𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀

By twistednoglastia

762K 34.5K 62.8K

"..It's me, ya girl." [ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀꜱᴛᴀ / ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] Lights flickering on the two stood staring at each oth... More

【Who Are You?】
Little Halloween Special!!🎉🎉
Little Holiday Special 🎉🎉🎉
【Forty- O n e】


5.6K 267 243
By twistednoglastia


» "We don't got all night, dork!" «

me making the characters as being very complex and so so loving and connected and emotional and there being so many hidden messages but not knowing how to truly get that across and fighting the urge to just rant about it: AEUGH

Also I'd like to mention that most of the creepypastas, their backstories may be slightly edited to fit with the story and or headcanons.
(For example a completely rewritten character is Nina, because I think she deserves better </3)

short chapter

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

He waited until the older man disappeared back inside the building before approaching cautiously. When he sat down beside you, you were digging your foot into a dead cigarette. Knees touching, you didn't react to his presence besides a brief side glance.

   You picked at your nails bitterly. Eleanor, Luca's mother, got kicked out as well, but she waited in the car for your father instead of sitting outside. Your father being the only one allowed in for the time being had to handle all the medical documents and discussions revolving around Luca's condition. He said he's update you about it later, and then left.

Squeezing the bottle in his gloves, Toby opened his mouth a few times before realizing he didn't know what to say. Not like you saw his hesitance, he still had the mask. After a moment, he just, side-hugged you. Leaned you into his side and held you, his chin resting atop your head as your shoulders slacked.

He would never admit to you that he felt selfishly happy when you leaned into him. He wasn't as unaware as he presented himself to be, of course he wasn't. Do you really think he'd be a proxy if he wasn't good at putting up facades? Toby was many things, but stupid was far from any of his defining traits.

   He was selfish, possessive, arrogant, manipulative, prone to anger, and well aware of that. It didn't make him feel bad though, even if he knew it should. Something which he found funny as he contrasted with Jack in that way. He would be lying if he said he didn't admire the eyeless demon. The ability he had to keep up appearances, for one, and well several other things. Jack was well known, or well known as EJ, but no one really knew him. There was a sense of professionalism that other "pastas" (a nickname Toby picked up from Sally) admired him for, wether it was real or not.

   Jack had been "indoctrinated" a bit after Toby, though maybe that's because Toby first joined when he was in middle school. Ah how the years fly by! When Jack was first introduced, no one really knew how long he had been EJ beforehand. He didn't reveal much of anything about himself, and made a habit of staying away from anyone else apart of the bloody "club" they were all apart of.

   Not like that stopped Toby from trying to befriend him. Toby prided himself a bit on his ability of being able to track the demon down, though the more he thought about it, the more obvious it became Jack was allowing him to do so. They always had a weird relationship going on. Jack never seemed bothered by Toby's presence, but he certainly wouldn't go searching for him on his own time; and Toby was fine with that! At least he didn't stab him if he got too annoying, unlike Jeff. Even when Toby randomly wanted to fight him! Sure he almost never won these random spars, but Jack never found these attempt's infuriating, maybe annoying at most but still.

   Plus he once overheard Jane jokingly poke fun at the demon, saying how he tolerated the younger brunette...to which EJ just huffed amused.

   Hoodie once joked that Toby acted as if Jack was his "celebrity crush", which he just stared at the other while Hoodie laughed at his own joke. Masky and Kate told him to ignore the one in yellow, which he did even if he may have somewhat agreed with the stupid joke.

   The older they got, the less time they spent together—or really the less time Toby searched for him. Toby went out on more tasks, started to take his role as a proxy more seriously, possibly even spiraled more into his own insanity—but who's counting that? Jack on the other hand, stayed the same for the most part. His changes were less noticeable, probably since he was only close to a select few. The demon became closer to those he deemed "trustworthy" while keeping his friendships with other "pastas" ambiguous, and spent more time away from the "safe spaces" the head honcho had control over. In a way, they both were fighting with their own versions of humanity, just in separate directions.

