By LyssahTraicey

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After Hannah's brother dies in prison while on an undercover mission for the FBI she starts exchanging letter... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One

Chapter Forty Two

8.8K 408 79
By LyssahTraicey


"Happy Thanksgiving Hannah." Doris says with a huge smile as she walks up to me at the nurses station.

"Happy Thanksgiving Doris. I thought you were going to Tennessee to see you parents?" I ask her.

"They cancelled last minute to go be with my aunt and I don't want to be alone today so I decided to clock in. It's extra pay so why not." She explains.

She doesn't seem so bummed about it while I on the other hand I'm not happy at all. Doris is about to say something when Jada approaches us in her pink scrubs with cute emojis on them.

"Hi Doris, hey bestie, ready for lunch?" She asks me.

I nod and quickly save the patient's file I was updating.

"Hello Dr. Sullivan." Doris replies.

Jada kept her maiden name instead of taking Tom's last name. He fought her for a while but he knew what he was signing up for when he married a strong willed woman like Jada so he had to relent in the end.

Doris takes my place as Jada and I link hands walking out of the ER.

"I can't believe we're working on Thanksgiving." I groan out loud in frustration.

"You're the one who took all those days off and I extended my honeymoon so we have to pay for it some way." Jada replies.

She's right but it's not like I asked to be kidnapped. I'm not complaining about taking days off after that ordeal though. Spending a whole week indoors with Santiago was perfect. We also managed to finish his food truck and it's been operational for two weeks now.

"At least its a slow day, all I've had is cuts and scrapes all morning and one burn. People need to learn how to work a grill." I snort recalling how stupid such injuries are.

"This kid came in with a stuffed nose, thought it was cold, turns out he stuffed legos up his nose." Jada says making me laugh.

Kids put the weirdest things up their noses and mouths causing a choking hazard especially right now when it's the holiday season.

My phone buzzing in my pocket interrupts what I was going to say next and I check to see its an alert on my phone. I stop Jada from getting into the elevator and she turns to me with a puzzled look.

"You remember how you're always asking me to share my food with you when Santiago packs my meals?" I ask her.

"Yeah that man is a good cook." Jada replies with a wishful look in her eyes.

Tom has his strong attributes but being good in the kitchen ain't one of them which is a bummer for a foodie like Jada. I am lucky when it comes to that because my man is a pro.

"I know, anyway, how would you like to have his food for lunch instead of eating at the cafeteria?" I ask her.

"How so?"

"Julius made Santiago an app that alerts his customers of his location during different times of the day. It also allows them to pre-order so they don't have to que. Anyway I just got an alert that they are here at the hospital parking lot today." I explain.

"What are we waiting for then, let's go." Jada declares as we change the direction we were headed towards.

Santiago's truck is parked outside when we walk out of the hospital. I smile like I always do when I see it, especially the name on all sides, Hannah's. I am such a lucky girl.

I am surprised to see that there is no line which is always the case since Santiago and his food truck became famous a few days after launch. The food is delicious but our friends also helped him out by raving about it online to give him a good headstart and so far so good.

I knock on the window and Julius' pops his head out grinning at me.

"Hi Julius."

"Hey mami." He says with a wink tipping his chefs hat at me.

He got out three weeks ago and immediately sought Santiago out. He's out on parole and needed a job and since he didn't want to work for his parents, Santiago the ever caring big brother gave him a job.

Santiago joins us and pulls at Julius' ear making him cry out in pain.

"Julius unless you want me to deep fry you, you better never call her that again." Santiago demands.

"He's right, I love you kid but only my man can call me that." I insist.

"Fine, fine. I apologize." Julius cries out.

Santiago let's him go after one final tug.

"Accepted. What's happening, where are all your customers?" I ask Santiago.

"We are closed." He answers.

"Closed? But I wanted some enchiladas." Jada pouts.

Hannah's is a Mexican food truck but they also serve other things like coffee, burgers and fries for those who can't handle the spice.

"You'll get to eat." Santiago says with a smile.

"Huh?" Jada and I ask confused.

He doesn't reply, instead he disappears inside the food truck just as three cars pull up all familiar, Ben's truck, Diego's car and Tom's SUV.

"Why is everyone here?" Jada asks looking just as confused as I am.

"For Thanksgiving of course, Santiago texted us and told us to come." Tom replies as he walks up to us.

I get a kiss on the cheek while Jada gets one on the lips.

"Huh?" I ask even more confused.

Everyone joins us just as Santiago and Julius exit the truck and uncover a table laden with food that we had failed to notice. I gasp at the feast laid out complete with a turkey and different side dishes that has my mouth watering immediately.

