Aussie in Hogwarts

By TanukiTsuki

1.7K 89 67

Keeping their relationship a secret, Merula Snyde and Moon Valhalar are both cuddly And affectionate towards... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapters 16
We will Now enter a New Arch
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Side Chapter 1
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Side Chapter 2
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

33 3 1
By TanukiTsuki

Merula PoV

For a while, or more accurately three days after we got Dixie. I noticed something wrong with him. I noticed him drawing Celtic symbols in the sketchbook I got him, he would take a long time in the shower, and he would go off on a Gaelic-speaking tangent as if natural. What was happening, I found out the answer while I was sleeping. I felt his hands grip my waist and his breath up against my neck. Now while you think this is him just making sure I was there, this went on for a solid hour, until I turned to face him. It wasn't until I looked under the sheets to see something glowing from his skin, I then see him fidget while in the same position, the same thing I felt as I was sleeping. I shook him awake to speak with him.

"Hey, Aussie, wake up."
Moon: "Huh...Cane Toad."
"What? Anyway off topic, are you okay?"
Moon: "I feel fine, but my body wants something."
"Could it be that your stressed?"
Moon: "Possibly, but we don't know."
"Alright, we'll situate this in the morning, until then we can't cuddle."

So Moon and I had the most uncomfortable slumber between us. We still managed to get shuteye, but not as great. It was now morning as Moon was walking around the field, and I was now reading a book in the library. But as I approached a section of the library, I felt something off. my legs shook slightly, my breath slightly staggered, and my spine felt a sudden chill. I look to see frost in this one area of the shelf. I look to see a large tome, the frost was also accompanied by vines frozen in place. As I grabbed the book I looked at it, it was thick and surprisingly light. On the front, I see some Celtic symbols which seem to spell Moon's last name. I wanted to open it but I couldn't, so I cut away the frozen vines and opened the book. I was now fascinated by the book that I didn't notice Moon standing behind me.

Moon: "Hey, Siren, what are you reading?"
"Something I found while researching your predicament, by the way. Your body trying to send a message to someone far off, or some curse."
Moon: "Oooooookay, thank you? Not sure how you came down to that."
"But this seems to be interesting, it states someone called Esra Valhalar, an Aboriginal woman who was born in Australia in the early sixteen hundreds."
Moon: "Wait, where have I heard these names before? Hold on."

He ran out of the room and fifteen minutes later he came back with a stack of chocolate frog cards.

Moon: "Esra Valhalar, a Ravenclaw who founded the Order of Druids to help spread peace by any means."

We continue to read and relate until we come to the most recent chapter.

"Moon Valhalar II, born of a Celtic father and Aboriginal mother,! Okay how does it know what is going on, and secondly your part Celtic?!"
Moon: "Well yeah, why?"
"So are you by chance a Druid?"
Moon: "What, No, if anything if I was I would have insomnia for a solid week."
"Well, your family is a lineage of powerful Druids who can control certain elements."

So that's when it clicked, he was going through preparations to gain a Druid power. So I explained to him that his body was changing but he seemed to panic that he accidentally cast a butt ton of frost in the room. It became a subzero prison. but this became a reality when I  noticed his panicked rage as he made a tiny vine sprout from the ground. I pulled him close to me and higher him. I was now confused, how was he able to use both Ice and Floral elements? I then see a flash of light around him making him mysteriously sprout white and gold clothes.

Is this even a wizard let alone my boyfriend?

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