80s Band Imagines

By HomeSweetJungle

198K 2.2K 1.3K

Basically, imagines involving 80s rock band members. Here's the list of bands and members. Motley Crue • Vinc... More

Motley Crue ❤
❤ Nikki- More Than a Groupie
❤Nikki #2- Help Me
❤Nikki #3- Getting Better
❤️Nikki #4- Always Be Something/Her
❤Nikki #5- Her/She Pt. 2
❤️Nikki #6- Stay
❤Nikki #7- *Guy From the Bar
🧡Tommy- *Teacher
🧡Tommy #2- Not a Light Switch
🧡Tommy #3- Like the Movie
🧡Tommy #4 - Boundaries
💚Vince #1- Something Missing
💚Vince #2- Didn't Want Me
💙Mick- 13 13
💙Mick #2- Dancin' In the Moonlight
💙Mick #3-*Argument
Crue Songs ❤
Guns N Roses 💛
❤ Duff- Couch
❤Duff #2- Sun
❤Duff #3- Drunk
❤Duff #4- Drunk Pt. 2
❤Duff #5- Teach Me
❤️Duff #6- Promposal
❤ Duff #7- Incandescently Happy
❤️Duff #8- Don't Take Her
❤Duff #9- Die Trying
❤️Duff #10- My Babies
❤️Duff #11- Fairytale
❤️Duff #12 - Secret
❤️Duff #13: Carrots
❤️Duff #14 - *Secret pt. 2
❤Duff #15- *Too Much
❤Duff #16- *Baby Makin
❤Duff #17- Slow*
❤Duff #18- Rain
❤Duff #19- Family
❤Duff #20- Gross
❤️Duff #21- Seven
❤Duff #22- Platonic Christmas
❤Duff #23- As Long As You Love It
❤Duff #24- What's Love Like?
❤Duff #25- Kids
💜 Steven- I'm Cold
💜Steven #2- Cuddles
💜Steven #3- It'll Be Okay
💜Steven #4- 20 Years
💜Steven #5- Patience
💜Steven #6- Panic Attack
💜Steven #7- Beautiful
💜Steven #8- Angel
💜Steven #9- Doesn't Fit Right
💜Steven #10- Past
💜Steven #11- Baby Love
💜Steven #12 - *Safe
💜Steven #13- I'll Be Home
💜Steven #14- Issues
💚Saul/Slash- Curls
💚Saul/Slash #2- Baby Fever
💚Saul/Slash #3- I'll Always Love You
💚Saul/Slash #4- Studio Baby
💚Saul/Slash #5- Disco
💚Saul/Slash #6- Wedding Dress
💚Saul/Slash #7- "Tequila"
💚Saul/Slash #8- A Lot
💚Saul/Slash #9- Put Out
💚Saul/Slash #10- Hugs
💚Saul/Slash #11- Baby Shopping
💚Slash #12- Something New
💚Saul #13 (ft. Nikki)- Back Up Plan
💚Saul/Slash #14- Record
💚Saul/Slash #15-*Revenge
💚Saul/Slash #16- Please
💚Slash/Saul #17- *Saying Goodbye
💚Slash #18-*Gimme All Your Lovin'
💚Slash #19 -Touch
💙Izzy- Lost
💙Izzy #2- Strawberries
💙Izzy #3- Sweet Surprise
💙Izzy #4- The Bet
💙Izzy #5- Dinner
💙Izzy #6- Innocence
💙Izzy #7 - Put Out pt. 2
💙Izzy #8- *Temporary Fix
💙Izzy #9- Nothing's Changed
💙Izzy #10- Domestic
💙Izzy #11- *Up All Night
💙Izzy #12- Lyric
💙Izzy #13- Selfish
💙Izzy #14- Our Secret?
💙Izzy #15- Two Halves
💙Izzy #16- Go Away
💙Izzy #17- Prove Me Wrong
💙Izzy #18- Childish?
💙Izzy #19- Scary
💙Izzy #20- Always
💙Izzy # 21- Leather and Lace
💙Izzy #22- Dense
🧡 Axl - Aftercare
🧡Axl #2- Get Out
🧡Axl #3- I'm Yours
🧡Axl #4- *I Can Show You
🧡Axl #5- Whore
🧡Axl #7- Late Night Confessions
🧡Axl #8- Issues
GNR Songs 💛
A/N: Not Important but Interesting

🧡Axl #6- Calm

1.2K 13 11
By HomeSweetJungle

June hates dishes.

