Perzys Ānogār

By _thebloodwyrm_

9.6K 255 45

Princess Daella Targaryen , older twin sister of Daemon Targaryen comes back to westeros and joins The Game O... More

Perzys Ānogār


725 19 10
By _thebloodwyrm_

110 AC, Dragonstone.

Daella walked hallways of Dragonstone before arriving at the kitchens of the castle where she saw the cooks and workers finishing everything up perfectly, but Daella being Daella decided to traumatise the poor souls.The cooks were scared and nervous as they prepared everything as Daella instructed. The woman was terrifyingly cold,  they were afraid to do anything wrong as they knew she was unpredictable and could easily kill them if they did. They worked quickly and efficiently to ensure that everything was perfect for the arrivals of Viserys and his travel companions.

"Make sure everything is ready. I need it to be perfect." The Targaryen princess reminded them for the hundredth time.

"Of course, princess. We will have it done as soon as possible." answered one of the cooks.

"I expect it to be done before noon, or else.. well Meraxes would love her some beautiful people such as yourselves. Make sure to only use the finest ingredients, no cutting corners or trying to save time. I want the best possible food and drinks prepared for my brother and his party."

"Of course you grace."

Daella walked over to one of the servants and took her by the hand, leading her around a corner so that they could speak privately. In a cold, stern voice, Daella told the girl that if the man who had been brazenly stuffing his face with lemon cakes the night before came to her with a vile, she was to secretly mix it in the wine shocking the poor girl.The cook's hands trembled and she looked at Daella with fear in her eyes. She begged Daella not to make her do such a terrible thing, but she knew that if she did not comply the consequences would be severe. She felt trapped and helpless and did not know what to do. Daella continued to stare at the cook, her eyes cold and unwavering, and she made it clear that she expected this task to be completed.

"Your name is Dyana hm?" with a little smile on her face.

"ye-yes your grace I-"

"how old are you jorrāelagon?" 'love' Daella asked holding gently the girl shaking hands.

"thr-three and ten you grace."

"Stop shaking little one, I mean you no harm I only asked a favor of you and we both know you can do it."

The girl looked at the princess eyes wide and mouth open yet no word came out.

"I know what you did, to your father. And before you think me a fool and start lying to me and I would like to tell you that I believe it was well deserved and that I apologise for how he treated you and your mother. Do me this favor little one, and I will be forever grateful to you."

The girl finally nodded her head in resignation and agreed to do as she was told.



The ship docked at the pier on Dragonstone, and as the king's party disembarked from the ship and made their way up the gangplank to the shore, the cool air and the salt of the sea spray filled their nostrils.

As they reached the shore, they were greeted by the familiar landscape of dark rock and black sand, and a tall figure standing at the edge of the pier.

It was Daeron, son of Daella, who nodded his head to them as a greeting, as the rest of the lords made their way ashore.

"Your Grace," Daeron said to Viserys, giving him a nod. "My lords, Welcome to Dragonstone. My mother knows this is a long journey, she appreciates the effort made on her behalf. Now, if you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons and keep your green boys outside." The boy said nodding towards the king's guard.

A moment of silence followed the boy's request, before Viserys smiled at him awkwardly nodding. "Of course."

Rakharo stood in front of prince Daemon who was refusing to give him Dark Sister and instead looked at him with rage and disgust. The foreign man stood still looking down on Daemon because of their height difference which pissed Daemon all the more.

"khaleesi ajjin tawak mae ajjin jin havzi" 'khaleesi is right, he is a cunt'. Rakharo told Daeron still looking down at Daemon.

The other lords did the same, following Corlys' lead by handing their swords even Otto, and the Dothraki gave them a stiff nod as a sign of respect.

"Daemon, your king-"

"Do not let me start with you Hightower. I am not giving those savages anything." saying this resulting in Rakharo to all but rip the scabbard from Daemon waist and throwing it to Daeron as if the prince's sword was a mere toy.

