Loki X Reader One-Shots

By HackSword274

719 32 0

Some Loki x reader One-shots I wrote, each one was writen as a personal test for myself in one way or another... More

Royal - Part 1
Royal - Part 2 NSFW
My King
Children of the Horned King


76 3 0
By HackSword274

"This is a bad idea Jane, terrible actually. I can't remember the last idea you had that was this bad." You were being playful, but you meant every word.

"Relax, I'm seventy percent sure you'll be fine." She stopped, thinking it through. "Sixty percent."

"I'm going to die."

Looking at the clear blue sky above you, you sigh. It was about lunch time and you and your good friend Jane were heading into town. A pit of anxiety mixed into your stomach as you walk, she had told you her long term boyfriend of 4 years was looking to set his younger brother up on a date, and Jane had not just thought of you, but volunteered you for a double date.

"Have you at least met the guy?" You ask, words coming out more hostile than anticipated.

"No, BUT Thor said he can be really nice and he has a 'playful spirit', whatever that means." She was trying to reassure you and calm your nerves, but it wasn't working.

You'd never really liked Thor, something about his mannerisms just felt off to you, but he made Jane happy so you kept it to yourself. You knew Jane was aware of your feelings however, so why would she set you up with his brother?

"Common, just give him a chance. Thor said they're actually very different people so maybe you'll get along." She reached out, lightly rubbing your arm.

The two of you arrived at the location, a small diner near your college campus. Walking in, you both look around for any signs of the boys.

"Doesn't look like they're here yet." You mutter quietly.

"Go take a seat in the corner, i'll grab us some drinks." She smiles. You nod, finding a cute corner booth out of the way of most people. Your nerves were building, it had been a while since you last went on a date and now you were going in blind.

Just as you start to spiral, the little bell chimes, an indicator that someone new had entered the shop. Looking up you see Jane's boyfriend Thor, closely followed by a dark haired man. Your eyes widen slightly as you watch Thor and the man walk up to Jane, they really look nothing alike.

You watch as Thor gives Jane a light kiss on the cheek before pointing the man to you in the corner, he smiles at you, causing you to give a little wave in response. Much to your horror, the man begins to walk towards you alone, leaving both Thor and Jane waiting to order.

You study him as he walks over, his raven hair stands as a large contrast to his soft blue eyes. His outfit is well put together, indicating he clearly cares about his appearance.

He stops, just at the end of the table. He looks at you before giving a slight bow. "You must be (Y/N), it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." His voice is low and quiet, very different to how Thor speaks.

He reaches for your hand, hesitant at first you reach out, only for him to place a light kiss on the back. With a smile he takes the seat across from you.

"I'm sorry, I don't think Thor or Jane ever gave me your name." You nervously squeak out. He lets a soft chuckle go, catching you off guard.

"It's Loki, knowing my brother he probably forgot it himself." His smile never falters as he speaks. Despite his words' unpleasant indication, you can't help but giggle. You relax a bit, his demeanour and speech really was unlike Thor, were they truly brothers?

"Well Loki, if you don't mind me saying, you and your brother seem very different. You aren't quite what I expected." You say, straightening you back to portray confidence. He gives another light chuckle, causing a soft blush to creep onto your cheeks.

"I do hope you aren't disappointed then."

"Not at all!" You say rather abruptly. You look to the side, slightly embarrassed by your next words. "To be honest I was kinda scared to meet another Thor, he seems nice, but he's kinda too much for me."

A full laugh comes from across the table this time. "He is too much for most, perhaps that is one thing we share already." You can't help but giggle again as Jane and Thor return to the table, four drinks in hand. Thor sits next to Loki, handing him a cup of tea as Jane sits next to you, your drink in hand.

"Seems like you two are getting along well enough." Jane whispers into your ear with a smirk, causing you to give her a playful shove. You look across the table to Loki as your eyes meet, he gives you a smile, causing you to blush once more. It was too soon to tell, but he seemed sweet, maybe you should give him a chance.

The rest of the date was spent talking, mostly by Thor. He told a story about how he had just been assigned a group project in class and two of his friends named Tony and Steve wouldn't stop fighting over small details and how nothing was getting done. You look back to Loki briefly, only to see a bored expression across his features. You lean in across the table and whisper to him.

"What's wrong, not exciting enough?" You tease. He looks at you blankly at first before a playful smile creeps onto his face.

