thirty six

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A week later
Los Angeles, California

Morgan sighed calling Jordyn's phone again but still not getting an answer. She sat her phone on the bed before plopping down.

It's been a week since the phone call situation and Jordyn still hasn't been responding to none of Morgan's text or calls.

Morgan kept her word and came down the next morning after seeing her grandparents. When touched down in LA she went over to the house everyday this week to try and talk to Jordyn but she was never home. She wasn't by her mom house either and that was the only place she could think of because she didn't know where else Jordyn could be since her and Jade wasn't exactly on talking terms.

But today was Saturday and she had a little faith that she would catch her at home. The kids would be home which was the only bad thing because she would've rather Mia been at school and Jenesis with one of their moms so if the conversation go wrong the wouldn't be there. But she gotta deal with that for now.

Morgan got up and grabbed her keys before leaving out. She made her way over to the house after a little track and when she pulled up she seen Jordyn's suv sitting outside.

She turned her car off and walked towards the front foot before entering the key code. Once it unlocked she walked in. The house was quiet but she heard the tv on in the living room.

Morgan walked in seeing Jordyn watching a movie with a bowl of ice cream in her hand. Jordyn jumped when she seen Morgan right there.

"Shit." She mumbled and closed her eyes taking a deep breath before sitting the bowl down

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Jordyn didn't say anything but brought her attention back to the tv

"I've been calling and texting you." Morgan said but she just stayed quiet

"Can we please talk?"

Morgan walked over and sat next to her "Can I at least explain?"

Jordyn shook her head

"No? Jordyn I-

Jordyn began to burst into tears making Morgan sigh and pull her into her.

"I'm so tired, Morgan! What are we doing at this point? Do you want to be single and just co parent the kids? Because I feel like you won't ever forgive me for cheating. And I don't know... just hearing you on the phone last week that night p-pleasing another woman made me feel weak. I've failed as a wife and I know I fucked up so why keep holding on to something that's just going to continue to break?"

"Jordyn, you got to understand that the call wasn't me trying to be petty or get revenge. I didn't even know i accidentally pressed your name. I didn't even expect to have sex with her or anything. I just happened and i was going to tell you about it when I came back to LA because I was willing to work things out."

"Was? Morgan, please don't lie to me. What do you want to do?"

"Our next move can't just be based on what i want to do. You can have some say in this, ya know?"

"I don't think it really matters what I want."


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