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I observe Mattheo as he gently comforts Dani in the warmth of his blanket. The scene is bittersweet, a testament to the undeniable connection between them. Pansy breaks the silence, her voice laced with empathy.

"I'm sorry, Draco," Pansy expresses, her gaze fixed on the two of them. "But you can see it in their eyes. Their love surpasses any expectations we ever had of them. " Her words carry a mixture of understanding and resignation.

I acknowledge her insight with a solemn nod, my eyes fixed on Dani, who responds to Mattheo's gesture with a radiant smile. "I can't help but feel foolish for ever believing she could love me in the same way," I confess, a tinge of self-doubt creeping into my voice.

Mattheo tenderly rubs Dani's arms, attempting to warm her against the chill in the air. He utters something that elicits a soft, musical laugh from her, causing a pang of longing in my chest. The pain is almost distinct. 

Pansy turns her attention towards me, her gaze brimming with sincerity. "She does love you, Draco," she reassures, her voice gentle yet firm. "But not in the way you desire." I meet her gaze, finding solace in her words. "I believe it's time for you to move on, Draco. You deserve happiness, and she would want that for you too."

I offer a nod of agreement, my eyes reluctantly shifting back to Dani and Mattheo. "Perhaps a part of me simply yearned to experience love." 

Pansy's understanding deepens, her voice tinged with empathy. "Given the lives we've ended up with, I think we all crave that sense of being cherished. But just because she doesn't reciprocate your feelings doesn't mean there isn't someone else out there who could love you the way she loves Mattheo," she affirms.

I nodded, contemplating the situation before speaking. "Honestly, this might be for the best," I admitted, my voice laced with a mix of emotions. Glancing over at Pansy, I continued, "While I can't say I'm surprised, it does hurt. However, I believe I'm hurt enough to be able to move on. She gave it a shot, and that's all I ever asked of her. We never established anything as exclusive."

Pansy nodded.

Offering her a small smile, I turned my attention back to Dani. "It doesn't matter what role she plays in my life. Having her presence is all I've ever desired," I confessed, my voice filled with genuine sincerity.

Glancing at Pansy, I noticed a slight smile gracing her lips. "Who could have imagined that she would bring hope into our lives in this chaotic world?" Pansy chuckled softly, the sound carrying a touch of wonder. "Sometimes, I can't help but feel like she's too good to be friends  us."

I smiled, "She definitely is too good for us."

However, the atmosphere shifted as Pansy's smile gradually faded. "Things are bound to change once he's back, aren't they?" She looked up at me, her eyes reflecting a sense of dread.

I felt my own smile fade, uneasiness settling in. "Yes... Things will inevitably change."

Taking a step closer to me, Theo joined the conversation. "We should cherish the time we have with her," he said, his tone hinted with sorrow. "Because once he returns, our happiness will be stripped away and we will go back to the lives we had before her," Theo added.

Pansy and I turned our gaze towards him, noticing the sadness that flickered in his eyes. He met our gazes and continued, "We can never truly predict what fate has in store for us... or for Dani." A somber silence settled upon us as we exchanged glances, each of us grappling with our own fears and uncertainties about the future. 


❗️TW: Strong Sexual Content❗️

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