His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (Hi...

By Luna_Moon135

710K 26.7K 1.5K

Cordelia, who was already beyond the marriageable age, quickly agreed upon the arrival of a marriage proposal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

18.5K 733 56
By Luna_Moon135

"W-What?" His eyes trembled as he met her indifferent gaze. His heart twisted, suddenly frozen as it dwelled. Something was killing him inside. Whether it was guilt or regret, Leon couldn't tell.

"That gigolo was you, right?"

His chest twisted more painfully, frozen.

"Delle, you... you know?" He stammered. He felt as though his world just stopped in that very moment.

"You thought I would not find out that it was you?"

"Delle, let me explain—" His voice that came out desperately was cut short when Cordelia let out a dismayed laugh.

Though she looked calm, her eyes burned onto him blazingly. "Did you have fun playing with me?"

"Ah, It must have been fun toying with a naive person like me."

"No, that's not it. Listen to me Delle—"

"Why should I listen to you, Marquis Elvoye? For even I, do not know whether what comes out of your mouth is the truth or not."

"Truly, I was foolish to have trusted you."

His heart trembled, painfully throbbing inside. "I..." He trailed, taking a step closer to Cordelia.

"Delle, I..." No words would come out of his mouth.

The eyes of Cordelia's that used to shine whenever she saw him was now emptily staring at him.

Those large hands of his tenderly held her slender wrists. Leon could not discern the emotion in her eyes, as though he was staring at an emotionless void.

"Delle..." He swallowed a breath. "I'll tell the you everything, please just listen to me..." He spoke pleadingly.

Yet no matter how much he pleaded, Cordelia did not heed to any of his words. Solely because what clouded her mind was all of the things that Leon had done.



His voice that called her name many times, slowly became a blur. She would laugh at her pitiful self if she could, but she couldn't.

In their almost two years of marriage, Cordelia tried everything to be a good wife. Although he was indifferent to her, she tried to understand him.

'I did my best to be a good wife and a good Marchioness...'

'I had to bear with all of it and keep all that I felt to myself. I did my best for almost two years, despite how hard it is for me. But after what I've found out?'


"Enough is enough." She spoke quietly. Her hopes of having a happy married life with him was gradually buried to the back of her mind.

'I've reached my limit.'

"Delle, I—"

"No wonder lady Vivian used to frequent here." Leon flinched upon hearing her words.

"You..." A reluctant voice came out from her lips as she slowly raised her head to look at Leon's desperate eyes.

"—have never told me that she was originally your fiancé, before you married me." As Cordelia let go of those words, she felt like needles were piercing her heart. The more she found out, the more her feelings for him began to lessen.

But for Leon, the pain she felt was thrice as worse. "Where in the world did you get that?"

"I was just an option for you from the very beginning. Now I get why you took her side all those time."

"Delle, that is not true..! You're my only option. Not her nor any another woman, it is only you..!"

Cordelia's eyes bore a hesitant gaze. "I don't know whether to trust your words." She uttered.

"Tell me who told you that." Leon subtly clenched his fists.

"Does it even matter? Just how much are you hiding from me?"

"I am not hiding anything else, trust me! I'll prove it to you!" Leon desperately took hold of her hands. "Delle, I'll tell you everything you need to know, so please just listen."

Cordelia could not look at him in the eyes any longer, having to look away, she averted her gaze from him.

"Go on." Her small voice left her lips.

"Tell me what I need to know. I'm listening." She spoke, still not looking at him.

A look of relief immediately washed over Leon's face. His eyes that was once dull, was now filled with hope once again.

"That woman... was only betrothed to me because our family made an agreement before we were even born. But trust me, Delle, the moment I took over the title, I broke off our engagement." Though he sounded truthful and sincere, Cordelia could not help but doubt him.

"Back then, you told me 'If you're bothered that I have a lover, then why don't you find your own.' Do you remember?" Though her voice was calm, her words were as sharp as ever that it pierced through his heart.

"You must have meant back then that you did have a lover." She added.

"That's—" Once again, Leon could not utter a word.

"Delle," He trailed, slowly pulling her closer. "I said that out of frustration... but that was not the truth. I didn't have any other woman."

"Then you must've been close with her, considering both your families are close, and how often she came to visit you for the past two years." She muttered under her breath.

"No." Leon quickly shook his head. "I don't have any relationship with her. She only came here in her father's behalf to talk about the problem we have on the borders of the kingdom."

She stole a reluctant glance at him.

"Even so, your relationship seemed very close." Another low mutter left her lips. Surely, Cordelia hid her jealousy very well.

