Slow Dance With The Devil [Bb...

By FriedBrain9

408K 18.8K 15K

Bitterness. Cold. Hotheaded. Are all things that Kim Minji, the young CEO, is familiar with. She's rich and s... More

May I Have Your Attention Please
I Don't Want Her
Morning Coffee(s)
Predator Cat and Docile Dog
White Lie
Dine In Hell
Starting the Dive
The Night Shift
There's No Turning Back
Let Me Know You Better (1)
Let Me know You Better (2)
Bold Move
Flip The Switch
The Trap Went Well
Giraffe And Deer
Into Her Nest
Love, Affection, Lust
All The Weird Feelings
Love You In The Dark
Hard Heart
To Break Down Your Walls
Her Darkest Scars
Already Damaged
Please Let Me In
Revenge Party [M]
After The Party
Genuine Desire [M]
Broken Handcuffs
No One Can Refuse Her
The Perfect Pair (1) - M
The Perfect Pair (2) - M
The Perfect Pair (3)
Bloody Hands From The Past
The Lingering Stench of Carcasses
What We Have, What We Had
Her Decision
Immersion Of The Past
And Above All, It Is You
I Love You
The Last Note
The Vows and The Heirs (1): Devoted To You
The Vows and The Heirs (2): Treasure

A Blast from The Past

10.5K 404 209
By FriedBrain9

She hated that gaze, the sharp, judgmental look in those dark black eyes, which seemed colder than hers.

That gaze had consumed her for a dozen years, was on top of her when she was beaten to a pulp on the floor.

She clenched her teeth tightly, and averted her eyes.

They met another gaze, but those brownish-black eyes were filled with love, which always gave her peace, making her drown and think of nothing else.

The tip of the gaze owner's lips lifted slightly, giving a gentle smile.

Minji desperately wanted to kiss her, and take her back inside her secret chamber, continuing their pending lovemaking.

Mr. Kim adjusted his seat on the sofa, "I'll just drop by for a moment, I'm curious as to why my daughter went missing at her wedding last week."

"There was some business..."

"Business on a Saturday? In the morning?"

"I was negotiating with a company in Dubai."

The old man's eyes narrowed, looking at Minji probingly, "May I know the name of the company?"

Minji gritted her teeth, "Dubai First Security." she said.

Mr. Kim scoffed, "I didn't get any info."
"Haerin and I are still in the negotiation stage, it's a billion dollar project." Minji gave her father a sharp look.

She wasn't completely lying, a few months ago they tried to invite that world's number one security company to cooperate but there had been no significant response.

She had to use it as an excuse, this old man must not know what happened the other day.

The old man got up from the sofa, "If you lied to me..."
"If I manage to get it you have to give this company to me." Minji cut in, looking at her father with a cold and hateful gaze.

"It will belong to me completely and you can't make any more decisions when it comes to it, you will only take care of your other companies, but not this one."

Hanni grasped Minji's clenched hand, trying to link their fingers, and Minji opened her fist, rubbing Hanni's hand.

She understood the Vietnamese was trying to calm her down.

The father and daughter locked eyes intensely.

Hanni squeezed Minji's fingers gently.

"If you fail, withdraw from your position. You like that kind of bet, don't you?" Mr. Kim turned around and sat back on the sofa.

Minji's jaw hardened, "Deal." she growled.

Mr. Kim grinned.
There was no way Minji could get through to the security company, the bureaucracy was too convoluted, he had tried, approached them for almost two years, and had spent a lot of money flying back and forth and entertaining them, but still nothing.

Failed in the end.

He couldn't wait to see the outcome of Minji's big mouth. If she succeeded of course he would keep his promise to let the company go, but that didn't matter, because Minji's success would make the shares of his other companies soar.

But if she failed, not only would she have to relinquish her position but she would also be stripped of all her rights related to the other companies in the Kim family business.

In other words, she cannot work anywhere related to the Kim family's companies or their relations.

Minji, my daughter, I want to see you try to surpass me.