Daemon tries attacking Rakharo but was held back by Viserys who tells him to stop behaving like a child.

Daeron gestured for the others to follow him, leading them towards the bridge.


"Yes your grace?"

"OH so you are my nephew, what is your name boy?" The king asked.

"Daeron." "My brother's name is Daemon." Viserys says smiling at the boy gesturing to Daemon who was still looking at the back of Rakharo's head with a look that could kill.

"I know that your grace."

"You know, my council think I am a fool for coming her-"

"Of course they do because in truth, you are.If I was your hand I would have advised against it."

"What do-"

A sudden screech interrupted the king, three large dragons flew overhead, their winged shadows passing over their heads and bringing an icy chill to the air. The dragons caused the lords of the council and Viserys to gasp out in shock and horror and get on the ground, but the ones who stood tall and unbothered were the Dothraki, Daemon, Daeron, Rhaenys and Corlys.

One of the Dothraki turned to Daeron with a confused look, gesturing towards Viserys who was still trying to catch his breath,

"ajjin mae vo khaleesi ajjin qoy?" 'Is he not khaleesi's blood?"

"yes, yes he is." Daeron replied chuckling.


The group of lords entered the Dragonstone throne room, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

In the middle of the room was Daella, sitting on the throne, her face devoid of emotion. Her eyes were fixed straight ahead, their gaze focused in a distant stare.

Daemon's eyes were caught by Daella's, and his heart tightened. He was reminded of all the things he once shared with her – the love, the passion, and the pain.

It was a sight that broke his heart, and his eyes were filled with a mixture of sadness and regret.

He could see her once again – the woman who had broken his heart and betrayed him.

His eyes narrowed, and he felt a rush of emotions stirring within him, but he pushed them down, refusing to show any weakness in front of his former lover.

But deep down, he wished she would acknowledge him once again, even if it was just to express her hatred and scorn.

 "You stand in the presence of Princess Daella of House Targaryen, rightful Princess Of Dragonstone, The Dragon's Daughter, The Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Unburnt." 

"King Viserys of House Targ-" " No one cares" Daenerys interrupted the king's guard before smiling at her mother and leaving the throne room.

Viserys looked up at Daella, his face filled with worry and anxiety.

"Daella? What is the meaning of this invitation? What do you want?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly.

Daella was silent for a moment, her face still void of emotion, but her eyes fixed on him with a sharp glint of understanding, she raised an eyebrow at this, and she looked at the group of lords  with a cold and unfeeling stare, her expression giving nothing away making them shift nervously as they waited for her to speak, but she remained silent, her face unchanged.

After a few moments of silence, Corlys stepped forward and bowed his head to her.

" Cousin Daella," he said, his voice low and deferential, "We have come to Dragonstone at your request. We wish to know why you have invited us here."

"It is finally time for a little feast," she said, her voice cold and unfeeling, "It has been long enough. The time has come to celebrate my return..."


The feast was a tense affair, with much tension between Daemon, Daella, Viserys and Otto. Each sat in his or her place, watching the others closely, but saying nothing.

Rhaenys and Corlys kept their eyes on Daemon and Daella, waiting for something to happen. The king's guard were tense, nervous around the Dothraki and keeping a close eye on them, and there was a feeling of anticipation in the air.

The Rogue Prince was angry, and The King was anxious, but both were trying to hide their feelings in front of the others.

The Targaryen princess sat in her place, her eyes never leaving her brothers and ignoring Otto.

She was silent, and her expression gave nothing away. She was a mystery to them, and they could not tell what she was thinking.

Daemon watched her, his anger simmering underneath, and he was desperate to know what she was thinking. Daemon studied Daella, his expression hard and furious. He wanted to speak to her, to demand to know why she had come back to Westeros and more importantly why leave in the first place. But instead, he stayed silent, watching her carefully and seething under the surface.Otto was also watching her carefully, but his expression was more calm than Daemon's, even though he was beginning to worry for his schemes and plans and how The Rogue Princess being back might ruin them. 

