If you let me

By yagirlllay11

113K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six

forty seven

1.5K 53 7
By yagirlllay11

Los Angeles, California
Four weeks later


I unlocked Jade's condo door with my key. Closing and locking it behind me I began to walk upstairs to her bedroom. She was laying in bed eating ice cream.

She looked up at me "Hey."

"Hey." I said taking my hoodie off and throwing it on the bed along with my keys

"What's up with you?" I asked

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you just come back from New York? You didn't call and let me know you were even down here. I had to find out from your sister."

"I was going to let you know, India. You're overreacting."

"I'm overreacting? Jade you've been acting weird since I told you about me taking the contract. You said you want me to follow my dreams and do what I want-

"Because I do," she cut me off

"Then act like it. Because right now it's giving you're pretending to be happy for me. I support you whenever you leave LA for different choreography jobs, why can't you do the same for me babe?"

"Because I know that I'm coming back to be with you! Your leaving and going to be in a different most of the time. We just got together and now we have to do long distance? That's not what I expected."

"Then come with me. Let's move to DC."

"What? No, I can't just drop everything I have down here. I can't just up and leave and go move to DC. That's where your dream is not mine."

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair "You don't want to do long distance then what do you want to do?"

"I didn't expect to do long distance, I never said I didn't want to try. Don't switch my words around."

I glanced at her "Okay. Besides me leaving what else is on your mind? Because theirs no way that's why you dodge my calls the last few days. Did I do something else?"

"No india you didn't do anything. I've been just been thinking about things within myself that's all."

"Things like what?"

"Nothing." She said

"Jade come on."

"It's nothing India-

"I'm trying to talk and communicate with you but your just pushing me away-

"I want a baby." She said loudly cutting me off

I raised my eyebrow "W-what?"

"I want to have a baby." She said softly looking at me

But I didn't really have a answer or choice of words to say to her.

She sighed and got up "I figured you would pretty much act like this when I told you."

I followed her into the bathroom "Have a baby how? Last time I checked we were both women."

"Don't you think I know that, India?"

"Then explain to me how are you going to do this? A surrogate?"

Jade shook her head "I'm going to carry it. When I was in New York I went to get a doctors check up and-

"A doctors check up? You just ain't even try to see if this is what I want either?"

"I didn't think I had to. You said back on the trip that you would like to have kids."

"Yes Jade but I meant like a few years from now when I'm in my mid twenties. I turn twenty in a month. I'm not in the right position to even take care of a child."

"Well this is what I want. It's not like I'm going to have this baby and leave it on you to just take care of. I want to do this together."

"But honestly that's not what I want."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Yes. I thought you didn't want kids after what happened?"

"I've been thinking India. I'm only going to get older, I'll be thirty in four years and I just want to try one more time."

I sighed and shook my head "I get that but I'm just not ready."

"If you're not ready then what are we doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm planning on building a family and you saying you're not ready for that doesn't make sense for us to be together."


"No. You're right, you have dreams and things to accomplish before building a family. That's fine I get that but I'm having a baby whether you're ready or not."


She cut me off AGAIN "India I love you but please leave. I'll call you later or tomorrow. I don't know, I just want to be alone right now."

"Is that what you want?"

"Right now? Yes, I want to be alone."

I scoffed "Alright Jade."

I grabbed my keys off of the bed and walked out of her bedroom to go downstairs.

I left out of her condo and to my car before zooming off.


Morgan pov
10: 45 p.m.
Los Angeles, California

"They just started to get back on track with things." I said shaking my head

Jordyn and I was talking about India and Jade's situation.

Jade called Jordyn crying and India called me crying.

"I know. I think they just need some time to get their thoughts together."

"I don't know babe. Jade said she's having her baby whether India is around or not." I said

"I get that. I'm not saying their probably be together but if they love each other like they say they do then I'm sure they will get things figured out."

I nodded. They both can be petty as hell but they do care about each other.

I sipped my wine before placing my glass next to me. I laid my head on my on the little pillows we had out here.

We decided to have a little movie night again like I had did for her birthday. We had little snacks and food around us in the picnic basket.

