Chapters 16

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Moon PoV

Well, me and Luna we're walking in Hogsmeade(getting some tea to go)when I see this woman standing there suspiciously, she made eye contact with me as I moved in closer for a better look. We continue to lock eyes as I move in closer until I am six feet away from her face.

"Hello, can I help you?"???: "I'm currently waiting on someone, how may I help you?"

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"Hello, can I help you?"
???: "I'm currently waiting on someone, how may I help you?"

I then see Luna sniff her body until I heard her yelp, I look to see Luna sniffing her rear.

"Luna, heel."

This caught her attention as she returned to my side. I then see Luna wagging her tail like crazy as she started to jump up and down in excitement. Before she proceeded to piss on a mailbox.

???: "This is why I didn't let Merula own any pets."
"Come again?"
???: "Merula Snyde, that's who I'm waiting for."
"Exactly who are you?"
???: "Well I'm her-"

Just before she could finish I hear my girlfriend walk down to where we were, and with Sol no less. She hugged me from behind and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey, Siren."
Merula: "Hey, Aussie, got the stuff I came here for."
"That's great, someone's been waiting on you from what I hear."

Then I hear her speak up. Directly to Merula.

???: "What did I say about pets young lady?"
Merula: "That I wasn't allowed to own any of them."
???: "Now dispatch of this mongrel."
"Now wait a damn minute, mate, this is a lot to take in. But let me ask."

The atmosphere got so thick you could cut it with a dagger.

"How would you feel if I told you to dispatch your most prized possession?"
???: "Well, seems I already have."
"Wait what!?"
???: "Seeing as she found someone already."

I look around, then pointed to Merula, and to this she nodded. I was now confused, but Merula tried to piece it together for me. So now it was a good 39 minutes before I got the memo.

"Wait, so you're telling me, that you two are in a niece and aunt relationship. But she raised you when your parents went to Azkaban."
Merula: "Yes, finally, the wolves fell asleep in those 39 minutes."
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Snyde."
???: "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Aussie."
"Okay, stop, don't call me that. It's a pet name your niece gave me. Call me Moon, Valhalar, or Black Kite, don't ask about the last one."
Ms. Snyde: "Well, Moon, I was waiting on Merula, for classified purposes."
"Oh, I already know, you can't keep R a secret from me."
Merula: "Wait you know!? How!?"
"Well, I would explain it in detail, but to keep it short; about a week ago I was flying in my bird form and accidentally found the base of R. I then snuck in, somehow became a member of R, and defected on the same day."
Ms. Snyde: "How??"

We continue to converse until we came to Hogwarts. Merula and I decided to have a conversation about the offer her aunt made her.

Merula: "Should I join, I mean I feel ready, but I have concerns about this."
"Merula, I would normally agree, but don't join."
Merula: "Are you sure?"
"I speak from experience, don't. Besides I'm on thin ice with your family as you are with mine, so I don't want to beef it up more"

Our wolves decided to snuggle close to us while we were talking. It was a hard decision but she decided to face her aunt about more than the offer. Why? The moment she came back into the room she was followed by her aunt who hugged me close. This was unexpected, but it felt nice regardless.

"Well, Ms. Snyde, I believe that you and Merula made up."
Ms. Snyde: "Well, it was more than make up, she convinced me to give you a chance, so you can call me Verucca. Okay, Black Kite?"
"Alright, Verucca."

So we continue well into the night when she had to leave, so now we were left alone in the room and tired. So we decided to go to sleep, well she washed and dressed for bed, and I just changed and passed out on the bed falling dead asleep. I felt Merula cuddle up to me while I was asleep, this was almost the most wholesome sleep I got, until Sol decided to lick my toes. I will never understand why we chose these two as our familiars.

Merula PoV

It was the next day of regular classes, when I tripped on something. I landed on my rear and started to give the floor a very colorful and profound cussing until I heard something

*Yap Yap*

I look forward and see a crupp pup on me

I look forward and see a crupp pup on me

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Okay, Merula, you already have a wolf. You don't need this one.

It then gave me puppy dog eyes. Looking into my essence.

Goddammit, it's too strong

I picked up the pup and proceeded to rush to Moon, Who was currently washing the massive amounts of creatures in our room.

"Moon, we're keeping this little pup."
Moon: "Why am I not surprised, I don't have a choice do I?"
Moon: "What did you name this one?"

So after helping him wash all the creatures, and guiding them to the room. Only to find Luna and Sol taking Dixie like their pup.

Why am I like this when it comes to creatures?

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