"Happy Thanksgiving mami." Santiago whispers in my ear wrapping his around my waist giving me a back hug.

"You did all this for me?" I choke out.

"Yes and for our family and friends. It's our first Thanksgiving together and even though we are all working I thought I'd find a way to make sure that we spend it together." He replies kissing my neck.

And once again my man has outdone himself. I can't even begin to fathom the extent to which he's gone through to give me and my friends a happy Thanksgiving.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I whisper with teary eyes as I turn to face him.

Santiago smiles and wipes away the stray tears with his thumbs, kissing my forehead gently.

"Yes but it doesn't hurt to hear over and over again." He smirks at me.

I let him have his moment because he has earned it.

"I love you." I confess with my whole heart.

"Te amo mami." He replies kissing me.

"Muchas gracias mi rey." I express.

I've been trying to learn Spanish and so far I know only a few phrases but I am hoping to get better with time and more practice.

Santiago grins and kisses me. I melt into his arms but our moment is interrupted by an announcement from Tom.

"We only got an hour people, let's make it work." He declares.

"Yes please I'm starving. I want to see if Hannah's will live up to its rave online reviews." Jada smirks teasingly.

She's left reviews even though she's never had the food but she's eaten Santiago's cooking and she liked it so she didn't exactly lie.

We all sit with Tom and Santiago at different ends of the table.

"Who will curve the turkey?" Renee asks.

"As the newest member of the family and the reason we are all here, I'll pass the mantle to Santiago." Tom declares.

"That's not necessary Tom, you do it." Santiago replies.

"Nah man, I insist." Tom says.

"Am I even a contender in this?" Ben asks.

"Someone please carve the turkey or I will." Jada pouts.

She gets grumpy when she's hungry and its showing.

"Okay, I'll do it." Santiago relents.

He gets up and effortlessly carves the Turkey making us all cheer out loud. Once that is done we all get to dig into the food.

"How are you liking your room?" I ask Diego who's seated next to me.

He landed yesterday and I only saw him for a moment when we crossed paths as I was leaving for work.

"I love it, it's better than my previous one. The fact that you guys managed to arrange it exactly as the one at our previous apartment was a cool touch. Thank you, I love it." He replies.

"I'm glad." I smile bumping his shoulder with mine.

I look around the table and I am filled with so much love and happiness it makes my heart melt. All I've ever wanted was to be happy and even without my brother present or my non existent adoptive parents, everyone on this table makes me incredibly happy in their own unique way but especially my man and love of my life Santiago.

Tom gets up in the middle of the meal and holds his glass up. The whole table goes silent as we wait for him to make his toast.

"I would like to make a toast to friends who are family and bonds that are unbreakable. We've know great loss and pain this year but through it all we have stuck together and helped each other through it all. To the new members of our family, welcome, we love and take care of each other here. May we all keep being happy and grateful. And to Darius, the angel who even in death looks over us and brought us all together. Cheers."

"Cheers." We all echo.

He sits back down and we all go around the table saying what we are grateful for as we keep on eating. They are all so heartfelt I can't help but cry through some of them. Santiago holds my hand through it all comforting me with his touch but Diego's gets to me the most.

"Santiago and I have been on our own a long time, he did his best but we always knew that there was something missing. When you guys showed up for my graduation, something I thought I'd have to go through alone, I finally knew the meaning of being part of a big happy family. I am grateful to you all but especially my big brother Santiago and my big sister Hannah. You two are the parents I never had but also the coolest siblings ever. I love you both." Diego says looking at us.

He sits back down and I hug him leaving tear stains on his shirt from all my crying but he doesn't seem to mind. Santiago can't get to him because I'm between them so he ruffles up his hair instead. Renee is seated across from Diego so she goes next while I take a moment to compose myself.

I get to go before Santiago does since he's to my right.

"Like all of you this year I am grateful for my friends. When Darius died my whole world crumbled around me but even in death he was looking out for me. His death made us closer and it also brought new people into my life. Santiago, my love, I couldn't be more grateful that you shared that cell with my brother and for sending that first letter. You've showed me what true, unconditional and undying love is. You came with a package of two baby brothers, one cute and adorable and the other quirky and annoying but balance is needed right." I tease looking at Julius who snorts at me with an eye roll.

"I'll have you know that I am very lovable." He declares.

"I do love you Julius and I love each and everyone of you at this table. Thank for you being there for me during the highs and the lows." I conclude raising my glass to all of them.

Santiago kisses me softly before we turn to Julius since its his turn.

