Goddess of Death. One Piece X...

נכתב על ידי Law_supremacy

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I cannot describe anything to save my life well.... Y/n is on a journey together with Luffy to see first hand... עוד

2. Clown
3. Liar
4. Leaving Syrup village. Gaimon
5. Sick guy
6. Don Kriege
7. MH5
8. Bad Soup?
9. Momoo
10. Arlong
11. Sakana
12. Desk
13. Bounties
14. Logue town
15. Daddy
16. Lucky
17. Warship Island
18. Lost Island?
19. Red line
20. Whiskey Peak
21. Princess?
22. Little garden
23. Elbaf Warriors
24. Mr. 3
25. Drum Kingdom
26. Dr. Kureha
27. Chopper
28. Alabasta
29. Ace
30. Kung fu Dugongs
31. Fake rebel army
32. Scorpion
33. Yuba
34. Oasis?
35. Captured
36. Operation Utopia
37. Escape
38. Miss Easter
39. War
40. Sacrifice
41. Mum
42. Blacksmith
43. Luffy awakes
44. New member?
45. Kiss
46. Informant
47. Zenny
48. Ape's concert
49. Salvagers
50. Montblanc
51. Gold
52. Skypiea
53. Upper yard
54. Gold Hunting
55. Ark Maxim
56. Deathpiea
57. Eh?!
59. Navarone
60. The Admiral
61. Water 7
62. Going Merry
63. CP-9
64. Enies Lobby
65. I want to LIVE!
66. Friction
67. Escort ship
68. Rust
69. ௹ Farewell Merry ௹
70. ௹ Grandpa ௹
71. ௹ New shipwright ௹

58. Bell and belfry

355 24 6
נכתב על ידי Law_supremacy

Four days later

You were lying on a platform with a thin blanket as the only thing keeping you warm at the moment. You rolled over and felt the back of your hand slap someone unintentionally though. You heard them groaning.

"Nami wake everyone up we're going to steal the gold and run." Somewhere in Luffy's mind he must have thought that he was whispering but people  were just too hang over to start getting involved. Nami started telling Luffy to keep quiet and it blew up into this whole argument which drew the attention  of literally everyone else which wasn't good. You had to eventually get up. The person you had been hitting in your sleep was Zoro.

After the rest of the crew woke up you were given a quick breakdown by Luffy of what was going to happen. The rest of the people had woken up and so did you guys. It hit you that you had no way of actually coming back here you had to try and create some type of sketches of the place. "Good morning Y/n-swann here is a morning salad for you."

"Thanks Sanji." Sanji had made you a fruit salad which looked amazing. It was made up of different exotic fruits from the island and you couldn't name half of what was in it but it looked wonderful. It was like Sanji's cooking game was upped or maybe he just started giving you the good food. You took a bite and hummed in delight. There were bigger fish to fry you wanted to know where the bell was and everything.

"Why don't you guys go help look for gold, yeah?" Kuro and Shiro both nodded before running after Luffy's group. You reached down to the ground and got a paper as well as a pencil. You were probably going to do some rough sketches of the place seeing as you did not have the  time and add details later. 

You sat down after finding a good view. It was perfect. The angle was just right and that was all you needed. You got a pencil and a sketchpad and started sketching. It was nothing serious just a simple outline with a little details you would definitely be able to fill out the rest from memory.

Sketching reminded you of the project that you had with Robin and never actually completed it. After a few more minutes the sketches were all well and done for now. You wanted to show some of these to Robin but she wasn't anywhere nearby. Some men were passing ahead and thanks to Eneru's fruit which was now yours you were able to listen in.

"Did you hear that they found the bell?"
"Yeah they're getting people to get it out right now."

You put the sketches in the hole and listened closely for people and soon found out where they were. You immediately zapped there and literally made it in the speed of lightning. There were a bunch of men both from skypiea and Shandora struggling to pull the whole thing up from where it fell. You could easily put it one of the holes and help from there but this was a bonding experience what use is it doing everything.

