Minho x Reader

De fofohenny

12.9K 247 336

You are heading off to your junior year of high school when you decided to apply to an international school n... Mais

Chapter 2: The party
Chapter 3: First day of class
Chapter 4: A nice quiet dinner
Chapter 5: Hiking!
Chapter 6: The date that never happened
Chapter 7: Feelings?
Chapter 8: Confronts
Chapter 9: Getting ready
Chapter 10: A break between two "friends"
Chapter 11: Chuseok
Chapter 12: Cooking & Confusion
Chapter 13: Jealousy jealousy
Chapter 14: A visit to the friend who holds therapy sessions
Chapter 15: Heartbreak
Chapter 16: The cafeteria fight
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: A mischievous plan
Chapter 19: Explanations
Chapter 20: Trying to let go
Chapter 21: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.1)
Chapter 22: Min Ho's Madness Party (pt.2)
Chapter 23: Shocking News
Chapter 24: Struggles
Chapter 25: Sneaky
Chapter 26: Taken again ❤️
Chapter 27: Beef

Chapter one: Going to K.I.S.S!

1.5K 17 33
De fofohenny

I'm laying comfortably in my bed and scrolling on TikTok. Summer break was almost over and I still haven't received a phone call. K.I.S.S, the International school I've applied in the beginning of summer has still not called me back. Even though I was deferred, I still thought that I somehow had a chance. God damn it. "UGHHHH." I yelled in my pillow. "Y/N Collins!" My mom shouted as she ran into my room in a rush.

"Why were you yelling just now?" She questioned me. "I'm just frustrated that this entire summer I haven't even gotten a phone call from K.I.S.S yet!" I groaned. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I NEED to get in." "Come on Y/N, even if you don't get in, it's ok." "You'll just complete your high school career at home." "Mom you don't understand, I wanted to go to places I've never been to before, I wanted to visit grandma's hometown, I wanted to do things she did to understand her!" I stated.

My mom noticed how upset I truly was and sat next to me and gave me a hug. "It'll be okay Y/N, it'll be ok." "You will definitely get in my straight A daughter!" My parents were stable financially, but a year at K.I.S.S was way to pricy, so I had to apply for a scholarship. Being the top student for all these years, I had an average of 99% and worked my ass off every single day to get these marks, meaning no parties, no fun, NOTHING. So yeah, this meant a lot to me.

"Ok sweetie, I'll leave you alone for a bit okay?" Mom said to me as she got up and closed the door softly. Maybe I need to go for a run or something. You know what?! Let's bake some damn cupcakes because I'm starving and I could use a treat. I got up and was about to get all the materials when my phone rang. I picked up and it was... K.I.S.S! OMG. Was this it?! I could feel my entire arm going numb but quickly clicked the accept button.

"Good afternoon is this Y/N Collins?" Asked a professional voice.

"Y-yes, this is she." I whispered in a squeak.

"We are pleased to inform you that your now off the waitlist and you can attend K.I.S.S for the entire year!" HOLY SHIT REALLY? "We've already sent an email informing you all the supplies you'll need and your plane ticket!"

"Omg?!" "Is this for real?" I questioned. I couldn't believe my ears! Thank you! All the gods that have been listening to me!

"Yes, this is for real, now do you officially accept?" The lady asked who I'm assuming is Principal Lim.

"Yes, yes I officially accept!" "Thank you thank you so much!" I screamed in delight.

"No worries, we hope to see you soon!"

*The phone call ended*

Woah! I got accepted?! How! "YESSSS!" I shrieked, loud enough for the whole entire neighbourhood could hear probably. I ran out of my room to the kitchen where my mother was cooking. "MOM GUESS WHAT?!" "You know what no guessing time I'll just tell you that I got into K.I.S.S!" My mother looked at me and started celebrating with me as we jumped up and down happily. "Honey that's amazing!" "See I knew you could do it!" Mom said proudly.

"I'M SO EXCITED!" Yep, I was still on cloud nine. "You know what, screw the cooking, I'll call your father and we'll go out and celebrate!"Unfortunately, I was very sad that my older sister couldn't be here with me in this moment. She's a couple years older than me and has already started her university program.

*The night before the adventure*

"Honey let's go over this again.." My mother started saying. "No mom, please don't." I groaned. We've been doing this all week and I'm literally losing my mind. Ignoring me, she and dad started telling me all these things, again. "First of all, NO SMOKING." "You are far too young and if we ever find out we will fly you right back home to us." "Yes mom, I think I know that." I rolled my eyes while saying so.

