The copper dragon of Remnant

By SenoirKain

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The copper dragon, son of Glynda and with no clue who his father is. Follow along to see how his journey thro... More

Prologue: The beginning of change
Chapter 1: Same class, new faces
Chapter 2: Third year assignment
Chapter 3: Meeting the new teams
Chapter 4: While the first year's are away the others get to play
Chapter 5: To help find a friend
Chapter 6: So a cat, a monkey and a dragon...
Chapter 7: The Copperscale bears his fangs
Volume one intermission part one The first dragons
Part two: Ozpin's paln/ Kahn going to patch
Part three: Getting to know the rose xiao-longs
Chapter 8: The book's arrival and moving into a dorm
Chapter 9: Nora's misteak and hatching a plan
Chapter 10: Draconic transference
Chapter 11: Operation investigation
Chapter 12: Velvet's declaration of war
Chapter 13: A talk with Ozpin and an invitation
Chapter 14: A mother's concern and a draconic dance
Chapter 15: The primordial dragons and mission time
Chapter 16: The hunt for the fang hideout
Chapter 17: Saving private Ruby/ ya done pissed off a dragon
V2 part 2: Kahn's punishment
V2 part 3: Cooking with Kahn
Chapter 18: Sideline sitting and unexpected guest
Chapter 19: This just got awkward
Chapter 20: Getting to know Qorvid
Chapter 21: A fight between rivals
Chapter 22: A message from the white fang
Chapter 23: The final match and the fall
Chapter 24: Waking up
Chapter 25: The shores of Mistral
Chapter 26: Bandit troubles
Chapter 27: No safe Haven
Chapter 28: Discoveries
Inter.... nope Chapter 29: Arrival in Menagerie
Chapter 30: A disappointing fight, consequences and a new home
Chapter 31: Meeting the leaders
Chapter 32: So a cat, a monkey and a dragon 2.0
Chapter 33: Unexpected discovery, a hidden war
Chapter 34: A talk with my ancient uncle
not a chapter just having writers block
The magics of Remnant

Volume 2 intermission part one the children of the dragons

38 0 0
By SenoirKain

    Ah it is good to see you have returned. Hungry for more knowledge on the history of Remnant hm? Than I shall waste no time in telling you about the many children of the platinum mother and the night sky father.

    Their first born was of the same scale type as her mother. She took greatly after her in many aspects but not entirely. She was far more aloof and harder to anger than her mother. She never did get to grow to the same size as either of her parents. She rarely intervened in the squabbles of her younger siblings preferring to laze around despite how many times she was reprimanded by her parents.

    The next two siblings were the twins of fire and water. Redscale and Cobaltscale. Redscale, he was ever eager for a good fight willing to go to great ends to get what he wants. He believed that there was honor in combat and if he was ever challenged to combat by anyone whether it be man, woman or child, if it was one sole person or an army he would fight them. To those he saw potential in or had managed to even land a wound on him he would preform dragon transference on and grant them a tiny sliver of his power in some cases those he had given that gift to would come back many years later to re challenge. Over the many fights that he had only one person, a woman of no renown managed to truly best him, all that she asked for was to be able to give birth to strong children. Surprised by this he accepted and allowed her to become his mate, while also grant her some of his power, far more than he had gifted to others. Should you see a Redscale at all know that that dragon is one of their children. Now the Cobaltscale scale she was the most cautious of her family never willing to take risks unless she that the reward for it was worth while, she was also reserved and consideredthe most intelligent of her family. She would often admonish her twin for his reckless behavior. One of the key thing to know about her is that a good 300 hundred years before the brother gods left she created a school to learn the many languages and types of magic in the world but when the gods left wiping out all life except for the dragons and Salem she bore a grudge against them and came to understand why her younger brother Copperscale despised them and would talk badly about them. She believed that if she had believed her younger brother and listen sooner what had happened to the world could be prevented. She loathed herself for the longest time for not listening to him as it costed her what she prized the most, teaching the world allowing the mortals to grow smarter and to see past their many differences.