Leon bit his lower lip as he held her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I can prove that she is nothing but a stranger to me."

"How can someone whom you've been betrothed suddenly become a stranger?"

"I meant what I said. I never had any close relationship with her. She is a stranger to me."

"Yet you always took her side whenever she claimed I've caused her trouble. You took her side instead of your wife."

His hear twisted painfully. "That was the past, Delle..."

"I know I was wrong and terrible to you back then, and I cannot express how much I've regretted my actions. But now, all I want is to make it all up you."

Cordelia couldn't utter a word. After all, what else is there to say? There was no trust left in her, for he broke it.

"But do trust me when I say that there was no other woman in our marriage. There was only you. You are the only one I am harboring these feelings to. I've change and I can prove that to you."

"Please believe me." He desperately pleaded.

"Please, Delle..." He swallowed a shaky breath. "—give me another chance."

"Just once. I promise I won't disappoint you."

He looked desperate, he sounded desperate, and he was desperate, now standing before her.

Who would have thought, that the high ranking Marquis, who was known for being chivalrous and dignified, would have such a side to him?

'He deceived me with his charade.'

But to Cordelia, she thought that such manner did not suit him, as though he was behaving strangely. After all, she was more than used to his indifferent side.

"I appreciate all that you are saying, but the trust I have for you is gone now."

His heart instantly crumpled upon hearing those words come from her.

"And besides, Leon, our contract is coming into an end."


"Please don't leave me..." He pleaded.

"Don't leave me, please..."

"I'm sorry." She heaved a sigh as she began to gently free herself from his grasp. "I still have a lot going on in my mind right now, Leon."

She slowly raised her head, boring onto his pleading eyes. "For the time being, I wish to be alone. I hope you understand." Finally getting those words out of her chest, Cordelia turned her eyes away as she turned her back on him, heading toward the door.

But before she could go any step further, a pair of strong arms hugged her from behind, holding her back.

"Delle, please don't leave." A shaky voice, pleading her to stay, echoed in her ears.

"Don't leave me." Leon was becoming more desperate at the passing second. "Please... Let's make this work."

Despite not wanting to acknowledge her feelings any longer, she could not prevent the ache she felt in her heart, hearing him like that.

"Please let go." She spoke weakly.

"No." He shook his head as his uneven breath brushed against her shoulder. He rested his head close onto hers while pulling her closer. "No... I can't."

"If I were to let you go, you'll leave." Leon held her tighter as though trying to prevent her from going anywhere. His heart ached greatly with just the thought of her leaving him. What more could he possibly bear if she really left?

Meanwhile, Cordelia remained silent, for what he said was the truth.

"Take me with you. Please, I'm begging you... Don't leave."

"Leon." Another sigh left her lips. "For the mean time, please let me be. I want to be alone for I while, and I hope that you respect my decision."

'I hope that you respect decision.' Those words that she spoke repeatedly rang in his mind. Soon, he finally found himself letting go of Cordelia.

For even if he wanted to prevent her from leaving, he was more afraid of the thought that she'd grow to hate him if he forced her to stay against her will.

Leon didn't want that.

He didn't want to be a bad person in the eyes of his beloved. He didn't want her to look at him with hatred.

"The things I found out... are difficult to take in. I need some time alone to fathom everything."

"....Alright." He answered weakly.

Leon watched as Cordelia continued to take steps toward the door, not bothering to spare him a glance. With each step she took, his aching heart grew heavier.

He viewed himself pathetic. He thought of himself as a fool that is desperate for her love. A fool only for her.

'Alas, what length could my desperation for you could go?'

"If I could no longer be your husband, then what of yours could I remain as?" Hearing that, Cordelia stopped in her tracks.

For once, she finally spared him a glance. But the sight of him that she saw was almost miserable. He looked lost in his own home. He looked like a pup being abandoned.

Seeing him like that was painful for her heart that used to yearn for his love. She wanted to accept his feelings, but Cordelia stood grounded to her decision.

"You know very well, that is not up to me." She said. "The decision of whether this marriage comes to an end or not, is all within your grasp."

She turned away from Leon. "But rest assured, I will return after I've cleared up my mind." After saying that, she gently closed the door.


Given the time that already flew by, Cordelia finally arrived at Morgana's villa, sooner than she expected. As soon as she stepped outside the carriage, she masked her troubled and worrisome face.

After all, Leon was all that she ever thought of the entire time of her journey.

"Cordelia!" The delighted voice loudly greeted as soon as Cordelia stepped foot on the ground, having just got out of the carriage.  

