Itty bitty imps

By NottaPossum

19.3K 369 581

Classification AU: Blitzø didn't have a great childhood, he had to grow up really fast and take on a lot of r... More

1. Blitzø's little secret
2. 💙Fizzarolli's Secret Caregiver 💚
3. ❤️Results ❤️
4. 💚Home away from home 💚
5. ❤️Stuck❤️
6.💚Never enough💚
Chapter 7: ❤️❤️🩹Stoles the caregiver Pt 1
Chapter 8: Solutions Pt 1 💚
Chapter 9: Stolas the caregiver Pt 2
Chapter 10: Solutions Pt 2 💙💚💙💚
Chapter 11: I don't love you.
12. My way home is through you 💚💙💚💙
13: Blitzø the brat: 😈❤️💜❤️💜
14. Comfort items and comfort people 🧸💚❤️💜💙
15. A new Friend and a new Foe
16: Lost again
17. Two Anxious babies
19: Fizzarolli the strong and Blitzø the brave! ❤️🦒🐒🐊💚
20: Birdie the Horse 🐴💛
21 Resolutions💚💙❤️💜
22. We all fall down💔 🏥❤️‍🩹

18. I'll be there

603 10 29
By NottaPossum


Loona is suspicious about Fizzarolli and Stolas.


TW: Talking about past, sexual talk, adoption, giving up, drunkenness, loneliness, teasing? Idk lmk if I should add something


Loona really couldn't hear what Blitzø and the weird clown guy were talking about, she didn't think to pay attention, she figured it was business as usual.

Even when the clown left in such a hurry, Loona didn't question it, most people don't like talking to Blitzø that long.

But then she saw both M&M hurry to Blitzø's office.

"Was that Fizzarolli?" Moxxie asks.

"Was that the clown I knocked out with a guitar?" Millie asked at the same time.

When Millie and Moxxie walk out of Blitzø's office, they were both extremely confused. "What do you suppose he wanted?" Moxxie asks.

"I don't know, but why was Blitzø acting so weird about it?" Millie asks back.

"What was that about? Who's Fizzarolli?" Loona interrupts, curiosity overtaking her. Something was off, and she can tell.

"I guess he must be an old friend of Blitzø's. We met him at Ozzie's..." Moxxie explains. "Kinda."

Loona tilts her head. "Ozzie's...?"

"For our anniversary dinner, remember?" Millie asks.

Loona's ears perk up... The night of that party in gluttony...

"Fizz?" She asks, starting to get angry. "The clown's name is Fizz?!"

"Fizzarolli, yeah." Millie shrugs. "Some clown though. He was kinda a jerk."

"Kinda?" Moxxie asks. "The guy made fun of my song, then publicly humiliated Blitzø on stage!"

Loona growled softly, then she held her phone back up to her face, letting the rest of M&M's conversation fade in the background.

They can't know what she was really thinking...

She didn't feel it best to get those two involved.

~~~Past: Loona, after the party~~~

"I had a really shitty day." Blitzø told her once he was settled on the couch.

"Oh yeah? Is that why you drank like- five gallons worth of who knows what?" She asks.

"Fuck, Fizz was right... I'm gonna die alone, aren't I?"

Loona didn't respond.

"Just a wrinkly old withered waste..." he adds. "My dad was right one would want me, I fuck everything up. I'll be alone forever." He cries.

Loona squinted at him, confused. "Blitzø, what are you-"

"Everyone knows it...They only like the cute ones who listen...and I don't listen..." he whines.

"What are you talking about?" She asks.

"I'll be alone..." he says as if that's an explanation. "I can't bring her back...she's gone! And she'll never forgive me, and he'll never forgive me...n' I jus' ru'n ever'thin..." he says, slurring his words, getting more tired.

Loona has no idea who this 'she' could be... but, whoever it was must've hurt a lot to loose.

"Will you be there, Loonie?" He asks suddenly, clear as day.

"Be where?" She asks, tilting her head.

"I dunno jus...lonely...die alone."

She still doesn't know what he meant... he was just drunk and sad.. and she thought maybe it was best to not think too much into it. "I'll be there, Dad." She promised.


She hadn't thought about that night since. (But, she hasn't let Blitzø pick her up at any other parties either.)

Blitzø has been acting really weird lately. And then this clown guy just shows up...

What's going on with him?

~~~Fizzarolli and Asmodeus~~~

Fizzarolli went back home, glad that conversation was behind him. He hates when he's wrong and unfair to people. But, he just couldn't stand to look at Blitzø's stupid face. Can anyone really blame him for that?