    The next to be born were the four metallic brother, Goldscale, Silverscale, Copperscale and Tinscale. These four brothers would stick together through thick and thin. Goldscale the oldest of the four brothers was calm, cheerful and the most money savy of the four. He would deal with the mortals the most and trade with them. Be would avoid fighting think it boarish and inappropriate. He could breathe fire much like his elder brother, Redscale but not with the same strength. Now Silverscale was an oddity among his siblings. He was more focused, able to forget what goes on around him when thinking as well as being the most talkative out of his siblings. The most unique thing about him was his eyes and breath attack. His eyes were silver and could do what any silver eyed being could. When preforming dragon transference the only trait that anyone would gain was silver eyes not even draconic eyes just silver and the ability that came with it. His breath though was a wave of flaming silver that could only ever harm the grimm, the many other monsters that bad roamed the world and those with evil in their hearts. He was seen as the herald of purity in the world for if he considered you of pure heart he would gift you the strength of silver eyes. Next would be Copperscale but you all should know how he acts to an extent so long as you've kept up the entirety of the story so far. The key thing to know about the first Copperscale is that he would become the strongest of all his siblings, nearing the terrifying might of his father. He would go out of his way to stop any fights between his siblings and was considered the suck up of his family, well until the dragon wars that is but that is a story for a different time when his family witnessed what it meant for him to he truly angry. Now all that is left for the metallic brothers is Tinscale, the weakest dragon. He was born without wings yet he always was kind no matter what happened whether he was bullied by his other siblings or or harassed by mortals that wanted his scales or for him to use his breath to their own gain. He was hopeful beyond belief that one day his siblings would all get along. His breath would come out to form large deposits of any rock or ore that he had previously eaten which was why he was so sought-after. His scales were to weak to block a cut from even a sword made out of wood. His death was the tragedy that would start the dragon war that would shape Remnant to how it is today.

    The next to be born were the twins, Shadowscale and Lightsscale. Shadowscale was the recluse of the family so very little is known about him besides the fact that those near death but didn't die would mention they saw him watching over them waiting to help guide them and put them at ease readying them for the after life. Lightsscale was a selfish, vain and arrogant. He would often say that he was the chosen one of the brother God of Light. If someone whether mortals or dragon would speak up against him he would "prove them wrong" by showing how strong he was from being empowered by the sun. His breath was like that of a laser, capable of cutting just about anything in half, including in removing the tail of his older brother Tinscale. He one of most despised siblings because of his actions even by those on his side during the dragon wars.

    Next were the Jadescale twins. The twin sister were the same in just about every way. They had no wings to fly with but made up for it for having the breath able to counter any of their siblings. They could breathe dust it self, creating veins of it wherever they went while digging around under ground. The two of them looked up to Tinscale as he was the only one to spend time with the Jadescale twins. The two of them would play prnks on their siblings or cause some of their siblings to fight each other the only one they left alone was Tinscale.

    Next of the dragon siblings is the atrocious Greyscale. He is a coward the would take advantage of who ever he could. He was always jealous of the attention his siblings would get and would do whatever possible to get the attention focused on himself. He loathed Copperscale as he was the one that would punish him whenever he did something he shouldn't. It was no surprise to Copperscale that he was the one the started the dragon wars, only enraged beyond belief at what he had done to their family after what tragedy they previously had to deal with that HE was also the cause of.

    Next would be another set of twin known as Rockscale and Sandscale the youngest of the family also considered the biggest bullys that would go out of their way to pillage villages and torture mortals for the fun of it. But they do not matter to our current tale as they and their descendants were all wiped out during the dragon wars because of their actions.

    Their is another dragon however.... not born from the love between the platinum mother and the night sky father. He was made through dragon transference. The Whitescale, the false dragon, the artificial dragon, and also known as the PRIMORDIAL SCHNEE WHITESCALE RULER OF SNOW, ICE, HAIL AND BLIZZARDS HE WHO SLAYED THE FIRST COPPERSCALE. But that is a tale for a different time. The next time we meet I shall tell about the dragon wars and the event that led up to it known as THE GRIMMIFICATION OF THE NIGHT SKY FATHER. But until then I shall bid you adieu.

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