But it seemed that the world had it out for her today. She spent all day cooking a meal to take to one of her friend's parties, and since she was running late, she didn't have time to do the dishes. Then, at said party, she helped set up, coordinated everything, and then was stuck doing those dishes.
Afterward, she had to go to her parents to help her dad fix the kitchen sink. Then, being the caring daughter she is, offered to do the dished for them considering her mom's arm was in a cast and her dad had absolutely no idea what he was doing.
Then, when she got back to her apartment, she was met with a kitchen full of dirty dishes. So, naturally, she washed them. But, of course, the chaos didn't end there; no sir-y bob.
Her sister called, frantically begging her to watch the kids because her husband was stuck at work and she had a work event scheduled. And June wasn't about to let her sister take a screaming toddler and wailing baby to an important work event. So, she rushed over and began babysitting.
All was fine and dandy, she played with the kids and watched cartoons, and put them to bed since they had eaten before she got there. And just when she thought she had a moment's peace, her stomach growled.
Sighing, she got up and ventured to her sister's kitchen to be met with a sink full of dishes that looked like they hadn't been washed in weeks. So, naturally, she washed them.

Axl gets nervous.

He gets nervous before shows, before award ceremonies, and when he doesn't know where his girlfriend is. Usually, she leaves a note or will try to call the studio so he knows where she is.

Now, this isn't because he's controlling and wants to know where she is every waking moment of the day, it's simply something that gives him peace of mind that she doesn't mind doing.
"It's good that you know where I am, in case there are serial killers, y'know." She always jokes. He never laughs, but that's not the point.

And right now, he sure as shit isn't laughing because he doesn't know where his beautiful girlfriend is and he's starting to panic. So, doing what any sane person would do, he went searching for her at her family's houses.
He started at her parents and when she wasn't there, and her parents had no idea where she was, he went to her brother's, then her other brother's, then her other sister's, and finally, he found her at the right sibling's house.

"JJ? June here?"
Axl yelled, walking through the door and not bothering to knock.

June called from the kitchen.

"June? Baby, you here?"
He asked, stepping out of his boots and making his way to the kitchen.

"Doing dishes."
She sighed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Honey, why are you doing your sister's dishes?"
Axl asked softly, wrapping arms around her waist from behind and leaving a soft kiss on the back of her head.

"Because she has two kids and she can't always balance both, so I'm helping her out."
She reasoned, relaxing into his touch slightly.

"Baby, you hate doing dishes."
He reminded her.

"I know and the world hates me."
She whispered frustratedly, tears welling in her eyes.

"Had a busy day, June?"
He asked softly, with a serious tone in his voice.

"Yeah. Just wanna do these so I can relax a bit."
She said quietly, beginning to rinse the soapy dishes.

"Want me to move out of the way?"

"No, stay with me, please."
She said quietly.

Axl nodded and hummed 'Patience' while she finished the remaining dishes. Then, he helped her wipe down the counters and tables before dragging her from the kitchen to the living room.

"I feel like I should put them away."
She whined.

"Sweetheart, you did enough. Relax for me, will you?"
Axl said softly, causing her to nod defeatedly.

"C'mon, we'll put on a movie and wait for JJ to get home."
Axl said, turning on the TV.

June snuggled up to Axl and sighed in contentment, melting into the hot-headed, but loving, singer.

"Wanna tell me about your day?"
He asked, situating her to sit on his lap, so they could be face to face.

"I hate dishes."
She started.

"I know that, Sugar."
He laughed softly, causing her features to morph into a soft, lazy smile.

"I swear the universe hates me."
She said, causing Axl to laugh again.

"Yeah, Sug, what makes you say that?"
He asked through chuckles.