"This is still one of my favorite movies." Jordyn said

We were having a rerun of old classic movies. We're currently watching Soul food.

"Teri got treated bad though. They did her dirty especially her husband."

"Yeah but the cousin was even more wrong babe. She took her in and she started flirting with him-

"Which he allowed." I added

She chuckled "Yes. Okay they both were wrong."

I chuckled "Nia long been fine her whole life."

Jordyn glanced up at me "Mhm."

"What? Babe chill out, you know I'm just stating the truth."

"Yeah you are."

I wrapped my arms around her waist as she laid her head on my chest with her body in my between my legs.

"I want to talk to you about something." Jordyn said sitting up

I paused the movie "Okay- wait I do too actually."

"You first." She said quickly making me raise my eyebrow

"What you nervous for?"

She shook her head and waved me off "Nothing."

I chuckled and moved my hand around the basket and grabbed a bag. I pulled out a folder and handed it to Jordyn.

She frowned immediately make me confused "You want a divorce? Baby please, I thought we were doing good-

I laughed cutting her off "Jordyn, baby I don't want a divorce. Just open up the folder."

She raised an eyebrow and opened up the folder. I watched as her eyes read the papers before she glanced up at me with tears in her eyes.

Tears of joy

"You're lying, Morgan. Don't play with me right now."

"I'm not playing. I know I be joking sometimes but I'm serious about this. I know I didn't want you to sign them the first but that was due to our personal issues at the moment."

She nodded

I locked her hand into mines "Every since you met Mia you've treated her like she's your blood. And I don't think that could make you two any closer. Thank you for loving my baby and I know in your heart and soul that she's yours but let's make it official."

Jordyn started bawling like a big baby

I chuckled and she pushed my shoulder "It's not funny. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to give me these. I didn't want to push after we got married because I know in my heart she's my child. And then I know you were surprising me with them but over unnamed reasons and problems that I caused I didn't get to sign them. But now! Babe give me that pen!" She said excitedly taking the pen out of my hand

I watched as she signed the papers before slipping them back in the folders. She handed them back to me.

I sat them to the side "I think this moment deserves a toast."

"Oh babe I-

I poured her a glass of wine and handed it to her

"You okay?" I asked

She nodded "Yeah uh... can you just go get my phone for me please?"

"Yeah sure. Where did you leave it?" I stood up

"Upstairs I believe in our room."

I gave her a lazy ass look "Upstairs? Babe." I groaned

She chuckled "I know I'm sorry."

"It's cool. I'll be back." I said walking from the backyard to inside the house

I walked throughout downstairs before going upstairs to our bedroom. I looked on the bed, dresser, the closet etc but I couldn't find it.

"I know I didn't come up here for nothing." I mumbled going into our connected bathroom

I sucked my teeth when I see her phone sitting on the counter. I walked over and grabbed it and stopped when I seen her empty Chanel perfume bottle.

The way she just got this and it's already it is crazy. I grabbed the bottle and tapped my foot on the mini trash can but soon stopped with my movements.

I tilted my head and bent down lower to the trash can before grabbing the opened pregnancy test box.

I hesitated for a second but eventually went ahead and pulled the torn wrapper and test out. I flipped it over in my hand and read the results.


"Damn." I mumbled as the thoughts ran through my mind

I put the test back in the box and into my pocket before back downstairs and into the backyard.

Jordyn sat there eating a chocolate covered strawberry but I peeped something.

"You found it?" She asked

I nodded "Yeah it was in the bathroom."

I handed it to her

"Thank you baby."

"Yeah no problem." I said

I pointed at the empty wine glass "I see you finish your drink without me."

She chuckled "Yeah."

I nodded my head slowly debating on if i should even mention the test or wait for her to tell me herself.

Forget I. I needed to know if we was having another baby.

"J..." I said making her look up at me

She knew I was serious because I rarely ever call her that.


I slowly pulled the box out of my pocket, making it visible for her to see now.

Her face dropped

"You're pregnant?" I asked

She sighed and nodded slowly


"When we're you going to tell me?" I asked cutting her off

"I don't know, soon. I just wasn't ready to tell you yet."

"Why? I'm your wife."

