter 4: A nice quiet dinner
Chapter 6: The date that never happened
Chapter 7: Feelings?
Chapter 8: Confronts
Chapter 9: Getting ready
Chapter 10: A break between two "friends"
Chapter 11: Chuseok
Chapter 12: Cooking & Confusion
Chapter 13: Jealousy jealousy
Chapter 14: A visit to the friend who holds therapy sessions
Chapter 15: Heartbreak
Chapter 16: The cafeteria fight
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: A mischievous plan
Chapter 19: Explanations
Chapter 20: Trying to let go
Chapter 21: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.1)
Chapter 22: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.2)
Chapter 23: Shocking News
Chapter 24: Struggles
Chapter 25: Sneaky
Chapter 26: Taken again ❤️
Chapter 27: Beef

Chapter 5: Hiking!

581 16 54
By fofohenny

"You sure you don't like Min Ho?" Mae teased as we were getting ready for bed.

"Trust me, he's a dummy and not my type."

"You seem to always be with him though."

"He's my Korean tutor, since I suck at the language."


"Now stop bothering me, I need my beauty sleep."

"You want to be dreaming about Min Ho.. lol."

"Stop it Mae!"

"Night roomie."


Min Ho and I weren't always together, were we? I have to start distancing myself from him. He's supposed to be just a stranger. Okay, maximum a friend. Tomorrow I'm going to find a guy.

*The next morning*

I yawned as I got up. It's so early still and I just want to go back to sleep.

"Y/N it's the weekend so do you want to go hiking with me?" Mae asked.

"Hmm, okay."


"What should I wear though?"

"Probably a sweater, and maybe some leggings or sweatpants."

"Ok, this outfit will do I guess."

"Looking gorgeous Y/N!"

"Thanks Mae, loving your sweater!"

We set off to go meet where Q was holding his hiking club.

"Have you been in his club since grade 9?" I asked Mae.

"Yep, I'm a big outdoors person and Q is a very chill person so it's fun."

"Plus, there's cute guys there!"


"Yep!" "Y/N, I'll introduce you to someone..."


"You'll see."

We continued walking until we made it. Kitty was also there!


"Y/N!" "It's so nice to see you here!" "Wait a second I gotta talk to Dae."

I nodded as she walked to him.

"So, who's the guy you said that's cute?"

"Definitely not Min Ho if your wondering."


She grabbed my arm and we both walked to a cute boy with brown curly hair and green eyes. He actually looks hot.

"Noah I want to introduce you to someone." "This is Y/N!" She said as she introduced me to him.

"Why hello there." He said with a smile on his face.

I decided to smile back. After all he seems like a sweet person.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Right, I'll leave you guys here, I'm going to talk to Yuri!" Mae said as she walked away.

"Alright who's ready for a hike?" Said a VERY familiar voice, Min Ho.

"Min Ho, what are you doing here?" Wondered Q.

"What?" "Can't hang out with my best friends?"

I watched as Madison decided to go up to Min Ho and started talking to him. I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit jealous.

"So, this your first time here?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, my first year at K.I.S.S!"


"Just to let you know Y/N, your really pretty." Noah complimented.

"Awh thanks!" "You don't look so bad yourself."

"Everyone please come in closer!" Q instructed.

"Welcome to hiking club, I'm so glad that I see many familiar faces and some new faces!" He said as he looked at me and smiled.

I nodded happily.

"Here are some rules: First of all, please talk about hiking! Second of all work hard and lastly, stay safe!" "Now let's start hiking!"

I decided to walk with Noah since Kitty was busy with Dae and Mae was busy with Yuri. Hmm I just noticed, Dae and Mae rhyme. Hilarious.

"Do you like the outdoors?" Questioned Noah.

"It's alright, I'm mostly here to get fresh air and to accompany my friends." I answered honestly.

I couldn't help but look at Min Ho and I noticed that he was already staring back. It looked like he was upset. Why is he mad? I turned around quickly and continued chatting with Noah. He's really into nature and outdoors which I think is really cool.

"Ew worms worms!" Screamed Yuri as she tried to get them off of her.

"This is the nature embrace it!" Q answered.

I turned to look at Noah but he wasn't there anymore. Where did he go? I glanced around and he was talking with Q. Oh, our two nature lovers. Haha.

"Hey." Min Ho said as he caught up next to me.

"Why are you here?"

"To escape from Madison." He whispered.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"It's not funny!"

"It is too."

"Why were you talking to Noah just now?"

"Why can't I?" "Who are you to judge?" I scoffed.

"You don't have to get so defensive about it Y/N."

"Your right, I should just leave and talk to someone less annoying." I turned to walk away but he quickly pulled me close to him.

"Woah." I whispered.

"Walk with me." "Please?"

I groaned cause I knew he was just using me to escape away from Madison.

"Fine, poopy baby."

He groaned and started to fix his hair.

"You saw that meme too?"

"Yeah, it was pretty funny actually."

"It's not!" "That was ages ago, when my parents actually hung out with me."

"Your dad was only with you to probably get money to be honest." 

"True." "He hasn't talked to me in years."

"Do you miss him?" I asked.

"Sometimes, but I try to put it on the back of my head because he doesn't deserve me."

"Great mindset Min Ho."

He smirked at me.