Plus Robin is also here and decided to watch as well, you both waited to see the poneglyph.
After a little more heavy breathing and struggling the group of people had finally pulled it up. You noticed that there were some women in the mix as well. You walked down to see what these guys had protected for generations one after the other.

Robin then started walking to the front of the crowd and you followed slowly behind her as well. The group was confused and tried contemplating whatever the poneglyph was. "We can't read this.. what does it say?"
"Probably something we're better off not knowing." Robin then started speaking.

"Hold our true motive in your hearts and speak not of it. We are the ones who weave history with the sounding of the grand belfry.."

"How do you know those words?!"

"They were carved on the Shandoran ruins. So you were the keepers , entrusted with this for generations."

Robin stops and starts looking at the poneglyph she ran her fingers over the engravings.  "Could it be... You can read those characters?!"

You really wished you could also read and understand just like Robin does.  You placed your hand on her shoulder and then looked at the letters and somehow it all just made sense perfectly. It was weird cause you saw and understood everything written down .

The people around continued to question Robin on her skills and you continued to inspect the poneglyph. It wasn't like the one in alabasta this one didn't have any information about pluton but there were some subtle mentions of Poseidon. You thoughts were cut through by Robin's voice that wasn't even beyond a whisper.

"Just as I thought this is a disappointment." She was still looking at it when you got up and looked at the rest of the belfry there was something written on the bottom there in the same characters.  You couldn't contain the laughter that threatened to erupt.

They came out as slight chuckles. "Looks like Roger was here." Roger made it to the sky. Robin approached and looked at it. "Why can he use these characters?" This was probably because there was nothing that Roger couldn't do. The man was a mystery. All that power and he had never eaten a devil fruit. It was pure instinct and all haki and skill.

It seems to have finally hit Robin about what was happening. She concluded that you had somehow interpreted a language that was supposed to be known only by her and her alone.
"It was probably someone else on the ship. Do you know him." Robin had shifted all attention to the Shandorian elder.

"He's a blue sea pirate who came to the sky more than 20 years ago . He came with a lady who looks just like your friend." He said pointing towards you. "If I recall the name it was along the lines of L/n." It was probably your mother again.

If you think about it there are two types of poneglyphs. Ones with information, and others that indicate their whereabouts. And this stones was one of the information ones.

"Chief...this poneglyph has already fulfilled its purpose." Robin said. Relief washed over the chief's face and all hardened features softened. "Does that mean our duty has been fulfilled and we don't have to fight?" A nod was all the response he needed to know he has tirelessly fought for all his people and it wasn't for naught.

'So Roger connected all those texts to find the missing history.' Robin's thoughts seemed to be flowing much easier this time you could hear them clearly without worry. Probably because she wasn't trying to hide anything at the moment.
"Since you guys wanted gold you can take the broken belfry column. "

This was great the chief was generous and you had killed to birds with a single stone. You had learnt about the poneglyph as well as gotten the gold needed.

They wrapped up the column with cloth and then gathered together to carry it. We were walking towards the ship when we saw the rest of the crew up ahead with bags on their shoulders.  They had already gotten some bags ahead of us. Luffy and Nami would be excited. Robin waved and you listened in to what they were saying.

"Hurry to the ship we can't stay here." They all started running away. Holding the thought that they were probably being chased for stealing gold.

"Hey miss aren't you going to take this gold?" The chief asked his question directed to Nico Robin.

"Looks like they don't need it." Robin said already jogging towards the crew. "What!?" "Oh no!"

"Well don't mind if I do." You said this. The rest may not need the gold but you definitely knew that it would come in use later in future.
You stood infront of the group and increased your voice. "Okay guys just drop it down and I'll handle the rest."
They did as instructed and dropped it down. You touched the ground and it began to sink down into it. You would appraise it later just to know exactly what it is worth.

