My Twinnies

By Crystal_Roses30

237K 10.7K 3.8K

One girl. Raven Wilson. Two Boys. Ryder Denmark. Ryan Denmark. She loves peace. They loves parties. She is i... More

We met again ;)
Prologue : 1
Prologue : 2
Characters and Introductions
Some little things about Story...
Chapter 1 : Leaving
Chapter 2 : Cameron University
Chapter 3 : Ryder Denmark
Chapter 4 : Roommates
Chapter 5 : Ryan Denmark
Chapter 6 : Punishment
Chapter 7 : 'Their' Group
Chapter 8 : Messing around
Chapter 9 : Insecurities
Chapter 10 : Panic Attack
Chapter 11 : Panic Attack - Part 2
Chapter 12 : U-Uncle ?
Chapter 13 : The Untold Truth
Chapter 14 : My Twins are a-alive !?
Chapter 15 : Realization
Chapter 16 : Promises
Chapter 17 : New Girl
Chapter 18 : The Past !!!
Chapter 19 : Abusing
Chapter 20 : Mr. Rodriguez
Chapter 21 : Camera Footage
Chapter 22 : Spiders
Chapter 23 : Miss Nancy
Chapter 24 : Broken
Chapter 25 : Miss Me, Princess ?
Chapter 26 : Nightmare is back !
Chapter 27 : First Kiss ?
Chapter 28 : Where is Raven !?
Chapter 29 : She is Your triplet sister !
Chapter 30 : Vulnerable
Chapter 31 : "My Princess"
Chapter 32 : R@pe
Chapter 33 : Rescue
Chapter 34 : Little Space Part - 1
Chapter 35 : Little Space Part - 2
Chapter 36 : Little Space Part - 3
Chapter 37 : Scarlett Rose
Chapter 38 : Ivan's P.O.V.
Chapter 39 : Alex's P.O.V.
Chapter 40 : Bestfriends
Chapter 41 : Not even a beginning
Chapter 42 : Alex with Brain !!!
Chapter 43 : Beginning of Jealousy
Chapter 44 : Moongazing
Chapter 45 : He is My Brother !
Chapter 46 : Periods
Chapter 47 : Care
Chapter 48 : Earn forgiveness
Chapter 49 : My Safe Place
Chapter 50 : Last Punishment
Chapter 51 : Triplet Telepathy
Chapter 52 : Failure
Chapter 53 : Accident
Chapter 54 : Hospital
Chapter 55 : Ryan is awake
Chapter 56 : David is back !
Chapter 57 : I Missed You !!
Chapter 58 : Video Call
Chapter 59 : Mom - Dad
Chapter 60 : Mom-Dad - Part 2
Chapter 61 : Ryder is awake !!!
Chapter 62 : Flashbacks
Chapter 63 : Realisation
Chapter 64 : Proofs
Chapter 65 : Police Officer
Chapter 66 : Arrested
Chapter 67 : Wilson Household
Chapter 68 : Pranks and Pool
Chapter 69 : Movie Night
Chapter 70 : Scared of Ghosts
Chapter 71 : Punishment Time
Chapter 72 : Confession
Chapter 73 : Rowan and his obsession
Chapter 74 : Overprotective
Chapter 75 : Triplet Day
Chapter 76 : Happiest Person
Chapter 77 : Ivan - Pari
Chapter 78 : Birthday
Chapter 79 : Wishes
Chapter 80 : Party
Chapter 81 : Where is Pari ?
Chapter 82 : Pari abducted
Chapter 83 : Suspicious
Chapter 84 : True Colours
Chapter 85 : Love can fix anything
Chapter 86 : Kitten
Chapter 87 : Betrayer
Chapter 88 : Rescue
Chapter 89 : Raven
Chapter 90 : Everything is Ok !
Bonus 1 : Bastards
Thank you !!!
(Important) New Books.

Bonus 2 : Pure Friendships

830 49 23
By Crystal_Roses30

A 6 year old girl is sitting on swing staring at the space.

Her eyes are on the two children playing together. One boy and one girl. She nibbles on her lips thinking something. She came towards them.

"Can I play with you ?"

That boy and girl looked at her.

They stared at her.

"NO" That girl immediately said.

"No, you are badluck. My Mom told me to stay away from you. Because of you, your brothers left. So, you can't play with us" Boy said shaking his head.

That 6 year old girl looks down with tears brimming her eyes.

"Go away" Girl said glaring at her.

She nodded and left from there.

She sat on the bench watching all the children playing with their friends or their siblings with sad eyes.

"R-Ryder, Ryan, please come soon. I am alone" She whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

She wiped it and sat there.

Her eyes caught two boys of her age sitting on one side of the garden silently. She frowned her eyebrows.

All kids in park are happy then why they both are sad ?


She looked at her Mom who just came to the park.

"Let's go, Baby, it's getting dark"

"Mhm" She nodded getting up. Ruby holds her hands and they walked to the gate. Raven turned back to look at those boys again.

Next Day ...

(In school)

Raven is sitting on her bench alone.

She kept zoning out.


She flinched slightly, snapping her head towards her Teacher.

"What are you thinking ? You are not at all attentive." Her teacher scolded her.

She nodded, apologising.

"Madam, she is not good" One of the girl from first bench said.

"Yes Madam, she is badluck" A boy from beside her said pointing at Raven, who just looked down ashamed.

"My Mamma said she is b-brat" Another girl said thinking what her Mom exactly told her.

"Madam what is brat ?"

"Brat means Naughty and bad children, right madam ?"

"That means Raven is also a naughty"

"And bad too"

"My Sister told me to stay away from bad students"

"My Mom said that too"

"Then, we should stay away from her"

"KEEP SILENCE" That teacher shouted making class silent as she stared at the girl sadly, who is just looking down continuously.

