Bonten's love

By Ekonochan

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Konomi is a not so ordinary girl who ends up catching the eye of all the executives of Bonten, Japan's most d... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15.5
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 26.5
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author note 2
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36.5
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 30

448 15 2
By Ekonochan

  The morning was cold as Konomi woke up, the sounds of laughing and arguing disruted her sleep.
    She went to the living room to find Sanzu, Ran and Hanma, but found them in the kitchen covered in flour and eggs.

Konomi: what are you guys doing?!

Sanzu: I wanted to show them I can cook, they were disturbing me (sniffs and walks over to Konomi).

Konomi: (hugs Sanzu) aww Haru it's okay, I'm sure you tried your best.

Hanma: stop crying you big baby, you can't cook.

Ran: I just wanted to make pancakes.

Konomi: (sighs and let's go of Sanzu) y'all are making me feel like a babysitter, go clean yourselves up and I'll make the pancakes.

Ran: (pecks her on the lips) thanks darling.

Hanma: (drags Sanzu) let's go clean up.

Sanzu: no I want to help.

Ran: (follows them) we'll be back.

   Konomi sighs as she puts on her apron, she quickly makes the batter and cleans the counter and the floor.
   She turns on the cooker and quickly fries the pancakes while making coffee.
    The three came back as she finished serving the food on the dining table.

Sanzu: we're back!

Konomi: good because I'm done.

Hanma: that was fast.

Ran: we've been trying to make one pancake for thirty minutes.

Konomi: your all so hopeless when it comes to the kitchen.

Sanzu: you can't blame us can you?

Konomi: let's just eat before it gets cold.

   The four of them took a sit and ate while discussing the plans for today.

Ran: as you know the party is tonight so we'll be able to take care of the boss today.

Hanma: but that's not all we'll also have to take care of the top members.

Sanzu: me and Ran can handle that.

Konomi: do I have to kill him quietly?

Hanma: I can take care of the other members that come with him just make sure to finish of the boss, killing him quickly and quietly is best, we don't want you getting hurt in any kind of unnecessary confrontation.

Konomi: alright then I'll just slit his throat no need for a gun.

Sanzu: we already know that most of the top members will be gathered today in one hotel, so we'll take advantage of that and finish them off.

Konomi: you better come back unharmed or else.

Ran: we'll be fine, Hanma you better take care of her.

Hanma: she'll be fine with me.

Konomi: so what do we do until then?

Ran: you don't have to do anything, just be ready to go on time, we have some things to do though so just wait here.

Konomi: can't I come?

Ran: we don't want to expose you more than we have to.

Konomi: fine whatever.

Sanzu: we'll be back soon so don't worry.

Konomi: (rolls her eyes) fine.

Hanma: by the way this is these are the best pancakes I've ever eaten.

Ran: yeah they are so good.

Sanzu: delicious.

Konomi: I know.

Hanma: damn that confidence (winks at her).

Konomi: yeah (giggles).

    They finished eating and the three men left Konomi on her own in the penthouse.

Konomi: what to do now? I'm already bored, I'll raid Sanzu's room for a hoodie.

   Konomi made her way to Sanzu's room she walked straight to his closet, she checked for a while before she finally found what she was looking for.

Konomi: he really doesn't have that many normal clothes, at least I found a hoodie.

   She stayed in his room as she played with her phone before she fell asleep on Sanzu's bed.
   A few hours later the others came back.

Sanzu: princess we're home!

Hanma: where is she? did she step out?

Ran: calm down we haven't even checked the rooms first.

   Three split up checking everywhere until they found her sleeping in Sanzu's room.

Sanzu: aww she's so cute.

Ran: why not my room, now your bed is gonna smell like her.

Sanzu: you jealous?

Hanma: we should wake her it's almost time to go.

Sanzu: (shakes Konomi gently) wake up princess.

Konomi: what? Let me sleep.

Sanzu: it's time to get ready.

Konomi: (opens her eyes) already? How long have I been out?

Ran: who knows, but it's almost time to go, so you need to get ready.

Konomi: (stands up and rubs her eyes) fine give me thirty minutes (leaves the room).

Hanma: she's adorable.

Ran: right?

Sanzu: honestly.

Ran: let's also get ready.

  Konomi went back to her room and took a quick shower, applied lotion and put on her dress, it was a beautiful deep blue satin dress with one long sleeves and two slits on the two sides all the way up to her thighs.
She brushed her hair and let it down before applying light makeup, she put on a little powder, light pink lipgloss dark eye shadow and a little blush.
    She sprayed a rose scented perfume, grabbed her purse and put on her black heels before leaving the room.

Konomi: (walks out of the room) I'm ready.

Hanma: you look so breath taking (takes multiple pictures).

Sanzu: (twirls her around) gorgeous.

Ran: (pulls her away from Sanzu and closer to him) lovely like a blue rose.

