The After Effect- Percabeth...

By writerwriter1

2.7M 30.6K 32K

*** Some DIRTY! *** After the war with Gaea and the romance and effects of the war on the loving young couple... More

The After Effect- Percabeth
Chp 1. Introducing Us
Chp 2. Flashback
Chp 3. The Talk
Chp 4. Tell Him
Chp 5. What To Wear
Chp 6. Busted!
Chp 7. Getting Ready
Chp 8. A Solution?
Chp 9. The Meeting
Chp10. Leaving
Chp11. Telling The Parent
Chp 12. The Friends
Chp 13. Nightmares
Chp 14. The Plans
Chp 15. Preperation
Chp 16. Time to Go
Chp 17. Lets Do It
Chp 18. Blue Light
Chp 19. Naked
Chp 20. Dinner Time
Chp 21. Dessert
Chp 22. Home
Chp 23. Guy Talk/Only 4
Chp 24. Lipstick
Chp 25. Teams
Chp 26. Capture the Flag
Chp 27. The Usual Spot
Chp 28. Five or Six Years
Chp 29. It's Done
Chp 30. Calming the Nerves
Chp 31. Tonight
Chp 32. Her Side
Chp 33. His Side
Chp 34. Depression
Chp 35. First Day Out
Chp 36. Bad Idea
Chp 37.
Chp. 38
Chp. 39
Chp. 40
Chp. 41
Chp. 42
Chp. 44

Chp. 43

22.8K 572 741
By writerwriter1

Annabeth's P.O.V.

Leo's lips were against mine and I kissed him back as best I could.

The thought was killing me. How did Percy even do this. I don't even think charmspeak could take away the horrible feeling I had.

I heard a terrible roaring sound in the background.

His hands were at my side and we pulled away very quickly after about 5-10 seconds.

The pavilion was dead silent.

I started to tear up and Leo threw his hands above his head, mumbled to himself, and paced around in a small circle.

That's when I saw it. The regret. I know Leo didn't want to do it.

It's the same way Percy had been mumbling and pacing with hands above his head.

Which means me, I was Drew I was-

The roaring increased and I turned to see the ocean in 30 feet waves each one crashing down on the beach.

When they crashed the water would come up past the sand and up to the grass.

I turned and looked at Percy.

Alexis stood behind him with hand over her mouth.

But Percy... He has this horrible murderous look on his face.

His fists were clinched, his knuckles were white as snow, every vein was popping out of his body in anger.

I couldn't get him to meet my eyes.

I didn't take my eyes off Percy as I reached my hand back hitting Leo to get him to look.

"Shit Annabeth, Gods shit Annabeth." Leo still had his hand above his head

The roaring of the waves became louder and louder.

Everyone couldn't decide what to look at: me and Leo freaking out, Percy about to murder Leo, or the waves that were crashing into the grass.

The stare-down lasted for a solid 3 minutes. There was complete silence among over 100 people gathered under one pavilion. You could hear a pen drop.

Of course Leo was the first to speak.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back as he stepped back as well.

"Percy-" he said as he did

All of the sudden, the roaring went dead and then came back up at a tremendous volume even higher than before.

The ocean raised and fell. Waves crashed and water came up through the ring of cabins and flooded even past the pavilion.

Everyone screamed and jumped up on tables as about a foot of water flooded the camp.

Percy was as white as snow.

"VALDEZ, GET YOU'RE HANDS OFF HER. DON'T TOUCH HER." He wasn't yelling but his tone was deep and

"Oh dear gods." I said putting my hands over my mouth and pulling up one of my drenched feet to see the damage

"Percy, don't." Leo said putting his hands up

He was scared out of his mind. I was scared out of my mind!

"Hey, Annabeth... A little help." Leo said backing up

"HELL, DON'T EVEN SPEAK TO HER VALDEZ!" Percy said even louder stepping forward

"Percy-" Leo couldn't even speak

Everyone was huddled up on the tables in fear.

Jason and Nico stood jaws dropped trying to get to Percy.

Percy took out his pen and clicked it.

"Oh it's on Valdez."

Leo slowly backed up until Percy took a leap for it.

The water was draining but no one was still able to catch Percy through the water. It gave him incredible strength.

Not even Jason and Nico together could keep him back.

Leo jumped across to tables grabbing a sword at one.

He left trails of fire as he ran while water swirled around Percy in mini hurricanes.

Percy was going to murder him.

I stood there frozen.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't want Percy to hurt Leo but there was no way I was stepping in front of Percy in his condition.

Leo had made a run for the woods. The water was still draining back to the ocean so he couldn't run as fast.

Percy on the other hand was surging through with extreme power. He charged and tackled Leo to the ground with a small splash when they hit.

They rolled around and wrestled yelling and grunting with every hit.

Percy knocked Leo's sword away and sat on top of him ready to throw a punch.

Leo bursted into flames and Percy rolled off into to the still draining water.

As Leo scrambled to his sword Percy stood and uncapped his a second time.

Leo came up from the ground with a full swing.

Percy dunked down and came back up with an arc to block.

Their swords hit with a clash.

They continued to fight and everyone continually gathered at the edge of the pavilion to watch.

There was just as many hooters and hollerers as there were concerned and worried campers. The only thing that they shared was the fear to intervene.

Fire and water.

It's the first time a show like this has gone down and its all my fault too.

