The Third Eye

By Lyneloftime68

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Picture is not mine credit goes to okqwerq. Yuri is a shy member of the literature club. She wants to make fr... More

Chapter 1: Bottles
Chapter2: Candy
Chapter 3: discussion
Chapter 4: Weekend
Chapter 5: Festival
Chapter 6: New girl
Chapter 7: Fight
Chapter 8: Café
Chapter 9: Her
Chapter 10: Mondays
Chapter 11: Pain
Chapter 12: Rest
Chapter 13: Faulty
Chapter 14: Contempt
Contempt pt. 2
Chapter 15: Breaking Point
Chapter 16: Control
Chapter 17: Perspective
Chapter 18: Adrenaline
Chapter 19: Arrogance
Chapter 20: Interception
Chapter 21: Mirrored
Chapter 22: Sentience
Chapter 23: Explanation?
Chapter 24: Writings

Chapter 25: Lavender Tea

43 1 1
By Lyneloftime68

Libitina's pov

"Okay, everyone! It's poem time" Monika said as if she hadn't practically been convicted of murder just two days ago. Libatina had decided last Friday that she wanted to be an actual member of this club while she was here, and it wasn't hard to do considering she spent a majority of her free time writing and reading. She had written her poem about something random, so it was probably not her best piece of work.

"Do you write poems often?" Sayori asked as she handed Libitina her poem. "Not recently, but a couple months ago I did" She responded before looking over Sayori's poem. The poem was cheerful with slight disturbing under tones. She couldn't tell if this was just her writing style, or how she actually feels. Sayori would probably deny it. She would keep this in mind for later.

"Wow! This is really good Libitina" Sayori said looking up at the much taller girl. "Really? Well, I really liked yours, Sayori. Especially it's implications" Libitina said, raising an eyebrow as she watched Sayori's response. "Huh? What do you mean? I just tossed this together at breakfast. It's really not that good" Sayori hastily as she shook her head. "Yes, I'm sure you did. It was still a great poem though" Libitina said, trying to remove the pressure she had applied with her previous comment.

"Thanks. Yours is good too" Sayori said as we switched poem partners. Natsuki walked up to Libitina and quite literally shoved her poem in the girls face. "Let's get this over with quickly" she said almost enthusiastically as Libitina handed her poem over. "What's got you so hyped up shortie?" Libitina asked jokingly. "That's none of your business" she huffed with a scowl. "Okay" Libitina said before looking down at the poem.

Simple would be the wrong word

After all, it is a big party filled with teddy bear guests

Yet, something is missing

Yesterday I had made the tea in preparation

Extraordinary cups and delicious tea

Shattered and spilled on the wood floor

Could I cash in my rain check for a tea party?

"What's this about?" Libitina asked curiously as Natsuki took the poem back. "Does it matter? It's just a poem" Natsuki said as she crossed her arms. Libitina was regretting making the short joke at this point. She had nobody to blame but herself for acting like they were the Natsuki and Sayori from VM2. "Right, well I'm going to share my poem with Marla" she said as she started walking away from Natsuki.

"Who's Marla?" Natsuki called out. "God- Monika!" Libitina corrected herself. She found it frustrating that only Marla's age and name were changed here. "Yes?" Monika said from behind her, startling Libitina. "F-mm. Ready to share poems?" she asked through gritted teeth. "Sure" Monika said with a smile. While she waited for Monika to finish her poem, she looked over to Yuri. Who was shaking her head no while Natsuki eagerly nodded her head yes before she said something to make Yuri cave in and nodded her head in agreement.

"It's an alright poem, but it shows lack of focus. Where did you go last night?" Monika's asked. "I don't doubt it, I had no topic to go off of. What are you talking about?" Libitina asked. "I know you left the house last night" she said, putting a hand on her hip. "I'm well aware" Libitina said as she lightly rubbed her forehead. "I just wanted to see what my home looks like here" She said shrugging. "Where Yuri lives? You could go during the day" Monika said, confused as to why she went at night. "No, and while I am grateful of your hospitality, that is like my situation here. Staying at a house doesn't make it a home" Libitina said.


Natsuki was wearing a plain blue dress that went down to her knees, and decided to wear her hair down with a black headband. She told Yuri to dress nice, not exactly telling her anything about what they were doing. Yuri arrived wearing a pretty long sleeved black dress with her hair in a neat bun. Natsuki admired the design along the bottom of the dress before looking back up at Yuri and handing her a tiny clip on stovepipe hat with a little feather sticking out.

"It's wonderland themed" Natsuki explained as Yuri clipped the hat into her hair. "Thank you" Yuri said as the two of them walked into building. "Welcome to deja brew! I be-leaf you will have a tea-riffic time here!" a woman dressed as a mouse said at the entrance. "Is this everyone? Or will more people arrive later?" She asked as she looked at the two girls. "Just us" Natsuki said confidently. "Pour-fect. You two look brew-tiful by the way" she said as she gestured to follow her.

Natsuki's face heated up, but she said nothing as Yuri tripped over her words. "Alright! This is where you will be sitting" She said. "Just call me when you are re-tea" she finished as Natsuki and Yuri sat down. Natsuki looked over the menu before setting it down and looking over at Yuri. "I know this was out of the blue, but you looked like you needed something fun to do Saturday. It's mostly because I have to pay you back though" she said, crossing her arms and frowning before it broke into a smile.

"Thank you. Even if it took some convincing to get me to come, I am enjoying it already" Yuri said as she set her menu down. Natsuki had been saving up her money for today, so hearing Yuri say that made her happy. When she bought the dress on Sunday her dad asked about it. She told him that it was for a club activity, and that she needed a nice dress. "Are you two ready to order?" a girl dressed up as a rabbit asked. She seemed calmer than the one dressed as a mouse. "Yes, I'll have lavender tea and a chocolate chip scone" Natsuki said before looking over to Yuri. "I'll have wormwood tea" she said and the rabbit walked away.

"Do you not want anything with that?" Natsuki asked as she messed with her hair. "I'm just not all that hungry right now" Yuri reassured her. "Okay. I didn't get the chance to ask you at the club, but what is that book you have been reading about?" Natsuki asked with a smile. "I have grown curiouser and curiouser" she continued. "The Portrait of Markov? It's mostly about this girl who gets herself into a weird situation, and how she has to figure out how to fix the problems that arrived due to the situation" Yuri said. 

"How is it?" Natsuki asked after they had been served. She was surprised to see that her tea was a distinct purple color. Lavender tea was one of her favorites because of how sweet it was, but it usually wasn't this colour. "Bitter" Yuri said as she took another sip. "Did they steep it wrong?" Natsuki asked just a bit worried. "No, it's supposed to be bitter" she reassured the girl in front of her. "Why did you get something bitter?" Natsuki asked as she drank some of her tea. "It provides many health benefits. I also enjoy the bitterness" Yuri said with a smile.

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