"Hey, Fizz. Where have you been?" Asmodeus asks. "Dinner is about ready." He says, cutting something up in the kitchen.

"I- I pride..." Fizz admits, sitting down at the table.

"Pride? Why?" Asmodeus asks.

"I left to talk to Blitzo about yesterday...and our fight." Fizzarolli says.

Asmodeus raises an eyebrow. "You walked all the way to pride?" Asmodeus asks, confused. Littles aren't supposed to drive...and they can't go to the station by themselves either.

Fizzarolli looks away from him, he didn't walk...but, he doesn't really want a lecture about that right now.

Asmodeus hums suspiciously. "Okay... maybe I don't want to know." He sighs. "How did it go with Blitzø?"

Fizz shrugs. "Better than you'd think actually, he agreed to maybe having another play date sometime."

"Fizz, that's great!" Asmodeus says.

"I guess...yeah." Fizz says, rubbing his arm awkwardly. Now that he's actually done it, he's worried it'll prove to be a huge mistake.

"You guess? Fizz, what's wrong?" Asmodeus asks, pulling out two plates and starting to sort food out for the two of them.

"Nothing." The imp says.

Asmodeus sighs. "Fizz...I know you better than that." He says, setting one plate in front of Fizz, and the other in front of him as he takes a seat at the table.

Fizz knows he's not going to be able to convince Asmodeus that everything was fine, so he explains: "Okay, I'm just...I'm feeling a bit uneasy now." Fizz says.

"Oh?" Asmodeus asks.

"I don't know..I'm just not sure if this was a good idea...ya know?" Fizz asks. "Blitzo is still Blitzo."

"Then, why exactly did you go talk to Blitzø?" Asmodeus asks.

"I don't know! I felt guilty! Besides, I don't want to be difficult for you anymore." Fizzarolli says. "I won't be so needy or lonely when I'm regressed if I have someone to play with... It's not fair you had to deal with that this whole time."

"Fizzarolli, look at me." Ozzie takes Fizz's hand and leads him close to him, picking him up and setting him on his lap, arms wrapped around him. "You are never difficult. You are my precious, beautiful fallen angel; I only worry that I am not enough for you when you're in headspace, sometimes you're so lonely you cry. I only thought having a little friend would benefit you and make you happier." Asmodeus explains.

Fizz rests his head against Asmodeus and shrugs. "It might. I guess we'll have to see." Fizz says. "But, for the record. You are always enough for me; in fact, you're more than I deserve."

"Nothing is beyond what you deserve, Fizz." Asmodeus says. "Nothing."

Fizz smiles, he doesn't really believe it, but he's glad Asmodeus thinks so.

"Are you sure you actually want him around?" Asmodeus asks. "We don't have to invite him over, you don't have to see him again if that's what you want."

Fizzarolli shakes his head. "No, I'm okay with it. My younger self seems to want him around. And I kinda want to give it a chance to see where it goes."

"You sure?"

Fizzarolli nods. "I don't like him, but I don't not trust him." Fizz explains. "Plus you will be there this time...right?"

Asmodeus smiles. "Of course I will."

Fizz smiles back. "So, I know whatever'll be okay."

"So, should I call Stolas to see if he'd like to schedule something?" Ozzie asks.

Fizz nods. "Yeah, you can do that."

He knows he's safe, besides he sorta owes Blitzø after the way he treated him...

On the other hand, Blitzø is an asshole who was personally responsible for his charred limbs.

But, that didn't make him feel any better about it, they might be able to call it even and move on.

That would be nice.

