Embers of the Holy War

Por wispylingerer

323 62 3

When Long Guang's family manor burned down, taking along the lives of his parents and his servants in the roa... Más

The Legend of Hero Rayler
The Boy With No Memories
Through The Looking Glass
What Makes You, You
The Fire Dragon
The Long Family and I
Finding You
Lady Luck Is Not On His Side
Arrival of the Demon King
Shattered Dreams
Hanging Onto What's Left of You
The Hero Awakens Once More
You Who Shine Brighter
Stray Dragons
Predator and Prey
The Black Lotus
Hate Me, Protect Me
Good Apple, Bad Apple
Closed Wounds
What Was Lost/What Was Found
Enshrined in Glass and Stone
The Demon King's Curse
The Pure Maiden
Fight or Flight
Two Against One
Roots That Run Deep
Jin's Vanishing Act
Elegy of the Fallen
I Promise
What Should Not Be Seen
For The People, For The Nation
Into The Twilight Zone
The Golden-Eyed Child
Let's Play Ball!
Eyes of the Crowd
The Man Behind The Mask
Unresolved Wish
The True Culprit
Liars Be Silenced
The Dragon Tattoo
Seeking For Answers
Information For A Price
The Ghost in Twilight Tower
Aegis Squad
Family In A Car


17 3 0
Por wispylingerer

Sui led them to a rather extravagant restaurant. Well, actually, extravagant wasn't enough to describe it. Guang was no restaurant connoisseur, but with just a glance, Guang knew that this restaurant was not for the ordinary. Spanning two floors, the restaurant was dazzling, lively and flamboyant. The exterior of the restaurant was made to resemble some sort of foreign culture. What sort, Guang wasn't sure, but it definitely stood out amongst the other shops, especially with its roof that curved upwards like a smirk, the red lanterns that glowed brightly even in the heavy rain and the two ferocious lion statues that stood over the entrance like guards.

It reminded Guang of the Dragon Manor. Why? Because the restaurant screamed 'filthy rich'.

"This is the place I was talking about. I heard they serve good food here, including the kung pao chicken you want."

Guang could tell even from two blocks down because this restaurant was the source of the enticing smell. But unlike the empty clothes shop, this place was teeming with people to the point of bursting. It was only now that he was right in front of the restaurant did the enticing smell of the restaurant turned sour. It reeked. It reeked of people.

Without meaning to, Guang took a step back. His feet stubbornly refused to take a step forward nor to move. How can he, when he would be walking into a den of the most dangerous creatures in the world?

"Guang? Guang, what's wrong?"

Sui. Sui was talking to him. Slowly, he met Sui's gaze. Those charming eyes of his shimmered like the deep, deep ocean. Under that deep ocean was an emotion that Guang could feel without words. It was concern.

Sui must have noticed him acting weirdly. Guang held Sui's hand tighter. He knew if he said he didn't want to go, Sui would instantly comply. But considering how Sui held this place in high regard and was already being so nice to him, did he have the right to be so selfish? Did he have to make trouble for Sui just because he couldn't stand humans?


Before he could make a decision, there was a commotion.

"Have you found him yet?"

"No, I've checked down this street."

"I can't find him either."

"Damn it! He shouldn't have gone far. Where could he have gone?"

"Hurry, hurry! If we don't find him, who knows what'll happen to us!"

What was all that fuss about? Guang looked in the direction where the commotion came from but suddenly, he was lifted into Sui's arms.


Sui dashed into the restaurant. The repulsive stench of humans painfully invaded his nose like skewers and Guang squeaked, burying his face into Sui's furry coat and squeezing his eyes shut. What happened? Why did Sui suddenly barge into the restaurant without warning? What got him to act with such urgency?

"M-Master Sui! What are you- I mean, how may I help you? Do you need anything from this restaurant?"

"A private room for two, please."

"Yes, Master Sui."


Guang couldn't tell what Sui was doing, but the next second, Sui had whispered something in a frighteningly demanding tone that was most unlike the Sui he knew.

"No matter what, do not let the officers outside know that I'm here."

The other person gulped fearfully, so loud that even Guang could hear it.

"Understood, Master Sui. Mark, bring the master to room 22."

"Thank you," Sui said with his normal tone again.

