Redemption of Royals (Royal #...

By SkWookie

1.1M 136K 86.5K

Rudra Rana Singh Rawal was abandoned at the age of two. Stolen name. Stolen identity. Stolen crown. He has... More



11.7K 2K 2.6K
By SkWookie

-• the end •-

"Take the oath,"

Virat Rajawat places his right hand on the holy Bhagavad Gita and says, "I solemnly affirm that the evidence which I shall give to the court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

As soon as the Gita is taken away, Ishaani replaces him and stands in front of the witness box. "Your name?"

"Virat Abhimanyu Singh Rajawat."

"He's lying! My son is dead!" Abhimanyu Singh Rajawat panics, looking towards his secretary who quickly ducks his head low. "You- You told me-" he stops, realising he trusted the wrong man, and instead paces his gaze across the courtroom, locating his youngest son. Except when their eyes meet, he finds himself looking into the exact replica of ebony eyes he had once gotten rid of, and the realisation comes crashing down on him. He gasps for breath.

Rudra smirks.

"This is a court. Please maintain the silence." The Judge slams her gavel.

"Anyway," Ishaani brings the focus back to the person giving the testimony, "What exactly happened the night you disappeared, Mr. Rajawat?"

Virat sighs. "My wife had gone into labour for her second kid a few weeks before. It wasn't my child. It was my father's. In his greed for a pure bred royal, he sexually molested my wife to make her conceive his own child."

Abhimanyu removes his handkerchief and shakily wipes off the sweat gathering on his temples. The testimony means nothing if there's no proof. He can still turn this around. He has to. And he will.

"When she died, I couldn't face myself anymore. I lived like a coward, we both did, me and my friend. But we both lost the person who was most precious to us. I was angry, ashamed, and I wanted to put an end to it all. I had a friend in the hospital who worked on the third floor. Indra Sahane. His son now works in his place. I took him out for drinks and stole his ID card. Vikarm was in London when I called him. He warned me to return home, and I know I should have listened, but when I saw those little kids in those cylindrical glass confines, I couldn't just turn my back around and resume my life. I had my phone on me and I recorded everything. Unfortunately, I was caught."

"Who caught you?"

"My father's men." He answers. "They took me to the rooftop. My father came, confronted me, and he was furious that the son he hated all his life was going to become the reason for his downfall. I think I accidentally called Vikram again, because I heard his voice through my phone. They noticed and smashed my phone in. But I had a camera pen on me, gifted by one of my students, and it recorded everything. Nobody knew of it. Then I was pushed off the rooftop. But I think God wanted to protect me," he smiles tearfully. "The hospital was in need of new mattresses, and that night the trucks delivering them were parked right beneath the rooftop. I fell into one of them. I escaped, but my father sent his secretary behind me. I was afraid if I got caught, it was over, so I put the pen in a round container, and stuffed it in the locker room of the golf club that Vikram and I were members of. I sent him the location, and then discarded my phone in fear I'll be traced back. For years I lived underground. I was hoping Vikram would find me but he gave up on me and my son, and I couldn't risk reaching out to him again. But then sixteen years ago Sara found me, I don't know how. She took me to Scotland and I had been living there with her for the last fifteen years."

At the mention of her, Yuvraaj's eyes flit across the room towards the woman. She stares ahead blankly.

"That pen? Do you still have it?" Ishaani asks.

Rudra moves forward and hands over the pendrive holding all the recordings.

"When Mr. Vikram Singh Chauhan tried to retrieve it, he was caught up in an accident and unfortunately lost his life. We found it near the car wreckage."

Abhimanyu goes pale. He had asked someone to take care of it that night, and they had reported nothing was found, so they had assumed it was either destroyed in the fire or fell into the river that ran nearby.

The blinds are pulled close, white screen rolls down, and the projector turns on.

Virat Rajawat's narration plays out in the form of video on the screen. The moment Abhimanyu pushes his own son off the rooftop, all eyes shift to the defeated man on the bench. Cops move, cuffs lock, and Abhimanyu Singh Rajawat is hauled out of his seat roughly.

"I should have personally killed you." He says, not to Virat, but to Rudra.

Rudra smiles. "You should have."

"You betrayed me." The old man snarls, thrashing in the grip of the young cops.

