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The resounding cheers and the triumphant melodies of the band reverberate through the air, creating an atmosphere of celebration and joy. My eyes are drawn to Harry, his hands tightly clutching Cedric's lifeless body. The weight of his sorrow and pent-up emotions are finally breaking free, as he begins to sob. 

Relief initially washes over me, knowing that we have escaped Voldemort. However, that relief quickly dissipates as I notice Dumbledore rising from his seat with an urgent demeanor. His gaze fixates on me and then shifts to Cedric's lifeless form, causing confusion to swell within me.

In the midst of this confusion, a sharp pain slices through my torso, instantly redirecting my attention. Slowly, I lower my gaze and discover a dark stain seeping into my shirt, betraying the presence of an unseen injury. My trembling hand comes into contact with the damp fabric, and the crimson hue stains my fingertips.


I slowly lift my shirt, revealing a ghastly gash that disfigures my stomach. Blood flows forth from the wound. Dizziness begins to engulf me as the world spins around me. In a barely audible whisper, I manage to muster the strength to utter Harry's name. His attention is drawn towards me, and his eyes widen in horror as he takes in the severity of my injury. Desperation floods his voice as he denies the reality before him, repeating the word "no" in a fervent plea.

Gazing upwards, I lock eyes with Fleur, who had been observing Cedric intently. Suddenly, her features contort in a mixture of shock and disbelief, culminating in an ear-piercing scream that shatters the energetic atmosphere. The cheers abruptly halt, replaced by an eerie silence that blankets the surroundings, leaving us all in a state of frozen shock.

My gaze shifts towards the spot where Mattheo was standing, but he's nowhere to be found. Pansy's widened eyes and the utterance of "Oh my god" escape her trembling lips, causing my heart to skip a beat. As if on cue, Draco and Theo hastily descend the path, making their way towards me. A knot forms in my stomach, and the question lingers in my mind: Where is Mattheo?

Suddenly, I lose my balance, swaying uncontrollably, and begin to fall. Before I hit the ground, a familiar voice reaches my ears, instantly comforting me. "It's okay, it's okay, I've got you," Mattheo assures me, his words sending a comforting warmth down my spine. He gently eases me down onto the ground, his eyes betraying the fear he carries within.

Through the haze of my fading consciousness, I catch a glimpse of Harry on the other side of me. His gaze meets Mattheo's, and he exclaims, "He's back! He's back!"

The tears well up in Mattheo's eyes, a mixture of disbelief and heartbreak. Shaking his head, he looks down at me, clutching my hand tightly. "This can't be happening," he mutters, his voice filled with desperation.

Amidst the chaotic scene, Mr. Diggory's voice cuts through, filled with agony and despair. "That's my boy! That's my son!" His words pierce my heart like a splinter, realizing the sacrifice Cedric made to protect us.

"I had to bring him back... I couldn't leave him..." I say softly. With a nod of understanding, Mattheo replies, "It's okay..."

Struggling to speak, I manage to whisper, my voice growing weaker with each passing moment. "I heard you... in my head. I told you... I'll always come back to you..." The chill of my body intensifies, and my vision blurs as I continue to bleed out, time slipping away.

As my eyelids grew heavy and my senses waned, Mattheo's voice entered my fading consciousness once more. "Hey, stay with me, Dani. Stay with me!"

"Dani, wake up!" Harry's urgent voice pierced through the fog of weariness that engulfed me. I struggled to comply, yearning to open my eyes, but an overwhelming fatigue weighed me down. Despite the dulling ache in my stomach gradually subsiding, a peculiar sense of tranquility washed over me. I recognized it for what it was: the calm of acceptance, the serenity of knowing my time was drawing to a close. I was slipping away, inching closer to death's door.

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