Radical: Mako

By codogo

815 92 6

14 year old Draken Jones had to flee from their home in Orlando, to a small bomb shelter near a beach after h... More

Consumer Attack
The Girl
Talk Over Dinner
Imagine Dragon
Back to Draken
The Power of Draken
Author Note (I'm not ending the story)
What Am I
Fly Away

Battle in the Ocean

52 8 0
By codogo

Rushing to the ocean, Mako's three toed feet left huge prints in the sand, prints that were easy to follow. The four consumers chased after him, leaping through bushes, and small palm trees. After a mile of running, Mako reached the water. He turned into , and pulled the tooth out of his shirt.

"Come and get it!" He yelled, then turned back into Mako and began shuffling through the water. After about thirty seconds, a consumer was in view, then two more, then finally all four. They ran into the water without a thought, and soon began swimming. Mako was obviously a better swimmer, able to swim thirty miles per hour, and he hardly ever got tired. He led the consumers through the water, until there wasn't any land in view. His gills swiveled quickly,as water passed over them, the consumers however, didn't have gills, and needed to take a break for air often. Mako quickly searched the ocean for a mako or thresher shark in his mind. He found a thresher shark, and instantly commanded it to attack the consumers. While he waited for about a minute, he blasted the consumers with the water blasts, and fought one briefly, until the mako shark came from behind, and pushed it through the water. The water was now a blackish, red color, and a cloud of blood covered the consumers view. This gave Mako and opportunity to strike them each with blasts, and pick them off one by one. Mako only killed one consumer before the cloud of blood dissapeared into the water. Mako commanded the shark to attack another consumer, but this one was aware of it's presence, and dodged the sharks jaws, ripping into its skin and bones as it swam past. Mako quickly found a mako shark, and then found another. He commanded them both to strike the two consumers left. One mako took a consumer easy, but the other was grabbed by the snout, and killed.

"God, I hate you guys." Mako whispered, then shot a water blast into the consumer's stomach. This shot the consumer into the air, where a mako shark lept out nd grabbed him. Mako sighed a sigh of relief, then swam quickly back to shore. He was sure that people had found his mother's dead body, or at least what was left of it. He quickly arrived at shore, and began running back to the shelter. Mako turned back into draken, and tucked the tooth into his shirt. Tears ran slowly down his face, he wasn't sure wether it was from the wind, or out of sadness. His green hair blew I'm the wind, and blood flew out if the cuts he had received. Draken arrived back at the shelter, and saw the faces of many crying people. Draken himself walked up the wall, and cried.

"I'm sorry." A girl put her hand on his shoulder.

"Leave me alone!" Draken snapped, pushing the girl out of the way. He slowly pulled the tooth out of his shirt, and was about to rip the necklace it sat on, right off, but something stopped him. He needed this tooth to protect people, he couldn't dare just let people die. He tucked the toothe back in his shirt, and jumped up on top of the shelter.

"Look." A man said, pointing to Draken.

"Hey, listen up!" Draken called. A few people looked to him, but not nearly everyone. He turned into Mako quickly, and shouted. "Listen!" now everybody was looking at him. "Death is something that comes on to everybody, but that's not what I want to talk about. I almost took of this necklace today, but I didn't, do you know why?"

"Why?" The same girl who tried to comfort him earlier asked.

"Because I have a responsibility, and that is to protect all of you. No matter what happens, we can overcome it, and I just know realized that. I hope that everyone knows what I mean, and that no one will ever break a responsibility or promise!" Draken hopped down, and began to walk slowly to his room in the shelter, like nothing happened. People began clapping, and an old woman came up to him.

"Your mother would have loved to hear you say that." She said.

"I know." Draken replied, then walked into his room, and lay down on his bed, thinking about how crazy his life was.

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