"Well, y'know how I hate dishes right? Well.... and then I got here and did more dishes. And I didn't even get my food."
She whined, telling Axl the events of her day.

"Awe, 'm sorry honey. Sounds like all you did was work today, babe."
He said sympathetically.

"Yeah, but it's alright. How was the studio?"
She asked, not so tired after getting the weight of today off of her chest.

"Good. We're about done with Rocket Queen."
He smirked, knowing that was her song.

"You need me to go in and sing for ya again?"
She smirked up at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Nah, Sug, you sang perfectly the first time. B'sides, can't hear the pigs comment on how it must be heaven to hear you like that whenever I want."
He grumbled at the mention of his friends thinking of his girl that way.

"Don't let it bug you. You're the only one who gets to hear me, y'know when I'm not nervous about being recorded."
She said, slightly blushing at the memory.

"I know."
Axl said smugly.

"So, how many houses did you go to before you picked the right one?"
She teased.

"Four. Went to your parents', then Justin's, Jackson's, and Jamie's before I finally made it here."
He said a tad bit bashfully.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you came looking for me. Realized I didn't leave a note and I was g'na call you but then I got busy with the dishes."
She said sorrowfully. She didn't like to make him worry.

"I know, Sweetheart. I knew you were within a ten-mile radius. Especially since you left your purse at home."
Axl said, trying to ease her worries.

"Just don't like to make you worry."
She said quietly, feeling bad.

"I know, baby. But it's okay; I found you and I know you try to tell me where you are."
He said, his words registering in her head and calming her significantly.

"Just forgot."
She said softly.

"I know, honey. But you don't forget often. And I knew you had a few errands to run today so I wasn't all too worried. Knew you'd be easy to find if I needed to."
Axl said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Can I sleep on you?"
She mumbled after a few minutes, eyes heavy with sleep.

"Yeah, babe. I'll take you home when JJ gets home and we'll come grab your car tomorrow."
He said, causing her to nod and lean into his welcoming embrace.

"Sleep tight, Sweetheart. Sweet dreams."
Axl whispered softly, kissing her temple.

"I love you."
She mumbled into the crook of his neck.

"I love you too, baby."
Axl said, tightening his grip on her waist, and adjusting her to where she was more comfortable. She sighed and faded into a peaceful slumber.

Eventually, her sister came home and Axl took June home after JJ insisted that they come over for breakfast since June did her dishes. Axl promised to relay the message and made his way home with June still sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat.
When they got home, he regretfully woke her up so she could do her nightly routine and so he could tell her what JJ said.

"She always thinks she has to repay me when I do nice things for her."
June sighed, pulling her pajamas on.

"I think it's her way of showing you she's appreciative."
Axl said from the bathroom.

"Maybe. I just feel bad because I know money's tight for them and she still wants to feed us."
She sighed.

"Maybe we should take something extra over then. Like a fruit salad or something."
He said, drying himself off from his shower.

"Yeah, let's do that. What time did she say to be there?"
June asked, getting under the comforter.

Axl said, slipping on boxers and getting under the blanket alongside June.

"So I'll be up at 7."
She said firmly with a smile.

"No, you will be getting some rest while I put the salad together."
He contradicted.


"No. You did so much for everyone else today. You deserve your sleep. So, let's get to that and I'll get up and make that fruit salad while my precious girlfriend gets some much-deserved sleep."
Axl said with a tone that said "don't argue, that's final."

"Okay, Ax. Goodnight, and thank you for calming me down after the day I've had."
She said sincerely, turning on her side to look at him.

"You do the same after a rough day at the studio. You keep me calm a lot of the time, it was time for me to return the favor."
He said simply.

"Meant a lot."
She said softly, cuddling into his chest.

"I'm glad I could help. Relax and sleep now."
Axl said, relaxing to her touch.

"G'night Ax. I love you."
She sighed, her eyes fluttering shut.

"I love you too, babe. Sweet dreams."
Axl said, kissing her head for the final time that night before drifting off to sleep.

In their world of chaos, they're each other's calm and serenity.

Okay, so I wrote this in one sitting and I loved it!

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