"Finally my moment to shine." He grins making us all laugh at his childishness. "I've always been a nerd but not the typical one, I have a runny mouth that gets me into trouble a lot and a genius mind even more so. When I was arrested for hacking into the Pentagon I thought that my life was over and for a moment it was. I was barely surviving at FCI and till this day I have no idea why he picked me but boss, sorry, Santi took me under his wing. He taught me manners, how to survive in prison and most of all how to survive in life. He made me stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. One mistake led me to the worst moment of my life but also the best because I get to be here today with all of you better than I was a year ago. I was there while his relationship with Hannah bloomed and I can say for a fact that you two are meant to be. Thank you all for accepting me into your family. I'll probably annoy you half the time but it's a role that needed filling." He concludes making us all laugh.

Finally it's Santiago's turn and he surprises us by getting to his feet. Everyone else was except for Tom who stood.

"One word comes to mind as I look around this table. Love. Diego was right, he and I have been alone a long time. We lost our parents young, him more than me and y'all know how that story ended. La lobo led by Arturo took us in and even though I was surrounded by people it never felt like family and now as I look at all of you I know why. I never resented Darius for arresting me and when we became cellies I took him in. I didn't know that he would lead me to the love of my life, my greatest gift and this wonderful table of friends who are family. Diego and I aren't alone anymore and of course I picked up a stray along the way, yes you Julius." He chides making us laugh.

"Why is everyone taking a jab at me?" Julius pouts.

It's only a for a moment though as he goes back to stuffing his face.

"Mami please stand." Santiago requests holding his hand out for me.

I look at him puzzled but take it nonetheless getting up. He takes both of my hands in his and looks me in the eye.

"I love you. Sorry I meant. Te amor." He corrects remembering my request that he's never allowed to say I love you ever again.

"You are the best thing that has happened to me ever since Diego was born. I am so grateful that Darius brought us together and gave me the chance to discover what true love is. Great loss brought us together and I wish it didnt have to happen that way but we can't change the past, we can only embrace the now and look forward to the future and that is what you are for me. My future, the woman I wanna start a family with, grow old with and call mine for the rest of our lives." He confesses.

My stomach clenches in anticipation because I have a feeling I know what's coming next. Santiago confirms it when he goes down on one knee in front of me. He retrieves a ring box that I'd missed to notice in the pocket of his shirt and pops it's open for me to reveal the most gorgeous engagement ring. It's not too big nor too small, perfect for me. Something I'd have chosen for myself. This man does know me. Truly.

"Hannah, eres el amor de mi vida. ¿Te casas conmigo?" He asks and even though my Spanish is still rusty, I know exactly what he's asked me

"Claro! Si, si." I insist unable to hold in the tears.

Santiago slides the ring into my ring finger on my left hand, kisses the back of my hand before getting to his feet. I don't waste time falling into his arms and kissing him soundly.

Congratulations and cheers from our friends follow us and Santiago dips me and deepens the kiss.

I giggle into the kiss holding onto his biceps for support. Our friends give us a moment before we are bombarded with hugs.

"You guys knew." I confront them as Renee and Jada gush over the ring.

"What makes you say that?" Renee asks.

"Because Jada didn't cry or make a fuss." I point out.

"You caught me. He asked us all for permission a couple of days ago though I didn't know he was going to ask today." Jada explains.

"You asked them for permission." I mumble with a pout about to start crying again.

"I couldn't exactly ask your parents or your brother and they your family so yes." Santiago answers with a smoke smile.

"You are simply perfect." I grin kissing him.

"No you are. Thank you for saying yes." Santiago expresses.

"No wasn't even an option." I assure him.

"Good." He smiles kissing me.

"I can't believe I'm going back to work after this." I groan.

"Then let's make most of the remaining fifteen minutes, dessert anyone, we have pies and cheesecake." Julius declares.

At the mention of more food we all sit back down to eat but I don't sit on my chair. Instead I take my rightful place on Santiago's lap overwhelmed by my love for him and his for me.

I am an engaged woman and to think all this started with a condolence letter from my brothers cellie.

Thank you big brother for always looking out for me even in your absence.

✉️✉️ THE END ✉️✉️


There will be an epilogue but this is the end of MAMI. Goodbye to Santiago and Hannah.

For those wanting more, there's nothing more to tell, I've told all I can about their love story. They have their happily ever after, let's all be happy for them.

It's been a wild ride and I appreciate each and everyone of you, my dear readers, both the active and the silent.

If you enjoyed this book and would like to show some appreciation, there is a buy me a coffee account link on my bio, you don't need an account to donate. I'm sad to say that nobody has bought this poor author any coffees🥺🥺.

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