"We're having breakfast together soon, do you want to join us?" came a soft voice, Mr. Kim looked over, Hanni was smiling at him.

"It's okay Hanni, anyway it looks like I have to leave now, I have some more things to take care of." Mr. Kim smiled and stood up from the sofa, Hanni and Hyein bowed to him.

"Quickly book a plane to leave for Dubai tonight." Minji said to Hyein when Mr. Kim had left the room.

Hyein bowed her head, "Inform Haerin too, now." Minji said again, she then glanced at Hanni.


Hanni kissed Minji's forehead and rubbed the taller's bare back as she caught her breath.

She knew Minji was emotional but the woman remained gentle with her as they continued their love making.

"I know you can do it." she whispered in her ear, "I believe in you baby." she kissed her lips.

Minji just stared at Hanni, her eyes were full of all sorts of emotions, but the coldness and anger were gone.

She then lifted her body slowly, Hanni let out a soft moan as Minji's penis was pulled out of her pussy. Minni kissed her lips, "I'll be leaving for a long time." she said.

Hanni cupped both her cheeks, "How long?", "Maybe a month, or two. I need to focus on lobbying them again, I should at least be able to meet with the Head of Procurement and the Marketing Manager first."

"Do what you have to do Minji, I'll be waiting for you." Hanni smiled gently at her.

"President Director Jang will temporarily take over my duties, I will tell Hyein to stay here to accompany you."
"I'll be fine, you should bring Hyein, she will definitely be very useful to help you."

Minji looked deeply at Hanni, she gave a small smile, "What did I do to deserve you?"
Hanni chuckled, "Your face is adorable when you smile." she rubbed the curve of Minji's eye line.

"Now, we have to eat, and you have to get ready."
"I'll miss you Pham." Minji kissed Hanni on the forehead.

There was a loud knock on the door.

They both turned their heads, " That's not Hyein." Minji squinted her eyes.

The knock sounded again.

Minji rubbed her hair irritably, she covered Hanni with a bed cover, then picked up her shirt on the floor and put it on.

"MINJI!!!" came a shout from outside the room.

Minji opened the door, Haerin stood in front of her with her face red with anger, "We have to talk." she snarled, she glanced at Hanni, "Just the two of us." she said while turning her eyes back to Minji.

The CEO glanced at Hyein who was standing a few steps behind Haerin, "Don't blame her, I forced her to open the door." Haerin said.

"In 5 minutes, on the rooftop." Minji said as she closed the bedroom door.


"Minji..." Haerin squeezed her hair while wandering back and forth in front of Minji who was standing looking at her expressionlessly.

"Where's your cigarette? Give me one."
Minji took out the item from her jacket pocket and gave it to Harrin along with the lighter, "You're lucky I managed to hide this from Hanni, all my cigarettes have been thrown away by her."

Haerin took a cigarette and lit it, "Minji." she exhaled in frustration, "Of all the companies why did you have to mention that?" she said in annoyance.

"They're one of the biggest companies in the world, and their communications vendor is our rival. I'll prove to the old man that we can get it."

"Do you remember the student exchange program at our university back in the day? There were three freshmen, two from Europe and a girl from Saudi Arabia."

Minji did not answer.
"Aaahh, that pretty one? The one you went everywhere with." she said later, "Yeah, she's my ex."
Minji raised her eyebrows, "I didn't know you were dating one of the campus idols."

Haerin smoked her cigarette irritably, "She's a crazy possessive bitch, my relationship only lasted 4 months with her. Do you remember the case of a female lecturer being beaten by her student?"

"I was busy studying, didn't have time to take care of the college drama."

"She's the one who did it!" Haerin stomped her foot irritably, "Just because that lecturer talked to me alone to ask me to be her assistant."

"All your women, including the current one, are all so feisty." Minji stifled her laughter.

"It's not funny Minji, she turned out to be the daughter of the owner of that company you're after!" Haerin grabbed Minji's jacket collar. Hyein immediately went on alert.