"I know I just-" she paused

"We literally just found out that you're having a baby with Miracle. I just wanted to wait until I get a little more further in before saying anything. It's not like I wasn't going to tell you at all, Morgan."

I sighed "How far are you?"

"A month." She said

I nodded giving her a small smile before pulling her into me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed on her neck softly.

"I love you. I love you so much. I'm sorry if you feel like I failed our marriage."

She frowned and turned to me "You failed? Why? Because you got Miracle pregnant?"

I nodded

Jordyn shook her head "No. Don't you dare so that."

"I can't help but feel like deep down you're upset with me."

"I'm not babe. Well at least not anymore. Neither one of us can change the past and you know that. All we can do is move forward and be the best parents we can be. If it makes you feel better I'll even have a sit down with Miracle,"

I immediately shook my head "No."

She raised a eyebrow "Why?"

"Honestly? She thinks you hate her and that if you see her you will probably slap the shit out of her."

Her eyes widened "What?! Why would I do that?"

"Babe, we had sex. She have a little guilt on her heart even though I told her you wouldn't do that to her. Hopefully not." I added the last part

She pushed my shoulder "I'm not going to hit her! She pregnant with your child at that. My future stepchild. I'm not going to put them in danger." She crossed her arms

"I can't believe you think that too."

"Well not as much as her. You just been so okay with this whole situation."

"Do you want me to be a bitch and walk around with a stank ass attitude?"

"Absolutely not."

"Okay then let me be a supportive and understanding wife."

I laid back on the pillow while she sat in my lap

"I can't believe I'm about to have four kids. I hope one of y'all have a boy. I don't know how many girls I can take in this house." I rubbed my temples playfully

Jordyn playfully rolled her eyes "A boy would be nice but I like our girl tribe."

"Yeah it's beautiful." I rubbed her thigh

"Mm-mm that's how we got in this situation now." She flicked my hand

"Whatever. You wasn't saying all that the other night when I was deep in that stomach."

Her jaw dropped before she squinted her eyes at me "Shut up."

I smirked "I'm just saying."

"Mhm keep on and watch you don't get any until this baby turns one."

"That's fine I'm not tripping because we all know you can't resist me."

"Oh really?" She raised an eyebrow

"I can't resist your beautiful ass either." I chuckled locking my hands into hers as she blushed

"I love you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for coming in my life, caring for me, loving me. Sometimes I feel like saying thank you isn't enough when it comes to you. And gifts isn't enough either. I Just hope me showing you everyday how much I appreciate you does it some justice." Jordyn chuckled, "I know we have a long road ahead of us with our marriage and our parenting but I'm ready. I'm ready to be the amazing parents we continue to be. I love seeing us grow in that department. And I know sometimes you feel bad about working and you doubt yourself but I know you, and I know that you're an a amazing mom. One of the main reasons that made me fall in love with you."

"Even more than the cuddling after sex?" I gasped dramatically holding my chest

She laughed "Yes more than that."

I laughed

"I adore you so much, Morgan." She said locking eyes with me

I kissed her hand "I adore you more, love. I fall more in love with you everyday. You're beautiful smile and dimples, your big beautiful brown eyes, you're beautiful body that I love admiring. Everything about you is beautiful baby."

I held my left hand on her waist "Thank YOU for everything. I love you."

Jordyn placed her hands on my stomach leaning down to kiss.

Our lips moved slowly and very sensual and I began to let my hands roam her body, mainly her ass.

I pulled back from the kiss and attached my lips on her neck giving it soft kisses.

"I love you." I mumbled gripping her ass

Jordyn let out a soft moan

I eventually got her on her back on the blanket


I cut her off "Let me make love to you tonight."

She nodded "I love you. Always."



I know y'all 😭

Thank you for all of the support on this book! Actually on all of my books! You guys are amazing for real. This honestly is my second favorite besides This Thing Called Life and the one I'm
Working on right now lol.

Comment yall favorite book by me, I lowkey wanna know lol.

P.s. :I went on my old account and seen A blessing is almost at 300k readers 😧 WTFF 🥹

Stay tuned for something special! Two new books on the way... sooner than you think.

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