Konomi: (giggles) and you all look quite dashing in your suits.

Hanma: aww thanks love.

   The three of them were dressed in expensive looking suits.
  Sanzu was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black tie inside.
   Hanma was wearing a horse blood red suit with a black shirt and a red tie inside.
   Ran was wearing a navy blue suit with a lavender shirt inside and black tie inside.

Ran: alright let's go you and Hanma will take one car to the party and me and Sanzu will take the other.

   The three of them went down and said their goodbyes as they drove their separate ways.

Konomi: so how will I know who the boss is?

Hanma: I'll show you don't worry, are you nervous.

Konomi: nope not at all.

Hanma: alright if you say so (puts his hand and gently squeezes it).

Konomi: (blushes).

Hanma: (smirks) *so fuckin cute*

   Konomi and Hanma arrived at the venue for the party, it was a huge events hall that was well decorated.
   Hanma opens the door for Konomi as she holds onto his arm as they made their way to the entrance.

Gaurd: name.

Hanma: Hanma.

Gaurd: evening sir (opens the door for them).

Konomi: how did he know you?

Hanma: I have certain connections.

Konomi: I see.

Hanma: look to your right the man in the tall man green suit with blonde hair and brown eyes with those two men is the person we're looking for.

   Konomi turned normally to see the middle aged man Hanma was talking about.

Konomi: I see him so what now?

Hanma: his name is Mr Jukoru, and we'll walk up to him and start a conversation, you'll have to use your charms to get him all to yourself.

Konomi: charms huh.

    Hanma and Konomi casually walk over to where the man was as Hanma casually started a conversation.

Hanma: Good evening Mr Jukoru.

Mr Jukoru: do I know you?

Hanma: not at all but how will we know each other if we don't talk.

Mr Jukoru: well I guess you're right I'm Jukoru, Kei Jukoru (shakes his hand).

Hanma: Hanma, Hanma Shuji.

Mr Jukoru: (looks at Konomi) and who is this lovely flower that is with you?

Konomi: I'm Konomi Haruto it's lovely to meet you.

Mr Jukoru: (kisses her hand) it's a pleasure, Mr Hanma is quite lucky to have such a beautiful woman by his side.

Konomi: thank you but I'm just a friend to him.

Hanma: *oh I see* yes I just decided to bring her along tonight.

Mr Jukoru: oh so you're single.

Konomi: and ready to mingle (winks at him).

Hanma: it seems like we're third wheeling why don't the rest of us go get a drink.

Konomi: *great job Hanma* wow that sounds great (Holds on to Mr Jukoru's arm) me and Mr Jukoru will keep talking.

Hanma: (hands Konomi the car keys and leaves with the other two men) *good luck*

Konomi: I saw a balcony over there why don't we go over there.

Mr Jukoru: of course.

   The two of them went to the balcony.
   The balcony was lit by the gentle moonlight it also gave a beautiful view to the flower garden below them.

Konomi: how beautiful.

Mr Jukoru: not as beautiful as you though.

Konomi: (giggles) why thank you.

Mr Jukoru: no need for thanks, it's only the truth.

Konomi: I'm sorry for bringing you out here you must have been busy with the other men.

Mr Jukoru: no problem meeting you is a good enough reason to leave them, they weren't any fun anyways and it is a social event.

Konomi: well then I'm glad.

    Konomi was a skilled assassin not just in killing but in enticing, seducing and making her victims completely drop their gaurds before she finished them off.

Mr Jukoru: so after this party would you like to spend the night with me, like go out to eat and get to know each other more.

Konomi: come bend down I have a condition (smiles at him).

Mr Jukoru: what is it (bends down to her level).

Konomi: (whispers in his ear) please give me the pleasure of taking your life.

  Before the man could react Konomi swiftly pulled out her pocket knife and slit his throat killing him instantly.
    Blood splattered on Konomi as the lifeless body fell before her she quickly put her knife back and snuck out of the building through the back.

Konomi: (leans on the car and dials Hanma's number) hello.
Hanma: hello what's up.
Konomi: I'm done, my dress is ruined so I'll be heading home find your own way back.
Hanma: alright then.
Konomi: (hangs up, gets into the car and drives away).

   Meanwhile back in the party Hanma had poured poison into the other men's drink after he found out they were the bosses personal assistants.
   As soon as they dropped dead Hanma used the chaos to sneak out of the hall undetected, then he called Ran to pick him up.
   Konomi had already gotten back to the building, she quickly parked and went back up to the penthouse where she met with Sanzu.

Sanzu: hey princess.

Konomi: Sanzu? Your back?

Sanzu: yup.

Konomi: but how?

Sanzu: me and Ran just decided to blow the place up.

Konomi: so where's Ran?

Sanzu: he dropped me and went to get Hanma.

Konomi: alright then.

Sanzu: your covered in blood.

Konomi: you too.

Sanzu: let's clean up.

Konomi: yeah sure.

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