The Lost Harrison Twin

By savagelove00

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Aaron doesn't remember and Asher lost his best friend. Savannah lost a dom and gained her father. So much has... More

Chapter 1: Welcome Back
Chapter 2: Full Circle Back to Hell
Chapter 3: Always Big
Chapter 4: My Support System
Chapter 5: Bad Kitten
Chapter 6: You have an Army
Chapter 7: My Knight in Shing Armor
Chapter 8: Shes Coming Back
Chapter 9: Cancun is Magical 
Chapter 10: I Hope You Don't Burn All Your Bridges.
Chapter 11: Hole in One.
Chapter 12: Feeling Alone
Chapter 13: Splish, Splash, and Slide
Chapter 14: Funishment
Chapter 15: Heart to Heart
Chapter 16: He is just like her!
Chapter 17: I Can Explain
Chapter 19: One Hell of a Punishment
Chapter 20: Rough Start Back
Chapter 21: Memories
Chapter 22: He Remembers
Chapter 23: The Problem
Chapter 24: I Dont Know if You Can
Chapter 25: We are a team.
Chapter 26: The little brat.
Chapter 27: We Need to Have a Serious Talk
Author Note

Chapter 18: Exploring History

1.6K 60 10
By savagelove00

Savannah POV:
     I woke up feeling better and calmer. Asher had his arms and legs wrapped around me keeping me held tight. I lay here for a few minutes listening to his breathing and looking at the ceiling. After a while I get bored and try to wiggle out of his arms but his grip gets tighter.

     "Baby girl go back to sleep for a little bit longer." Asher grumbles.

     "Nuuu me get up. I nu sweepy any more." I whine and he groans.

     "Fine let's get up." He sits up and stretches. He gets up and changes me putting me into comfy clothes. "Let's go see what everyone is up too." He starts to walk out and I whine. "What?" He turns around to me and I hold my arms up. He laughs and picks me up carrying me down stairs to find the others.

     Once we make it down stairs we found Claire, Kason, Trevor, Hailey, Wesley, and Flower all sitting in the living room watching tv.

     "We can go to the ruins and take a tour. It will be an all day trip. They let you swim in a sink hole it looks really cool." Wesley says looking at his phone.

     "Will that be a good idea to let the littles in a sink hole?" Claire ask.

     Wesley shrugs "We will all be there and they have to wear life jackets."

     Asher walks over to one of the chairs sitting down with me in his lap. "I feel like it will be fine with everyone there. It will be all hands on deck if all the littles are in their head space."

     "We can help." Kason adds looking up from his phone.

     "Okay I will text the group text and ask the other Daddies." Trevor said pulling out his phone.

     "What's the ruins called?" Ash ask pulling up google on his phone.

     "Chichen Itza." Wes answers.

     Asher looks it up and looking at some pictures. It looks cool I guess. We sit here as the doms talk and I just pay attention to the tv.

     The rest of the day we just relax, watch tv and then we eat dinner. Once we are done we convenience the bigs to let us play in the play room.

     "Okay you all have an hour then it's bed time we have to get up early." Ben said as the doms walked out.

     "How you doing Savvy?" Ann ask as we pull a game from the shelf.

     "I am doing okay."

     "Good I am here if you need me."

     "Me too." Lily jumps in.

     "Me three." Huey says and grabs me hugging me tight. Next thing I know the girls are hugging us too. The rest of the night was fun we spent our hour playing sorry.

     True to their word the doms were back in an hour to get us. Ash gave me a bath and then cuddles me in bed rubbing my back as I drift off to sleep.

Asher's POV
     My alarm wakes me up screaming causing me to groan. I don't want to be up this early but I know today is going to be packed with fun. I stretch and get out of the bed. I leave Savannah asleep for now so I can get myself ready. I then grab clothes for her and go to wake her up.

     Savannah is many things; kind, cute, sweet, loving, however she is not a morning person. She groans and just lays limp as I pick her up.

     "Come on baby girl I need you to wake up." I whisper in her ear working on changing her diaper and her clothes. "Come on sweet girl open your eyes for Daddy." I coo trying to get her awake. Once she is dressed I sit her on the bathroom counter and brush her teeth with not much help from her. I give up on trying to wake her up and just carry her down stairs finding Jason. "Hey Jason can you take her so I can go pack a bag for today?"

     "Yeah no problem." He says taking Savannah out of my hands. I quickly run back up the stairs to our room and grab a backpack throwing my wallet, extra clothes for Savannah, sunscreen and a few other things into it. I then go back downstairs to find Jason and the others putting the littles into the two vans. All four still asleep. It's a good thing that it's a three hour drive.

     "How is she doing?" Jason whispered once we hit the road.

     "She doing fine. She's just tired."

     "I am sorry about yesterday. I just didn't want well that to happen and it did."

     "I get it your need to protect her. I have it too, however I have learned she is not as fragile as you would think. She is strong and outgoing. You have to be honest with her. If she knows the situation she can handle it however the surprise is what sets her into a downward spiral."

     "Okay don't hide stuff from her got it." Jason nods.

     We were about an hour and half in when we heard a whimper from the back.

     "Daddy." Houston whines causing us to look back and see him rubbing his eyes.

     "What baby boy?" Josh turns around in his seat to face him.

     "I need to potty."