Viserys sat nervously, not wanting to draw attention to himself.but he was more worried about what the others thought than about Daella herself. It was clear that he was afraid, and both Daemon and Otto knew that they could use his fear to their advantage.but he was more worried about what the others thought than about Daella herself.

As the dinner went on, the tension grew, as did the unease and discomfort.


Daella announced that it was time for the real family reunion to begin.

The lords stood up from their chairs except for Corlys and headed for the door, but Otto tried to stay, saying that he was the Hand of the King and that he would stay in the room with them.

However, Daella had other plans. As she stood up from her chair, she signaled to one of the Dothraki standing next to her to take Otto away. Viserys quickly ordered Otto to follow the Dothraki out of the room, and he left with a look of shock and confusion on his face before the doors were closed shut leaving the three siblings and their two cousins with only few Dothraki men.

"The three of us together the same as the old days, the brother who loved me too much and the one that did not love me enough." Daella said looking and Daemon and then Viserys.

"And our traitor cunt of a sister who only loved herself.-" Daemon said. "Daemon." Viserys interrupted  hoping not to vex Daella.

"What happened to you Valonqar, you used to be sweet to me and love me." The rogue princess asked smiling. 'little brother'

"That Daemon died long ago when you stole my gold and jewels to go get fucked across the Narrow Sea, from what I am seeing you did."

"Oh thank the fourteen flames, he was a pathetic fool and a bore." The Targaryen princess replied chuckling causing Daemon to get up from his seat at the table fuming only for Viserys to stop him,

"ENOUGH- Daemon do not take another step, and Daella you have a lot of explaining to do."

"What do you wish for me to explain? well, lets see I left because I wanted to?" Daella says smiling awkwardly. "Now tell me Rhae how are your childr-"

The doors suddenly opened revealing Daenerys and Daeron, the twins came in holding two baskets of fruits and three pitchers of wine each accompanied by four Dothraki.

"AUNTIE RHAENYS, UNCLE CORLYS." The twin's greeting caused the Lord and Lady of Driftmark to shift uncomfortably in their seats and avoid looking at the Targaryen brothers who looked at the children confused.

As the children walked towards them, all eyes turned towards Daemon and Daella, who stood up from their chairs. Daella had a faint smile on her face, and Daemon looked more pissed off than ever.

Viserys was confused, and he turned to Rhaenys and Corlys, his eyes searching for answers.

Daemon's eyes narrowed in anger, and he turned to Rhaenys and Corlys.

"You know these children?" he said, his voice filled with hostility.

"Yes," Rhaenys said slowly, "They are Daella's children."

Daemon's face turned pale, and he looked at the children standing before him. They were beautiful, he realized – each one had their mother's features, and their blue eyes showed the depth and strength of her love.

In that moment, the tension in the air grew even more. 

"This one is for you, and this one for you" The twins gave a fruit basket to each of them smiling before putting the wine pitchers in front of their mother, kissing her cheeks and sitting at each side of her.

"uncle viserys." The twins echoed ignoring their other uncle.

"So uncle, what does it feel like to be chosen as heir simply because of a little sausage?" The eldest of the twins asked bluntly, smiling.


"Enough now Dany, no need to make our uncle uncomfortable mae ajjin akka ale foz ha jin" 'he is way too old for this'. The youngest replied chuckling.

"Now, now children enough.""lēkia, to answer the question you have been asking yourself endlessly, I was...everywhere Pentos, Essos, Yiti, Astapor, Yunkai, Meereen, Asshai and  Volantis with aunt Saera and with the dothraki." The Targaryen woman said nonchalantly

"W-What? That-that is not possible I searched for you, I sent my best riders for years, grandsire Jaehaerys sent his best men and fath-" The king said in bewilderment.