   Toby still admired him, even if they had various disputes and conflicts, some of which Toby couldn't really remember. He was confident Jack never hated him despite these occasional issues too.

   He'd be lying if he said he wasn't just slightly envious of how easily the demon's walls crumbled when it came to you.

   Though his envy could never turn to anger or hate, since he was just as guilty as lowering his guard around you. Multiple times he had to restrain himself from invading your space. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable, no, but he did very much want to be close to you, or touch you or something. He wanted to hold your hand, hug you, hold you, kiss you, anything! He had enough control not to do that though.

   When he was with you, it's truly when he felt...hesitant about his own decisions and actions. Even regretful for his own behaviors in certain moments. When he felt reminiscent and longing for better times that he couldn't even remember. Maybe you were magic or something. Or maybe it was because despite everything you weren't nearly as corrupted as everyone else, including him. You were still entangled into the mess of him, the head honcho, but you still distanced yourself from it as much as you could.

   It kind of reminded him of Tim.

   It was funny how the two of you seemed similar in that regard. Wanting to be as far away from the mess, yet unable to really escape it.

   Tim and Brian never wanted to be proxies, Toby knew that, more Tim than Brian. But after a while they seemed to just give up, though that never stopped the two from voicing their hatred of "the operator" as they called him. Toby didn't know what to do during those conversations since he couldn't relate to their experiences, and since he owed the creature his life. He didn't know what Kate thought about it, since she never wanted to be around when conversations like that took place.

   Though, despite all the things you had seen and things you knew, you didn't ever seem to lose your head over it. Sure maybe a few meltdowns, but who doesn't have those once in a while? Unlike other people he knew or even observed, you kept your life relatively the same despite it all. You willingly made efforts to not let it slip out of your control for too long. You cared for your brother, you cared for your friends. You were willing to put everything on the line to protect them. You tried to bring happiness to others and...

   He admired that.

   And he knew it was selfish, but he wanted your attention. The care and affection you had for those close to you. He wanted that to be directed towards him. No, not wanted, craved it. The first meeting you had, he knew he was fucked as soon as you smiled at him, gentleness in your features. It sparked a feeling of giddiness in him.

   To put it simply, he wanted you.

   It was really just a bonus you were cute.

   And just a tad irritating that so many of his friends and coworkers knew of you or had a connection to you in some regard.

   Fingers twitching, he snapped out of his own thoughts, squeezing you once.

He'll admit, that was he was scared after your last encounter. Fearful of facing you after a few things came to light. He didn't want to face a reality of you hating him, or even being scared of him. So he busied himself with work, to stop himself from getting caught up with his own thoughts. He took more tasks and chores, more painfully long missions.

Though during that time he started to feel more sympathy for Ben, seeing as the blond almost always was being overworked. It had been more recent that more was added to his plate, hopefully things for him would start to ease now as less "mysteries" had to be erased and taken care of in the surroundings areas.

Your fingers curled into the fabric of your sweater, clutching it fiercely with a shuddering breath. It made Toby once again aware of where he was.

   Carefully, he peeled your hand away from yourself to hold it, running his thumb over your knuckles. He may have not been particularly religious, but he prayed you wouldn't rip your hand away. Thankfully, you didn't; but Toby knew that may have been more since you needed comfort rather than the comfort being him in particular. Still, he'd take it.

With his other hand, he carefully handed over the medication, finding his voice, "I would...sneak in and give it to Luca, but I think he's more likely to take it from you."

Pocketing it, you nodded with a dull response of, "yeah."

After a moment, you sat up, pulling yourself away.

Clasping your hands together, your gaze stayed glued to the asphalt. Wetting your lips, your demeanor turned hesitant.

Sighing, pushing your hair back, you spoke, "You're connected to that thing right? 'Slenderman'?"

Taking a breath, he anxiously rubbed his knees.


You nodded.

"Are you able to answer my questions regarding...it?"

Fiddling with his thumbs, he tilted his head back and forth.

"Depends on what you want to know...there are some limitations."


"There are somethings I don't know and some I can't say for...reasons."