"Well thanks guys I'll be going now." After that you zapped and appeared on the deck of the ship.  The ship wasn't charred or anything and you were lucky or you'd be hearing a mouthful from Usopp.

You stood on the ship alongside Conis. The ship sailed with directions from Conis until we arrived at cloud end. "We should really visit skypiea again."

"Yeah the place is beautiful and so serene."

"Well then, everyone! I'm sorry! We'll say goodbye here!" Pagaya said. Conis had already boarded the smaller boat.

"Please take care."
"See you."
"Thanks for everything."
"Conis take care of yourself."
"Conis , old guy and little white guy take care of yourself." Luffy finished up. There was squacking nearby and Chopper started translation.

"Don't forget about me." The bird said and got on board. It was odd that there was no end point that was actually visible on the route you were taking.

"Guys be careful while dropping."

The group was falling down into the blue sea. If not careful you would definitely crash and not see the light of tomorrow. Suddenly a giant octopus takes hold of the ship and reduces the momentum and now the ship is floating in the sky.

Calm had returned and everyone was much better. We could hear the ringing of the giant bell from afar. It was like a farewell for is so that we may return safely.

"Gold! Gold! Gold! Gold!" Usopp, Luffy and Chopper had already began chanting when the bags were poured out onto the deck of the ship.

"Now that we have become rich, what shall we buy?"
"A bronze statue!" This was obviously what Luffy wanted.
"What's the point of exchanging gold for bronze? We should increase the number of canons. Let's buy ten of them! Ten!" The snipe

"Nami-swan ! I want a lockable refrigerator." Sanji said.
"Don't be stupid what were we gonna do when we get hungry?! I object!" Luffy really wasn't up for the whole locking food away thing.

"I...I...I want to buy some books." Chopper finally spit out what he wanted to say.

"That's just why we should buy it you dumbass." Sanji and Luffy were still going back and forth about the fridge issue.

"I want to read medical books from other countries."
"Wait a minute you guys, we'll split the treasure once we get back down okay?" Nami was tired of hearing all the ways everyone wanted the money to be spent.

"Please buy books-" Before Chopper could finish Nami had already squished his tiny cheeks together.

"If we buy whatever you guys like I have a feeling it won't do us any good."
Robin stopped all ongoing discussions to inquire. "Navigator...I wonder where this ship is heading?"

"Where ? The next island." Nami took a look at her log pose and we were completely off track. It's impossible to control the direction as the wind is mainly responsible for all movement.

"It's okay Nami once we reach the ocean we can figure things out from there." You tried to calm Nami down.

"Well..I guess it's my imagination." Sanji said looking up.

"What're you talking about?" To this Usopp got no response.
"There's a problem." We looked to the sound and it was a sleep talking Zoro.

"I'm worried."
"I'll sing a love song to calm you and take your mind off it." Sanji said to Nami.

"It would be cool if we drifted onto Raftel."
"That's impossible to get to Raftel , we still have to go more than halfway around the grandline."

"Plus if it were that easy others would have already ended up there by sheer accident." You added.

"Sanji is it just me or.."
"Yeah Y/n it isn't just you. No Luffy come back down. Luffy stop it."

"You're right the octopus is shrinking, if we don't do anything we will fall into the ocean."
There was nothing that could be done. The octopus was decreasing in size.

"It does look smaller." Robin noted. Sanji had already climbed up to drag Luffy down and stop using the only means of staying afloat for entertainment purposes. The ship started falling to the ground and Usopp took it upon himself to place breath dials at the bottom of the going merry to try and break the fall. The octopus shrinks and returns to it's normal size fully. 

"Everyone grab onto something and hold on tight. Robin-san, Nami-chan, Y/n-chan! Are you okay?" You had grabbed onto the railing and holding on for dear life. What you feared for the most was the state of the ship. It had been progressively getting worse and such a fall wouldn't be anything  good.