As they moved again, questions brewed endlessly in Guang's head. What was that all about? But even though Guang was extremely curious, he dared not leave the safety of Sui's furry coat for he still sensed a bunch of humans around. It was only when a door shut that Guang opened his eyes. The room they were in was rather small but just right for two. There was a table against the wall and two chairs that faced opposite each other. Most importantly, there were no humans in sight. Although he could still sense them nearby, he didn't feel as suffocated as before. He supposed it helped a lot when he couldn't see them.

Sui gently placed Guang down on a chair. Now that he was away from Sui, Guang watched Sui closely. Opposite him, Sui calmly took off his furry coat and sat down.

The moment he did, Guang opened his mouth, about to speak, but just then, a waiter came in to ask for their order. Guang glared daggers at the waiter. The waiter, on the other hand, was obviously avoiding looking in his direction.

Unaware of the unspoken tension, Sui pleasantly addressed the waiter. "Hi, can I have kung pao chicken for two and two bowls of rice, please?"

"OK, kung pao chicken for two and two bowls of rice. Any drinks?"

"Hmm...a pot of green tea for two."

"Green tea, alright. Is that all?"

"Yes, thank you."

The waiter bowed and left. Once the door closed and Guang was finally left alone with Sui, Guang asked, "What happened, mister?"

Sui smiled placatingly. "There are some people who I shouldn't meet around."

Quizzically, Guang tilted his head. "Huh...? Who?"

"Hm...let's just say, people who don't really like me."

"People who don't like you- how can they not like you?!"

"Aha...I'm not really sure of that either."

Guang pouted. He couldn't fathom why anyone in the world would dislike Sui - he was the kindest and nicest person he has ever met. Those people must be crazy. But he supposed he could never understand the thoughts of those lower intelligence creatures.

"Why don't you beat them up, then?"

Sui's smile wavered. He appeared genuinely worried as he asked, "Why would you say that?"

Guang felt like he had said something wrong and became nervous. He didn't want Sui to dislike him, but he didn't want to lie either. So slowly, cautiously, he said, "Um...it's just that...they're humans, no? If you don't like them, they should be beaten up..."

Seeing Sui's appalled expression, Guang clammed up. Did Guang say something he shouldn't have? Why was Sui looking at him like that? He didn't like that, he doesn't want Sui to look at him like that. Anyone - anyone but him.

"Guang, do you...hate humans?"

A beat of silence passed as Guang debated whether to tell Sui the truth or not. Sui doesn't seem like he would like his truthful answer, but at the same time, he would be lying to Sui and to himself if he refused the statement.

Guang's tiny hands curled into fists as he ultimately admitted, "Yes."


Sui didn't sound angry nor disappointed. Rather, his voice was unwaveringly calm like the still surface of the ocean. But because Sui was eerily calm, it scared Guang even more. Guang doesn't know what lies deep beneath that still surface of the ocean, what Sui was actually thinking or feeling.

Despite that, he wanted to give Sui an honest answer. A part of him held the hope that Sui will accept him for who he really is. Because of that, Guang properly reflected on his feelings and the answer he had was...

"I...don't know."

He hadn't really thought about why he hated humans. It was something akin to instinct that was ingrained in him. He tried questioning it but he couldn't come up with a logical reason. Like the sky is blue and fire is hot, Guang hated humans. It was just who he is.

In fact, the more he thought about it, the more reasons he had to not hate them. The humans he had encountered so far had treated him well and had done nothing to gain his hate. So why? Why did he hate humans, when they had clearly done nothing to be hated?

Against Guang's will, tears brimmed at the edges of his eyes. With barely suppressed frustration, he said, "I don't understand. Why, mister? Why do I hate humans?"

It was then that the waiter came in carrying their food. Not wanting to seem pathetic, Guang quickly wiped his eyes with the edges of his sleeves.

When all the food was set down and the waiter left, the atmosphere became ten times more awkward. Guang didn't dare look at Sui's face. He was scared to see what kind of expression Sui was making. He...doesn't know how to face Sui after spouting all that.

A piece of chicken being placed into his bowl made him look up. Ahead, Sui was smiling.

"Don't be shy to eat, Guang. This is all for you."

Guang sniffled, nodding. He picked up his chopsticks and murmured, "Thank you."

