The Lost Sister ✓ [COMPLETED]

By ValerieWinks777

15.8K 427 96

Luna was only 10 years old when her sister, Star, ran away from home. Desperately, Luna and her parents searc... More

Ch. 1 *We Were Inseparable*
Ch. 2 *Santa Carla*
Ch. 3 *Boardwalk*
Ch. 4 *A Blank Canvas*
Ch. 5 *Looking For A Job*
Ch. 6 *The Dark Haired Girl*
Ch. 7 *I Left You Behind*
Ch. 8 *...Star?*
Ch. 10 *I Was Worried About You*
Ch. 11 *Just Friends*
Ch. 12 *The Truth*
Ch. 13 *Hudson's Bluff*
Ch. 14 *Vampire*
Ch. 15 *My Permission*
Ch. 16 *Dinner At The Emerson's*
Ch. 17 *Girl's Night Out*
Ch. 18 *Making Friends*❣️
Ch. 19 *Beach Party*
Ch. 20 *Happy Birthday Star!*
Ch. 21 *Under The Moonlight*❣️
Ch. 22 *Behind Blue Eyes*
Ch. 23 *The Beauty Of The Night*❣️
Ch. 24 *Someone In The Shadows*
Ch. 25 *First Date*❣️
Ch. 26 *You Remind Me Of Someone*
Ch. 27 *My Gift To You*❣️
Ch. 28 *Sunlight*
Ch. 29 *Nowhere To Go*
Ch. 30 *Cornered*
Ch. 31 *Preperation*
Ch. 32 *The Battle Begins*
Ch. 33 *Head Vampire*
Ch. 34 *Family*

Ch. 9 *The Lost Boys*

568 14 1
By ValerieWinks777


Neither me or Star say a single word.
Star's face has paled, and I can see that she's shaking just a tiny bit. But why? She knows them, she even called them her brothers, why is so frightened right now?

Maybe because I'm here? Maybe there overprotective of Star?

The platinum blond raises an eyebrow. "Well? Aren't you going to introduce us Star?" He asks.
Star's hands begin to shake, though she tries to hide it. "Um...these are m-my brothers," she stutters, "David, Paul, Dwayne, and Marko."

She points at them all, and only the ones named Marko and Dwayne wave a little. The other two Paul and David, stare at me like I'm a threat.
I wave back softly.

"And she is?" David nods at me, his voice low and his face hardened.
Before Star answers, I speak. "My name is Luna," I respond, quickly feeling a little fear come over me when his eyes meet mine.

Jesus why does this man scare the living hell out of me? I don't even know him!
"Luna," he murmurs, crossing his arms, "well, Luna. You have a lot of explaining to do..."

Star stands up. "David, she-" she stops, the nervousness tightening her vocal cords.
Star was always easy to scare, she wasn't thick skin when it came to that.
She needs some help.

I slowly stand up, wobbling a little from a small dizzy spell that came over me.
David's eyes glance between us as we stand next to each other.
I inhale a breath. "I know you have questions, the most important one probably being why I followed you here, well..." I glance at Star, "I was at the concert at the boardwalk when I bumped into her and...she reminded me of someone I used to know."

"And who was that?" He asks.
"My sister," I reply, before the tension begins to fill my chest.
Are these seriously gonna be believe that Star and I are family?

Star wraps her hand around mine and squeezes. "Remember I told you I ran away when we first met?"
"Yeah," Paul chimes in, "what does that have to do with..." He trails off. Well, the realization hit him pretty fast.

But not David.
Or maybe David does assume, but he doesn't want to believe it.

"Luna is my little sister."

The room falls quiet. You can't even hear a breath...
David exhales after a moment. "Sister huh? She never mentioned having a sister."
Um...ouch. That hurt.

Those six years she was absent, she never even mentioned about her family? About me?

Star lets me go to approach David. She leans in to his ear, and whispers something that sounds like "would you have accepted me if I did tell you?"

David's eyes glance at her, to me, then her again before...
He steps aside, arm out. "Sit."
We all sit down. I sit beside Star on the small couch that fits two, Dwayne stands in the corner with his arms crossed, Marko and Paul sit on the broken fountain and Paul lights a cigarette to smoke.

David stands in the middle. "So, you bumped into Star at the concert and you were reminded of your long lost sister, then you follow us to our home, only to find out that she actually IS your sister..." David stares at me with a glare in his eyes.

I shell up.

David chuckles. "That's a twist of fucking fate," he shakes his head still laughing before looking at the other three boys for whatever thing they're going to say, or for approval on his little joke he just cracked.

Star and I don't say anything.

David clasps his hands, a smile on his face that's a little...too sweet. "I'm pleased that you've had your family reunion, girls. But now it's time to deal witt the fact that Luna is injured." He glances at me. "Do you have any family to go to?"

"Yeah, my Mom and Dad. We live about half an hour away from... whatever this place is."
"Hudson's Bluff," Marko says, which is the first time he's spoken.

"Right," I reply, slowly.

"She is in no condition to drive, David," Star points out, that tone in her voice that sounds motherly.
It makes me smile a little, it's how she used to sound whenever I'd want to do something that she didn't approve of.

"Well," David purses his lips and scans the room for solutions.
His eyes land on Marko. "Marko, drive her back."
"Me?!" Marko says, "why?! Make Paul do it!"