Percy pulled one of his special moves and Leo's sword scattered to the ground with no way to recover it.

As Percy flipped his sword around proud of his unfinished work he readied himself for another sword attack.

As he did so, Leo turned sending a red hot flame of fire which traveled through Percy's sword and onto his bare hands.

He yelled at the pain and threw his sword at Leo who dunked just in time for it to go sailing over his head and into the pavilion where everyone jumped, cheered, screamed, and roared.

As Percy's eyes followed Riptide's path, Leo took his opportunity to tackle Percy back into the ground.

The grunting and wresting continued as they threw punch after punch at one another some blocked and some right on target at the right time.

At this point, without the weapons and blood splashing up from who knows with all the rolling, everyone began to realize how serious this was.

Eventually Leo got his first good hit in (He was bleeding from the nose as Percy had given him a few good hits.) as he kneed Percy in the gut/genitals area while trying to get up.

Percy let out a few moans as he rolled around holding his genitals while Leo stood to try and stop the blood pouring from his nose.

The fight stood still for some time and I looked to my side to realize Alexis and I were clinging to each other's arms afraid of the outcome like nothing happened.

We met eyes awkwardly but agreeingly as we knew someone was about to be seriously hurt.

Percy slowly rose once again with a small amount of blood trickling from a cut on his forehead.

He couldn't stand that great but was up with knees bent and fists ready to block or take another hit.

At some point in their eyes, you could say the fight became more about pride than getting even or revenge. It's like they wanted to stop but they couldn't.

They threw some pity throws trying to throw each other around but their energy was decreasing

Until.... Percy slipped in a puddle that had formed in a hole in the ground.

It's amazing how his powers work, you can see the energy and power flow right through him.

I don't know if Leo could stick his hand in a fire and be healed like magic but Percy sure had the capability to do it with water.

That's when I knew Leo was done though. As long as that water remained in the earth and I remained sheltered under this pavilion like a daughter of Aphrodite (no offense Piper), Leo was at his end or at least his end of being able to walk.

Adrenaline filled the two of them though Leo couldn't show it. He was ready but not for anything Percy was capable of at the moment.

Leo threw a punch as Percy did one of his inspections of how awed he was at his powers and knocked Percy square in the jaw.

His head flew back and he grabbed his jaw and I let out a squeal as he did so.

I couldn't stand to see him in pain. I mean seeing a guy get hit with a ball or kicked by a Pegasus in the nuts is pretty funny but it's not funny when it's the real deal.

I believe it was at this point that I ran out to stop the fight. The problem was Leo was the first to speak to me.

"Annabeth, go away!" Leo said shaking his hand at me

I continued to come forward with anger and sadness at how low and pitiful this whole ordeal had become.

"Annabeth!!!! Go away!!! This isn't your fight!!!" Leo turned to me with hands up whether he was ready to guide me or wave me or push me away or whatever it was I don't know

The point is whatever Leo planned to do did not suit so well with Percy.

He stopped pacing with his jaw in hand.

"Leo! Don't touch her! Don't speak to her! Don't look at her! Don't think about her!"

He turned and shoved Leo who was examining his wet, scratched, and bloody body to the ground.

Percy came down upon him as he hit the ground with a punch straight back at Leo.

Leo quickly tried to swing put it was pitiful. He had blood in his eyes and he looked almost drunk.

Percy threw his arm back ready to throw one last punch a punch that would at least knock Leo out cold for a very long time and/or give him absolute permanent brain damage (not that some of his brain already isn't damaged).

"Percy!" I yelled and commanded as best I could "Percy stop! Don't do it."
He hesitated as I said the last part quietly

"Don't." Leo's your friend, "You're better than this. It's my fault anyways. Don't hit him again Percy. Don't."

His anger continued to fade. The roaring of the waves subsided. I knew he'd listen to me.

"I can't." He started to cry over Leo, "He. You. Him. He's one of my best friends. How could you two? How could you?"

"I was wondering the same thing." I said with a straight face and arms crossed

I realized I sounded a little to rough in my tone. "I mean Percy, just stop. Leo needs to go to the infirmary and you need to too. Come on, you just said it. He's one of your best friends and that gash on your head isn't getting any wider." I said taking a closer look at it

I slowly walked towards him and with hand on shoulder, I squatted down beside him and put my hand over his fist.

"Leave him alone Percy. Look at me. Leave him alone. I'm sorry, it's my fault but please don't take it out on Leo. He just wanted to help... And someone to use his plan for once." I half mumbled at the end

"Yeah, I think I'll stick to making swords and warships." Leo said quietly on the ground

Percy cracked a small smile.

"See, there's my Seaweed Brain." I smiled

He turned and looked a me with a big grin.

"You mean?" He said excitedly

"Come on up to the infirmary," I smiled grabbing his hand "and we can talk about it."

Alexis came running up to Leo's side.

"Leo! Oh my gods!" She said relieved as she helped him up and position his bloody nose and other hopefully not broken parts

The two boys slowly stood up and after they both collapsed three times and Jason and Nico came to help, we were on our way to the infirmary while Piper and Jasmine walked backwards cheerfully along the front commenting on the chaos.

Percy's arm was around me, not the way it usually was but I still knew it was right.

The blood loss had seemed to make him a little tipsy as he had a crazy smile and could barely keep his eyes open but when they were, they were on me.

And you know what? I know that's how it's meant to be.

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