Bonten's love

By Ekonochan

39.1K 951 655

Konomi is a not so ordinary girl who ends up catching the eye of all the executives of Bonten, Japan's most d... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15.5
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 26.5
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Author note 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36.5
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 28

550 17 15
By Ekonochan

    After they got back everyone went back to bed.

    As Konomi woke up the next day an idea popped up in her head.

Konomi: (looks in the mirror) my hair is a mess, and I think I'm getting fat, I need to go to a gym or something, I'll ask the guys.

  She quickly went into her walk in closet to find something appropriate for the gym.
    She put on a black sports bra that firmly held her chest while slightly showing it off and put on tightly fitted  pants that completely showed her curves in the lower section along with some white sneakers, she put her hair into two high ponytails and threw her towel over her shoulder as she checked herself in the mirror.

Konomi: (twirling Infront of the mirror) man I'm hot.

   She then quickly went down to the parlor as she put in her earpods and listened to music.

Konomi: (walks into the parlor while dancing) morning.

   Everyones eyes widened as they saw the way her clothes clung to her curves while exposing some skin.

Sanzu: I think my head is spinning from over stimulation.

Ran: I think my pants are getting tighter.

Rindou: why are you dressed like that?

Kokonoi: but she looks good though.

Hanma: real good (smirks).

Konomi: (swinging her hips from side to side) is there a problem? (Smirks).

Kakucho: someone close my eyes.

Mochi: only if you'll close mine.

Takeomi: do you need something or did you just decide to tease us this morning?

Konomi: (stops and giggles) I want to go to a gym.

Kakucho: you're lucky, there's one in the building.

Konomi: really? Show me.

Ran: wait we'll all go put on some gym clothes and join you since some other people use it.

Konomi: (sits on the couch) alright hurry up.

   They all quickly left and came back in a few minutes after wearing some appropriate clothes for the gym.

Konomi: hey looking good (winks at them).

Hanma: thanks darling.

Kokonoi:  I know right.

Sanzu: (whispers to Ran) you think she'll do squats?

Ran: (whispers back to Sanzu) I hope so.

Konomi: alright let's go!

   They all entered the elevator and went down to the floor where the gym was located.
   As soon as Kakucho opened the door to the gym they were met with stares from the other Bonten workers, mostly the high ranking ones including Yutaro and Watoshi.
    The gym was big and well furnished with a variety of equipment.

Watoshi: Miss Haruto at the gym and looking good.

Yutaro: Morning Miss Haruto.

Konomi: morning guys.

Watoshi: so you gym?

Konomi: (walks to the treadmill) how else am I supposed to maintain these abs?

Watoshi: ya your right.

    Konomi starts using the treadmill as the rest of executives just worked out normally, giving death glares to anyone who stared at Konomi for too long or inappropriately especially when she did squats or any other exercise for that matter, but it didn't stop Sanzu and some of the others from taking photos and videos of some of her workout
    It was all going well until Konomi saw a pole at the other side of the gym.

Konomi: wait is that a pole?

Rindou: yeah, why?

Konomi: like the ones in clubs?

Rindou: I guess?

Konomi: imma go check it out.

Kokonoi: why?

Konomi: because I once trained to become a stripper back in the states.

Ran: is that why you're so good at dancing?

Konomi: yeah that and the fact that I've got talent.

Hanma: I'll be the judge of that.

Konomi: oh really?

Hanma: yes, why don't you put on a show? (Smirks)

Konomi: I don't see why not.

Takeomi: just have to do something first.

   Takeomi then stood up and told all the other people in the gym to leave except for Watoshi and Yutaro who had already seen her dance.

Konomi: aww Omi-kun is so protective (giggles).

Takeomi: (shrugs).

  Konomi then went to the pole as she pulled out her phone and connected it to the Bluetooth speakers.

Konomi: what song?

Kokonoi: I'm not sure.

Ran: maybe something enticing.

Konomi: let me just check my playlist.