"No way!" Paul says back before the two of them start arguing with each other.
Star rolls her eyes, but I find it kinda cute.
I can tell those two are the hyper type...

David sighs, bringing a hand cover his eyes in annoyance. "Marko, just do as I say. Dwayne, go with him. Her bike needs to be brought back, then the two of you can share a bike on the ride back."

Marko looks absolutely pissed off, but Dwayne shrugs and takes off for the exit.
However, I'm not getting up. "Wait! I don't want to leave!"
"You have to," Star says, "you need to get your head checked at the hospital."

"But..." I trail off, "I haven't seen you in six years! Now I'm just gonna leave?!"
Star opens her mouth to reply, but David cuts in.
"You're welcome to visit Star as much as you want, either here or at the boardwalk. After all, you have lots to catch up on."

Excitement and pure joy floods my chest, and I expect Star to feel the same, but instead, she's quiet, with her jaw dropped slightly.
I want to ask her what's wrong, but someone grabs my hand and pulls me away. "Come on! Let's get this over with."

Marko pulls me away from Star and David, who are talking to each other. I try to listen, but nothing I can understand...
Marko leads me outside. Dwayne is sitting on my bike, giving it a little gas to keep the engine on.

Marko gets on his and kick starts it before looking over his shoulder at me. "Get on." on? As in, sit behind this boy I don't know at all?

A wave of nervousness floods my chest.
I've never hung out with boys often. Michael and Sam are the only two boys I've been hanging out with these past few weeks, but even being around them I'm still a nervous wreak.

Marko is waiting, and so I tip toe my way to him and get on slowly.
Dwayne laughs beside us. "You sure you wanna ride with that one?"
I look at Dwayne, and Marko flips him off.
Dwayne drives off as Marko shakes his head, getting ready to ride.

"Show me the way, alright?"
"O-okay-WHOA!" We go flying out of there at a quicker speed then we should be.
I scream a little and grab the only thing I can hold onto.
His waist...

He looks over his shoulder at me and smirks, before laughing and catching up with Dwayne.

He can't be too much older then me, he looks about Michaels age, 18.
Still though, he drives like a complete asshole.
Thankfully, we reach my house without any injuries.

I climb off his bike, "I would thank you, but you drove like maniac."
Marko laughs. "You're welcome," he leans forward on his bike handles, tilting his head and smiling that Chesire cat like smile.

Dwayne appears next to him. "We're good to go," he looks at me, "you alright kid?"
"Yeah," I say, brining a hand to my bandaged head. "It stings, but not horribly."
Dwayne makes a sound in the back of his throat. "Hey, listen. I know Star's your sister and all but, don't tell your parents about her."

My eyes widen. "But why? She's my sister!"
"I know," Dwayne exhales, "it's really hard to explain but..." He shakes his head, "Star left for a reason it seems like. It needs to be her choice to come back."

"That's ridiculous!" I shout, almost loud enough for people to hear.
Star needs to come back and be with her real family, not these guys!
Dwayne brings a hand to my mouth. "You are not going to tell anyone, your parents, your friends, NOBODY, about Star or us. Understood?"

I want to tell him to fuck off, but I can't get the words out.
Instead, I smile, something that is the complete OPPOSITE of what I WANT to do. But...I can't seem to stop myself.

"Okay, I won't tell," I say, muffled through his calloused hand.

"Good," Dwayne says, lowering his hand from my mouth.
My mind just went completely blank, what were we just arguing about? Why am I outside when I should be inside?

Marko gives Dwayne a confused, but shocked look as he hops on the back of Marko's bike.
I watched them speed down the driveway, and I turn on my heels and skip inside, extremely happy that I found Star, but unable to bring myself to tell my parents.

It's like...a mental block.


"What did you do to her?" I ask as we enter the cave. Looks like Star is asleep in her room, and David is hanging off the wall along with Paul.
Dwayne sits down and pulls out a cigarette. "I hypnotized her."

My eyes widen.
To cut it short, we're all vampires. Star included. Well, half vampire is what she is.
Me, and my brother's on the other hand are full blooded vampires.
We have the ability to fly, to run at an extremely fast pace, we never grow old, we never die, and when absolutely necessary we use our hypnosis to either control people or lure them to a private spot to then kill them.

Dwayne just had to do it with Luna...
"So that means she can never tell anyone about us or Star?"

"Yeah," Dwayne replies, refusing to look into my eyes. "It was the only way to keep us and Star safe. And until I say that it's okay for Luna to tell her parents about us, she is mentally blocked from ever speaking it."

I exhale a low whistle, sitting beside him. "Can't believe this happened."
"Me neither," he breathes in and exhales a large cloud of smoke.
I glance at him. "Why would David allow Luna to come back though? That seems...odd."

"David always has something up his sleeve," Dwayne points out, putting out his cigarette. "So for whatever reason he wants Luna to stay, we're gonna have to stand by him."

"Yeah," I stand up and stretch. "I'm gonna head up, wanna come?"
"I'll be there soon," Dwayne replies, so I flash him the PEACE sign and levitate up to the ceiling to hang.

I get the feeling that this girl, Luna, is gonna be around a lot.
This is going to be something we're gonna have to get used to, I guess.

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