The Doctor's Baby

By sunflowersatdusk

112K 2.8K 331

We all have Doctor fantasies but what happens when you work in the same hospital and end up having a steamy s... More

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3.4K 127 9
By sunflowersatdusk

The next day at work, Skye felt like she was moving in a daze. The events of the previous day, the conversation with Christopher, and the late-night call to her parents swirled in her mind, leaving her emotionally exhausted.

Her mother's reaction had been unexpected. As a devout Baptist, Skye had braced herself for disappointment or even anger. Instead, her mother had simply said, "It's all in God's timing," a response that was both comforting and confounding. Her father, for his part, had just grunted, a typical response that offered little insight into his thoughts.

At the hospital, Skye and Christopher seemed to have entered into an unspoken agreement to avoid each other. They moved through the hallways like two magnets repelling each other, even avoiding eye contact. The tension between them was palpable, a stark contrast to their recent interactions.

During lunch, Skye walked into the break room to find Christopher engaged in lively conversation with a group of doctors and surgeons. As soon as he caught sight of her, he abruptly stopped talking. The sudden silence caught the attention of Dr. Morales, who joked, "Um... did you have a Focal Onset seizure, Chris?"

Dr. Morales, half Black and half Mexican, turned and saw Skye. With a light-hearted tone, he said, "Ah, Doctor Johnson, joining us for the cross-cultural comedy hour?"

Skye didn't respond to the joke, feeling out of place and overwhelmed. She simply turned and left the room, hearing Dr. Morales's voice trail off behind her, "What's wrong with her?"

She ended up eating lunch in her car, alone with her thoughts. Alyx, her roommate and confidante, was still in the dark about the whole situation. Skye felt as if her world was spinning out of control, a whirlwind of emotions and decisions that needed to be made.

As she sat there, trying to eat her lunch but finding little appetite, Skye realized just how much her life had changed in a matter of days. The future she had carefully planned for herself now seemed uncertain, and the stress of the unknown weighed heavily on her. How she would navigate this new reality was a question that loomed large in her mind, and the answer seemed as elusive as ever.

Christopher settled into the comfort of Yusuf's luxurious penthouse, the sleek décor and panoramic views of the city creating a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil he was experiencing. Yusuf, the head manager for the NY Giants marketing team, was pacing the room, phone in hand, his voice raised in frustration.

"Dammit!" Yusuf yelled, slamming his phone down on the sleek coffee table. They had ordered New York pizza via Door Dash about thirty minutes ago, intending to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers game, but Yusuf's mood had soured.

"What happened?" Christopher asked, munching on some popcorn, his own concerns temporarily pushed aside by Yusuf's outburst.

Yusuf forced a sarcastic smile, full of irony. "If you ever want an excuse not to have a child, just take a look at my life."

Christopher's mouth went dry. Given his recent conversation with Skye, Yusuf's words hit closer to home than he would have liked. "Why do you say that?"

Leaning back on the Italian leather sofa, Yusuf's expression turned somber. "It's just... dealing with my ex is a nightmare. Every decision about Malik turns into an argument. I love my son to death, but co-parenting with her is driving me insane." He shook his head, recalling past incidents. "Did I tell you about the time when she threw a vase at my head?"

Christopher nodded, trying to offer a sympathetic smile. "How could I forget? She's insane."

Yusuf sighed, his frustration palpable. "And now she wants to take away my visitation rights because she's decided to raise him vegan. Like she's some kind of Kourtney Kardashian. It's ridiculous."

Christopher listened, his mind racing. Yusuf's situation was a stark reminder of the complexities of parenting and relationships. He switched the channel to the Raiders game, trying to find some distraction from his own looming decisions.

As they watched the game, Christopher's thoughts were elsewhere. His conversation with Skye at the café, the reality of her pregnancy, and now Yusuf's struggles with co-parenting – it was all overwhelming. He realized that no matter what decisions were made, the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and complications.

Christopher sat there, his gaze fixed on the television screen, though he was barely processing the game. The words fell from his lips almost inaudibly. "I'm going to be a dad."

Yusuf, who had been engrossed in his own woes, turned sharply. "What?" he asked, clearly taken aback.

Chris exhaled deeply, the weight of his confession making the air in the room feel heavier. "I got Skye pregnant."

Yusuf's initial reaction was disbelief, followed by a burst of laughter. "You?" he said, throwing his head back. "You getting a Sista pregnant. Who would have fucking thought."

Chris felt his face flush with a mix of embarrassment and irritation. This wasn't the reaction he had hoped for, but then again, he wasn't sure what he had expected.

"You're pulling my leg on this one, right?" Yusuf said, finally recovering from his fit of laughter.

But Chris shook his head, his expression serious. "No, I'm not."

"Oh," Yusuf muttered, his amusement fading into a more solemn demeanor.

"Yep," Chris said, reaching for a bottle of auburn Rose whiskey. He poured himself a glass and downed it in one gulp, the liquid burning a trail down his throat. He poured another.

Yusuf reached over and pulled the bottle away from him. "Man, you're making me depressed. I'm not going to watch you become an alcoholic."

Chris gave him a look, a mixture of frustration and despair in his eyes. "Hmm?"

Yusuf leaned forward, his tone earnest. "Listen, Chris, I know this is tough. But drowning yourself in whiskey isn't going to solve anything. You need to think this through, man. You're about to be a father. That's huge."

Chris set his glass down, the reality of Yusuf's words sinking in. He was about to be a father, a role he had never envisioned for himself at this point in his life. And Skye, she was in this too, equally unprepared and probably just as scared.

He ran a hand through his hair, feeling suddenly exhausted. "I don't know what to do, Yusuf. This wasn't part of the plan."

Yusuf nodded sympathetically. "I get it. But plans change, life happens. You've got to step up now, figure out how you're going to handle this. And hey, you're not alone. Skye's in this with you. And you've got friends who've got your back."

Chris leaned back, letting Yusuf's words wash over him. He knew his friend was right. This was a situation that required thought, responsibility, and action. As he sat there, the enormity of the situation began to settle in, and with it, a resolve to face the challenges ahead, for Skye, for their unborn child, and for himself.

"I haven't told my parents yet," he said, his voice low.

Yusuf raised his eyebrows, surprised. "Really? That's going to be a conversation."

Chris nodded, a rueful smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, you know how they are. They have this image of how my life should be. This... this isn't part of that image."

Yusuf chuckled softly. "Man, your parents love me. Remember that time your mom got mad at you and told you I was the son she never had?"

Chris couldn't help but laugh, despite the seriousness of the situation. "Yeah, I remember. You're the golden boy in their eyes."

The mood in the room lightened slightly, but the gravity of Chris' situation still hung heavily in the air. Telling his parents, especially given their high expectations and traditional values, was going to be challenging.

Yusuf leaned back, his expression turning thoughtful. "You know, Chris, they might surprise you. Parents have a way of coming around, especially when it's about their grandkids."

Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I hope you're right. I just don't want to disappoint them. They've always had this plan for me – a successful career, a perfect marriage, grandkids..."

Yusuf nodded. "I get it. But this is your life, Chris. You've got to do what's right for you, for Skye, and for your kid. And who knows? Maybe this will be the thing that brings you all even closer."

Chris considered Yusuf's words, finding a sense of comfort in them. He knew the conversation with his parents wouldn't be easy, but it was a necessary step in facing his new reality. As the night wore on, he felt a sense of resolve building within him. No matter how his parents reacted, he was ready to step into his role as a father and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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