"I won't take my words back, we're still going to Dubai tonight." Minjj growled while stomping on Haerin's hand, "Besides, we're not dealing with that bitch, but with the bigwigs of the company."

Haerin ran a hand through her hair and sighed loudly, "I'll tell Dani I'm leaving tonight." she put out her cigarette and walked quickly towards the exit.

Minji glanced at Hyein, "We'll eat with Hanni after that we should get ready." she said, Hyein bowed her head.


"I'm leaving now." Hyein kissed the pouting Yoona on the forehead, "That devil always sends you away abruptly, and what is it this time? You're leaving for two months?" the woman sighed.

"We're planning to cooperate with Dubai First, so Miss Kim needs all the support she can get." Hyein pushed her two large suitcases toward the door.
"Promise me you'll call me every day." Yoona followed the tall woman.
"Of course." Hyein smiled.

They kissed.

There was a knock on the door, Hyein released her lips and opened the door, Minji and Hanni stood before her.

"Hello Miss Seol." Hanni bowed her head, Yoona immediately hugged her, she then glanced at Minji and snorted.

Minji raised her eyebrows, she then glanced at Hyein, "We should leave now." she said, "I'm ready Miss Kim."

Hyein was about to pull her suitcase when Yoona cupped her cheek and kissed her passionately.

Hanni stood awkwardly, she was staring down, while Minji was staring at them expressionlessly, "You can drop her off, no need to get tongue-tied in front of me." she said.

Yoona released her lips and grunted, "Alright." she then kissed Hyein again, "Wait for me." she's running towards her room.

"Let's go." Minji turned around, Hyein looked over and gawked.

"Minji!!!" Hanni pinched her arm.

"I was just joking."


Haerin gave the last luggage to the attendant at the airfield who immediately took it into their private plane. He then hugged Danielle and kissed her forehead.

"You do not seem excited." Danielle looked worriedly at her, "I don't want to go." Haerin pressed her lips together.

It was more like she didn't want to risk meeting her crazy ex-lover.

Danielle smiled at her, "Why don't you want to go? Isn't this related to the company's growth? I'll wait for you.", Haerin exhaled her breath, not wanting to say anything. She then hugged Danielle tightly, kissing her forehead.

"I love you Kang Haerin."

Haerin wanted to cry.

She didn't want to leave.

Fuck you Minji!

Hopefully they could come back before December, she wanted to celebrate Christmas with Danielle.

She then released her hug and looked at Danielle lovingly, "I'll call you every day." she said, Danielle chuckled, "I'll wait."

Haerin kissed Danielle's forehead again and walked towards the airplane stairs.

Minji glanced at her sister, she turned her head when Hanni stood on tiptoe and kissed her on the lips, "Take care of your health and eat well."
"I will." she gave the Vietnamese a hug.

"Now, you have to go." Hanni rubbed Minji's arm, "Be careful on your trip."
Minji nodded, she then looked at Hyein who was standing waiting for her, Yoona was standing next to her, holding her arm.

"Come on." she said to Hyein, the tallest one lowered her head and whispered something into Yoona's ear then kissed her forehead.

Yoona huffed and broke the embrace, "Take good care of her Minji, you better watch out." she said while squinting her eyes at the CEO.

Minji chuckled, "She's the one who should take care of me Yoona, not the other way around." she said as she walked towards the airplane stairs.

"That jerk..." Yoona stomped her boots, Hyein smiled and brushed her hair, "I'm leaving now." she said as she kissed Yoona's lips.

She then bowed to Hanni and Danielle, then followed Minji.


They arrived at Armani Hotel Dubai in the evening, Minji immediately called Hanni, who immediately scolded her for not cleaning up first.

'I missed you.' Minji replied, successfully leaving Hanni speechless and blushing.

Haerin rolled her eyes, she then glanced at Hyein, she was also on a video call with Yoona.

Haerin started to open her suitcase and took out the contents, placing it neatly inside one part of the walk-in closet. She checked her cell phone.