"Secondly, do not stay out too late and stay healthy!" Dad chirped in and said. "Yes dad, for the millionth time, I think I know that." "And lastly, please please be safe and call us every other week." Mom said emotionally. "Mom, of course I will!" "I'll miss you guys so much." I admitted as I gave them both a hug. "Ok sweetie now go to sleep, it's already too late." Dad mumbled but I noticed how he was trying to hold back tears.

God we are so emotional. I could feel my face tearing up, so I excused myself and hopped into my bed to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be quite an eventful day.

BEEP BEEP BEEP "Nooo." I groaned as I struggled to turn off me clock. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Ok god damn it I'll get up. I glanced at the clock and noticed that my flight was leaving in less than 2 hours! OH NO. I got up immediately and started getting ready. Fortunately, I finished packing yesterday so all I needed was a drive to the airport. "Mom, dad we have to go!" I informed them. Within 10 minutes, everyone was ready to go.

"You got your toothbrush?" "Yes." "What about your clothes?" "It's in my suitcase already." "You have enough money?" "Yes dad, you literally gave me a brand new credit card and 5000 dollars." "I think I'll survive a semester without my parents." I mumbled. "Sweetie your so grown up now, what happened to my little girl who was supposed to be 6 forever?" Mom said tearfully. "Mom please don't, your going to make me cry!" I said. "Right right, well let's go!"

*At the airport*

"Y/N, go show them how amazing you are and have the best time there ever!" My parents said to me as they both gave me a gigantic hug. "I love you guys so much and don't worry, I'll be ok!" I reassured them. "We love you so so much!" With one final hug and kiss, they left. Ok Y/N, you got this. You have aced every single test ever so how hard can leaving home to go somewhere else 5000 miles away be? Easy peasy.

Slowly I walked to get my passport stamped and to get my ticket. "Hello this is Y/N Collins heading to Seoul, Korea." "I see that in the system." The rude lady said. Ok geez, just telling you. Don't have to be so defensive about it. She handed back my passport and rolled her eyes at me before yelling "next!" Gosh whats up with her? Did she just find out that her boyfriend cheater on her or something? Not that she probably has one haha! Sorry if that sounded rude I just get super pissed off when people are being rude for no reason.

I glanced at my waiting area and decided to sit at an empty seat. Moments later, a red head excited girl joined me. "Hiii, I couldn't help but noticing that your luggage has a keychain with the international school K.I.S.S on it!" The girl said to me cheerfully. "Yep I'm going there." I said. "That's so cool, me too!" The girl said excitedly. "What's you name?" "My name is Katherine Song Covey, but my friends call me Kitty so you can call me that!" She responded happily.

Kitty? What kind of a nickname is that? I didn't want to appear as rude so I just nodded before saying: "Is this your first time going to K.I.S.S too?" She nodded her head up and down like 10 times. "IM SO EXCITED!"

She's a little much but it's okay. At least I have a first friend now!  As we continued our small talk, a girl next to us said "woah." We both glanced at the direction she was looking at and watched as a Korean guy walk like he's in some movie.

He's kinda dramatic. What are you doing? He's walking in slo-mo and since we were doing nothing, he kinda is entertaining to watch. Suddenly, he past us and his bag accidentally smashed into Kitty. I'm still thinking, why did she pick Kitty as her nickname like really?          R-eallllly?

"Excuse me." Grunted Kitty as she stared at the guy. The guy stopped in his tracks and stared at us with an unamused face. "Wait do you go to K.I.S.S?" I asked excitedly since I saw a KISS keychain on his bag. "We're going to KISS!" Kitty chimed in.

He glanced at both of us and then simply said, "No Englilish." Before walking off in a scoff. "Uh, rude." Kitty and I both said. "I hope we don't see him again." Kitty said angrily. I agreed. Other then that incident, this adventure seems to be going fine!

*Before boarding*

"Kitty I should go catch my flight!" I said to her while standing up and grabbing my suitcase. "Oh ok, I guess we'll see each other there?" I smiled at her and said "I hope we do!" We hugged each other which was kind of awkward, before separating and going to our seats.

.....11A. Ok. My first time on a plane by myself. I got this. I reassured myself calmly. Soon, I found my spot and took my seat. My hometown is Los Angelos, so it was going to be a very long ride. I'm just going to watch some movies. I thought to myself.

