The Rule Book

By facelessinfernal

351 10 2

If you ever have to use this I'm sorry, I hope this helps you survive. Follow it closely and read it carefull... More

Staying up late
Waking up in the Middle of the Night
The Bus Ride (morning)
Welcome to school
School Lunch
8th period
Tips and Tricks for School
Bus Ride (Afternoon)
New Teachers Step-by-Step Guide for [REDACTED] School.
Rules for Flight 801
House sitting
Getting a Snack at Night
Rules for Camping
Rules for Babysitting
Rules for Pet Sitting
Rules for the Arcade
Rules for the Circus
Rules for being an EMT
Rules for the park
Rules for the Red Door
Rules for The Trail
Rules for The Mirror
Rules for the night shift
Rules for the Garden
Rules for my doll collection
Grandma's house
The Movies
The casino
The aquarium (EMPLOYEE MANUAL)

The bowling alley

5 0 0
By facelessinfernal

1.When you get your pass make SURE you go to your lane or else you will be...       taken care of properly.

1 a. If  you mess up any rule then run and NEVER come back.

2.If you see anyone looking at you ignore them.

3.If the screen starts glitching than make sure to bowl right away (it doesn't matter if it's resetting)

4.if  any of the pins don't move although you hit it then hide behind the ticket counter and pray that you got there in time

5.if you see anyone with vroom vroom then start smoking a vape

6.If you get a gutter ball then run outside and wait five minutes to go back in

7.If a man in a coat approaches you then pretend you don't see nor hear him (and also don't take the item he offers)

8.make sure you leave no trash or else the janitor will dispose of it and you

9.If anyone with mask comes in make sure to play dead until he leaves

10.When your leaving make sure to give the cashier a thanks for your service and then leave

(I didn't make these my brother did and who tf is vroom vroom?)

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Requests are open please read rules first! - Started: 05/19/21