Raven's eyes watered. She doesn't want to cry in front of her class. But, she can't control herself so she just ran away from the class ignoring teacher's yell for her.

She came near the stairs and sat on it, crying her heart out.

As all the classes are going on, there are not many people in corridors except one or two peons.

She sobbed helplessly.

"I-I am not a b-brat. I am a g-good. M-Mamma told m-me I am g-good girl, D-Daddy said I am his p-princess and Princess are a-always g-good then w-why no one wants to be m-my f-friend" She cried hugging her knees close to her chest.

After some time, she calmed down wiping her tears.

It's recess time so everyone started coming out from their classes slowly.

Not wanting to be present in crowd, she ran upstairs to the terrace of the school.

She sighed and sat there leaning on the wall.

But frowned when she heard whispers.

She stood up and followed the whispers.

"I don't know when we are going from here"

"Same. I don't like it here"

"By the way, is it paining too much ?"

"Nuh- huh"

She looked at those same two boys from the park.

She peeked from there, seeing, one of the boy is looking at his knee with sad eyes.

She saw some scars on his knee.

Another boy pressed his thumb on that boy's knee making him wince in pain.

"Oww- it's hurting, don't do that"

"Sorry" He giggled.

Raven took out a handkerchief. Her favourite Mickey handkerchief.

"Tie this. It will not hurt" She said extending her handkerchief forward.

Those boys stared at her.

Raven gulped thinking they will also call her badluck or Brat.

But to her surprise, that injured boy took her handkerchief and tied it around his knees.

"Thank you" Another boy said smiling.

Raven nodded, running away from them.

She is running towards the ground when suddenly she tripped on something and fall on the ground.

Her eyes watered as her lips quivered seeing blood on her knees.

She looked up only to see two girls standing infront of her.

"We told you to stay away from every student" One of the girl said, glaring at Raven.

Raven gulped.

"Still, you are roaming everywhere freely" Another girl said angrily.

"S-Sorry-" Raven muttered.

"Don't you know how Unlucky you are ?" One of the girl yelled at her.

"Now you should get punishments" Another girl said pulling Raven's ponytail.

Raven cried in pain.

"Heyy she is crying like a baby" Everyone started laughing.


The girl who was pulling Raven's hair turned back only to see two boys.

Their eyes widened.

"Leave her or I will tell Dad" Another boy warned.

That girl immediately leave Raven and they all ran away.

Those two boys immediately came towards Raven and then looked at each other.

"Please don't cry. They are gone" One of them said.

Raven still sobbed.

"They will never hurt you. Please stop crying" Another boy said.

Raven hiccuped looking her surrounding.

She rubbed her head soothing the pain.

"Thank you" Raven whispered looking down.

"Welcome" Boys grinned.

"Can we become friends ?" One of them asked extending his hand for Raven to shake.

Her eyes snapped towards that boy. She widened her eyes in shock, immediately shaking her head, taking a step back.


Smiles faded from boys' face as they looked down sadly.

"Sorry if we scared you-"

"No, I am sorry, I can't be your friend. I am badluck. I bring bad luck. Everyone's Mamma said them to stay away from me" Raven immediately said them.

The confusion laced through the boys' face. They thought she was scared of them like everyone and that's why don't want to be their friend but she is saying something else.

"No My Mamma said that no one is badluck." One of the boy immediately spoke.

Raven looked at him.

"Yes, same."

"She also told me that luck always depends on their hardwork." He again said.

"Yes Same"

"My Mamma also told me that we all are God's gifts. So we all are precious"

"Yes yes same"

"So, you are not badluck"


Raven looked at them shocked.

"But b-because of m-me, my brothers l-left-"

"They will come back, don't worry" That boy said smiling.

Raven stared at them.

"Really ?"

"Yes" They chirped.

"Now can we become friends ?"

"B-But what about your other f-friends ? What if they don't-"

"We don't have friends. Everyone here is scared of us" One of them said sadly.

"Why ?" Raven frowned.

Both boys looked right and left and signalled Raven to come closer.

When she came closer, one of them whispered in her ears "Because they are thinking that we will kill them"

Raven gasped.

"What ?"

"Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you-"

"No, But you both are so cute. Cute children don't hurt others" She told them shockingly.

Boys' eyes widened.

First time, someone other than their Mom called them cute. One of them squealed excitedly while other one blushed looking down shyly.

"Mamma said I am cute. And I never hurt anyone. So cute children don't hurt anyone" She told them like it's a matter of fact.

Boys nodded their heads smiling ear to ear.

"So, now can we become friends ? Pleaseeee pretty please..." The boy who squealed excitedly, requested her with puppy dog eyes on display trying to look more cute.

Raven thought something before nodding her head smiling.

That was the moment, when both of the boys squealed in happiness, jumped on her, hugging her tightly.

She giggled feeling ticklish.

"By the way, we forgot to ask your name" The boy who was blushing asked her, pulling away from the hug, followed by another boy.

"My name is Raven Wilson. I am six years old" Raven grinned showing her uneven white teeth.

"Oh we have same age" Another one clapped his hands in excitement.

Raven frowned in confusion.

"By the way, My name is Alex De'luca. I am also 6 years old" Alex grinned.

"And I am Ivan Steel" He leaned towards her ear and whispered "Actually I am Ivan Ivanov but my name in this school is Ivan Steel and I am six years old too"

That was the day, when the great and pure friendship entered in Raven's life, for which she is always grateful.

Same goes to Boys, that was the day, they felt complete. They got their bestfriend as well as sister in a same person. They would never trade her for anything in the world.

Epilogue will be the next chapter...

Check my other book : Felicity 💗

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will upload next chapter soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 8 July 2023.

Total Words : 1547 words 😁.

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