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"Danielle Potter!"

My heart sinks as Dumbledore's voice echoes across the room. The silence that follows is deafening, and I can feel the weight of everyone's gaze on me.

"Dani, go..." Hermione's voice is barely a whisper as she urges me forward, her hands on my shoulders, gently pushing me towards Dumbledore.

Reluctantly, I take slow steps towards the front of the room, scanning the faces in the crowd for any sign of my friends... but they are all missing from the Great Hall. No Theo, no Enzo, no Pansy, no Draco... not even Mattheo...

"Where are you...?" I silently murmur to myself, the words barely escaping my lips as I scan the room once again, hoping to catch a glimpse of my friends... of Mattheo... But the faces in the crowd blur together, and I can't find them anywhere.

As I reach Dumbledore, I notice the mixed emotions in his eyes. He doesn't seem pleased that my name has come out of the Goblet of Fire. Trust me, I'm not thrilled about it either. With a solemn expression, Dumbledore hands me the paper, the edges still smoldering from the Goblet's flames.  

The name "Danielle Potter" is written on it, but the format is all wrong. It's not my handwriting, and it's not how I would normally write my name.

My mind races with confusion. How could my name have appeared on the paper? Was it a mistake? Or something else..? I can feel a sense of unease creeping over me, and my instincts tell me that this something is linked to Voldemort.

I exchange a puzzled glance with Dumbledore, who seems just as perplexed as I am. The gravity of the situation weighs heavily upon me, and I can sense the attention of the entire room fixed on me. The silence is suffocating. A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions churn inside me. I feel a mix of fear, frustration, and curiosity. 

Taking a deep breath, I gather myself. I refuse to let this unexpected turn of events deter me. I am a Potter, after all, and I've faced far worse challenges before. I stand tall, steeling myself for what lies ahead, and make my way towards the room where the other champions are gathered.

As I take my first step, my attention is drawn back to the Goblet of Fire. To my surprise, the orange flames have turned blue once again. Another piece of paper flies out, and Dumbledore reaches for it, his expression grave. He reads the contents, and his eyes shoot up to meet mine.

In that moment, I feel a surge of panic and worry. I know what he's going to say even before the words leave his lips. I can feel it, a sense of anxiety that sends shivers down my spine.

"Harry Potter..." Dumbledore says my brother's name, and my heart clenches in my chest. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. Harry, my twin, was also chosen as a champion. My mind races with worry and I feel a protectiveness rise within me. I am one to protect the ones I love, and my brother is on the top of that list. 

I steal a glance back at where Harry is sitting, and my heart clenches at the sight of his pale face. I can see the shock and worry written all over his features. He just witnessed the Goblet of Fire choose my name, and now his own name has been picked as well.

I lock eyes with Harry and send him a reassuring nod. We may be facing unexpected challenges, but we will face them together, we always do. Our bond as siblings is unbreakable, and I will do everything in my power to support him and keep him safe. Even if that mean I die doing so...


A week has gone by since my name was unexpectedly chosen by the Goblet of Fire. The weight of the situation lingers on in my mind, and I find myself longing for the support of my friends. For him... However, there have been no signs of them since that day.

I've searched the common rooms, the library, and the Great Hall, but they seem to have vanished without a trace. The absence of them leaves me feeling a sense of loneliness. 

Ever since my name was chosen, my nightmares have intensified. In my dreams, I am haunted by Wormtail and an unfamiliar figure. The incident at the Quidditch World Cup left me feeling drained, and now it seems to have taken a toll on my appearance as well. Dark circles have formed around my eyes, and my skin has lost its usual color, making me look almost like death itself.

As I make my way towards the Slytherin common room and catch sight of a familiar face - Pansy... My gaze wanders around her and lands on Theo, who is seated on a nearby chair. Draco is standing behind Theo, engrossed in a conversation with Enzo. And then I spot Mattheo, seated opposite to Theo and Pansy, lost in a book. It seems like they've all been here for a while, comfortable in each other's company.

While observing the group, I notice Mattheo raising his head, seemingly aware of my gaze. He scans the room until his eyes meet mine, and in that moment, our gazes lock. My heart skips a beat as he smiles at me, a familiar warmth spreading through my chest. Despite having broken up six months ago, I still feel a part of me unable to let him go. His eyes have a way of melting me every time he looks at me like that, evoking memories of our past shared moments.

As I find myself lost in memories of the past, a rush of emotions floods my body, pulling me out of my daydream. My smile quickly fades as I approach the group. Mattheo notices my change in mood and looks worried.

"Dani!" Pansy exclaims, her own smile fading. "What's wrong?"

I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the past week bearing down on me. "I've had the worst week of my life," I say, scanning their faces for some sign of understanding. "And I needed you guys..."

"Dani, we're sorry," Pansy says softly, her expression sympathetic.

Draco steps forward, concern on his face. "Tell us what happened," he urges.

I shake my head, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. "It doesn't seem to matter," I say bitterly. "You guys wouldn't care anyway." Without waiting for a response, I turn to leave.

"Dani... wait! Please..." Mattheo's voice follows me as I try to walk away, and I hear the urgency in his tone. He gets up and rushes after me, reaching out a hand to gently touch my arm, his worry evident in his eyes.


Draco's heart aches as he watches Dani walk away. "It pains me to see her like this," Draco says.

Pansy nods solemnly. "It hurts all of us, Draco. But you know what Voldemort would do to her if he found out we're friends with a Potter," she says, her voice filled with worry.

"Not only would she be in danger, but all of us as well," Theo says, his tone serious.

Enzo interjects, his voice determined. "They're right, Draco. When the time comes, Dani will understand. But for now, we need to let Mattheo handle it. Our priority is to keep Dani safe."

The group exchanges solemn nods, their determination clear. They need to come up with a plan to protect Dani, knowing that her life is at risk in the hands of Voldemort.

Shadows of Slytherin Book 1Where stories live. Discover now