The two of them dined in silence. It was better this way. Guang didn't know what to say, so he focused his energy and attention on inhaling his meal. It was only when they finished eating, sipping on green tea, that Sui spoke up.

"You asked me why you hated humans."

Guang tensed. He wondered what Sui was going to say about this. Was he going to laugh about it, ridicule him, or consider his words nonsense? Guang braced himself for such words, but they never came.

"Well, I can't answer that, can I? Only you know yourself best, so you'll have to find the answer to that question yourself."

Guang frowned. Sui didn't exactly give him an answer, but he supposed he shouldn't be expecting a person he just met to be able to answer such a ridiculous question.

"What about you, then, mister? What do you think about humans?"

"Hm, as for me..."

Sui's eyes grew distant, a ghost of a smile rising to his lips. He was looking at Guang, yet he was not, as if he were seeing something from the old, bygone days. For a moment, Guang felt a distance between him and Sui that separated the world they lived in.

"I love them with all my heart."


When they stepped out of the establishment, it was to find that the rain had completely ceased; their only remnants puddles on the ground. Guang felt slightly angry that the rain didn't last longer. Now humans were roaming on the streets that used to be his and Sui's only.

Guang tugged on Sui's sleeve. "Where are we going next, mister?"

To Guang's confusion, Sui squatted down, so that he was eye-to-eye with Guang. Guang felt a sense of imminent doom even before Sui opened his mouth.

"I think it's about time you go home, Guang."

Guang felt his stomach drop. Did Sui know from the very beginning that he had run away from home? No, was he someone his parents sent to drag him back? Was Guang fooled by Sui from the very start?

However, his suspicions were eased when Sui said gently, "Your parents must be worried sick with their child missing. Do you know the way back home?"

It doesn't seem like Sui knew where Guang had come from, so Sui shouldn't be affiliated with his parents. Even so, he clenched his fists. Turning away, he grumbled, "I don't want to go back there."

"Hm...can you tell me why?"

Guang hesitated. Loving humans as he does, would Sui understand his feelings about why he doesn't want to go back 'home'? But who else can he trust in this world if not Sui? Sui didn't berate him for his controversial confession earlier, so he supposed he could try to be honest now too.

Reluctantly, Guang explained the things he had gone through since yesterday. From the moment he woke up in the hospital with no memories to running away from his parents and his 'home'. Of course, he included his own emotions as well in hopes that Sui would understand his brazen actions. When he had finished explaining, he anxiously awaited Sui's response. He had practically opened up his heart towards Sui. How does Sui view him now, knowing all there is about him?

If Sui rejected him, or maybe even hated him, Guang might just break. But if that's what Sui truly thought of Guang's true self, then what can Guang do? He'll just have to accept it, as heartbreaking as it is.

Unexpectedly, beyond his wildest imagination, Guang found himself within Sui's embrace. It wasn't warm at all. No, it was chilly, but perhaps, Guang has found a certain comfort within the sensation of relaxing coldness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise that you hated humans that much."

Sui was...apologising? Hesitantly, Guang returned Sui's hug - a hug that he was undeserving of.

"Must I...go back there?"

His voice quivered. Just thinking about it scared him. He was afraid of how he'll be treated by those humans, of how he'll be surrounded by those humans, of how he'll have to live with those humans every day. He might just go insane.

"Guang, do you know why I love humans?"

Loving humans...it was an idea that Guang couldn't comprehend at all. What was there to love about those despicable creatures?

"No, I don't," Guang answered truthfully.

Sui released Guang from the hug and smiled at him. Gently, like a butterfly landing on a flower, Sui tapped Guang's nose. "It's because humans are astonishing, sophisticated and extraordinary beings. They'll always surprise you and exceed your expectations when you least expect them to. You just have to pay attention, and you'll be amazed by the endless potential that humans have."

The way Sui talked about humans was...odd. As if he wasn't one himself. It made Guang wonder: why did he feel so differently about Sui compared to the other humans? What exactly was Sui? Who exactly was Sui?

"Give each and every human a chance. I promise, you won't regret it."

With his tiny hands in Sui's, Sui led Guang to the Dragon Manor. Guang didn't know what to say to Sui. He hated the idea of being under the care of humans again. Honestly, he'd rather accompany Sui to the ends of the Earth, but that was too selfish for him to ask. The last thing he wanted to become was a burden on Sui's shoulders.

