Purple Aquatina

By Lizzietizzle

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This will be a ROTTMNT Donnie x Fem reader. I do not own ROTTMNT or any of the characters other than the fem... More

Ew, school!
Meeting Green Apple
Curious Development
Mystic Mayhem
Not Mrs. Cuddles!!
Dive, Dive, Dive
Hide n Seek and Evil Shoes?
Author's Note
Snow Day and Trauma
Ninja Squad
Ninja Squad Part 2
Sunshine Happy Times
Spooktacular Halloween Special
Pizza Puffs and Future
Hug it Out Its Thanksgiving
Author Note
I am Robot
Battle Nexus R US
Battle Nexus R US Part 2
Anata wa Hitorijanai
The Future


362 10 14
By Lizzietizzle

A/N sorry for the late update with my birthday and Father's day I got a bit busy. Also I'm pregnant and have 9 more weeks til little one is here so I've been getting the nursery ready. Hopefully now that I'm not as busy I'll push out more chapters.


The bright and early sunrise starts to seep through the blinds of my room. Groaning, I try to seek shelter under my blankets, but not even they could shield me from the powerful sunbeams. I looked at my phone to check the time, and it was 7 a.m., rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and thanking the gods that it was the weekend. I have a couple of hours before the "tryouts" for the swim team, deciding to get out of bed and take a quick shower to freshen up. Once I'm finished I put on my bra and panties, with black shorts and a purple tank top. Opening up my blinds I look outside, noticing the busy street full of taxis, buses, and rows of cars, placing my hand under my chin and resting it on the windowsill. My phone rings, I jump and scramble to grab it, seeing it's a text from Donnie,  several texts from Cass and my dads asking where I was.  Quickly shooting Cass and my dads a text letting them know I'm at the safe house and that I'll be trying out for the swim team. Cass messages me back telling me I'll def get in and that she'll be busy with training most of the day and won't be able to message me til later tonight. Papa Brutus messages back saying he's glad that I'm ok and wishes me good luck. I then go to Donnie's message while smiling brightly and text him back.

Donnie: Good morrow Y/N I hope you had a restful night's sleep.

Me: Indeed I did, what are you doing up this early?

Donnie: I can ask you the same thing

Me: Well I asked first, so answer the question

Donnie: Fine, Alas with me working in my lab I'm known for staying up late and only going to sleep if it's necessary. But a good cup of black coffee helps me stay awake.

Me: Ah I see. Your coffee order is easy to remember. Now I think sleep is very important gotta keep the mind fresh.

Donnie: Yea, you sound like my brothers always telling me to take a break, but with a mind like mine it never sleeps.

Me: Well maybe I can change that


Me: What I mean is show you the perks of sleeping...maybe make it an experiment of sorts.

Donnie: You had me at an experiment

Me: Now as to why I'm awake Well the sun is my worst nemesis and I have a Swim tryout today.

Donnie: Well once you're done maybe you can come over

Before I can text back I get another couple of texts from him in quick secession.

Donnie: April will be there.....

Donnie: You don't have to come

Donnie: But everyone has been asking about you, especially Leon

3rd Person POV

Donnie cringes when he types his twin's name, it would seem Leon has a special interest in Y/N and Donnie has no idea how to feel about it. He's been asking questions nonstop about Y/N, so he's been holed up in his lab avoiding him, trying to work on something anything to shove down these feelings/emotions. Researching was no help at all. He pulls himself from the depths of his overthinking brain and sees that Y/N has messaged back.

Y/N: Sure, once I'm done with tryouts I'll pop over.


After I send the text I grab my black gym bag that's covered in stickers and iron on logos. Stuffing a bathing suit in, with water shoes, a wallet, a book I've been trying to finish, a Swim cap, goggles, and shoving my phone in my surprisingly deep butt pocket in my shorts. (LOL shorts pockets are never deep enough for a phone) Putting the strap over my shoulder and slipping into my rollerblade sneakers. I give Cass a quick call letting her know what I'm up to I walk out the front door lock it, and clinking my heels together I rollerskate to the school, letting the security guard know I'm here for the tryouts he lets me through and gives me directions to the pool. I make my way to the pool, it seems to be a good turnout of students some I've seen in passing in the hallway and some I haven't seen at all. I write my name on the rooster book, and a male and female coach gets our attention letting us know that we should change into our suits and that the boys will be on one side of the pool while the girls will occupy the other. Quickly changing into my f/c one-piece suit and putting on my goggles, I expertly stuff all my hair into my XL swim cap, jumping into the pool I swim over to the girls and await instructions. Each girl takes turns swimming 2 laps of each stroke style; backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle. When it's my turn I easily complete each stroke with precision and grace, without the use of my elemental powers. Being in the water is so relaxing and calming for me and swimming is just a plus, if I could live in the water I would.

