The Lost Mind - Sequel to PONR

By chasing_reality_

825 53 26

*This is a sequel to Point of No Return* When a mind is isolated with its own thoughts, it can begin to turn... More

|1| Prolouge
|2| Experiment 434
|3| Seeing Double
|4| Successful Agony
|5| Perfect Reprogram
|6| Final Reveal
|7| Unfamiliar Acquaintance
|9| A New Target
|10| Fragment Memories
|11| Familiar Faces of a Fractured Mind

|8| Unwanted Welcome

42 1 1
By chasing_reality_

"Shall I dispose of her master?" Tomoko asked, stepping forward towards the girl that dared disrespect her master. Before she could step further forward, a strong hand gripped her wrist, preventing her from moving.

"That will not be necessary my little bird." He cooed. Pulling the girl into his chest, her face still focused on the girl before them. "However, I do like your enthusiasm."

He whispered into her.

"In time my pet, in time." He stated, "But first I must see my dear nephew."

"Where is Kaname girl?" He demanded. The orange-haired vampire stared forward at the two in shock, her eyes briefly flickering over to Takuma who stood quietly with his head down.

"Takuma, what is going on?" She asked, her voice shaking as she did. She could tell that the boy who stood before her was not Senri but was in fact being possessed by someone else.

"It is best not to ask Rima." He replied in a defeated manner, "Where is Lord Kaname?"

"H-He's in his study." The girl stuttered out.

"Then that is where I shall be heading," Rido announced. "Come Takuma, we are to pay my dear old nephew a visit."

Without a word, Takuma began to escort the two towards Kaname's study.

"Wait you ca – agh!" Rima was cut off from objecting by the quick reflexes of Tomoko. Her gloved hand enclosed the vampire's neck, crushing her airways.

"You will not approach the master without permission," Tomoko said in a deadly tone. Her grip tightened with every passing second.


"Now now, my little bird. There is no need for unnecessary bloodshed." Rido said cutting Takuma off. "She will learn her place."

Rido clasped his hand around the gloved hand of Tomoko, beckoning her to let go. At the touch of her master, Tomoko's grip loosened on the girl until it let go. Rima dropped to the ground and began to sputter as oxygen returned to her lungs.

"Come now," Rido whispered into the girl's ear. Without a word, Tomoko followed the man until they reached a large wooden door. It opened on command as if saying, he was waiting for them.

Tomoko listened to the footsteps on the hard wooden floor and the sound of her bell bouncing off the walls. The room was large, chairs and tables surrounded it. Her attention was drawn to the outline of a boy standing at the window.

She stayed behind her master but remained ready to strike if danger was threatened.

"Calling you my nephew kind of gives me the creeps." Rido started the back of the boy still facing him, "The last time we met was a little over ten years ago. Right?"

"You hurt me Kaname." The boy finally turned around at the calling of his name. "That day, you shattered my body until I lost my shape. It took 10 years to regain my form."

Rido explained.

"Well, I suppose I should thank my pureblood power which allowed me to survive." He continued, "Oh, by the way, thank you so much for getting rid of my fiancé Shizuka. It was a load off my mind. If I waited around for her to become obedient like his mother, I am fairly certain that I would have waited for close to an eternity."

Shizuka...was my master's fiancé.


Like so many things, the name scratched at the back of Tomoko's mind. Telling her that this woman was someone important, maybe not to her but to someone else.

Tomoko pushed the thought back. There was no need for her to remember her past because all she needed to focus on was the man in front of her. For he was all that mattered.

The girl heard Takuma gasp lightly beside her, he was obviously surprised by the news.

"I am glad to see that you haven't changed." The boy finally spoke, "Uncle."

"You are still someone that I want to kill." He announced turning around to face the group. Kaname's blood-red eyes stared with hatred at the man who possessed the body of his classmate. "And I would never feel the slightest bit of remorse for it."

The exuding power that emanated from Kaname's body caused the flooring around him to crack. The crack made its way to the group until pieces of the broken floor were flung at the group, aiming straight for Senri.