"Well unfortunately for Jaehaerys and his men they would have never found me unless I wished to be found and for those riders of yours, well the ones that were of no interest to me came back safe and sound but well the others were sold..." The Rogue Princess said smiling awkwardly, "No need to worry Vis they're now sporting beautiful chains and exquisite bracelets thanks to yours truly."

"YOU-you sold them into slavery?"

"That is a vile accusation, I donated them for the greater good."

"Daella you have only just said that the others were sold wh-' Viserys replied still in bewilderment.

"No- I said no such thing, do not be so dramatic Viserys." The Targaryen princess said with false annoyance. "Now Rhae it has been too long since the children and I last saw you and Corlys, almost seven moons..wasn't it?" Daella asked innocently. "How is Laena? and little Laenor?"

"Enough Daea." Corlys said,

"But why? Did I say something wrong? Was it supposed to be a secret?"

"Cousin I believe-"

"Enough! Let us end this mummer's farce, Viserys I want Dragonstone as you once promised me that it would be mine if you ever became king, well here you are.  You are going to name me Lady and Princess of this Castle, the island and the castle belong to me by blood and by right." Daella said.

After a moment of silence and shock,

"Daella, you know I cannot do that, the lords of the Realm w-" Viserys said trying to convince his sister.

"You are the so called dragon Viserys, your word is law, I do not give a fuck what some lordlings think, I want the castle and the island, or I will have to retaliate by killing people and we both know that I can do it."

"I-I will discuss the matter with the council but I cannot promise you that-"

A shattering sound was heard, the eldest of the siblings turned to see Daemon throwing yet another glass on the stone walls chuckling. " Did you really think that you could run away like the traitor you are and not even care about the seven fucking kingdoms for the past six and ten years and then try and steal my castle?! I would rather feed myself to my dragon then let you have what you desire."

This caused the princess to freeze, it had been too long since she even heard him speak with such hatred and anger, the last time was the night she had left when he asked her why she did she not love him back. Before she could say anything, suddenly a shrieking sound was heard from outside. The loud cry interrupted the conversation and caused everyone to look towards the windows except for Daemon who was still looking at Daella awaiting her answer.

Viserys's eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the voice immediately. It was his daughter, Rhaenyra, who had arrived unexpectedly.

Daella stood up from her chair, a smirk on her face, and she made her way towards one of the many windows before getting up on the ledge she turned back to Viserys with a cold stare and said, "I'll be back soon. You should think carefully about your decision", before letting herself fall back. Viserys got up from his chair and ran towards the window, prepared to see his sister's dead body. Instead, he was met with a dragon as black as night, which he recognized as his sister's dragon Meraxes.

The dragon flew upwards, scaring Viserys and causing him to fall back, the dragon flew upwards, and Viserys could do nothing but watch in terror as it disappeared into the sky. He was left standing there, his heart racing and his body trembling, knowing that it would be for the best if he gave Daella what she wanted, he knew Otto and the rest of his small council would disagree but he also knew not to underestimate his darling sister for the sake of his only child.


Daella was now sitting on Meraxes, and she was flying high in the sky. 

Flying alongside her, barely visible in the sky, was a smaller dragon – Rhaenyra and Syrax.

Daella did not hesitate for a moment, Meraxes let out a loud shriek and chased after them, the two dragons flying through the sky in a game of cat and mouse.

As the two dragons flew through the sky, Rhaenyra was frightened and anxious. She held on to Syrax tightly, trying to keep her balance as they were chased by a much larger dragon. She could see the glowing eyes of Meraxes in the clouds, and she knew that Daella was not playing a game.

Daella was laughing and enjoying herself, flying through the sky with a maniacal glee. For a moment, she even thought about burning Rhaenyra and Syrax, but she decided against it.

