Saving Her

By Skyscraper2010

12.1K 293 63

Lexa, a six-year-old young girl gets taken to the airport with Children's Services in Jamaica. She is suppose... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 6

785 17 7
By Skyscraper2010

Leaving the chief's office, Mick walks towards Jared's desk with her badge attached to her jeans.

"I see you got your badge back." Jared greets, "Good job."

"Thank you." Mick smiles, "Now, Jared, I was going to turn you down. I wasn't ready."

"It's too late, Mick. I'm married now."

"I've noticed." Mick approves pointing to the wedding ring, "Congratulations."

"Thank you. It's been two years."

"Well, that's fast." Mick nods, "For me that is. It feels like it's only been two weeks."

"It's been five years, Mick." Jared snaps.

"For you and everyone else in the world." Mick points out calmly, "Now, I'm going to leave. Chief assigned me to be your partner. I start in a week on Monday. See you then." Leaving for the exit, Mick heads out to go to the agency.

Arriving to the agency just before they go on lunch, Mick walks in and immediately asks to speak with the manager or the director. Mick recently has access back into her bank account where her money that Grace gave back to her, is now. When Mick first found out her account has been closed, she was furious, but she allowed Grace to explain, since Ben had the same reaction. Luckily, their hard-earned money was stored away in Grace's savings and investments, so she gave it all back to them without worry.

"Ms. Stone?" Breaking out of her thoughts, Mick stands up from sitting down waiting for the last few minutes. Walking up to the woman, the woman smiles at her, "I'm Dallas Evans."

"Hello. I'm Michaela Stone." Mick introduces while shaking Dallas's hand, "It's nice to meet you."

"You as well. Would you like to come into my office?"

"Yes please."

Walking together down the hall where children are running around because it's a day off school apparently. Walking into Dallas's office, they sit down after Dallas closes the door.

"What brings you by, Ms. Stone?" Dallas asks.

"Do you know a young girl by the name of Lexa Clarksan?" Mick wonders, "I know her personally."

"I know she was recently put in the system after an incident with her guardian." Dallas admits, "She first came into the system five years ago but was presumed dead."

"I was at the airport with her and on the flight with her. Lexa told me a few times she wants me to take care of her because we have bonded and trust each other." Mick starts off, "Is it possible for me to take her in?"

"Why would you want to take her in, if all she knows is abuse? How would I know this isn't a scam?" Dallas snaps.

"I am not scamming you nor the system. I'm just asking for the chance and respect, to take Lexa in. I'm also a police officer and am willing to jump through the hoops to take her in. She deserves a good home, and I hope I could give it to her. Lexa deserves the world, Mrs. Evans." Mick argues.

"When Lexa comes in, I want to see how you both handle being around each other. Tell me a few personal things about her. And, not what is in her file."

"I can go on and on. Her favourite colour is dark blue. Her favourite current colour that rotates would be red today. Favourite song she heard back on the plane a week or so ago was The Winner Takes It All. It was the most played by the time we landed. Her favourite drink for juices is apple." Dallas raises her hand causing Mick to fall silent.

"Tell me something other than those."

"I know what Erik Clarksan did to her and was there to break into the storage container, where she was locked away." Mick states.

"Oh really?" Dallas raises a challenging eyebrow, "Who was there to verify?"

"My chief was at the hospital to assign me officially to Lexa's case and has my report, his and Lexa's statement." Mick replies calmly, "You can call my chief if needed." As Dallas falls silent, she pick up the phone and calls in to the police station. Asking immediately to speak with the chief, chief answers right away.

"Hello sir, sorry to interrupt," Dallas starts.

"You have one of my officers with you." Chief guesses with a chuckle as Dallas puts the call on speaker.

"Yes I do, I believe."

"Is her name, Michaela Stone?"


"She's headstrong and incredibly brave for being quick on her feet."

"I see that." Dallas agrees writing a few things down in her notebook.

"What can I help with, Ms.,"

"Dallas Evans." Dallas introduces, "Was Ms. Stone on flight 828 with Lexa Clarksan?"

"Yes, she was."

"Was Ms. Stone on the scene to help Lexa against her guardian?"

"She and her brother Ben Stone, were the first on the scene, and Michaela rescued two other girls with Lexa, yes."

"If you were in my shoes, would you allow Lexa to go into Ms. Stone's care?"

"She's one of the best and is already caring deeply for Lexa, so my answer would be yes. I will happily help you personally Ms. Evans to pull the background check and help you to move the case forward if need to be."

"Just the background check will do, chief."

"Perfect, I will fax it to you right now." Giving her fax number, Dallas hears the machine start up as they disconnect the call.


Walking out of the agency, Mick is beaming. Thanks to the chief and Mick's background check coming back clear, Dallas is giving Lexa and Mick a trial run for a week before finding out about becoming a foster mom for Lexa. There are stages in becoming a foster parent, but she is on her way and Mick is beyond excited.

Pulling out her phone at the bus stop, Mick decided to take it earlier over taking Ben's car, Mick pulls open the text messages to find that Ben sent her attachments. Opening the first one, it's a photo of Cal and Lexa making a puzzle. The second is a photo of Olive and Lexa playing a card game. The third is Ben and Lexa colouring together. Opening the fourth and final photo is Lexa laughing and smiling with all of them including Grace.

By the time Mick's bus arrives, Mick immediately climbs on and shows her bus pass before sitting down at the front right seat. As the bus heads it's way to the next stop, Mick keeps listening for the hospital's street while holding the envelope close full of her trial's paperwork.

Arriving to the hospital around a half hour later, Mick gets off and walks along the sidewalk to the entrance. Walking into the hospital, Mick takes the elevator to Lexa's floor and passes the paperwork to the head nurse, just like Dallas told her.

"Come into my office." The nurse states before he and Mick head there. Taking their seats once the door is closed, the man reads through the paperwork that is already filled out from Dallas and Mick, "So, Miss Clarksan's new home instead of the orphanage, will be with you, Ms. Stone?" The head nurse asks to double check.

"Yes it will be for the trial this week, then it will be up to Mrs. Evans." Mick reveals.

"Okay, that's good. I hope this will work out for both of you."

"I hope so as well." Mick smiles, "How is Lexa's care going so far?"

"Well, she's doing good. I'm trying to get her to drink some fluids, but she's refusing."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Talk to her?"

"Of course." Mick agrees, "Follow me inside with the fluids." As the nurse nods, he stands up and leads the way to get the water pitcher. Once it's filled and he has the cup and straw for Lexa, he follows Mick inside Lexa's room when ready, "Knock, knock." Mick greets smiling after knocking on the door.

Meeting Lexa's happy smile, Mick immediately kisses Lexa's forehead like she did earlier that morning.

"Are you thirsty at all, Lex?" Mick wonders curiously as the man sets the pitcher and cup on the table. Waiting for him to leave, Mick catches Lexa's frightened look, "What's wrong? Did he hurt you?"

Lexa shakes her head sadly.

"He yelled at her for not drinking." Olive answers on Lexa's behalf, "He is a jerk."

"I already reported him." Ben states sadly, "We are waiting for him to be removed from Lexa's care."

"Here." Lexa passes the empty bottle of apple juice from that morning to Mick.

"You drank it all?" Mick asks impressed as she accepts it, "That's my little angel."

"Took all day so far." Lexa agrees nervously.

"That's it my angel, you are doing very good. Keep drinking something okay? Just little sips."

"Okay." Lexa agrees once more before asking for some water. Pouring a small amount, Mick opens the straw before passing the half-filled glass of water to the little angel before her. Mick can't help but feel proud and impressed by Lexa's strength.

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