     "Okay baby we will stop just hang in there bub." Josh looks at Jason and he nods. Jason ask the driver to make a stop. In just a few minutes the drive was pulling into a gas station and the other van fallowing behind us. Once there Josh gets Houston out, going ti take care of him.

     "Daddy." Savannah whimpers from the back.

     "Morning Princess."

     "Where are we?"

     "We are on our way to go see the ruins. Are you thirsty or hungry? Do you need to be changed or go potty?"

     "I am hungry Daddy."

     "Okay baby Jason is going to go get you some food at the McDonald's next door." I say getting her sippy cup out. "Here baby here is some juice." I hand it to her.

     "No I don't want it!" She yells and throws it. Hitting Lily in the head waking her up. Lily starts to cry which pulls Ben into action. He quickly unbuckled her and pulls her into his arms shushing her.

     "SAVANNAH!" I glare getting her out of the seat and pulling her back to mine. I put her over my lap, bare, her and then laid ten hard smacks.

     "Owie Daddy!" She cries wiggling around.

      "Young lady I suggest you to apologies and act right or else you will be enjoying the day with a very sore bottom." I growl in a low but dark tone. I stand her up and point to where Ben is holding Lily.

     Savannah wipes her tears and looks at Lily. "I am sorry Lily." Lily nods and then hurries her head back into Ben's chest.

      "Now you're going to sit back in your seat and wait for Jason to get back with the food. Quietly." I say pointing to her seat. She sniffles and climbs back in her seat. After a minute Josh and Houston get back in.

     "Hey Savvy you're awake!" Huey smiles climbing in his seat.

     "Huey buddy Savvy is in trouble she has to be quiet for a bit. She's kind of in time out." I tell him.

     "Oh otay."

     Josh hands him his phone to play on and it keeps him occupied. It's isn't much longer before Jason is back with the food. He hands it out and Max wakes up Ann. Once everyone has their food we hit the road again. This time the drive was full of laughter and talking. All the littles are in their headspace and getting along.

     The drive seemed to take forever as we road through small Mexico towns. We passed meat shops and stores. There were hand made hammocks everywhere and wicker furniture that was big and small.

     When we made it to Chichen Itza the town was cute. There were little shops everywhere I know we would have to look around them with all the girls. We get out of the van and get the littles out. I grab our backpack and Savannah's hand as we fallow Jason to where we are meeting our tour guide.

     We meet up with the tour guide and start to fallow her. Once we entire into Chichen Itza they check all of our bags. It most have looked weird for the security to see some of our bags and the supplies in it but thank God they didn't say anything. We fallowed the guide down a road that had little shops and carts on both sides. After walking about half a mile we finally make it to the ruins.

     As the tour guide tells us about different key points I look at Savannah who is in awe. Her mouth is gaping open and her eyes are huge. She always talks about how she wants to travel the world and see everything. I am so glad I can be here to see her learn and explore the world. I want to always be here for that.

     "Do you see these bricks?" The guide points to the two walls on either side of us. "As you walk down these walls you will notice that they get bigger. This causes an echo. If you stand at the end you can clap once and hear it fourteen times. This allowed big crowds to gather and the speaker could talk at that end." She points, "and the people on the other end could understand him word for word." She walks us to the end of the walls and tells us to all clap together. When we do you can hear it echo. It is so cool and I can tell everyone is excited.

      She tells us a little bit more information and then lets us explore. We all split up and explore on our own. Savannah grabs my hand and I let her lead me around as she studies the structures point out the things she thinks are cool. After a while we meet back up with the group and take pictures. After we are done we all walk back to the town stoping at charts that catch our eye. We buy a magnet for the fridge in our dorm, a t-shirt for each of us and Savannah picks out one for my Mom and Dad. The of course Savannah has to get a blue glass elephant that she sees and last but not least she got a dolphin stuff animal.

     Once we finish shopping, we head back to the vans and hop in heading to the cenote. Once there we get the littles changed into their swimming suits and then take turns changing into our own. The guy at the cenote tells us about its history and then give us each life jackets.

     "Do we have to wear these?" Kason whines.

     "Yes he just told us that it is 114 feet deep pup. That means to deep not to wear this." Claire patted his head as he sadly buckled it up. Once everyone had their jackets on we made our way into the water. It is beautiful crystal clear water and cold. We all swim around having fun. All was going well until I look over to see Savannah, Ann, and Kason with their life jackets off and floating next to them.

      "Put those back on now!" I holler making my way to them. Pulling everyone's attention t to the three. It's a good thing we were the only group there because what happened next would have looked really weird.

     Max, Claire and I grab our subs and yank them out of the Cenote. Max was already whacking Ann's butt as he walks her to the van. 

     "That it you are done for the day. I will get you changed and you will go nap in the van. When we get home we will be having a little chat." I tell Savannah as I pull her along behind Max and Ann. We change the girls and as Ann balls her eyes out. Once they are dressed we buckle them in telling them to nap.

     "That was scary." Max whispers as we stand on the outside of the van.

     "I agree it was 114 feet deep. If they would have started to go down it could have ended bad." I nod running my fingers through my hair.

     "I am going to ware out Ann ass when we get home." Max buried his face into his hands. I pat his back and get into the van. It was going to be a long drive back. Maybe I could take a nap like the littles. Hell this day had be so good but now we are ending it on a soar note.

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