"Safety reasons?"

"That is one of them, yeah."

Toby picked at his gloves, twitching, "But also, if I try to talk about things I'm not supposed to...it kinda gets fuzzy."

Glancing back at him, you raised a brow.

"Your memory does?"

He made a so-so gesture, "More like I can't think straight enough to find ways to give a clear answer."

Nodding again, you rubbed your face with a sigh.

"Do you know if Luca will be...?"

"He'll be okay," he reassured instantly.

There was another period of silence. If you didn't count the sounds of distant cars digging into the slush on the roads and brief wind rustling the pine trees. Toby scratched his nose, fidgeting occasionally. You closed your eyes and breathed in the cold air.

Yanking off his goggles, he squeezed them in his hands as if it brought comfort to himself. His head snapped to the side in an uncomfortable looking manner but he paid no mind to it.

"I'm sorry," he pursed his lips, "for not...coming—coming earlier."

"I know," you muttered quietly.

"I'm—" he paused, "I...was scared, to uhm, show up again..."

You glanced at him as Toby shook his one wrist.

"A-And, I'm not asking for forgiveness, or trying to excuse myself." He sighed, turning his head to look you in the eye. "I just...don't want you to hate me."

"I don't hate you."

Curse him for feeling relieved.

"But I don't forgive you either," you added quickly. That was fine, he thought. Not ideal, but not the worst outcome.

His gaze swept over your face for a moment.

"Is there a way I could regain your trust?"

Changing your position to be more comfortable, you hugged your knees to your chest, thinking.

"You'll never have my complete trust," you started carefully.

The brunette understood that. It wouldn't be smart to give him your entire trust. For your own safety, he wouldn't want you to anyway.

"But...I don't doubt you'll figure out a way to earn the trust you had before somehow."

He smiled, you could tell by the way his eyes lit up.

There was another brief moment of silence. Less awkward this time.

Eventually, you stood up, and Toby followed.

"I gotta get going," you spoke. You had to take the dogs out, they were probably wondering where you were.

"Yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "I...have to go too."

Stuffing your hands in your pockets, you nodded once, a bit awkwardly.

Toby shifted his weight back and forth between his feet, "I...I'll see you later—you later, then?"

A half-amused and half-tired look in your eyes you breathed out your words, "You think you'll be able to keep your word on that?"

"Yes," he said almost immediately.

   Your eyes widened in surprise when a gloved hand cupped your cheek suddenly. You were frozen from the sudden action and the look you were receiving, it was a look you didn't really know how to interpret.

   He didn't take his mask off, but regardless, he leaned over and pressed a "kiss" to your cheek, indulging in his own selfish wants for a just a moment.

   "I promise."

   You blinked and he was gone.

   Standing there for, who knows how long—well it couldn't be more than a few minutes, you snapped out of your lost feeling daze. Shaking your head, you puffed out air, and turned to start walking towards the parking lot.

   Once you passed a corner of the hospital building, you were met with a crossed arm demon, flicking his hat up at your arrival.

   Pushing off the wall, he casually sauntered over to you, matching your pace and slinging an arm around your shoulder. He didn't falter at your glare. Letting out a low whistle, he twirled his car keys with his other hand.

   "A proxy, huh?"

   Sucking in air through his teeth, he squeezed your shoulder as you neared the truck. He did promise to take you home after all. You noticed how his words weren't really directed at you, more so to himself.

   "Well bunny, according to my prognosis, you are very much fucked."

   You sighed.

   "I know, Habit."

   He pat your shoulder, chuckling.

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

» "It's been a week since my last confession." «


hoping i'm getting across how ambiguous habit is, cause I love him <3
he isn't an ally or enemy really 🧍 whdhshwhd
anyway yay toby
happy fourth by the way!
take this short chapter mwah mwah

Edit: I'm feeling nice and as like an apology or something for disappearing again, I will answer questions regarding the story as long as it doesn't give anything major away + answer questions regarding the characters if anyone has them B)
it won't be like a new chapter answering them or anything!

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