  After a while of scrolling she decided to settle for Flower by Jisoo.
  She put it on as she made her way to the pole.
     The song started as she slowly pulled herself on to the pole, she slowly twirled her hips as the chorus hit, her floor routine was short but done expertly well as she twerked her way into a full split, at some point she was upside down almost as if  her entire cleavage would spill out of her bra as she slowly wiggled her was down extending her ass as she twerked down.
    Everyone in the room had definitely seen her dance before but this one was more thrilling for them to watch, as if she was being more seductive than usual, they were all practically drooling at her movements Kokonoi was the only one to have enough attention to pull out his phone to video the entire dance.
   The song ended as she climbed down, looking around the room she could see as all of them were lost in another world as she called them to snap them out of their thoughts with a satisfied smile on her face.

Konomi: what did you guys think?

Hanma: what are you trying to do? Kill us?

Ran: I was so close to having a nose bleed.

Sanzu: do another song.

Konomi: I'm too tired for that.

Kokonoi: that's too bad (pouts).

Kakucho: why don't we head into the stream room.

Konomi: there's a steam room here?

Mochi: yup right down the hall.

Konomi: yes let's go.

Watoshi: can we come?

Yutaro: actually we have a mission.

Watoshi: oh yeah, this isn't fair.

Mochi: if it helps, you still wouldn't have been able to come.

Yutaro: let's go Watoshi we don't have all day.

Watoshi: goodbye Miss Haruto.

Konomi: bye bye.

   The two leaves as the rest go to the steam room.

Konomi: wait I can't go in there with you guys.

Rindou: why not?

Konomi: because I can't where clothes in a steam room and I'm definitely not going in there naked.

Hanma: (hands her a bathrobe) you can wear this.

Konomi: fine, go in and I'll meet you once I've changed.

   They all go in as Konomi took of her clothes put on the robe, it was a very short baby pink robe with a very low neck almost exposing some of her chest.

Konomi: why do I feel like this is a set up, (tries pulling the robe down) it's so short and the neck, (sighs) whatever it will have to work.

  She walked over to the door to the room as she gently knocked and waited until Sanzu's voice told her to come in.
    As she entered she was met with all the executives including Mikey wearing nothing but a towel, she was shocked at what she saw almost turning as red as a tomato.

Konomi: no, nope nope nope nope, I can't do this, what is this? And when did Mikey get here?

Mikey: I was here before you all came in.

Konomi: (tries to open the door and realises its locked) let me out, let, me, out!!!

Kakucho: just calm down.

Konomi: this is to overwhelming for my senses you don't understand.

Kakucho: (looks at what Konomi is wearing) *actually I do*

Konomi: who locked the door?

Sanzu: I did.

Konomi: why?

Ran: (raps his hands around her waist) because we knew you'd try to run.

Takeomi: (ruffles her hair) just relax nothings gonna happen.

Konomi: (sighs) fine.

Ran: (lifts her up and sits with her in his lap) that's my girl (kisses her ear).

Konomi: Ran I swear.

Ran: alright alright chill.

Sanzu: no fair I want to hold princess.

Ran: back off bark bark all mine (holds Konomi tighter and pouts).

Rindou: did you just bark?

Sanzu: give her here.

Ran: no.

Hanma: let me hold her (comes closer).

Ran: back, back I say you animals.

Konomi: (gets down from Ran's lap and goes to sit with Kokonoi) y'all should leave me alone.

Kokonoi: (sticks his tongue out at them) looks like I win (turns Konomi around to face him) you look stunning.

Konomi: why thank you Mister Kokonut (giggles).

Kokonoi: yes I'm a Kokonut do you want to drink my milk (smirks).

Konomi: (blinks twice) excuse me what?

Sanzu: what'd he say?

Ran: what'd he say?

Rindou: who are you?

Kakucho: currently questioning existence.

Konomi: (puts her hand on Kokonoi's head) are you sick?

Kokonoi: yes, love sickness.

Ran: stop stealing my pickup lines.

Konomi: why don't we have a pickup lines show down?

Ran: sounds fun.

Hanma: sounds fun.

Konomi: alright who's first?

Sanzu: me me.

Konomi: alright go ahead.

Sanzu: hey girl are you a drug cause your my new addiction.