"Min Ho!" "There you are!" Madison said while trying to give him a hug.

That's a little try hard.

I watched as Min Ho slowly pushed her away and couldn't help but laugh. I was observing Min Ho trying to run away from Madison and it was quite a scene! Finally, he ran next to me and hid behind me.

"Dude, you think she can't see you?"

"If you start talking to me more maybe I wouldn't have to hide!"

"I was talking!"

"Clearly not enough." Min Ho muttered.

"Well what do you want me to say?"

"How hot I am."

"Get over yourself."

"Y/N!" "Where did you go?" Noah asked.

"What do you mean where did I go?" "Your the one who left!"

"Right, sorry Y/N."

"It's okay, come walk with me." I said as I pushed Min Ho away.

"I was here first." Min Ho told Noah coldly.

"Well Y/N wants to talk to me, right?"

"Yeah actually I want to, Noah let's go to the front of the group." I gestured. He grabbed my hand and walked to the front, leaving Min Ho sulking behind with Madison.

I don't care what Min Ho and Madison ends up doing. For all I care, they can kiss and hug however they want, it's none of my business.

When we finally made it to the front, Noah turned to me and his cheeks turned pink before he said:

"Y/N, will you go on a date with me?" Noah asked shyly.

First time meeting him and already got a date secured? Great job Y/N! I didn't know I had this much success in the dating world.

"Of course!"

Finally I get to work on my own love life now!

By the end of the hiking trip, Noah and I exchanged numbers and our date would be next weekend! I'm super excited as I've only been on 2 dates before. (Something like that.)

"See you later cutie." Noah said in front of Min Ho and I whole giving me a wink.

"Later Noah!" I said in a sweet tone.

"What's happening between you two?" Min Ho asked curiously.

"Last time I checked, none of your business."

"Don't be like that Y/N."

"Like what?" "Why should I tell you about my love life?" "Why do you care?"

He looked at me with a glare before walking away angrily. That's what it seemed like. He literally ignored Q and Dae.

What's happening to him?

Min Ho's perspective:

She's right. Why do I care? I don't like her or anything. She's annoying, mean and boring. Why would I care? I'm not going to talk to her anymore. Since she's always with that Noah guy. He's not even that cool. She'll realize one day.

With nothing to do for the rest of the day, I decided to join in with Q and his friends to watch a new movie. We were watching a movie my mother starred in. I started telling them all the dirt like an actor who took him 20 takes to make one scene and another guy who was so annoying my mother couldn't wait to stab him in the finale.

They all got upset since I spoiled the film but okay, big deal. It was just a silly film. Q nudged me when Florian said that he was leaving.

"What?" I said as I groaned in pain.

"Q, maybe just me and you next time?" Florian asked him.

I could see Q smiling before agreeing. I feel like somethings going on between them.

After Florian left, everyone else left as well since well, I "ruined the film" for them. Honestly I was really them a favour.

"Q!" I shouted.

"What?" "I have to study so I'll just head to my dorm ok?"

Great! Who am I supposed to talk with? I decided to go on my phone, hoping my mother was online but she wasn't. I heard a click, Dae finally came back! I was still annoyed at him for telling me to mind my own business when I was just looking out for him during hiking.

"당신 여기." (You're here in Korean)

I decided to ignore him for now, after all he didn't like my help. Let's continue looking at my phone.

"오늘 하루 어땠나요?" (How's your day? He asked.)

"It sucked." I answered angrily as I closed my phone.

"형편없었어." I answered the same thing in English.

*Rest of the conversation is in Korean*

"What happened earlier, I'm sorry." Dae said.

"Things are crazy these days." He continued.

"I know, that's why I'm trying to help you." I replied.

"Why are you keeping secrets from me?" I asked. "You didn't tell me you were dating Yuri all summer and also why did you tell Kitty about Poopy baby?" "Are you really my friend?"

"I'm such garbage."

"Well, at least you know that."

"Overwatch?" He asked me.

"Fine." "Let's order hot wings first and do face masks."

"You place the order!" We both said.

Just then, Kitty walked in and asked if Q's here.

"Yeah, he's in his dorm." Dae answered.

I noticed the way Dae looked at her. He must still have feeling for her.

"Hey, you still have feelings for her, right?"

Dae looked at me and nodded.

"If I can be honest, I saw something today." "On the internet." "Randomly!" "By accident!" I said all at once.

I decided to show Dae.

It was a video of Kitty's roommate who was recording her while she was sleeping.

"Kitty you should try to switch dorms!" Dae said.

"I tried, but they're no more available dorms!"

"You could go live in a hotel, my driver could drive you right now." I said.

"I can't afford an entire semester."

"I'm sure Dae can hook you up with a discount at Han Hotels." I pressed.

"Shut up Min Ho." Kitty talked back.

"Alright, just trying to help."

"Okay I have an idea." "Kitty should live here." Q said.

"With who, Dae?" I asked.

"No!" Dae and Kitty said at the exact same time.

"Okay, just listen to me for a second, I'll switch rooms with Dae and bunk with Kitty while you bunk with Dae."

We all nodded since that was the best solution.

Chapter five ✅

Please interact with my chapters!!!! I hope more people can read this and let me know what you think!
I'll take any suggestions!

Xoxo, ~FofoHenny <3

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