It was dark but eventually you guys crashed into the ocean. Now all that was left was to figure out where you guys were. It was definitely the sea but the air wasn't moving, probably an enclosed space but where. You should look at a couple of maps and memorize them in the eventuality of this happening again.

"I wonder if the air leaked out?"

"Now that we've fallen we really went to to an incredible place."

"I wonder if we can go again?" Chopper asked. 
"You'll probably be closer when you die," Zoro had no chills. But there was a possibility of visiting another sky island.

"So you think you'll go to heaven?" Usopp retorted. 

"Well things are calm now at any  rate I'll make coffee or something." Sanji said as he headed into the kitchen.

"I'd rather have dinner Sanji." Luffy protested. 

"I'm saying I'll get on it right away so have some coffee and wait. I also want food okay.."

"Well guys I'll go for a swim to try and figure out where we are." You had your cloak and immediately took a dive into the water. A few seconds later you heard alarms blaring and there was a light shining on the ship and to the surrounding waters. 

You swam away before you could be discovered and ended up at some forest. After drying yourself off you took that chance to hide in one of the bushes. There were soldiers running back and forth claiming that there were intruders present and needed to be captured. The soldiers weren't of just any kind they were all marines. This had turned out to be the worst possible scenario. You guys had drifted onto a marine base.

The marines patrolling the area you were in had finally started leaving. You had tried your level best to keep quiet but found it difficult especially with the hunger you had started feeling. You needed just one soldier who had the same height as you. Luckily your face wasn't known so you needed information and uniform.

The group was about to leave when you grabbed the guy at the end and covered his mouth. "I'm sorry." You whispered before knocking him out with a single hit to the nape of his neck. You held his head in your hands and took in all the locations along with his unit, where they slept and ate. It was a marine base and currently the strongest one there is. You took of his clothes. 

You weren't comfortable with it but whatever had to be done had to be done, you then wrapped him in a light blanket and now the hardest part was where to put the body. Leaving it outside will just have your name written all over the scene. After a lot of internal debate you decided to just drop him in the hole where everything else goes and hope for the best. Time for supper was much later but you knew where they stored the food.

You manifested Kuro and Shiro. "Okay guys we are gonna split up and I want you to look for the others." Kuro and Shiro then left and you walked a little faster to enter with the rest of the group. You had on the marine hats that covered your face completely. 

You guys had landed in the Navarone the G8 fortress. Unfortunately the guy you hid wasn't high enough in the ranks  to have information  about the blue prints. For now you would get food then deal with the documents later. 

You made your way to the storage and ate a bunch of fruits to keep you going before dinner. "You heard they think it's a ghost ship that showed up."
"Yeah and there was really old gold on it too." You overheard the ongoing conversation outside the door. It was impossible that they came to the conclusion that it was a ghost ship. The stove was already on so they most likely didn't want to cause a  panic by announcing that pirates had infiltrated the base. 

"I'm so hungry. "
"Me too!" The guys started heading towards the dining hall and you decided it was time you also went to eat before dealing with everything else. Before you reached the hall there was an open door to your right, the view was really beautiful. The place actually had a good view. You hadn't gotten a chance to see the place during the day.

You heard the sound of something falling and hadn't noticed that there were other people outside there as well. It was Nami throwing Zoro's swords overboard. These guys could figure themselves out so you continued ahead to the dining hall. There was no food being served.

The marines were especially disorganized and it was as if nothing was getting done. You just wanted a meal and you would be able to continue with whatever activities had been planned. It seems like even off the ship you had to get  things done yourself. You walked in to see both Sanji and Luffy in the kitchen. I know why Sanji is here but Luffy is a whole other mystery. 

"Y/-" Before Sanji could finish what he was saying you covered his mouth with your hand and shook your head.

*Okay guys long story short joined University and got super busy but I'll never abandon this book. Love you guys :)

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