"Morgana!" Cordelia ran toward Morgana with arms wide open, and was instantly held in Morgana's embrace. As the carriage left, Cordelia looked around the beautiful scenery before her.

A cottage, large yet cozy, built with lime painted bricks had two floors. Green leaves climbed along the wall, hanging from many parts of the house, especially on the small window above the door. It was a very pleasant home located near a big clear lake.

"It feels great to be here again after so many years." Cordelia smiled.

"The memories, right? I'm glad you could make it." Morgana spoke, smiling at her before pulling away.

"The last time you and Dahlia stayed here was five years ago, right?"

"That's right. Yet your home is still so beautiful!"

"Why of course." Morgana grinned, confidently flipping her hair. "The owner itself is beautiful, of course the property would take after its owner."

A small laugh left Cordelia's lips. "Goodness, there you go again."

"Oh, let me help you with your luggages."

"No worries, I can carry them—"

"Nonsense!" Morgana did not bother to let Cordelia finish before snatching the luggage away from Cordelia's hand.

"You do not have to help me. I am not as frail as you think I am. I can carry it myself." She went closer, taking a hold of her luggage and attempting to snatch it back.

But in the end, Morgana stubbornly refused to let go. She laughed while looking at Cordelia. "What's the use of having magic if I can't use it?"

Morgana's hand began to glow with a light shade of yellow. And soon, the luggage was surrounded with a faint glowing yellow light, slowly floating up in the air.

"I have forgotten you have magic." She said.

A petrified gasp left Morgana's lips as she looked at Cordelia. "My dear, you have become forgetful!"

"Not as forgetful as Dahlia. Speaking of Dahlia, where is she?"

"She's inside." Said Morgana. "Actually, she just arrived before you. I believe she is in the midst of unpacking her luggage."

"It looks like it's about to rain. Shall we also head inside?" She smiled beautifully, with her raven hair fluttering against the passing wind.

Cordelia's lips rose beautifully into a smile, looking back at Morgana. "We shall."

LOUD thunder erupted once in a while while the sound of the heavy pouring rain filled the remaining silence.

It was now dark outside, amidst of the moonless night when lightnings and thunders clouded the night.

By now, Cordelia had already settled in one of the rooms in Morgana's vacation home. Her eyes aimlessly stared at the empty ceiling, unable to get even a blink of sleep.

She could not get rid of Leon, who kept occupying her mind. All night, she thought about him and what he said earlier.

Her cheeks reddened. 'He said he loves me...' Her heart pounded as she recalled his sudden confession. But then a small scoff left her lips.

'Did he mean it?' She couldn't help but be doubtful.

Cordelia knew that his eyes never lie. But she kept avoiding his eyes all earlier, and failed to see him more clearly. Though deep inside she wished what he said was truthful.

'I acted rather rashly.' She slowly nibbled her lips, raising from her bed.

'Maybe... I should have just stayed and listened to him, instead of leaving.' By now, Cordelia felt a sense of regret as she recalled Leon's state when she left.

'Perhaps I shouldn't have left while we were on bad terms.'

'I should have been more gentler.'

She ran her hand through her hair in frustration. Her heart was telling her to go back, but her mind was telling her otherwise. With her heart, she regretted being harsh and cold toward him. But with her mind, she knew he somehow deserved it.

She was conflicted by those thoughts, making it even more impossible for her to sleep. "This won't do." She whispered, walking out of the room.

It was still raining heavily outside, and it seems that the rain won't stop any time soon.

Cordelia headed downstairs, wanting to quench her thirst. As she passed by a window, she stiffened, noticing a silhouette from outside.

She thought her eyes were playing tricks. But as she slowly neared the window, she could see a large frame of a man. As she did so, it was as if the man outside sensed her presence that he began knocking on the door beside the window.



Cordelia slowly took a step back. 'Who would be here at this hour and at this weather?'

Her heart began pounding loudly. 'Is he seeking for a shelter?'

'Given this time and weather, this person must've been stranded.'




The knocking kept going.

Cordelia, who could no longer wait, mustered up the courage as she began to near the door. Her reluctant fingers slowly opened the peephole of the door, taking a look at the person outside.

But what she saw quickly made her eyes widen. She pulled away and hurriedly opened the door.


"You—!" A look of disbelief was evident all over her face. She couldn't believe it.

"Why..." Her surprised voice was suddenly laced with worry that she could no longer hold it back. Not after seeing Leon in front of her, completely drenched from the rain.

"Why are you here...?"

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