Dani ❤️
7:50 pm
I'm glad you arrived safely. I'm helping prepare for the press conference about the annual environmental event. I'll call you as soon as I can.

I love you.

Haerin put her cell phone on top of the cabinet, it must be 2pm in Korea right now. She then sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.

"Find a list of names that we've dealt with and call them tomorrow morning, set up a meeting immediately if possible." came Minji's voice who was giving orders to Hyein.

She then glanced at Haerin, "We'll go out to eat first, then we'll discuss the steps to deal with them."

Hyein nodded.

You workaholic devil, you didn't even ask if we wanted to rest first.

"We have to move fast, no one can be lazy while here. The sooner it's done the better." Minji took her cigarette and headed for the balcony.

Haerin scoffed, "Whatever you want boss."


Minji gazed out the window, the cityscape of Dubai during the day greeted her eyes. Haerin was replying to emails on her laptop and Hyein was calling Yoona who was at Nagyung's apartment.

It had been almost two months since they had been here, she was starting to feel impatient. They had managed to meet with the Division Head of Procurement and the General Manager of Marketing.

Everyone praised their presentation, saying that it was perfect, and that their prices were more reasonable than their competitors when calculated in more depth.

But why hadn't they heard back in two weeks?

She missed Hanni terribly.

Although she was always contacting her, calling her, making video calls, but Minji sometimes couldn't reply or pick up because she was in meetings.

The time difference between the two countries made it impossible for them to communicate properly. Sometimes Minji would finish a meeting while Hanni was sleeping, and Hanni would only be able to call Minji when the CEO was busy entertaining Dubai First officials, which Minji would definitely not answer.

She rubbed her hair in annoyance.

What else was she supposed to do?

"We got an email." came Haerin's voice, she clicked on it, Minji looked at her and turned around, "Read it aloud." she said.

Haerin squinted her eyes at the 15-inch screen, her pupils moving with the sentences, "I'll just read the gist of it." she muttered.

Hyein had already hung up the phone, she walked over to Haerin and sat next to her.

"They asked us to come at 4 this afternoon, to meet with the vice president director." Haerin looked at Minji, "To discuss the contract." she added, her voice trembling slightly.

"They want to talk about the contract Minji." she then laughed and jumped up, then started shaking Hyein's body, "WE CAN GO HOME!!!" she shouted.

"Miss Kang..." Hyein tried to hold on to the edge of the sofa.

Minji's lips lifted slightly at the sight of the two women, "We'll have lunch first and then head to their office." she said.

Haerin didn't seem to care, she was still busy shaking Hyein who was trying to stand up.

Minji looked out the window again.

I'm going home Hanni.

And father...fuck you.


The waiting room was huge, as big as the waiting room at Hanni and Danielle's place combined. Hyein stared at some paintings on the wall, abstract paintings that cost millions of dollars.

Why do people like to buy these meaningless paintings? I can do it too if I just scribble like this.

She glanced at Minji and Haerin who were busy typing on their cell phones, probably texting their lovers.

She looked over when a young man approached them, she recognized him as the team leader of the procurement division, she immediately bowed her head.

"Our boss is ready to meet you." The young man smiled, Minji stood up, "Wait a minute, I thought we were going to have a meeting for the contract signing?" she said with a furrowed brow.

The young man adjusted the position of his glasses, "That's right, but she requested that only she and the four of you attend." he said again, he then stepped towards the large marble door with gold carvings, "Please follow me."

Minji glanced at Haerin, the cat-eyed one just shrugged her shoulders, she didn't care, she just wanted this to be over quickly and they could go back to Korea.

The young man pressed a button embedded in the side of the door, soon the door opened slowly. He looked at Minji and smiled, "I just escorted you guys here, you can come in."

Minji and Haerin stepped inside, followed by Hyein who was carrying a laptop bag. A large and magnificent office room immediately greeted them, Haerin circulated her gaze, this room was twice as big as Minji's office, including the secret chamber inside.

