MINE | l. scott

By okay_ig

56.6K 1.1K 78

❝𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳? 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵... More

𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞.
change || 1:1
superstar || 1:2
secondhand smoke || 1:7
invisble || 1:10
if this was a movie || 1:12
stay beautiful || 1:15
boy x || 1:16
you're on your own kid || 1:22
𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐨.
forever winter || 2:10
that's when || 2:11
forever & always || 2:13
dorothea || 2:22
slower || 2:23
𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞.
lovesick || 3:1
la di da || 3:4
afterglow || 3:8
the lakes || 3:9
heartfirst || 3:15
if the world was ending || 3:16
breathe || 3:17
new romantics || 3:18
it's nice to have a friend || 3:19
marjorie || 3:21
lover || 3:22
𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫.
sweet nothing || 4:1
everything i wanted || 4:10
timeless || 4:12
homecoming queen? || 4:13
enchanted || 4:16
if you go down (i'm going down too) || 4:17

half of my hometown || 4:9

900 20 1
By okay_ig

now playing:

by : madelyn peters

| II |

Half of my high school got too drunk
Half of my high school fell in love with the girl next door,
In their daddy's ford

The cheerleaders are all cramed into Rachel's car behind the bus.

"I can't believe Whitey wouldn't let us ride the bus. And now thanks to Haley, we're gonna miss the game," Brooke complained.

"Brooke, I'm pregnant and I'm not feeling very well," Haley defended.

"I don't mean it sucks because we're gonna be late, honey. I mean it sucks because Peyton's here."

"You guys seriously need to work things out," Rachel stated.

"I'm with her!" Madelyn called out from the back row, her head resting against Bevin's shoulder.

"I mean when I was in fat-girl therapy... Look, maybe role-playing.It's when everyone speaks as someone else. It might help. Or it could just make things really horrible, but that could be fun too."

"Okay, I'll go first," Haley started a voice, "My name's Rachel and I'm a dumbass who's failing calculus and I really like to hit on married guys."

"See? Fun. Kind of like when I slept with Nathan," Rachel congratulated herself, "Damn that was good."

"Okay, Peyton here," Brooke started, "I like to steal boys but I'm afraid to tell them how I feel."

"Speaking of stealing," Peyton started, "Hi I'm Brooke and I stole my friend Peyton's artwork so I could put it on my clothing line and I never even said thank you."

"Okay, Peyton here again. Have I mentioned that if you love me you're probably gonna die soon? See mothers one and two."

"Brooke," Madelyn spoke up disaprovingly.

"My name's Rachel and I have red hair," Bevin said confidently.

Peyton hit Brooke. Who then retaliated.

"Oh I am gonna kick your ass!" Brooke said through gritted teeth.

"Hey, hey, stop it!" Everyone pushed them apart.

Half of my main street's mini skirts
Half of my main street's dressed for chruch
It could use some rain
And a fresh coat of paint


Half of my hometown's still hanging around,
Still talkin' about that state champ
They're still wearing Blue and Black
Go Ravens

The girls had finally made it and were getting ready for the game in a lounge room. Madelyn was writing, trying to ignore the argment between Haley and Rachel and then between Peyton and Brooke.

"You were wrong," Peyton stated, looking at Brooke. "You said in the car I was afraid to tell Warren how I feel but you're wrong, I told him last night. He doesn't wanna be with me."

Brooke just looked at her.

"You can smile now," Peyton said, getting up from her seat and walking off.

While the other half of my hometown, they all got out,
Some went North, some went South


Still looking for a feeling half of us ain't found,
So stay or leave, part of me will always be,
Half of my hometown.

Brooke knocked on the bathroom door.

"Haley? We gotta leave," she knocked again. "Come on, you've been in there forever."

No answer. She knocked again.


She opened the door and they stood in shock at the sight of Haley laid on the ground, clutching her stomach in pain.

Half of our prom queens cut their hair,
Half of 'em think that it ain't fair that the basketball star,
Got hitched and never looked back

"How are you doing Haley?" Brooke asked. They were sat in the hospital waiting room. Haley looked pale and in pain and they all watched as yet another person went in before she did.

"Not so good," Haley replied.

"Maybe we should call Nathan," Madelyn suggested.

"No, I don't want him to know, not during the game," Haley denied.

"Sarah Lestage?" The nurse called out.

"Okay, this is a bunch of crap. Come on," Rachel grabbed Bevin and Brooke to go talk to the nurse. "Look, our friend has been waiting a long time."

"So?" the nurse sniped back.

"So? She's pregnant and she's in a lot of pain," Brooke explained angrily.

"Uh-huh well, look I know all you cheerleaders expect special treatment. But guess what? I never liked the cheerleaders at my school."

"It's probably because you looked-" Rachel looked her up and down, "Like that."

"Guess who's gonna wait a little longer now," the nurse said.

"Like hell she is, come on Haley," Peyton muttered, she and Madelyn held each of the girl's arms and helped walk her onto the floor.

"Excuse me!" the nurse yelled. "I'll call security."

"Yeah, call security, why don't you call the police and tell them you're discriminating against cheerleaders," Brooke yelled back.

"Nice one, Brooke," Bevin said.

"Can we get a doctor, please?" Madelyn called out.

The nurse stepped infront of them, "Listen to me, I don't care how special you are at your little high school. You can't just barge in here."

"What's going on?" a doctor asked.

"What's going on is that our friend is pregnant and she's in a lot of pain and this bitch is about to get her ass kicked," Peyton glared.

"Okay, just calm down. I'll take a look at her," he agreed. "You can all wait in the lobby and cheer for something."

"Thanks you guys," Haley said quietly.

"You're gonna be okay, Haley," Brooke called to her.

They all turned to the nurse and insults rang out.





And of course Bevin, "Thank you."

