Chapter 18

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Okay, to provide a little context:
This is a time skip, nothing really interesting happens in the time except that they learn Flippendo Maximus. This is just me jumping to the juicy bits and plot twist.

Moon PoV

So now here we are Ben, Merula, and I. Walking and searching for something in the woods when a whole horde of detectors appear.

Ben: "What are we to do?"
"We fight. Obviously."
Me and Merula: "Expecto Patronum Maxima."

Ben just watched as a whole flock of astral emus just comes darting out and aggressively taking out the dementors. We then hear a familiar voice.

???: "Well, if it isn't the Aussie that went rouge, should've stayed with your kangaroos and emus."
"And you should keep with your afternoon tea ya daggy fanny with a cake hole."
???: "Aww come on, you surely recognized me?"
Ben: "Rakepick you know as well as I do that this is wrong."

Ben then stepped up and started to duel with Rakepick. Taking blows back and forth, including knocking him down.

Rakepick: "Well I believe we should end this once and for all. Avara Gedabra."

It was aimed at Ben but I saw Rowan jump in front of him. He dropped dead in front of us.

Rakepick: "Not what I intended, but okay."
"R-r-rowan, What have you DONE?!"

And like that, I summoned a bunch of vines around her.

Rakepick: *urk* "Alright let's talk about this."
"The time to talk is over, you decided on war."

I froze her to the ground and wrapped more vines around her. But she broke free and knocked me down

Rakepick: "Flippendo. You're not worth my time."

I was currently trembling on the ground as my body almost gave out. That's when I felt a power surge in my body unlike any other. It felt like a boost and an instinctual sense, I pulled out my wand and started to cast


I then see Rakepick on the tree and barely moving. I then look at Rowan's lifeless body, before closing my eyes. I then hear a loud gasp after a green flash. I open my eyes to see Rowan sitting up and catching his breath.

Rowan: "What...happened?"
"Rowan, but how and why, but more importantly are you okay?"
Rowan: "yeah I'll be fine."

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