Without hesitation, Tomoko darted in front of her master and hit away the flying debris that threatened him.

"No Kaname stop!" Takuma yelled out. The plea from his friend caused the pureblood vampire to halt his attack. His eyes didn't linger away from the white-haired girl that stood in front of Senri. The one who easily blocked his attack.

"I'm sorry, but I won't let you harm Senri." Takuma started, "I cannot stand by and allow him to be sacrificed in the battle between the two of you!"

"So then, should I take that to mean your allegiance lies with the Senate on this?" Kaname asked his close friend.

"Well, you could interpret it that way," Takuma responded, neither confirming nor denying his involvement.

"I see," Kaname muttered.

Tomoko heard her master move from behind her to stand by her side.

"Kaname can't kill me. Even if he wanted." He explained. He stepped forward closer to the boy who threatened him. "Now, for the time being, I am going to use his room. I am counting on you Dorm President Kuran."

Senri announced. The debris that was held around them began to fall to the ground. The same stare of hatred was directed at the man before him. Without a further word being spoken, the group left the study and made their way to their new chambers.

As they entered a hall, the orange-haired girl from before stood there. As if she was waiting for them. Her stare remained on Senri, who in return gave a small, pleased huff. However, her gaze met the blank face of the white-haired girl with black cloth covering her eyes.

The threatening aura the girl put off sent a shiver down the usually stoic vampire. Rima was creeped out by the girl, her hand instinctively lifted to her neck and rubbed the indentations from the grip of the girl earlier.

The brute strength of the girl was unnatural for her size. Rima knew that the girl wasn't to be messed with.

The three entered the room without further interruptions.

When the door closed, Rido stopped. He looked further into the room, inspecting his new living situation.

"Hm, it is a bit simple, but it shall do." He muttered. Tomoko listened to the sound of her bell echoing through the room. The outline in her mind showed her that there was a bed, a desk, a lounge and other things she didn't recognise.

There was a material on the floor that covered the wooden boards.

She concluded that it must be because these people were rich, that they had objects that were unknown to someone of her status.

"What do you think my little bird?" Rido asked. Tomoko continued to sense the room, making sure she got a clear outline of it all.

" nice." She uttered in reply. A smirk appeared on the boy's features as he stared at the girl sensing the room. He could tell she was feeling out the room but the sound of the bell ringing every so often.

"Tomorrow, we shall be beginning the first phase of the plan." Rido announced, "So I expect you two to be on your best behaviour."

"Yes, master," Tomoko responded with a bow.

"My little bird, come here." Rido beckoned. Within a second Tomoko was standing in front of the man, his hand reaching up and brushing away strands of her hair. Without being told, Tomoko lifted her hand and cut an opening in her neck.

"My what a good little bird." Rido cooed, "I didn't even have to ask you."

He chuckled before he bent down and inserted his fangs into the girl's neck. A small moan escaped her lips at the sensation. A small shudder also moved through her body, Rido's tight grip prevented her from moving too much.

Takuma silently gritted his teeth and looked away from the sight. He couldn't believe what his friend had become. How different she was.

Rido took note of the boy's change in attitude. With a smirk, he gripped the girl's back and leaned her over. Allowing her face to be in full view of the blonde vampire. A moan escaped her lips once again and Takuma couldn't take it.

He left the room, not being able to watch how that man was taking advantage of his dear friend.

Anger bubbled in him but, there was nothing he could do.

Not yet at least.

He needed to bide his time. Wait for the right moment.

It was just unfortunate that his dear friend was brought into all this chaos. He didn't know what his grandfather wanted to do with the girl, but this. This was far worse than he imagined.

He felt that her death would have been easier to cope with.

"Kaji." He whispered, "I am so sorry."

The boy retreated to his room, shutting himself off from the academy and all those he called his dear friends.

"What have I done?" He whispered, he leaned against the door and fell to the ground. Hiding his face in his hands, guilty of what was happening. 

"Forgive me."

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