Another Me - Miguel O'hara

By wxnderus

20.3K 723 74

After their messy breakup Vanessa Torres and Miguel O'hara have been on less than speaking terms. Vanessa's d... More



988 49 13
By wxnderus

"You're kidding!" Penelope exclaimed, straw resting against her bottom lip.

Vanessa shook her head as she swallowed. "No, unfortunately I am not."

Once Vanessa had awoken only to remember that the events of the night before were in fact not a dream, she knew she needed desperately to get it off her chest.

And a drink couldn't hurt.

And so her and Penelope sat across from one another in a bar clad in some of the shortest dresses they owned sipping cocktails and swaying to the music blaring around them.

"God you're so lucky," Penelope groaned. "He's so hot."

Vanessa shot a glare across the table. "We remember when I told you how he treated me, right?"

She nodded taking another sip from her drink before responding. "No no, of course we do. He's got a pretty face, but an ugly personality. That's all."

"I suppose." Vanessa sighed rubbing beneath her eye. "I just don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to be in his presence let alone work with him now without it being painfully uncomfortable."

Penelope laid a hand over hers, smiling as she spoke. "That's for tomorrow you to think about. Right now all you need to worry about is how rusty your dance moves are."

Vanessa snorted. "Don't make me laugh." As she finished her drink a new song began to play causing a squeal to leave her mouth. "Oooh! I love this song!" She jumped from her seat, grabbing Penelope's hand as she moved toward the dance floor.

Her hips swayed to the beat as the voice of Rob Thomas flowed throughout the room. She held onto Penelope's hands, spinning herself around as the cocktails flowed through her bloodstream letting her muscles relax beneath her skin. Singing along to the words she found herself all but grinding against her friend. "And it's just like the ocean under the moon," she sung hearing Penelope giggling behind her as they moved in unison. "It's the same as the emotion that I get from you."

They laughed together, moving their bodies along with the melody as lights moved around their faces. Vanessa grinned grabbing ahold of her friends face as she sung, "give me your heart make it real or else forget about it." With her face mer inches from Penelope's she could smell the sweet strawberry scent of their drinks as her breath tickled her skin with the laugh that passed through her lips.

Breaking apart, Vanessa's hands ran through her hair, hips swaying as the melody buzzed through her veins. Her heart was beating in her ears as her cheeks began to ache. She could feel eye on her as she moved but the alcohol swirled round in her brain making her thoughts grow fuzzy and her movements hazy. She turned again seeing Penelope making hands at her and smiled again, dancing over to her as the music flowed.

They giggled together, dancing against one another as best they could while the people around blurred into one incoherent mess of colour and sound. Vanessa's master plan to forget about the incident was being executed beautifully as the song drew to a close.

The pair were out of breath, panting as they made their way to the bar before sliding back into their seats, fresh drinks in hand.

"That was hot," Penelope exclaimed, smile stretched wide across her rosy cheeks. "No wonder Miguel wanted to kiss you so bad. I would've!"

Vanessa smiled as she took a long sip from her glass. "I knew you couldn't resist me. I'm just too sexy to pass up." She shot a wink across the table, eating the strawberry from her glass.

"Woah, keep it in your pants!" Penelope squealed, gently pushing Vanessa across the table. "You know I can't control myself around you!"

Once more they fell into a fit of giggles, their faces turning a rosy red as they laughed. That was until the watch wrapped around Vanessa wrist lit up.

Her smile dropped from her face as a groan bubbled up from her throat. "You've got to be kidding me," she muttered seeing Lyla attempting to patch a call through. "Can't they let me have one night off?"

Penelope sighed, stretching as she finished her drink. "Just answer, its probably Miguel wanting to finish what he started," she teased raising an eyebrow and smirking across the table.

"Better not be," Vanessa grumbled sliding out from her seat. "I promise we'll finish this another time."

Penelope nodded, waving her off as her gaze fixed onto a guy who danced toward her. "Have fun!"

Vanessa shook her head as she pushed through the door. The evenings air tickled her skin as she stumbled her way into a secluded alley, allowing Lylas glowing projection to light up the space around her. "What is it."

"Well, hello to you too." Lyla rolled her eyes. "Miguel 'demands your presence'." She made air quotes with her fingers. "He's so dramatic," she muttered as a portal opened up beside her. "Good luck."

Wordlessly Vanessa stepped into it, her heels clicking as she walked.

Miguel was standing surrounded by flickering screens when she arrived. As he read reports she couldn't help but admire the way the light lay across his face, his eyes reflecting it as it accentuated each and every feature. He glanced over at her, his pupils dilating once his eyes caught on the tightness of her dress.

"You called." Her voice was flat, no emotion lying within it as she stood with her hands on her hips and her legs crossed.

She watched as his eyes slowly moved across her figure, his gaze hard and hot as it trailed her skin, pausing at the soft swell of her thighs. It burnt into her until it finally hit her eyes. "We should talk about what happened."

Vanessa couldn't stop her eyes from rolling in their sockets as she stepped toward him. "Yeah, like talking about our issues has ever helped before."

She expected him to snap back at her though his tone remained steady, cool as he spoke. "This time it has to. I crossed a line and I apologise."

"Why're you apologising Miguel." She stopped in front of him, raising an eyebrow as his eyes bore into her own.

"For what I did during our last meeting."

She smirked slightly watching his jaw tick. "What did you do during our last meeting? I can quite recall you'll have to remind me."

His eyes narrowed slightly as she stared up at him. "I pushed myself on you," he finally said. "And I'm sorry, it wasn't right Vanessa."

His voice sent goosebumps across her skin. She nodded again moving to rest her hands on her hips. "I guess I can accept that." She looked up at him. "Does this mean you don't wanna train with me anymore? I've just started enjoying it."

Miguel's pupils were a little blown out, leaving but a tiny ring of brown as he watched her move before him. He knew what she was doing, he could tell by the alcohol on her breath and the flush in her skin. But he chose to ignore the game she played. "I suppose. If it keeps you preforming your best in missions."

"Do you enjoy it?"

He raised an eyebrow at her, wanting to step back but never finding the strength to move away. "Do I enjoy what."

She smiled up at him taking yet another step closer until she could feel the heat radiating off of his body. "Do you enjoy our training?"

Miguel swallowed, swearing he saw the light glint of fangs as her tongue ran beneath the bottom of her teeth. She watched his adams apple bob in his throat feeling the sudden urge to sink her teeth into his skin... "I don't know if I'd say I enjoy being punched and kicked for hours on end. It keeps me going."

Vanessa nodded as her heart beat in her ears. She suddenly felt all too aware of what she was doing, how she was acting, the game she lay out before him and a shiver ran through her veins. She hummed taking a step back. "Then I'll see you tomorrow."

As she moved backwards Miguel found himself subconsciously stepping toward her, his body refusing to put space between them. "Yeah. Tomorrow."

She pushed herself up onto her toes, her hands planting themselves on his shoulders to balance herself as she left a kiss on his cheek. "Tomorrow," she repeated before turning away from him and walking out the door.

Miguel couldn't find it in himself to move as he watched her leave, his pupils completely blown as his heart rate skyrocketed. He knew inside that it was the alcohol that shrouded her words and actions. It wasn't Vanessa that just walked out the door. Not really. But he allowed himself to indulge in the dream that she really had teased him, toyed with his hormones and heated his skin. Because he wished that it was her who wanted him, not the alcohol.


Authors note

I am DYING to know what you guys are thinking about this story so far! i'm honestly so scared that you won't like it or won't agree with what i've written :(

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