Hyein's mouth was half open, there was a large crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling, two long sofas with marble tables were underneath, on the right after the entrance there was a meeting room with 7 chairs, separated by a glass door.

The walls around the room were decorated with gold lists. There was a long work table in the center after the sofa area, a young woman with a curvy body and jet-black hair was standing with her back to them.

The vice president of the company was that young?

They walked to the sofa area and stopped, "Good afternoon Ma'am." Minji greeted.
The young woman turned around and smiled, "I've been waiting for you, and call me Miss, I'm not married." her voice was sweet and seductive.

Haerin felt like fainting.

She took a few steps back, Hyein furrowed her brows, the COO's face looked shocked, "Miss Kang, what's wrong?" she asked in a whisper.

"I got an email that we're going to sign a contract this afternoon." Minji said, not yet noticing Haerin's reaction.

The young woman chuckled, "You went straight to the point, I like that.", she then approached them, "I'm Noor Ameera Bafayed, vice president director of Dubai First Security." her eyes glanced at Haerin, then at Minji again.

"My men spoke highly of your presentation and I want to prove it with my own eyes." she stepped towards the meeting room.

Minji and Hyein followed her, Haerin still standing where she was. Minji looked at her, giving her a questioning look, Haerin did not react. Minji approached Haerin and gave Hyein the code to enter first.

"What's wrong with you?" she growled in a low voice, Haerin glanced at her, mixed emotions on her face, " She's the ex I told you about." she replied angrily, "I can't do this." she said again.

Minji gritted her teeth, "We've come this far.", "I can't!" Haerin hissed.

"Is there a problem?" Ameera poked her head through the glass door, she smiled sweetly.

Haerin shuddered at that smile.

Minji sighed, "I'll do the presentation, I'll do the talking, you just sit quietly ok." she said, Haerin turned her face away, "Haerin.." Minji gripped the cat-eye's shoulder, "I need you if she asks about technical stuff, you're smarter than me."

Haerin looked at Minji, she then sighed, "Let's get this over with." she said quietly, Minji patted Haerin's cheek and stepped into the meeting room.

"To increase the secrecy of this meeting I have activated the signal disabling device in this room, you will not be able to do activities that require the internet, you will also not be able to use recording devices or anything related to that."

Ameera shook her hair, "Well let's get started shall we?" she smiled.

Hyein connected the laptop to the projector, she then selected one of the files from the folder and opened it.

Minji walked to the front, "Are you the one that going to speak?" asked Ameera, "Yes, is there a problem?", "I want her to explain about the presentation." the woman pointed at Haerin.

"For your company level..."
"No." Ameera cut off Minji's words, her eyes looking intensely at Haerin.

Haerin clenched her fists and slowly stood up from her chair.

"What exactly do you want?" Minji raised her hand, telling Haerin to remain seated. Ameera sat on the edge of the table, "What do you mean?", "There's no way a vice president director would want to have a meeting with a foreign company, by herself. Especially since your company is the world's number one security system. You will be more careful.

No matter how high your position is you still need input from every division head concerned, at least you should bring your Finance Director and Marketing Director to discuss our offer to you. But you decided to meet us alone." Minji said.

She wanted to get this contract but she had to be careful.

Ameera placed the tip of her index finger on her chin, looking at Minji intently. She then turned off the projector and stood up, she stepped out of the meeting room and went to her desk, opened her drawer and took out the document from it.

She then went back into the meeting room and put the document on the table, pushing it towards Minji, "I'm gonna be honest, I have studied your presentation file and offer letter. I won't beat around the bush, I'm very interested in this partnership." she said.

Minji took the document and looked at it, a cooperation agreement ready to be signed by both parties of the company.

"I'll sign it, right now, if you give me what I want." Ameera stared at Minji, her eyes darkening, "I know you are Haerin's sister and I'm sure you also know our history at the university."

The woman smiled.

"I want Haerin to spend this night at my place."

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