
By thementalistgirl

2.4K 140 28

The entire CBI is convinced that Jane is Red John! But instead of attacking him directly, they take it out on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

196 11 0
By thementalistgirl

Nevermind! Thank you pizzazzlol for saving the story!!!


Chapter 5

She watches as Jane storms to his car looking ready to kill. That pest of his runs up to him and grabs his arm begging him not to do it but Jane pulls away from her and gets into the car.

The woman smiles to herself, watching with pride as her beloved abandons his pet at the door. Jane was finally getting where she wanted him to be: heartless and cold. Her eyes tear up a little, her Jane making his first kill. She was so proud of him.

Lisbon pulls out her phone, not noticing that she's being watched.

"Cho? Jane's going to kill Bertram I-I can't stop him...No he just left...don't tell anyone but the team you know what they'll do....thank you."

The stranger's pride was short lived as it occurs to her that Lisbon was going to ruin everything, again. She walks a fair distance away and calls her master saying the familiar tiger tiger in the phone when he picks the phone.

"Master they're going to prevent Jane from killing Bertram."

"Don't underestimate the love he has for Teresa, he will kill Bertram for what's happened to her. Are you in position?"

Love. What a disgusting word, but who is she to think that way, after all she loves Patrick. Loves him enough to help rid him of everyone he gets close to, tells Red John his every move. In fact, she loves him enough to kill his beloved Teresa.

"I'm making my way over there now."

It was a lie, in all honesty the only plan she wanted to follow was slicing Teresa's throat and watching her gasp with all her might. But then again Red John had come up with a new game and Teresa seemed to be his next opponent which meant that the little bitch was off limits. The only thing she looked forward to was finally reuniting with Jane and convincing him to work for her master. Jane would be hers again and if she did exactly what she was told his capture would happen very soon. Taking one last glance at Lisbon she chooses to let her live and obeys Red John's orders.


Gun in hand, Jane storms into the CBI making his way to Bertram's office infuriated when both Cho and Rigsby bar his way.

"Get out of my way!"

"Go back to Lisbon, you don't belong here."

Cho notices the gun Jane's holding and immediately aims his own at the consultant.

"Drop the gun now!"

"You don't have it in you to shoot me, you're bluffing!"

Cho cocks his gun.

"One move and I will kill you."

He warns as Jane examines his own gun contemplating what to do. It was more then just a weapon, it was power. A way to make amends, to kill who he thought was Red John and avenge his family's death.

"Why can't you see that Bertram is Red John!? That he's been abusing Teresa this whole time and using her against me!"

Rigsby imitates Cho, pulling out his gun and aiming it at Jane.

"Both Bertram and Minelli have evidence that you are Red John, Teresa risked her life for you and you're just going to throw her sacrifice away? Do you know what we've been ordered to do to you if you turn on anyone!? Go back to her Jane or we will be forced to gun you down!"

Jane couldn't believe that they have turned against him. Does no one believe him? Shouldn't he at least be given a chance to prove himself innocent? His thoughts turned to Lisbon, in all honesty he had planned to kill himself after enacting his revenge so that he could be reunited with his wife and daughter but that all changed when he met her. Jane knew her feelings towards him, he knew that finding his lifeless body would crush her.

"I am not Red John. I did not murder my wife and daughter!"

"The evidence proves other wise."

Cho deadpans not allowing Jane to continue.

"The only reason you're alive is because of our boss. Don't make us kill you."

This was so frustrating, they were only postponing the inevitable. But the very thought of Lisbon breaking down because of him made his heart ache. He has to back away, he needs to apologize to her and get her to tell him the whole story. Jane will kill Bertram but not today. Jane drops the gun and kicks it towards the two agents who relax and put away their guns in response.

"Fine. I'll leave."

It takes everything in him to turn around and walk out of the building but he has to do it for Lisbon. He can't be the reason she breaks.


Jane stops dead in his tracks, a sudden chill running down his spine. He can see her sitting in the driver's seat of his car, the blonde woman looks up at him giving Jane a warm smile. It doesn't make sense, she's dead! Not making a move he watches her turn on the ignition and drive up to him and roll down the window a flicker of amusement in those blue eyes of hers.

"Why Patrick you look like you've seen a ghost."


She laughs at his expression.

"Oh you poor thing, you look so lost!"

He doesn't know what to do, is it really his wife giggling at him? Jane can still remember holding her dead cold body in his arms begging her to come back to life and yet here she is and suddenly he doesn't want to see Angela anymore. Jane's wife lets out a sigh and gives him a warm smile.

"You don't have a choice love, I'm going to take you far far away. Now be a dear and get in the car."


"What is that on your shirt?"

What? He looks down seeing a glowing red dot and a realization settles in that if he doesn't obey his actually-not-dead wife he's going to get shot. Jane carefully does as he's told and sits shot gun in the car.

"I have one last thing for you."

Angela says pulling out hand cuffs with somewhat of a long chain between the cuffs.

"Don't do your hands I want them on your ankles, we have to look normal you know."

"Angela...why are you doing this?"

"Oh sweetheart I've been working for Red John long before we ever got married! My master wants to see you Patrick, he's playing a new game and you are the perfect bait."


Please comment I'm begging you!!!!!!

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