Moreover, what Sui said just now...what did he mean by giving humans a chance? What, exactly, was a chance?

Guang thought long and hard, trying to figure out the meaning behind Sui's elusive sentence. So occupied in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that they were within sight of the Dragon Manor. Guang only snapped out of it because Sui stopped in his tracks. Guang had looked around, wondering why. When his eyes fell on the gates of the Dragon Manor, Guang understood. There were a bunch of uniformed people rushing in and out and his distraught parents could be seen urgently communicating with the rushing people. What were they fussing over about?

You know the answer to that.

Guang clenched his fist. Would they actually go to such lengths for him? Were the tears they were shedding truly for him? Was the fear they were going through truly for him? It couldn't be. Surely, it wasn't for him.

"Must I really go?"

He knew he was asking a question that he had already asked, but still. If there was any time to turn back, it would be now.

"Your parents will take care of you. I'm sorry, I can't be the one to raise you."

How...did Sui know? The way he read Guang like an open book, especially at this moment, made Guang extremely emotional. Something was writhing painfully within his chest, something that wanted to break free from the confines of his tiny body.

Once again, Sui squatted down. With a cold hand, he caressed Guang's chubby cheeks, all while smiling warmly. Then, his hand flitted over to Guang's right ear, brushing it gently. However, despite Sui retracting his hand, the ghost of his touch still lingered. Specifically, on Guang's ear.

Guang raised a hand to touch his ear. It wasn't his imagination. There was something hard and cold hanging from his earlobe.

"What is this?"

"A parting gift."

"A...parting gift...?"

Before he knew it, tears had streamed down his face.


It truly hit Guang now that Sui was going to leave him. Sui, who was kind and nice. Sui, who understood and accepted him. Sui, who was the only person he could trust.

Guang cried. He didn't care how loud he was. He needed the universe to know that he was losing someone important to him. He would do anything, trade anything, just for Sui to stay in his life.

He was engulfed in a hug. Sui was hugging him. Unlike before, this time, Guang clung onto Sui, as if he were his lifeline.

Desperately, he begged through hiccups, "W-won't- won't you stay with me?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do that."

"T-then...can you...come visit?"

"I will."


Sui nodded. "It might be in the far future, but I promise, I'll come and visit."

That was all that Guang needed to hear. He nodded, wiping his tears and snot on his sleeve.

"I'll wait for you. You better keep your promise."

Sui chuckled amusedly, taking out tissues and helping him to wipe them instead.

"Go now. Don't keep your worried parents waiting."

Guang nodded. This time, when he marched forwards, it was without Sui by his side. It felt lonely, but this was something that Sui wanted him to do.

Constantly, he looked back, hoping that Sui would still be there. And he was, waving with a smile, providing him the courage to take one step after the other.

When Guang finally arrived at the front gates, heads swivelled in his direction and time seemed to stop. The officers who were running about halted, every one of them watching him as he uneasily made his way to his stunned parents.

Seeing his parents again made his hairs stand on end. He wanted to run away, to get away from them. It was through sheer will that he restrained himself from turning back, knowing that Sui would not be happy with him running away again.

Grudgingly, he muttered, "Father, mother, I'm back."

Much to Guang's surprise, he was scooped up into his sobbing mother's arms. This woman who had no sense of personal space again!

'Give each and every human a chance. I promise, you won't regret it.'

Guang faltered. Reluctantly, he allowed himself to be coddled by the human woman who was his mother.

"You had us worried sick, Guang!"

Something squeezed in his chest at hearing his mother's shaky voice. While he didn't regret running away, a part of him - maybe, just a small part of him - felt guilty about being the cause of his parents' misery.

Trying his best to sound apologetic, Guang mumbled, "I'm sorry I ran away."

His mother shook her head. "We're just glad you're safe, baby. Oh, thank the Hero!"

Meanwhile, his father could be seen wiping a tear from his eye. "Let's get you inside, Guang. It has been a long day. You must be tired."

As his relieved parents brought him into the manor, talking about Guang spared one last look outside. He had hoped to catch one final glimpse of Sui, but as the gates of the Dragon Manor closed behind him, the familiar figure was long gone. 

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