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Today is the day that I have been waiting for, the first round of the tournament. The lack of sleep last night has left me feeling uneasy. A sense of fear sits in the pit of my stomach, as if something bad is about to happen. 

Despite feeling tired, I force myself to get out of bed and start preparing for the day ahead. I remember that Dumbledore has provided us with house shirts, which have our last names printed on the back. I grab it out of my closet and grab out a pair of jeans as well. 

I quickly pull on my black jeans and slip into my long-sleeved black and green shirt, which fits me perfectly. I walk over to the mirror and realize that my hair is a mess. I decide to put it into Dutch braids making sure the braids are tight and secure so that my hair won't get in the way during the tournament.

After taking the time to braid my hair, I slipped into my favorite high-top Converse sneakers. Just as I finished tying the laces, I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called out, wondering who it could be.

In walked Pansy carrying a small box and a plate of delicious-looking food. "Good morning!" she greeted me cheerfully.

"Good morning?" I echoed, surprised by her early visit. I eyed the box curiously, wondering what could be inside.

Pansy's smile grew wider as she handed over the gifts. "This present is from me," she explained, pointing to the box, "and the food is from Mattheo. He was worried that you didn't get enough sleep last night, so he insisted on bringing you breakfast. But I intercepted it on the way here," she added with a mischievous glint in her eye. "You're welcome."

I couldn't help but feel grateful for both Pansy and Mattheo's thoughtfulness. As I set the plate of food down, Pansy gestured for me to open the box. "Well, go on then. Don't keep us in suspense."

Eagerly, I untied the ribbon and lifted the lid, revealing a leather wand thigh holder. "Oh wow, Pansy..." I said, "You sure know how to make fashion work, especially for a tournament that I could die in."

"You're not going to die. Even if you do, at least you'll look hot." I shake my head as Pansy grinned wickedly. "But this will make all the boys go crazy over you," she teased, "But it will also allow you to have two hands during the tournament so that you don't have to carry your wand the whole time.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her playful comment. Pansy had always been a devious person, especially when it came to fashion. Whenever I was with Mattheo, she loved to give me clothing that showed off all my assets. And while Mattheo loved the way I looked in those outfits, he couldn't stand the way other guys would stare at me.

I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the gift in front of me. "Well Thank you, Pansy. I appreciate it." I said sincerely.

With a warm smile on her face, Pansy turns to me and says, "Anything for you." Then she pulls me into a tight hug and continues, "Good luck today, Dani. We are all rooting for you." Her embrace makes me feel secure and supported, and her words fill me with confidence and determination.

I return her hug, squeezing her tightly. "Thank you," I whisper.

As Pansy steps back, she looks at me with concern and adds, "Make sure you eat. You're going to need all the energy you can get today." I nod in agreement, promising to take care of myself. With a final smile and a nod, Pansy heads off. 

As I glance down at the tray of food in front of me, my eyes immediately notice the assortment of mixed fruit, pastries, and a steaming cup of coffee all sitting there, waiting to be devoured.

 I reach for one of the plates, but something catches my eye. A small envelope, neatly tucked away underneath a stack of pastries. I pause, curious about its presence. My heart beats a little faster, knowing that this note is from Mattheo. I carefully open the letter and immediately notice his handwriting: 

Shadows of Slytherin Book 1Where stories live. Discover now