"I never owed you any loyalty."

Ishaani sighs. "That's it, your honor. I rest my case."

"Please take him into custody. A new trial will be run on Mr. Abhimanyu Singh Rajawat as soon as possible. As of now, I'll read the verdict on the defendant." The judge says, catching everyone's attention. "After taking all the submitted evidence into consideration, the Court finds Mr. Yuvraaj Singh Chauhan innocent." Multiple sighs are heard. "However, his silence made him an accomplice if not a perpetrator. What he did is legally not a crime, but I hope he introspects and realises, that morally and ethically he was in the wrong too. As the director of the Mankind Medicare, he was obliged to fairly carry out his duties at which he failed. And that means, he's not fit for the position. Mr. Chauhan," Yuvraaj looks up at the lady, "I request you to willfully step down the position and suggest someone who's fit for the role." Yuvraaj nods. "The court is adjourned until the next trial." Then she hits the gavel.

Mr. Sisodiya gets up from his desk and approaches his counterpart. "Good work."

"Wish I could say the same." Ishaani feigns a sheepish smile.

The man laughs. "Ishaani, you're my student, and I couldn't be more proud that I lost to you, especially when you were fighting for the right."

"You were too." She consoles.

"Yeah, but I targeted the wrong man." His eyes move to Yuvraaj. "Congratulations, Mr. Chauhan, and I apologise if I offended you with any of my questions."

Yuvraaj shakes his head. "No, you were doing your work. It's all good."

The prosecutor smiles, his attention now on his ex-pupil. "Don't forget about the alumni dinner tonight. You rainchecked on the last one too."

"I'll be there tonight." Ishaani promises.

"See you," he says, looking back at Yuvraaj, "See you, Mr. Chauhan."

"I'd rather not." Yuvraaj mumbles.

The man chuckles. "It's okay, I understand." Then he turns and walks away, muttering under his breath, "No wonder I've no rich friends."

Ishaani gathers her things and follows Yuvraaj out of the courtroom. His family corners them. As they hug and express their relief to the man, she's showered with gratitude and praises.

"I can't thank you enough." Taranya holds her hands.

Ishaani smiles. "You don't have to. I was just doing my work."

Taranya leans in and hugs the woman loosely. When she moves back, her husband steps up next to her and smiles at the attorney. "Thank you, Ishaani. I'll ask my secretary to settle the remainder of your payment."

"Sure," Ishaani nods. "It was great working with you, Shourya." She holds out her hand.

The ebony eyed man holds it. "Rudra."

"Huh?" She frowns.

"Rudra Rana Singh Rawal. That's me." He affirms.

Taranya's gaze snaps to him, awe fills her bright blue eyes.

"Oh, I thought -"

"He's my half brother, but we share similarities."

"Uh, okay," she mumbles, still confused.

Taranya snickers. "I know it's hard to get it. I was confused for years."

Rudra places a tender kiss on the crown of his wife's head before regarding Ishaani with a gentle smile. "I'll be soon holding a press conference. I'm sure you'll get your answers then."

Ishani nods. "Alright, I'll be looking forward to it because I've too many questions that I'm afraid might offend you. Anyway, I'll see you around."

Rudra nods.

The woman talks to Yuvraaj one last time before descending the court stairs, ignoring the mob of the reporters that try to crowd her in.

"Rudra," a familiar, dulcet voice speaks, catching everyone's attention over the raucous sound of the media going frenzy with their questions. The Chauhan men go still as a block of ice when Sara walks out alongside Virat Rajawat. "We shall head to the hotel now."

"Yeah, do that. Niharika will meet you at the gates. You'll be fine."

"Okay, thanks. Let's go, uncle."

Rudra glances towards his father, then quickly looks away.

Virat tears his desperate eyes off his son and defeatedly follows his niece towards their car.

Discomfort and awkwardness lingers in the air.

"Bhabhi ne toh sidha ignore maara aapko, Bhai." Agastya comments, breaking the tension.

Yuvraaj clenches his jaw. "Shut up."

"Sorry." Agastya mutters, not sorry at all.

Seeing him back to his normal state, Taranya moves towards him and places a tender hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" Whatever he heard in the courtroom must have shaken him up badly. Nobody would want to know their mother's truth in such an unexpected situation.