"It's hardly as captivating of a story the third time you've heard it, I'm afraid." You stifle a laugh at his words. "My brother has a tendency to repeat his captivating tales at home."

You stop for a moment, thinking of his tone. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask, what's with the accent? You and Thor are both from here so... how come you sound different? Sorry if that's rude to ask."

He smiles at your question, before giving his head a light shake. "Not rude at all Darling. I studied abroad a few years, and it seems I've picked up the dialect. I do hope it's not off putting."

You smile, "not at all Loki, it's actually kinda nice. That would explain why I haven't met you until now though. What do you study?"

"English literature, I'm a fan of the classics. To be honest, I've been playing with the idea of writing my own for a while now." His gaze softens, his passion for writing shining through.

"Wait, your own book? Loki, that's amazing! You'll have to let me read it some time." You say cheerfully.

"Why not now?" He asks, head tilted slightly as a mischievous smile plays at his lips. You look at your friend and her boyfriend, the two are so engrossed in their own conversation that they don't seem to even know you're there. Looking back to Loki, you nod.

The two of you slip out, telling the others that you'll catch up later only to receive a couple of smug grins in return. The two of you begin walking towards the dorms, silent at first but quickly striking up a conversation. You ask him about studying overseas and in return he asks about you. You tell him a bit about yourself, your family, even your own studies. With every word he smiles, seeming to eat up every word.

"Tell me about your family." You say, arms tucked behind you. "I have a feeling your account of home and Thors might be very different. Also its kinda weird to me that he never really mentioned you before."

"That might be because our relationship is .... Strained." He glanced away, his smile dipping into a gloomy expression.

"Sorry, you don't have to tell me."

"No, it's fine. You may have noticed we aren't very similar, it's because I was adopted." You nod in understanding, it didn't really answer your question but you knew better than to push the subject.

Making your way to the dorms, Loki leads you up a few flights of stairs, coming up to a door with 406 written on the top. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a single silver key on a plain green tag. You think about your own, covered in fun keychains you'd collected making it easy to hear from a mile away.

He opens the door, pushing it to reveal the chaotic room. You'd been here before, needing to bring Jane her stuff if she had ever stayed here spontaneously and forgotten her things. You knew Thor wasn't exactly the neatest person in the world but the piles of cardboard boxes strewn across the lounge wasn't helping the situation.

"I apologise for the condition of our residency, I only moved in yesterday." He says, slight irritation in his voice. You trail behind him, dodging piles of clothes and half unpacked boxes as he walks towards what was once the empty spare room.

"Don't worry, I've been here before. The boxes don't add much." He grumbles at your words.

"It's troubling to know my brother kept his quarters in such a condition even when he had such a beautiful woman over."

"L-Loki!" You protest, cheeks dusted with pink. He looks over his shoulder, a devious smile on his lips.

"I speak only the truth." He makes his way to the door, opening it and guiding you inside. "Come."

You look around his room, taking note it's much neater than the rest of the house. It's clear he had been organising his belongings as he unpacked his room, which made the rest of the house confusing. Your thoughts must have been easy to read considering the light chuckle that came from Loki.

"Brother insisted on helping unpack the rest of my belongings, if that's what you're wondering."

He pulls out his writing book, a collection of snippets throughout the history of one man's life. Sitting down on his bed, you begin to flick through, only interrupted by Loki's occasional explanations of unfinished chapters.

After you finish reading he sits beside you to talk, he tells you about his love of books and his dream of opening an antique library. You share your own interests and goals, but before you know it you're both lost in conversation.

The two of you talk for hours, only for it to feel like minutes. You look to the window, only to realise the sun's going down and the faint sound of voices could be heard in the lounge.

"Loki? (Y/N)? You two here?" Jane's voice calls out.

"Yeah, sorry where in here!" You call back.

You get up, walking towards the door with Loki in tow. Getting to the lounge, Jane and Thor looking to you both, the same smug expressions they had earlier.

"You two were gone quite a while, had fun?" Thor says with a childish grin.

"Brother we weren't-" Loki starts

"WELP, we should be going. Come on (Y/N). Bye Loki, I'll see you tomorrow Thor." Jane interjects, reaching over and grabbing your arm before pulling you out the door.

The two of you start making your way back to your dorm, Jane practically bouncing all the way.

"If you don't tell me every detail, I'll never forgive you." She says with vigour.

"What do you want to know?" You ask cutely.

"Okay, big one first. Are you gonna see him again?"


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