Chapter 24

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Merula PoV

That was a wonderful night I had...but there was something funny going on...because I kept on feeling feathers in my sleep...I mean yes it was comfortable...but I didn't know where they were coming from. So I just got up, got dressed, and went down to see Moon eating a bowl of seeds, so I just got behind him and hugged him. He responded with a kiss on my face.

"Hey there my Moonlight."
Moon: "Moonlight, that's a new one."
"Well, I just wanted to spark up our relationship a bit."

I sat beside him and tried some of his seeds, they tasted does he eat these? But I noticed something...his eyes were letting off a radiant glow...and his wooden hand started to grow feathers over it. I quickly pointed it which moon saw this, covered it...and walked off to class. What was going on

Charms Class

It was study hall and we were studying the old charms, when I see moon...he is trying to stop his eyes from glowing...yet they didn't stop...that is when the professor spoke up.

Professor Flitwick: "Valhalar, Are you Alright?"
Moon: "Yep, never better, no need to worry, mate."

There was something wrong, I didn't see it until Care for Mythical Animals class, where I saw the sudden transformation...

There was something wrong, I didn't see it until Care for Mythical Animals class, where I saw the sudden transformation

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(A/N yes that is my work...if you ask yes that is moon as a ****)

I look to see Moon had taken on a whole new form...but I noticed he was panicked he was looking around frantically and started to flap his wings...arms...feathered appendages...I don't fucking know what they were but he was flapping when he took flight I chased after him...I saw him go into the Owl tower. So when I go in there...I saw him hunched over crying when I pulled him into a hug I swore I heard him say 'Thank You,' so I stayed with him for a couple minutes until he transformed back into his human form. So when we got back to the lesson...Turns out Moon was just overwhelmed...which is understandable, but I saw this man among a crowd of over 180 people and he gets overwhelmed by a class. The after class moon told me why.

Moon: "Merula, look, I know you have seen me among crowds of 180 people...but I have a High Tolerance to when I get overwhelmed...It's because my tolerance just ran low. I can handle small crowds, but after the celestial ball and all those just imprinted and it just overwhelmed me when I was in a class, I hope this won't impact our relationship as a whole."

And when I heard this...I was starting to understand why. But that didn't answer the question:

What was that transformation?

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