Agastya's shoulders slouch. He twists his lips. "I'm really glad she's dead." He grits out, looking into his sister's eyes. "Because I don't think as a lawyer I should be thinking of committing a murder."

Taranya chuckles and hugs him tightly. His arms wound around her waist just as tightly and he buries his face in the nook of her neck, breathing in and out deeply to calm himself.

"Go home, everyone." Yuvraaj informs. "Is Arush at the office?" His smoldering eyes find Vivaan. The man nods. "Zoya is here to pick me up, so take the kids home."

"We're not kids!" Yuvaan grunts.

"Sorry, my mistake. Take the menchildren home." He rephrases.

"Bhai!" The three echo, sounding extremely offended.

Ignoring them, Yuvraaj fixes his gaze on Rudra. "Take care of your mess first, and then we'll talk." A warning, before he turns around, puts on his glasses and descends the stairs, ignoring the reporters that his bodyguards keep away. Getting into the white Maserati that rolls in, his car pulls off the court premises.

"C'mon, guys, let's go home." Vivaan pats his brothers' backs. "Taranya, are you coming with us?"

She looks at her husband in question.

"No, we're heading home." Rudra answers on her behalf.

"Alright, I'll see you later." With that, Vivaan turns and ushers the remaining three men towards the car waiting for them.

Rudra holds his wife's hand and steers her towards their car. The herd of reporters follow them too, but with the help of police constables and private bodyguards, they make it to the white rolls royce parked at the end of the staircase and get in. Taranya slides to her right, making space for her husband before the door slams shut and the tires screech on the gravel driveway.

Rudra drops his head on the seat and sighs.

He wants to relax. He wants to take a deep breath and not feel like something heavy is crushing his chest.

Everything's over.

In the next trial, the Chairman will be convicted of his crimes and possibly sentenced to death penalty. The launch is a far fetched dream for Rajawat Motors and the FIA will most definitely sue them for compensation, incurring losses Rajawat Corporation will never be able to recover from. Every existing property of Rajawats will be seized by banks, and there'll be no trace of their glamourous history except for the word of the mouth that Rajawats once ruled the land of Rajgarh.

So why this restlessness?

Why can't he freely smile and beam and laugh and dream of a new life?

"Hey," Taranya reaches out to touch the back of his palm.

He breathes out in relief. Turning over his hand, he interlaces their fingers together.

That's right. She's here. What else does he need? The love of his life is sitting next to him, he couldn't be any luckier.

"Are you fine?"

He nods, unable to look her way.

"Is it about your father?"

Rudra sucks a deep breath, and shakes his head.

"When did you find out?"

He stays mum.

"When you went to the Scotland for the first time after our marriage?"

He nods.

"Have you tried to talk to him?"

He shakes his head again, and his lower lip trembles when he remembers the first time he had seen his father.

It was a gloomy day in Scotland. The snow had settled in thick blankets at the side of the roads and the gigantic lush willow trees were windy, swaying to the rhythm of the storm infused air. He had driven to Kelso, Roxburghshire, a small, rural, agriculturally dominated town of Southeast Scotland in the chilly, dark morning of his first day there. And he had stopped unceremoniously at the side of the road, a few meters down the block when he spotted his father shovelling away the snow from the driveway.

Then he had heard his cousin sister scream from the kitchen, requesting him to stop and come back inside before the snow returns.

His father had paused, took off his mittens and fixed his woollen beanie before replying, "My son is coming, Sara! My son! I need to clean the driveway! What if he has to park the car down the road and walk all the way here! It's too cold! He'll fall sick!"

Overwhelmed, Rudra had reversed his car around and drove back to his hotel. And then he had invited Sara over, because he just couldn't gather enough courage to face the man.

Taranya notices the sheen layer of tears glossing over his eyes and her heart breaks.

"Oh, my love, come here," She steers his head into the crook of her neck, where he drops all the inhibitions and breaksdown in heavy sobs. Taranya inhales deeply, blinking back the fresh tears and gathering her beautiful, fragile love in her arms as he falls apart, trusting her to keep him together. And that's what she does. She keeps him together, she keeps him whole.