"Riña!! Nyke nūmāzma daor ōdrikagon, aōha kepa laodigon ñuha sikagon kepus paktot nyke mērī jaelagon ziry arlī, iā kivio vēttan iksis iā odre naejot sagon addemmagon. Tegun aōha byka sōvegon genes va se rāenion se māzigon lēda nyke se nyke kivio daor naejot - " ' GIRL!! I mean no harm, only to take what is mine. Your father promised me something and now your uncle stole it, I want it back. For a promise made is a debt to be paid. Land your little flying mouse on shore and come with me peacefully. I promise not to-'

"Kessa!" ' Alright!' 


After chasing Rhaenyra and Syrax through the sky, Daella landed next to them, her heart racing and her eyes shining with a maniacal glee.

Rhaenyra looked at her, nervous and scared. She could see how much larger Meraxes was than Syrax, and she felt like she was a child compared to her.

Daella walked towards her, her smile innocent and sweet. She gently took Rhaenyra by the hand and ushered her towards her.

"It's time to meet your aunt and darling cousins, my sweet niece," she said, her voice filled with kindness, Rhaenyra felt a mix of fear and hesitation, but she took a deep breath and allowed Daella to lead her towards Meraxes. She took small, careful steps as she walked towards the dragon, trying not to make any sudden movements or appear hostile. It was a tense moment, and she knew that she was in the presence of a powerful and dangerous creature.

As she reached the dragon, she looked up at the beast, her heart beating quickly. She felt a mix of bravery and fear, but she knew that she had to trust Daella. 

"My Meraxes is an old girl, but still deadly. Isn't she beautiful?" Daella said dreamily caressing Meraxes scales.

"Yes she is." The younger princess said with a small voice.

Rhaenyra was startled when she realized that there was no saddle. She looked at Daella, who looked annoyed.

"She's dragon not a fucking carriage get on and wrap your arms around my waist.

Nervously, Rhaenyra did as she was told and wrapped her arms around Daella's waist. As they flew closer to the castle, they perched upon one of the towers, shaking the grounds with a roar.

They opened a door on the roof of a tower and began to make their way down the stairs. As they reached the bottom, The Rogue Princess opened a door revealing the throne room, and everyone turned to look at them.

Rhaenyra was startled by the sheer size of the room, and she could feel her heart racing as she looked up at the throne.

Daella stepped forward, a confident grin on her face, and she walked towards the table where Rhaenys sat still bored sipping her wine. As she approached, she turned to look at Viserys and Corlys, her grin growing wider as they stood up with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Well, what is your final decision Vis?" she asked, taunting him.

"It is yours." The King then turned to one of his sister's men saying, "Open the doors."

The Dothraki man looked towards the khaleesi who offered but a nod before unlocking the doors, Otto was the first to appear, before having the chance to say anything,

"Let the ravens fly around the realm, that they know my sister the Princess Daella Targaryen only daughter of Baelon and Alyssa has finally returned home, and she is to take her place as Lady Of Dragonstone, until after my death."

"My king-"

"I am your heir-"


"Oh lēkia, I knew you would make the right choice." Daella said approaching Viserys smiling brightly , "And now that I am back we can all be a family again, just as we were when mother and father were still alive, before everything changed, the maids will show you to your chambers, you can send your little lordlings back to King's Landing, we need to make up lost ground." 

Before leaving right away to her chambers.


As Daella entered her chambers, she was greet with the sight of "Ilyrio", who was not only stuffing his face with lemon cakes again but drained every drop of wine she had in there.

"Iāpanna, iksā arlī,skorkydoso iksin se lentor rhaenagon " 'Cousin, you are back, how was that family reunion?' Rhaegar asked chuckling. 

"Nothing interesting, only that I am now The Lady of Dragonstone and its princess." Daella replied nonchalantly causing Rhaegar's eyes to widen in disbelief.


"Viserys is weak and his daughter too, and well... Daemon will no doubt retaliate, he was way to calm and then there is the Hightower cunt.."

"You need not to worry Daea, in time you will prevail..." Rhaegar said resting his chin on her shoulder. 

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