thirty four

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Three days later
5:33 p.m.

"Fuck you! I hate you, Jody! I hate you!" Moans played out on the screen as baby boy showed

I turned my head at Miracle and she laughed


"Can't believe you got me watching baby boy,"

"This move is a classic!"

"Mhm. Dude was bum though."

"He was young, they both were. Cut him some slack."

"I guess." I shrugged

It's been a few days since I've been at Miracle place and I got to admit it's been fun. Sometimes she's gone for work so I be here chilling & working out but other times she's home and we just hang out.

I think I truly needed this break away from all the bullshit at home.

Miracle got up from the couch "I'm getting more popcorn, you want anything while I'm up?"

"Uh I don't know. This popcorn might have done it for me."

"Just come you might want something else."
She laughed grabbing both the bowl

I got up and followed her to the kitchen. She tried to grab another bag of popcorn while I grabbed a chocolate chip bar.

"Really? That's what you want?"

"I had a taste for one."

She shook her head going around the island to grab a small stool that was folded.

"You're so short." I laughed

"It's not my fault, blame my mom. We're the same height."

I chuckled "I got it."

I stood on side her and grabbed the popcorn from the top shelf. I handed her one and had put the box on a lower shelf for next time.

"Thank you. I probably should've asked you in the first place."

"Mhm you should've."

She playfully rolled her eyes before throwing the bag in the microwave.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." I smirked

"Morgan stop playing."

"Okay my bad, go ahead and ask me."

She looked at me "Nothing never mind."

"What? Everything okay?"

"Yeah it's nothing. Don't worry about it."

I crossed my arms "Well now I'm worried. You know that's the worse thing to say after you say you need to talk or ask something."

"When do you plan on leaving?"

"Oh you ready for me to leave? Ouch."

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