Thirty minutes later, the car rolls into the driveway of Rajawat palace. Rudra fixes his appearance and steps out of the car along with his wife. Except for Amir, no one stands at the front entrance.

"How are you, sir?"

Rudra smiles. "I'm fine." He walks over and stops in front of the man. "Thank you, Amir. For everything you've done for me."

"Staying loyal to you is my duty, sir. Don't embarrass me by saying thank you for simply doing my job."

Rudra nods. "You're right. And you should take a break now. Go meet your family."

"Let everything settle down and then I'll go."

"As you wish," Rudra pats his shoulder before leading his wife inside the palace.

"The whole palace is empty." Taranya comments. "Are we continuing to live here?" She follows her husband upstairs.

"No, Esther, soon this property will be siezed by the banks. We'll have to move out soon."

She skips the stairs between them and grabs his hand. "Where are we shifting to?"

He looks down at her fondly. "Our apartment."

She frowns, before a certain memory knocks back, and a gasp flies out of her mouth. "The apartment you took me to show around when we were in college?"

He nods.

She beams excitedly. "Eek! I can't wait!" Whirling around, she walks backward, and starts blabbering how she's going to change things around in their new place. Starting from the boring, wooden furniture to the pale carpets that don't match the aesthetic at all. But she'll keep their room same. It's the exact replica of her bedroom back in the Veer Mahal and she loves it. As she goes on and on, Rudra keeps his attention distributed between her feet and her mouth, making sure she doesn't accidentally skip a stair.

Just as the thought crosses his mind, it happens, and she crashes into his chest. He grabs the railing, the other arm coils around her waist to keep her upright and the two breathe out in relief.

She peeks up from his chest, a sheepish smile on her face. "Sorry."

He looks down at her, a smile of his own curling at the corner of his lips. "It's okay. I'll always hold you when you fall." Red taints her cheeks at his words.

Then his eyes fall to her luscious lips and the ease on his face fades, replaced with the heat of lust that overcomes his senses unexpectedly. He straightens her on her feet and scoops her up. With a yelp, Taranya locks her legs around his torso, watching in surprise as he takes them to their room and drops her on the bed before climbing on top of her.

"You look desperate," she brings her hand to cup his face.

"I am," and their lips crash.

In a matter of seconds, their clothes come off, haphazard hands graze and glide across naked skins, mouths nibble and lick, and lusty sighs fuse together with the charged air in the room, electrifying the tension crackling between them.

Rudra pulls away to put on a condom before he's thrusting inside her at an animalistic pace. Taranya moans, she moans and gasps and screams, the echoes of which flush her skin rosy red, but that doesn't stop her. Holding the headboard, she cries with her eyes shut, dragged mercilessly into the sea of pleasure, plunged to its depths with no regards to her breath, and stopped from swimming to the surface by the hostage of her own body, caught up in the throes of her own carnal passion.

Rudra buries his face in the junction between her shoulder and neck, moving stealthily between her legs, his body rising and sinking like a deadly wave, crashing into her in the hopes she'll become home to his raging tempest.

"I- I'm close," she barely whispers.

"Come with me," he rasps out.

She nods, her fingers interlocked in his hair, pulling at the thick, black strands with vigour everytime he moves inside her.


And they dive from the peak of ecstasy together.

Rudra collapses on her body, breathing harshly in the room between her breasts. "Sorry," he goes to move away, but she holds him there.

"Don't. I like your weight on me." She murmurs.

"You won't like it anymore when I crush your lungs." He chuckles, moving away and discarding the condom before bringing her to his side with his arm.

Taranya draws random circles on his bare chest, smiling inadvertently at the peace she feels beside this man. "You're my most favourite person in this world," she confesses.

Rudra chuckles, slightly taken aback hearing the words. "Thank you."

She hooks her chin on his chest to look up at him. "How are you feeling?"

"Blissed out." He smirks. "I mean, I had one of the best orgasms-"

"Not that, silly!" She slaps his chest. "You know what I mean."

His laugh fades. "Yeah, I do."

"Everything's over." She tells him. "You're free now. The revenge, it's over."

The reality finally settles in, and he admits to himself. "Yeah. It's really over."

My beautiful babies! Gonna miss them! Excuse me while I go bawl my eyes out in the bathroom 🤧❤️

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. Makes my day.

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