Who knows, maybe it will work out despite his anxieties.

~~~Loona and Blitzø, that night: ~~~

Blitzø walked into the apartment with a few plastic bags. "I'm home, loonie. I didn't really feel like cookin' so I got take out." He announced.

Loona looked up from the chair in the living room, only giving him a thumbs up as a response.

"How was your day?" He asks, setting the bag of food down on the coffee table as he sits down on the couch.

"How was yours?" Loona asks accusingly.

Blitzø looked at her confused. "Uh, fine? Are you okay, Loonie?"

"Are you fucking the clown?" She asks.

"Excuse me?" Blitzø raises an eyebrow.

"The clown that showed up today, are you fucking him or not?" She asks.

Blitzø was taken aback. "Since when do you care who I fuck?" He asks.

"I don't! But, if you're cheating on Stolas, don't you think it's time you end it with him already?" She asks.

"Cheat- what? Loona, we're not dating! Not that it's any of your business." He says.

"Really? Cuz, you've been spending an awful lot of time together." Loona says. "Something is going on between you two. I want to know what it is. Now." She demanded.

"Loona, just drop it." Blitzø says, glaring at her. "Nothing is going on." He insists.

"I know it's none of my business! But, you're the one who's so worried about dying alone!" Loona says.

"What the fuck are you even talking about?" Blitzø asks. "You're talking random nonsense!"

Loona sighs, annoyed. "After you picked me up from that party in gluttony...We came home and you had a meltdown. Don't you remember?" She asks.

Blitzø paused. ", not really." Blitzø didn't know what to say, he honestly doesn't remember much. He remembered Ozzie's, he remembered the party, loona driving him home....

Then it was a complete blank.

"You just- lately, you seem to be doing okay. And, it's all of a sudden! I thought maybe you two were trying to make things work." Loona says, looking almost upset by that idea, hurt.

"Would that be a bad thing?" Blitzø asks, seriously. It was pretty much impossible for him and Stolas to work but, hypothetically, would Loona honestly disapprove of them being together?

Loona sighs in frustration. "I don't know." She says. "But, this does effect me, Blitzø. If you go around and fuck Dennis or a stupid clown or whoever without actually getting serious, I really couldn't care less. But If you decide to be serious with someone...that does effect me. You know?"

Blitzø nods. "You're right, it does." He agrees.

Loona scoffs. "So?!"

Blitzø nods, deciding that what Loona needed was him be clear."Fizz and I aren't fucking OR dating. And Stolas and I are just friends with business-related benefits, that's it. I'm not dating anyone, and I don't want to be. Alright?" He asks.

"Good...because I don't want to wind up alone either." She says. "I've been alone long enough."

"You won't be." Blitzø promises.

She nods. "Good." Loona picked up her fork and a take out box, pushing around her food. "So...what is going on with you two?"

"Guess we're not dropping this then?"Blitzø asks.

"Why was Fizz at IMP? Why do you care about what he says? And why have you and Stolas been acting weird and spending more time together?" Loona asks.

Blitzø hesitates. "....we're not acting weird." Blitzø mumbles.

Loona raises an eyebrow. "Via and I have been talking, we both agree you are." Loona says. "So what's going on?"

Loona waited for a response, but sighs when she doesn't get one. "Fine, don't tell me. But, I'm going to figure it out." She says.

"You caregivers always think you know best, don't you?" Blitzø mumbles again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks.

Blitzø sighs. "Forget it. Can we just eat and go back to you not giving a shit about me and my personal life?"

"Fine." Loona says.

"Great." Blitzø matches her energy.

They sit in silent for a few moments as Loona tried to put the pieces together...then she had a sudden realization. "The cute ones...Oh, shit! Stolas is your caregiver, isn't he?" She asks.

Blitzø's head shot up at Loona, accidentally confirming it.

"You're a fucking little, now it all makes sense!" She says.

"Loona, you don't know what you're talking about." Blitzø says.

"This whole time I was worried that you and Stolas were up to something..."

"Loona!" Blitzø warns, trying to get her to stop.

"Why didn't you just tell me you are a little?" She asks.

"For fucks sake, Loonie! It doesn't really effect your life one way or the other!" He says.

"It kinda does!" She says. "Besides, you knew my classification when you adopted me! It's only fair I know the truth!"

Blitzø stands up. "You're my daughter, alright? It's my job to worry about you, not the other way around." He says.

"Well, too bad!" Loona says. "If something is going on, I'm going to worry! So you've been leaving so Stolas can like- babysit you or something?" She asks.

"Stop." Blitzø tells her as he starts to walk towards the door.

But Loona doesn't stop, instead she stands up. "Why would you get him involved? The more you let him in-"

"I didn't! He got himself involved! Kinda like you are right now!" Blitzø says. "I didn't ask for this."

"The more you let him in, the more it'll hurt!" Loona finishes.

"I'd really rather not talk about this anymore." Blitzø says.

"Blitzø!" Loona shouts. "We have to talk about this!"

"No, we don't. We really don't." He says, reaching for the door.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I don't know! Somewhere that's not here." He grabs the door knob, about to turn it...

"Dad, don't push me away too." She sighs.

Blitzø stops... he takes a few deep breaths and releases the door handle.

"I'm sorry I yelled and got upset...I just don't know what to think of all of this." Loona says.

Blitzø sighs. "Stolas and I have an understanding, he knows I can leave at anytime, alright?"

"Will you?" She asks softly.

"I don't know yet." He says. "But, if I don't that doesn't mean I'm going to ditch you to go live with him or some shit!" He says. "I would never do that."

Loona nods. "I'm sorry." She says, sitting down again. "I've been passed around a lot." She admits.

Blitzø nods, deciding to go sit down with her again. "Loonie..."

Loona sighs. "When people hear a hellhound is a caregiver, not a pet or guardian like usual...they usually try to adopt them as like a lifetime babysitter/guard dog...but, I don't really work well with kids." She says. "And I don't think I'm so good with littles either. You were the only person who ever wanted me...for whatever reason."

Blitzø frowns, no one should have to go through that.

Loona continues. "I know I don't always respect you, and I'm never nice to you...but, that doesn't mean I want to loose you." She admits.

"You won't." Blitzø says. "I'm here if you need me...and even when you don't. You won't be able to get rid of me. Ever." He says.

Loons smiled, tail wagging for only a couple seconds. "Good... and hey. Listen, about the little thing. You have nothing to be ashamed of, alright? You being a little doesn't change anything about us, I don't think it's weird, it actually explains a lot about you... If I'm being really honest, the fact that you're a little and an assassin...I think that's pretty cool." Loona says.

Blitzø's eyes widen. "Huh. Yeah... I guess it is." He says.

"How did you manage to keep it a secret?" She asks.

Blitzø's never admitted the truth about this, but, he didn't really have a reason to lie to Loona now.

"Fizzarolli and I grew up together." He explains. "We both knew the other know- and so he helped me find a way to cheat." He explains. "Since then it's been a matter of timing."

"I guess it's a good thing then. If they knew your real classification, you would have never been able to adopt me." Loona says.

"Yeah, I guess so." Blitzø says. He smiles at Loona. "I love you, Loony. I hope you know that."

Loona nods. "Thats cool. You're pretty okay, Dad." She says.

Blitzø chuckles. He knows her calling him 'dad' usually implied some form of affection. He really has never been one for commitment, but his fear of failing Loona and ending up like his own father was a much stronger fear.

"And... What about Stolas?" She asks.

"What about him?" Blitzø asks.

"Do you love him?" She asks.

Blitzø sighs. "Honestly, I don't know. I don't really like saying that stuff unless I'm sure."

Loona's ears perk up at that. "Does he at least make you happy?" She asks.

Blitzø sighs. "Loonie, we're not-"

"I know! But...does he?" She asks again.

Blitzø shrugs. "Yeah...I think so. I mean- I'm pretty happy." He admits.

Loona nods. "Then, I guess that's good enough." She says. "You obviously don't need my approval since we're both adults with our own lives and shit...but, you have it if you want it."

Blitzø nods. "Thanks, Loonie."