After everyone is finished with the "warm up" as the coach called it we were given a partner to swim against. I was partnered with a shorter sweet looking girl who shyly waved at me and I returned the wave. Quickly introduced ourselves and jumped into the pool to do a quick freestyle 50-meter swim. (50 meters is going from one end of the pool, touching it, and swimming back to the end you started at). We step onto the small diving boards and the coach yells out

"Get into position!"

"Take your mark" We pull our bodies forward but not far enough to fall off the diving board while using our strongest foot to ground us. The horn is blown and we push ourselves straight into the water. I hear the splash I make and the gurgling of the water as it envelopes me in its cool embrace. With my arms out in front of me and moving my feet and legs in a mermaid-like fashion under the water, holding my breath until I have to come up for air, I start to do the freestyle stroke. Turning my head to the side to breathe I can see the girl is far behind me, but I continue to swim, once I get to the end of the pool I flip over under the water, facing the way I came, pushing off the wall of the pool with my feet and blowing air bubbles out from my nose so they wouldn't fill with water I continue my swim until I make it back to where I started. I take off my goggles and stay in the pool to catch my breath, waiting for my swim partner to finish and to catch my breath. When she reaches the side I'm on we high-five each other and climb out. Grabbing my towel I dry myself off and soon everyone is finished, the coaches congratulate us on being on the team and how excited they are to see how much we will improve as the season goes on. Even though the tryouts were just to see everyone's swimming skills and potential everyone made the team.

Changing back into my street clothes, I text Cass, Donnie, and my papas that I'm on the team. I get congratulations from each of them except Cass but I know she'd flip if she was able to read it. Donnie messages me that he will meet me at the school with April and walk me to his family's place. As soon as I exit the school grounds I see a familiar purple hoodied figure and a green letterman jacket wearer right next to him. I quickly make my way over and shout out to them.

"Hey, guys!" I say cheerfully

"What up gurl! Heard you made the team!" April said

"Yea it was no biggie" I reply as we start making our way down the street. When we are out of earshot of anyone Donnie pipes up and says.

"I guess we will have to see who is the better swimmer, seeing as I'm a turtle and all," he said smugly

"Is everything a competition with you Donnie?" April retorts

Donnie just shrugs and puts his arms behind his head as he continues to walk. I roll my eyes and follow the duo to a pizza shop. April and Donnie grab the huge stack of pizza boxes and we make our way down an alley. I'm not as concerned as I should be given I'm going down an alley that's filled with dumpsters and trash. Definitely something out of a horror film, we stop by a manhole that is easily lifted by Donnie with one hand while balancing the pizza boxes. April climbs down the ladder without hesitation and I peek down at her while she waves up at me.

"After you M'lady" Donnie says while smirking at me

I jump down, but slip on some sludge landing on my butt with an "oomph". Donnie tries his best to hold back his laughter but a chuckle slips through his snout as he jumps down to join us. When I stand up and dust myself off I give him a playful nudge that was hard enough to make him stumble a bit and for a split second lose his balance on holding the boxes. Leaving him behind I follow April til we get to a steel door which is opened by her with quick taps on the keypad. We walk in and I couldn't help but be in complete shock as to what I see a whole underground garage where a turtle shell-shaped tank was located, I continue to follow April we reach another steel door and April types another code in and slowly creaks open. I'm welcomed by two brothers Mikey and Leo skateboarding on their half pipe, walking over I lean over a railing and watch them. Leo is the first one to see me and he expertly jumps off his skateboard and his board lands in his hand while looking at me smugly.

"Well, looks who's finally decided to show up!" Leo says

*Gasp* "Oh Me Gosh Y/N and April are here," Mikey says excitedly

Donnie clears his throat from behind the pizza boxes.

"Oh and Donnie is back," Leo says sarcastically.

Donnie scoffs and makes his way through another set of tunnels, we follow and enter a living room filled with bean bags and a couch. Their Dad Splinter has parked his butt right in front of the projector screen, he looked quite comfy in his lazy boy recliner and is watching an interesting-looking show while laughing loudly. Donnie goes to the kitchen to put the pizzas down on the counter. Mikey comes up to me and smiles happily. The turtles congratulate me on making the swim team and give high 3's.

