BREAK ME | D.M 18+

By coIdhvrt

40.8K 422 720

"Please touch me." She asked. She looked so innocent. Asking me to do such a dirty thing to her. I was lost... More



1.3K 11 25
By coIdhvrt

not proof read.

p.s this is 90% just him

"Yes!" I bragged to my friends.

I was currently about to be 100 Galleons richer, Daphne scoffed as she pulled out her trunk before she could hand me my well earned prize, Blaise had another idea.

He grabbed her bag of galleons making her annoyed. "Listen Daph, I say we go check this so-called date out for ourselves so he doesn't cheap us out," He said with his stupid grin.

He waved Daphne's money bag in front of her face, "Unless you want to let him win so easily." His grin widened when Daph reacted and snatched her Money back.

"Fine, Blaise and I will go." She rolled her eyes.

I was a little on the fence about them going, I knew they'd ruin everything and Y/n would never talk to me again.

I only care because she's a good fuck.

As I was walked outside I noticed Y/n talking to Potter. Cedric wasn't enough to piss me off, she had to go for the next worst thing.

I looked at them in disgust.

Why did she allow him to touch her arm? Why was she allowing him to speak to her in the first place?

If I stayed here and watched, it wouldn't end well for anybody. Clenching my fists, I walked away. I had better things to focus on.

Like those Galleons coming my way, but first I had to figure out what one even does on a date. I've never been on one.


A real one.

Every date i've been on ends in me sleeping with them, hell it even starts off that way.

But I can't do that with Y/n, not if I want her to fall for me. With her it has to be more than sex, if I want to keep her of course.

All I have to do is simply trick her into believing we actually love each other. Maybe this would also be a way to break up that awful trio of hers.

Do I feel bad?

Not really.

I could feel worse, she should know how I am. It felt weird that part of me actually wanted a real thing with her.

Obviously I wasn't in the right mind. I can't let a silly Hufflepuff change me. It's not in my nature, I'm happier taking rather than giving.

Y/n doesn't know it yet, but she's never going to be the same again.

I was currently in the library looking at romance books, finding anything to help me brainstorm for this stupid date.

Why did I even ask her?

I should've just lied and said I really really liked her. Probably would've also ended up with us going on a date.

These books are filled with nonsense and lies.

"Looking for something?"

I recognize that annoying voice anywhere.


I looked up and closed the book I was reading. "Not that it's any of your concern but actually yes
I am looking something." I said putting the book down next to me.

Her eyes looked down to the title, a teasing grin slowly formed on her face. "Is Malfoy having girl troubles?" She fake gasped.

I covered the book with my hand, trying not to show embarrassment. It didn't take long for me to gain my confidence.

"No not that way," I winked.

I placed the book back in it's original spot. "Can I ask you something?" I hesitantly asked. She crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side.


I rolled my eyes and asked anyways.

"What would you want a first date with someone to be like?" I felt stupid asking Granger and knew she would definitely tell this to her friends.

She placed her finger on her chin thinking about her response, "Well, I would want something simple like going to the three broomsticks." She shrugged.


It's public so Blaise and Daph would fit right in.

Y/n just can't see them of course.

I guess I bore Hermione with my thoughts because when I looked up she was walking away. At least she was good for something.

I knew Y/n would be just fine with it considering she never fails to go every weekend. I'll letter it to her, of course i'm still upset with her talking to Potter.

Just wait till I teach her a lesson.

She only needs to be talking to me.

Not that i'm jealous.

Why would I be jealous?

I'm not. I just don't need her being into anyone else, at least for right now. After I win my bet, I won't care who she does.


I turned around.

There she was.

She giggled when she saw what section I was in. "Are you having trouble picking a place?" She teased.

I shrugged my shoulders and put my hands in my pockets. I knew I was behaving like a child, but I didn't care honestly.

She took a step towards me, and I took a step back. When she looked at me in confusion, I walked away.

Maybe I was being too harsh.

Not my problem.

When I finally got to my dorm, I started writing my letter. I tried to keep it straight forward but for some reason I couldn't get myself to write it.


I needed to tell her in person, I needed to see her, hear her voice. I put my quill away and decided I would just tell her tomorrow.

A part of me wished I never would have said yes to this bet. Maybe then I'd feel normal again, but Y/n. She makes me feel things.

I wanted her to myself.

I wanted to break her and put her back together again.

This wasn't me. Never have I ever thought of someone like this, and I hated it. Every single second.

I took off my shirt and sighed out of annoyance. My thoughts are always about her. From the moment I open my eyes.


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