Konomi: 7.5.

Sanzu: beat that!

Hanma: are you on fire because you're smoking hot.

Konomi: 6.9.

Sanzu: ha I beat you.

Ran: watch and learn, are you a thief cause you stole the key to my heart.

Konomi: 7.9.

Ran: and that will be the highest.

Mochi: are you an angel cause looking at you is both a miracle and blessing.

Konomi: damn Mochi that was good 8.5.

Mochi: That's how it's done.

Rindou: you are so beautiful that even gemstones and pearls take lessons from you.

Konomi: go Rin 8.

Ran: how can you all be passing me?

Mochi: because we're better.

Konomi: yes pop of.

Takeomi: your so beautiful that you set the standards

Konomi: omg that was good 8.

Kakucho: the heavens called they said they wanted their angel back.

Konomi: awwww 8.1.

Mikey: you smile shines so brightly that even stars would would fall to the earth just to see it.

Konomi: OMG Mikey 9, that was so good, I'm ascending.

Kokonoi: into heaven with the other angels?

Konomi: Kokonoi you smooth criminal.

Kokonoi: (Kisses Konomi on the lips) that's me.

Konomi: (blushing).

Ran: oh she's blushing.

Konomi: (covers her face) shut up it's just getting really hot in here.

Hanma: well that's your fault darling.

Konomi: that's it I'm going out now.

Kakucho: yea I think we've spent enough time in here.

Mochi: was fun though.

Rindou: ya not to bad.

  They all went out of the steam room and got dressed before going back to their rooms.

Three days later.
   It was the day of the mission they had all packed and were getting ready to leave as they were watching Konomi to get in her room.
     She was wearing a white women's suit with trousers and a deep blue shirt inside, her hair was in a half ponytail and she had on very light makeup.

Ran: looking good darling.

Konomi: are you sure I don't need much clothes?

Sanzu: nope you only need the essentials.

Hanma: you could only take your underwear if you wanted to, we'd be more than happy to go shopping for anything else you might need.

Ran: and we'd be more than happy to take you underwear shopping if you don't want to take anything with you.

Konomi: please stop stop talking, *how will I survive* how long will we be staying?

Ran: as long as it takes to get the job done.

Konomi: I see.

Sanzu: the details of the mission will be explained more when we get there.

Konomi: alright.

  Konomi finishes getting ready.

Konomi: alright I'm done and ready to go.

Sanzu: already let's go.

    They all go to the parlor to say goodbye before they left.

Konomi: alright guys we'll be going.

Kakucho: alright be careful (pats her head).

Rindou: you all better bring her back safely.

Kokonoi: yea.

Ran: calm down she's safe with us.

Mochi: I sure hope so, try not to do anything reckless and watch her at all times.

Kokonoi: and get her whatever she wants.

Takeomi: (ruffles Konomi's hair) come back safely alright.

Konomi: don't worry I'll be fine, I'm a strong independent young woman.

Rindou: just don't do anything too crazy (pecks her forehead).

Konomi: (smiles) yeah.

Mikey: (enters the parlor) I see you're all ready to go.

Konomi: yup.

Mikey: (whispers in Konomi's ear) please come back safely alright.

Konomi: (hugs Mikey and kisses his cheek) I'll be back soon.

Mikey: (hugs her back) you better and that's an order, you three better take care of her.

Sanzu: princess will be safe don't worry.

Ran: I won't let anything happen to her.

Hanma: it's gonna be fine.

   Konomi let's go of Mikey, the four of them go to the front of the building where a car was ready for them to take.
   They all got in as Sanzu drove them all to the airport.

Konomi: we need a name for our mission and our group.

Ran: I got it the mission is operation elimination.

Sanzu: that's stupid it should be the elimination operation.

Hanma: you just switched the words.

Konomi: I've got it, it's Mission eradicate.

Hanma: ya why not.

Sanzu: the princess has spoken.

Ran: and the name of our group is damage squad.

Sanzu: okay.

Hanma: it's not the worst I've heard.

Konomi: (shrugs) I can live with that.

(The mission has begun let's go 😩).


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