"While dad watches his show care to play a game of Mario Cart"? He asked

"I've never played before...." I say shyly

"WHAT," All turtles and April said in unison

I turn to see the huge turtle standing in the entranceway to the TV room looking shocked at my statement.

"Well, we better change that," April said while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards their arcade room where several gaming consoles are hooked up. April grabs the controllers for the Nintendo Switch but one was grabbed from her hand by the blue turtle.

"Me thinks we should rock, paper, scissors and see who gets to beat the new girl first" Leo stated while bouncing it lightly in his hand.

Donnie returned from putting the pizzas down but brought one box with him.

"Well how about a little wager to make this interesting, whoever wins gets the first and last slice of pizza," he says while twirling the pizza on one finger but almost drops it and instantly catches it

"Sounds fair, I'm game," I say

Mikey and Leo play rock, paper scissors, and Leo wins, Mikey pouts a little. Then Leo and Raph play and Leo wins that round, April, and Leo have a go but it's a tie, then Leo wins best out of three. Lastly is Leo and Donnie, I couldn't help but feel the tension in the room rise. Both brothers glare at each other and I could swear I heard some cowboy showdown music....which April was playing from her phone. I couldn't help but laugh. It was an intense battle each time it was a tie and soon we didn't see an end to this, so I interjected saying.

"Since you guys want to get your butts beat so bad. I'll just play against the two of you"

That seemed to calm down the tension and I sit on a bean bag in front of the TV with a controller, Leo cuts Donnie off and gets the second controller, smugly looks at Donnie, and starts the game. Donnie rolls his eyes and folds his arms across his plastron. Mikey sits next to me with his legs crossed and gives me pointers and somehow I win. I flail my arms about in glee,  giggling happily and accidentally letting out a snort. I blush profusely and everyone around me laughs as well, except Donnie who slightly blushes from hearing my cute little snort but hides his blush by covering his face with his palm. After he recovered Donnie takes Leo's place in the beanbag, and he changes his face to his emotionally unavailable bad boy image face (iykyk 🤪).

"You ready to lose?" He said confidently

I look over at him with a quirked eyebrow and it seemed like my purple eyes glowed with a mischievous gleam.

"Oh I think you'll be the one losing" I counter

"Scoff, the probability of that happening is like  1%," he said while rolling his eyes

"Well that means I still have a chance"

We start the game and it's an intense round we are neck and neck but I luckily pick up a blue spiny shell and toss it towards Donnie's character which knocks him back, crossing the finish line in victory.

I look over at the stunned purple turtle and smile.

"You were saying?"

Unable to utter a single word, Leo in his stead hands me the pizza box while chuckling at his brothers reaction and I take the first slice of pizza, the cheese pull was a sight to behold. April takes a quick pic of this moment and laughs at Donnie's face. Donnie snaps out of his shock and a small smile appears on his face. The rest of the day goes off without a hitch at least until I let slip that I never saw a Jupiter Jim or a Lou Jitsu movie which started a whole Splinter pulling out all the Lou Jitsu movies, Raph grabbing the Jupiter Jim movies and a lecture with Donnie using the projector to get his point across as to how these movies are some sort of right of passage. We start watching the Jupiter Jim movies which I'll admit were pretty alright, I watch intently while snacking on popcorn and pizza. Soon April is asleep snuggled up next to me on the bean bag, Leo and Mikey are snoring on the couch, Raph is sleeping soundly on the floor and Donnie is typing away on his tech gauntlet, in a bean bag next to me, the blue hue from the screen illuminating his face. I blush slightly at how handsome the lightning makes his features look. I grab the last slice of pizza and as I'm taking a bite, Donnie says quietly

"Don't get used to it, my calculations next time will be correct."

"I look forward to it" finishing the slice and slowly start dozing off. My head gently lands on Donnie's shoulder, he jumps from the sudden contact, looking up from vis gauntlet he sees my peaceful sleeping face. Grumbling quietly to himself he tries his best not to move and graciously allows my head to rest there. Later on when everyone wakes up they see our sleeping figures, with my head still on his shoulder and his head on mine, April takes a pic while quietly laughing and Leo asks her to send it to him. He will definitely use this as blackmail later. (Donnie voice "Evil Laugh!!")

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