Half of my family's happy I left,
Half of them think that I'll just forget where I came from,
The same place where they came from


Backroads raise us,
Highways they take us

The girls rode in the car as they listened to the radio reporting on the game. The mood was sunken and sad as they listened to how poorly their boys were playing.

Memories, they make us, wanna go back,
To our hometown

The girls watched as the team walked back onto the court from the locker room. Madelyn smirked, hitting Lucas on the ass with her pom pom as he walked past. He spun around quickly.

"Hey," he stood in front of her, quickly giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey," she smiled at him. "Don't worry about the score. There's still a ton of time to come back."

"Yeah sure," Lucas said supiciously.

"Get out there," she nodded to the court. "Kick some ass."

Lucas started jogging backwards, sending her a wink before facing his team.

Settle down,
Talk about that one state champ

Nathan slammed the ball into the basket and the crowd went wild. The game was shifted. Nathan's attitude was a total 180. Next Lucas sank a corner three.

Skills knocked the ball away from Pontiac, turnover. Lucas half court pass to Nate for another dunk.

Layup by Lucas.

Skills to Lucas to Nathan. Another dunk.

The cheerleaders squealed in excitement, high fiving each other and celebrating.

A comeback.

Raise some kids,
In Blue and Black, Go Ravens

"Let's go, Ravens, let's go!" Rang from the crowd.

Lucas knocked the ball away from Pontiac. But was taken out of the game and replaced with Skills.

Skills sank a deep three.

Within two.

Nathan rejected a layup.

Ravens' ball.

23 seconds remaining.

Time out called by the Ravens.

Lucas is back in the game.

"Okay partner just breathe, we can't have you popping out another cheerleader right now," Brooke said to Haley.

"It's a boy," Haley responded. They all turned to her with shocked faces. "I'm having a boy," she repeated.

Excited cheers and hugs were shared amongst the cheerleaders, they all surrounded Haley, with smiles.

While the other half of my hometown,
Was in the crowd

Ravens take the court once again.

The girls held hands, gripping tightly for the last seconds of their senior year basketball season.

Lucas inbounds to Nathan.

Nathan passes to Skills.

Skills passes back to Nathan.

Nathan drives to the hoop, an open layup to tie the game and go into overtime.

Nathan dishes it out to Lucas for the three and the win.

Lucas shoots.

Everyone watches in a mix of excitement, fear, and anxiety as they wait for the ball to fall into the net.

And he did it! The Ravens have won!

Lucas falls to his knees, hands in the air in victory as his team surrounds him. The crowd is cheering louder than anyone thought possible. The cheerleaders and the rest of the crowd stormed the court.

Madelyn saw a straight line to Lucas and ran towards him.

"Lucas!" She exclaimed, jumping into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him tight. Confetti fell around them.

"Oh my god," he laughed, spinning her around.

Her feet touched the ground again, "That shot!" she exclaimed, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I mean that was insane! This is like a dream come true!"

He kissed her again. "And I'm so happy you're the one next to me, Angel."

"Well, where else would I be, huh?" she laughed, hugging him again.

They knew the words,
They sang them loud

Everyone was at the cafe, celebrating the win.

"So how is my little nephew?" Lucas asked, patting Haley's stomach.

"Fine," She smiled, "How's his uncle's heart?"

"Ah, it's fine," Lucas replied.

"How you feeling Hales?" Madelyn asked, wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulders.

"All better now that the game's over," Haley smiled, pulling Madelyn in for a hug. "We're gonna run, I'm beat."

"Okay. See you later," Madelyn released her, watching as she walked off to find Nathan.

"Hi, Angel," Lucas spoke.

Madelyn spun around with a large grin on her face. "Hi," she said back. She grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, leaning down and pulling him in for a kiss. He pulled her closer, standing up and gaining the high ground. "So are you coming over later?" she whispered, her face close to his.

"Absolutely," he nodded.

Her hands slid down his chest, over his heart. "Make sure you take your pills, don't want your heart rate to get so high that you croak on me," Madelyn joked, kissing him once more.

"Well of course we wouldn't want that."

And all I wanna do is make them proud

A loud crash came from outside. Lucas and Madelyn sprinted out of the cafe.

"Nathan what happened?!" Lucas asked.

"They just hit her, man," Nathan exclaimed.

"I'll call 911," Madelyn stated.

"You guys, stay with her," Nathan got up and sprinted toward the now crashed car that hit Haley.

"Lucas!" Madelyn grabbed his attention.

"Yeah," he looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

"Go flag down the ambulance," she instructed, kneeling next to Haley.

'Cause half of me will always be

"She's been hit by a car, you gotta help her," Lucas said to the paramedics.

"She's pregnant," Madelyn added.

"What's her name?" he asked.

"Uh, Haley," Lucas answered, kneeling to the ground.

"How long has she been pregnant?"

"Uh I don't know-" Lucas started.

"A few weeks probably, she found out the sex today," Madelyn explained.

"If- if she-"

"Luke?" Madelyn looked at him worriedly.

He fell back.

"Lucas!" Madelyn screamed, rushing over to him.

"Passed out. I got him," the other paramedic said.

"No- no he didn't. He has a heart condition," her voice shook agressively, "he's having a heart attack," she sobed.

"I got a full cardiac arrest, requesting backup," the paramedic said into his radio. He started compressions.

Madelyn sat on her knees, leaned back on her heels watching the two paramedics take care of Haley and Lucas as she cried.

Once arriving at the hospital, Madelyn watched as the doctors wheeled Lucas into the emergency room. She was stopped from following them. She collapsed to the ground next to Nathan. Watching but unable to do anything.

Tree Hill, NC,
My hometown,
My hometown

the song : half of my hometown by kelsea ballerini

I love this one

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