~~~The next morning~~~

Blitzø gets a call from Stolas, it's first thing in the morning for Satan's sake, who the heck is up at seven in the morning?! But, it might be important so, he groans and reluctantly answers. "What the fuck do you want?" He asks.

"Well, good morning to you too." Stolas says, sarcastically.

"It's seven in the morning." Blitzø complains.

"Aww, poor Blitzy. Did you not get enough sweep?~" Stolas asks, baby talking.

"That's it, if you don't tell me what you want, I'm edging you for the next three months." Blitzø threatens.

Stolas chuckles. "I'm sorry, Blitzy. I couldn't resist." He says. "Actually, I got a call from Asmodeus this morning. He said you and Fizzarolli made up yesterday."

"Oh." Blitzø sits up. "Well, we didn't really make up per-say. We just decided that even though we hate each other's guts, our little selves can still be friends or whatever the fuck they are."

Stolas rolls his eyes. "Right. Because in order to make up you both would have to admit you're wrong." Stolas says. "We can't have that."

"We're not wrong." Blitzø argues.

"Of course not." Stolas says sarcastically. "Ten year long grudge for reckless teenage behavior is completely understandable."

Blitzø rolls his eyes. "Did you really call me at seven in the morning just to discuss my relationship with Fizz?" He asks.

"Actually, I was wondering if you'd be okay with meeting with them next weekend. Asmodeus is insisting we go to his place for some reason." Solas explains. "I understand if you don't want to, I can tell him no."

Blitzø panics internally, but he knew he needed to say something...

"Yeah...sure, okay." He says quickly, then hangs up.


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