*Off the airplane*

Finally! If I had to spend one more second in that airplane, I would've passed out. I noticed Kitty chasing after a bus. Wait... that's the bus I had to catch! Oh no. "Kitty!" I yelled as I ran up to her. "Oh hey Y/N!" "Thank god your here, we just missed the bus to the school!"

Yeah, I saw that. "What do we do?" I asked. "Hmm, we could ask around." I nodded and the two of us walked around Seoul trying to get a ride. "I don't understand anything." I admitted to Kitty. "Same with me." Kitty mumbled.

"Let's cross this path!" Kitty said as she started walking across a road. Suddenly, I noticed a black car driving by. "WAIT KITTY NOOO!" BAMM. The black car ended up crashing her as Kitty fell on the road, with her yellow suitcase next to her. I quickly ran up to her and asked if she was okay."

"Y-yeah im fine, just a bit startled." "Are you ok?" Asked a voice that wasn't mine. It was a girl and her driver I'm assuming?

"Can we get a ride?" Asked Kitty.

The girl smiled and said something to her driver.

We both stepped in the car and started to put on our seatbelts.

"Where are you headed to?" The girl asked us.

"Korean Independent School Of Seoul." I answered.

"No way." The girl said. "That's where we're headed.

"Shut up!" Kitty and I both said.

"I'm Yuri, what are your names?"

"I'm Katherine Song Covey, but my friends call me Kitty so call me Kitty!" "And she's Y/N Collins, my new best friend!"

I smiled at Yuri and nodded.

"Nice to meet you guys, do you have family here?" Yuri asked politely.

"No, just my boyfriend." Kitty responded.

"Nope, no family here!" I answered. Unless if you count a dead grandma. 😂

"I CANT wait to surprise him!" Kitty said excitedly as she squirmed in her seat.

"What's your plan?" I asked curiously.

"I'll tell him to have fun at the welcome party, then dress up and tap him on the shoulder there, say excuse me, but have you seen my boyfriend?" "Then we will hug and kiss, aka my first kiss ever!" Kitty explained to us in a rush.

"Wow." I said.

"I don't know anyone who would do something like that." Yuri said.

"Well now you have!" Kitty said while smiling.

"What about you Y/N?" "Why did you choose to come here?" Yuri asked.

"My grandmother died last year, and her childhood place was right here in Seoul so I wanted to go to the school she went and get to know what she did and her experience here." I explained to them.

"Oooh." Kitty said.

"Sorry about your grandmother." Yuri told me.

"It's all good." I said.

"What about you?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" Kitty asked curiously to us.

I shook my head immediately. Nah, kinda a waste of time if you ask me. I gotta be valedictorian.

"I've been hanging out with someone this past summer but it's not serious." Yuri stated.

"Why?" Kitty asked.

"Because we can't." Yuri answered flatly."

"Why?" Kitty asked again. I rolled my eyes and chuckled lightly at the interaction between them.

"Because it's complicated."

"What makes it so complicated?" Kitty pressed.

"Are you like this with every single new person you meet? " Yuri asked.

"Nope, just the ones I find interesting." Kitty responded truthfully. Yeah sure you are.

"Lucky me then. " Yuri said sarcastically.

Throughout the rest of the ride, the three of us chatted casually and got to know each other a bit better. When we've finally arrived, Yuri handed us our suitcases.

"Good luck with everything!" She said.

Kitty and I both waved at her before going into the lobby I'm guessing?

"Name?" Asked the receptionist.

"Y/N Collins." I said.

"Ok, here's your file."

"Will you need a dorm?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Alrighty, here's your dorm room number and key, have a nice day!" She said before turning to Kitty.

I hope I get a good roommate. With nothing to do until the welcome party, I decided to check out my dorm room and to pick out an outfit. The second I walked in, there was suitcases already in the dorm.


I should've really gotten a single room. If only I was a daughter of a billionaire. Sighing, I opened my suitcase and went to put on my dress:

With my black hair and brown eyes, I feel like this dress matched perfectly. My last name is Collins since I take after my dad's last name while my mother's last name is Tang, taking after my grandpa.

I decided to put up my hair in this hairstyle:

Except with black hair ofc.

I think I'm ready!! Welcome party here I come!

Hey everyone! New story I've started today! I recently finished Xo Kitty and it was so good so I decided to write a story about Minho and Y/N! Hope you enjoy this and please vote and interact with this story as I've worked really hard!

Enjoy! ~FofoHenny <3

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