Shadows of Slytherin Book 1

By Slytherin412

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Danielle Potter has always been different from her twin brother, Harry Potter. She was sorted into Slytherin... More

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772 13 1
By Slytherin412

I hear the creak of my door opening, but I remain still, my gaze shifting towards the sound. There stands Dani, silently entering my room. Her presence alone speaks volumes, and I can sense that she's carrying a heavy burden, "Hey, can we talk?" I acknowledge her with a nod, propping myself up to sit. "Of course, we can talk."

A faint smile tugs at Dani's lips, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. It's evident that her mind is preoccupied with something significant. She takes deliberate steps towards me, settling down on the seat next to mine. The air grows charged with tension as we prepare to dive into the depths of our concerns.

"Harry... something feels off," she begins, her voice laced with nervousness. "I can't shake this unsettling feeling that something is going to happen to us in the upcoming round."

Her words strike a chord within me, resonating with my own unease. It's as if a gnawing ache has settled in the pit of my stomach, a persistent intuition that refuses to be ignored. Even my scar has begun to throb with renewed intensity, mirroring the ominous sensations pulsating through my being.

"I feel it too... the nightmares have stopped. Have they stopped for you?" I ask.

Dani responds with a solemn nod, her eyes reflecting the weight of our shared experiences. "Yes, they have stopped," she affirms, her voice tinged with a hint of disbelief as if still grappling with the newfound absence of haunting dreams. The air around us grows heavy as we both acknowledge the significance of this change.

The silence surrounds us, amplifying the significance of our unspoken thoughts. The magnitude of what lies ahead hangs in the air, causing a subtle tension to settle between us. Dani's voice, filled with a trace of vulnerability, breaks the stillness, her words laced with an unspoken fear. "Harry... if something does happen-"

I interrupt her, shaking my head determinedly, my voice resolute yet laced with a touch of defiance. "Don't say that, Dani. Dumbledore won't allow anything to happen to us while we are inside those walls. We have to trust in that."

Dani absorbed my words, finding solace in the unwavering conviction behind them. As I observed her, I could tell that even though she nodded and gave me a small smile, there was still an underlying sense of worry in her demeanor.

Curiosity led me to ask, "So, why exactly is Mattheo attempting to make amends?"

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Dani's lips as she replied, "Because he understands how important you and the others are to me... and all he wants is to see me happy, Harry." She took a deep breath and turned towards me, reaching out to hold my hand. "I know you have reservations about trusting him, but I genuinely do trust him... so if you can't trust him, then trust me."

I gazed into her eyes, searching for any trace of insincerity, but all I found was unwavering love. And as the past month unfolded, it became increasingly evident that Mattheo reciprocated that love as well. With a nod, I conceded, "Alright... but remember, if he ever hurts you again, I swear-"

Dani shook her head, cutting me off mid-sentence. "He won't, Harry."

"Well, regardless of what happens, I'll always be there for you. No matter what. Okay?" I say, giving her a warm smile.

Her smile widened, and she leaned in, wrapping her arms around me in a warm embrace. "I know. And just remember, I'm here for you too. No matter what."


As Theo and I occupy one of the tables at the Three Broomsticks, the voices of Granger and Weasley fill the air, engaging in a heated exchange. Their argument reaches my ears, and I can't help but grow increasingly irritated. 

Theo senses my frustration, undoubtedly aware that the topic of discussion revolves around Draco Malfoy, which instantly puts both of us on edge. Feeling compelled to intervene, I rise from my seat and stride purposefully towards them.

"And who do you think you are, dictating who I should associate with?" Hermione retorts, her voice laced with defiance.

"I couldn't help but catch your conversation with Granger," I remark, my gaze fixed unwaveringly on Ron. His clenched jaw and tightly balled fists betray his mounting anger. "This doesn't concern you, Parkinson," he retorts sharply, his words punctuated by a hint of warning.

However, I am determined not to back down from this confrontation. Stepping closer to Ron, I address him with unwavering conviction, "No. I don't think I will. You see, Dani is one of my closest friends. And by extension, she shares a bond with you two. That makes Granger here a friend of mine as well. If you think you can dictate how she should live her life, then you'll have to go through me."

Ron scoffs dismissively, "You don't even know her."

I shake my head, meeting Ron's gaze head-on, "I don't need to know her personally to defend her. But if you choose to disrespect any one of us, you disrespect all of us." As if by some cosmic cue, I can hear Theo's footsteps approaching from behind.

A mischievous smirk plays across my lips, and I notice Ron's eyes widening ever so slightly. "You may be Dani's friend, but your attitude doesn't sit well with me. Now, I suggest you leave before I unleash a hex on you that you won't soon forget."

Ron shakes his head in disbelief, standing up from his seat. He looks down at Hermione, frustration etched on his face, "You're making the wrong choice, Hermione."

Hermione lifts her chin defiantly, her resolve unyielding, "No, Ron. I don't think I am. In fact, Malfoy and the others have treated me better in the past month than you have."

Rolling his eyes in exasperation, Ron walks away, defeated. I turn my attention back to Hermione, while Theo makes his way to the side of the table, taking a seat across from her. I settle in beside her, curiosity evident in my gaze, "Has he always been like this?"

Hermione shakes her head, her expression tinged with sadness, "No, he hasn't. It's only been since Mattheo started making amends with Harry that he's been acting this way." She looks over at Theo, then back at me, gratitude in her eyes, "Thank you for defending me. You didn't have to."

"You're a part of our group now, Granger," Theo interjects with sincerity. "We always stand up for one another, even if it's not always necessary."

A small smile graces Hermione's lips, her faith in friendship beginning to rekindle. I smile in response, gently squeezing her hand, causing her to meet my gaze. "Malfoy isn't the villain he appears to be, you know. He may project that image, but he's not truly bad. I believe you'll change your opinion once you get to know him."

Hermione's smirk flickers across her face, and she nods thoughtfully, "I think I'm starting to believe that myself." I glance at Theo, and we exchange a knowing smile, realizing that Hermione's perception of Slytherin and its members is gradually transforming.

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