Chapter 26

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Congratulations, you have reach the end of the book. For context, this was during the graduation of the students, the class of 1991 so here are a list of things that happened in Moon's Life that you really should know, if you want a side book about this list let me know:

He joined the Ministry of Magic in year 7

He became the Leader of The Order of Druids

He and Merula started to plan the wedding

He and Merula were now packing up

Merula wrote, "An Aussie's guide to Hogwarts School of Wizardry & Witchcraft"

Moon has started to Make sectors for the order, to keep it organized

Aunt Trixie and Serverus Snape got married in year 6(He was snape's best man, but he warned that If he betrayed the family, or the school, he would die)

Moon is the reason behind the new "Aboriginal Magics" class, taught by Dumbledore himself

Okay, so now you know, now...let's dive into what you came here for.

Moon PoV

This is it, the end, the day we graduate. This marks the start of our new journey, but for the first time, I felt like something was going to be incomplete. I mean yes, there is a new class...but it seems to obvious the mark I left on this I sat that the Ravenclaw table(Unfortunately away from Merula) and just waited for Dumbledore to start his speech.

Dumbledore: "Students, we are all here to congratulate you on another year at this school. We hope you found your experience here to be splendid, as did we. But today not only marks the end of a year, but the brand new milestone in this school's history, so if one Moon Valhalar come up to the podium."

I was shocked to hear my name, so I got up to the podium and now stood face to face with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: "Young Valhalar has made history here at this school. He was the first ever Australian we had here, The first Aboriginal Man we ever had, the first to make his own spells, the first to come to hogwarts as a member of The Order of Druids, And Was the first to come with a family tradition. So on behalf of this school, we give you this."

And I got a Plaque reading "First Aussie in Hogwarts" And was given the podium. So I walked up and got nervous for the first time.

"Okay, I have never done this before, so Right now I am nervous as fuck right now. So sorry for my language in this speech. But I would like to thank The entire continent of Australia for shaping me into this man here. Thank you to My parents...wherever the Fuck they are right now. Thank you for the professors for the information. And if I don't acknowledge this person, I would be the victim of a punch in the balls, So let's Give it up for-"

*pulls out a piece of parchment and goose into Reading voice now*

"The Strongest Witch, The Ultimate Magic user, the Powerful hottie, The Electrifying sorceress, The best Valentine, And the one who chose this-"

*normal voice*

"And I quote-"

*Back to reading voice*

" 'Motherfucker who decided to place a shit ton of dead snakes in my bed, and we started to date because he didn't burn down my room because he is the Strongest Wizard along side me, Not to mention a Stud and a Bea-"

*Awkwardly stops reading, pulls out his lighter, and burns the paper, Stomps on it, and just clears his throat*

Merula Snyde. For we know not where this will take us, and for once we won't be able to study the material. For this life is a test, if we pass, we pass in death as a good person. But the definition of pass Varys from person to person. Like For some it's money, but for others like me-"

*Looks at Merula*

"it's family. Merula asked me one time, and now I ask you: What do you want from life, and how will you get it? To be fair this was started after we fucked in the broom closet and were now in the aftermath on it.-"

Flashback spell(Real quick)

Me and Merula were bored and just looking for something do, so she popped the question.

Merula: "Wanna fuck?"

*without hesitation* "Okay, Let's do it."

And that is when she dragged me to the broom closet in the 15 hours later, we were just wrapped in out clothes and just laying close to each other.

Merula: "Hey Moon?"

"Yeah, Love?"

Merula: "What do you want from life, and how are you going to get it? Because if you want me to be pregnant, go like this without the condom and were guaranteed a child."

And that got me thinking, because I forgot what she said after the question...but she did make a good point. We were close to graduating.

End of Flashback spell(see, for old times sake)

"But the question still stands, To those of you whom are to graduate, Hope you find your way in this world...and may the memories you made stick with you...I know mine did. Now back to Dumbledore who at this point is either disgusted, shocked, not surprised, or all of them."

I walk off stage, and saw the shocked look on the rest of the students face...but a seductive look on Merula...and that is when Dumbledore just seemed shocked and he tried to move it along. By announcing the House cup winner, which was neither of the four houses, but-

Dumbledore: "Moon Valhalar And Merula Snyde."

That was a shocking twist... but eh, I don't really care.

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